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[Nutaku] Osawari Island

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

- I don't see a problem with the increased spending, a f2p needs money somehow to pay off for assets/voices/server fees/etc.
- People are also quicker to give up when they realize a game is just pumping ways to suck money from them.
- From certain perspectives, it just comes off bad when any game pulls thism it comes off cheap and desperate. There's a difference from trying to keep your playerbase to suffocating them.

- I meant farmable in-game tickets in that bit I wrote.
- You're the one that assigned the value for their money and what you got out of it, it's what comes in any rng-based micro-transaction system. It's up to the consumer to decide, and the overall increase and decline of profits is what pushes the developers. Also, people have dropped $1~2K on Fate Stay FGO on release, it really depends if you feel if the monetary value is worth it. If you ended up quitting the game in 3 months or if you keep trucking for eight, it's on you.

- Yeah, because all the main story content was cleared in less than a day. Imagine a MMO that people hit level cap in the first three hours. Everyone will be wanting more content.
- Having more downtime actually, in the long run, probably means more to players who spend on sta potions.
- Free players in this event would have had a much harder time if we all weren't loaded on topaz units to breeze the sapphire-themed event. Future events and thereafter planning is just divining at that point. Better off farming tickets, fairies, etc.
- The first week did make a difference for those of us that reached 40+ before the event, I got units and leveled them up, I hoarded 12 r-tickets and 4 hr at a chance at limited gatcha; other people stayed low and used free sta refills have an easier tme with rankings (if they persist in keeping that account, the same people can't really pull the same tactics in future events). You have a valid point, but just the same from where I see.

Bottom line:
While a delay sounds good, in all honestly other games have proven other wise, even in regards to many free players.

Other games are also other games. :confused:

Don't wreck this one before it starts.
Let the events come and if for some reason there's a problem, then make your voices heard, but don't do so right off the bat, cause it can and will bite you in the ass.

...is this really directed at me or are you emulating through me to something else to carry your point, if so your point is to my statements are why exactly?

Unless you proclaim me Lecander, Harbringer of the Ruin of Osawari Island because of one personal opinioned that has no bearing to what the jp devs do. :rolleyes:

Even if whatever does "bite me in the ass", then like with Aigis I'll just ignore the game contently until it gets shit straight.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Is there any way to tell if an Eromon has an EP % bonus to it? I cant find any indication outside of advertisements
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

if you max a skill out and then give it to another emo does it keep its lvl o.o
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Other games are also other games. :confused:
Really this is what you're going with.
Same game companies, same defacto running of the games, there's more than one on Nutaku for basis of comparison.

You know what, I don't care, fuck this one up to...really don't give a shit to argue with you anymore.

Just don't come here and bitch when you're bored as hell.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Really this is what you're going with.
Same game companies, same defacto running of the games, there's more than one on Nutaku for basis of comparison.

You know what, I don't care, fuck this one up to...really don't give a shit to argue with you anymore.

Just don't come here and bitch when you're bored as hell.

;) k.

Guess you're pretty sour that I'm ruining your precious island game you spent $600 on :eek:

Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

o.o can everyone stop fighting with each other over a game D:

especially on here! D: were all adults can we not act like it!
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I'll take an event delay if they FIX THE FUCKING EYES.

My two cents, compared to other games, the early levels are pretty brutal since breaks between full stamina bars are too short, leveling is too quick, and early stamina usage is too short. End result is that you farm endlessly for the first 20 or so levels and can't get a break in without wasting stamina. This was obviously made worse by the fact that day one was Crash Island.

This is opposite from Angelic Saga, where the stam:exp curve is terrible, and you actually get more exp from events, instead of story/daily quests. But the back-to-back event/tourney schedule in that game is decently paced, stamina gets used quickly, and it's easy to take breaks. LoV and Pero are in a similar situation, though obviously a lot more grindy.

So, at worst, I think we could do with a week of downtime (like say, a new area or gacha rotation), but back-to-back events won't kill us. People will still level, albeit at a slower rate than grinding 4-12/5-12, eventually people will overcome the early levels of no breaks for stamina recharge, and we'll have enough content flowing in at a decent rate to keep both free and paying players satisfied. Ideally speaking.

But seriously, Nutaku.

Fix. The. Fucking. Eyes.
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Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

;) k.

Guess you're pretty sour that I'm ruining your precious island game you spent $600 on :eek:


No simply seeing the same arguments for every game and than followed by the same complaints every time becomes tiring. Frankly you aren't worth my time. Have fun.

But seriously, Nutaku.

Fix. The. Fucking. Eyes.
Now that's at least a reason anyone could stand behind.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I've said this before: It's better to have too many events than too few. You can pick and choose which events you want to complete and which you want to skip, it's a game after all. Meanwhile if there's too few events you lose everyone's interest in the long run.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I've said this before: It's better to have too many events than too few. You can pick and choose which events you want to complete and which you want to skip, it's a game after all. Meanwhile if there's too few events you lose everyone's interest in the long run.

