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[Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

The game has gvg, its gonna be pay to win, if you don't like that you don't have to gvg or at the very least shouldn't complain about losing to the whales who keep your FREE game running for you.
ironic word of the day, Humility.

Shame i might not play this game, i always enjoy pounding whales into the dirt on my unworthy free account.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

The game has gvg, its gonna be pay to win, if you don't like that you don't have to gvg or at the very least shouldn't complain about losing to the whales who keep your FREE game running for you.
ironic word of the day, Humility.

Problem with Whales in games like this = Paying for 100% chance of wins. Foregone conclusions is pretty boring to watch. And I'm saying this as a person who used to be a whale. This is only reason why whales have bad reputation, they're generally seen as people that can't win a fight without bringing their wallet into the battle.

World of Tanks is one of the free to play games which did it right. Buy all the tanks you want to and gold ammo but if you don't give a fuck to learn how to drive your tank and shoot. You're just target practice. :p
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Problem with Whales in games like this = Paying for 100% chance of wins. Foregone conclusions is pretty boring to watch. And I'm saying this as a person who used to be a whale. This is only reason why whales have bad reputation, they're generally seen as people that can't win a fight without bringing their wallet into the battle.
I disagree, there's never a 100% chance to win because there are other whales in the sea. Beating a much harder player is always satisfying if you can manage to win not to mention the adrenaline rush depending on how close the game gets. If your going up against an easier opponent who you know has no chance to win, that gives you an opportunity to experiment with other possible ways of playing the game. If the right game mechanics allow it there could be some very amusing ways to toy with other players, and there are units in this game with paralysis, that alone sounds very amusing.
World of Tanks is one of the free to play games which did it right. Buy all the tanks you want to and gold ammo but if you don't give a fuck to learn how to drive your tank and shoot. You're just target practice. :p

This is an RPG game, not the type of game that takes skill. If you want to win against the high numbers you need to have higher numbers. If you want to win against the whales you have to become a whale your self, or hit that whale in the right spot with a harpoon.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

I disagree, there's never a 100% chance to win because there are other whales in the sea. Beating a much harder player is always satisfying if you can manage to win not to mention the adrenaline rush depending on how close the game gets. If your going up against an easier opponent who you know has no chance to win, that gives you an opportunity to experiment with other possible ways of playing the game. If the right game mechanics allow it there could be some very amusing ways to toy with other players, and there are units in this game with paralysis, that alone sounds very amusing.

This is an RPG game, not the type of game that takes skill. If you want to win against the high numbers you need to have higher numbers. If you want to win against the whales you have to become a whale your self, or hit that whale in the right spot with a harpoon.

1) More power to ya I guess. I just get bored if there's no challenge in it for me. And i don't grind gazillion points for ranking battles anymore its too crazy and saps the fun from game. Made it feel like i'm in a rat race.

2) That's true. No argument from me in there I guess.

I'm gonna just dick around and see if solo content is appealing enough for me to care about playing but I will not pay any attention to GVG.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

auto battle and 2x speed is locked behind paywall

what bullshit is this? this makes this game instantly less interesting to play specially if grinding certain maps will be very big part of this game
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Cute, it is. :rolleyes:
SenPro@https://www.facebook.com/Sengoku-Providence-1321305241254976/ said:
As mentioned above, we decided to monetize features that will not affect your ability of winning battles instead of turning the game into a P2W game. Auto/2x speed will be unlocked by any purchase under some conditions.

Too bad, it had such a good eye-candy...
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence


"Auto/2x speed will be unlocked by any purchase under some conditions"

Well, if that decision is final, hopefully you can just get it out of the way with a $5 roll or something. Because $25 pre-reg slot is pretty ridiculous.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

This game is fucked already. Not wasting my time on it.
They can also go to hell for locking the bustier girls behind this pre-reg paywall.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

A bit conflicted about this. I like the art and the gameplay seems decent enough. But this $25 for an extra pre-reg slot and x2 speed+auto has put me off. I don't mind paying some money in these games but $25 for what I consider pretty basic features is a bit much.

I will wait to see how generous they are with premium currency and how bad the gacha rate is before I decide if I will put time into it.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

So, I should pay $25 to NOT to play your game essentially? hah, I can do that for free.:cool:
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

I really hope ripping out features already available in the Japanese version and making them paid content doesn't become a thing with Nutaku games. From what Nutaku has said, they're not developing their browser games anymore, SuperHippo is. So I hope this isn't some money grabbing issue with the new developer.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

I read that article, and it sounded like Nutaku was never in control to begin with? It was SuperHippo all along? idk, it didn't seem like something that really affected us in the end, just that our complaints towards Nutaku