^More adequately stated then my previous ramblings.
Thank you.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I've said this before: It's better to have too many events than too few. You can pick and choose which events you want to complete and which you want to skip, it's a game after all. Meanwhile if there's too few events you lose everyone's interest in the long run.

Biggest example: Nutaku's MWA.

event once a month after a fiasco over there yet only 1 SC compensation. And they even gimped Odette's stats. Grah.

Anyway, how is everyone's progress?

I managed to stick to rank 400 and usually after sleeping, woke up, got kicked to rank 600 and then back after farming. Looks like the competition between rank 300-600 is very stiff.

At least I still have 9 mini stamina pot, but will only use it after a few days left.

And whoa, already 9 people invited me? one more please and then I'll close the sig. Better help others who still need it once I got mine.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

No simply seeing the same arguments for every game and than followed by the same complaints every time becomes tiring. Frankly you aren't worth my time. Have fun.

Oh boy, because I speak for everyone on the internet who has maybe shared a almost similar view point or close of enough stance to touch your grouchy no-no spot.

You do realize I'm not saying "NO EVENTS, NEVER"?

You do realize that even if you or all of us urge for events back to back, it really won't happen unless maybe if everyone stops playing to warrant the publisher (nutaku) to yell at said game devs (which doesn't really seem to be a thing looking at Aigis).

But thanks, I do realize that I am no longer worth your time. Oh well? But I will have fun. :)
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Back to back events are probably better for everyone. I mean, if you leave too big of a gap between events, free players will continue to have a tough time because people who pay will be more willing to spend on every event because of low frequency.

Where as, if you have events all the time, you spend as you see fit. Or you spend all the time. Free players would be able to compete more in this scenario.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Oh boy, because I speak for everyone on the internet who has maybe shared a almost similar view point or close of enough stance to touch your grouchy no-no spot.

You do realize I'm not saying "NO EVENTS, NEVER"?

You do realize that even if you or all of us urge for events back to back, it really won't happen unless maybe if everyone stops playing to warrant the publisher (nutaku) to yell at said game devs (which doesn't really seem to be a thing looking at Aigis).

But thanks, I do realize that I am no longer worth your time. Oh well? But I will have fun. :)

Also, no one is urging the publisher to do anything, at least not from what I've read. We are just sharing opinions. Yours is cool, but I dont like it. kthx.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

meh. events seem boring TBH. as someone who cant play that much or put money in the game.....i wont get Lady. at max i might get the Rare ticket thingie.


is there any guide for Alchemy? im pretty sure there was a way to get rare card on the jp version.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Also, no one is urging the publisher to do anything, at least not from what I've read. We are just sharing opinions. Yours is cool, but I dont like it. kthx.

Yeah, same here?

Everyone has opinions, its an almost-free world. I'm not going to deny it, but I won't deny my opinion either or respond just the same. ;)

is there any guide for Alchemy? im pretty sure there was a way to get rare card on the jp version.

Has a listing, its gone through google-fish so you need to piece whatever is off from our version (names mostly); it's also not a complete guide.

There's alchemy only characters in all three tiers, but you'll probably gain more gunning for turning mats into next rank gems and getting the L's from *3 if you want to get them asap.
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Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

Also, no one is urging the publisher to do anything, at least not from what I've read. We are just sharing opinions. Yours is cool, but I dont like it. kthx.

Actually the thought we can't urge the publish is incorrect.
From PeroPero and onward, based on previous statements from NutakuDev, and unlike Aigis, they do have control of some content releases. Whether it's buggy or has issues that needs to be sent back to the developers may be another matter.

Unless Nutaku has changed what was said previously, it's worth noting they do listen to the player base. Obviously there is always interruptions/delays/unforeseen issues and bugs. But that's game development for ya.

I just think more is going to be better than less.

is there any guide for Alchemy? im pretty sure there was a way to get rare card on the jp version.
There's a link a few pages back someone gave. Most of them are going to be the third tier stuff for any type of "guarantee" unit drops.
There is the guaranteed upgrade though: 401/20/20/20 that can help get the higher end stuff ya need.
Re: [Nutaku] Osawari Island

I thought the event looked more promising than I expected, tbh.

It's not (completely) mindless grinding like Pero's ranking events (though to be fair, at least Pero Gambit mixes it up a bit, even if it eventually frustrates you to no end because you keep on picking X and the bouquet milestones are impossible), and it's not afk'able grinding, similar to Aigis events (usually, plz die Karma/collection events).

Most importantly, it uses up a lot of stamina, so you don't spend too much time in one period to get it done. It's similar to how I approach ranking events in, say, Love Live School Idol Festival. Use up as much stamina as you can in a given period, take a break, use premium refills to pick up any slack or do w/e.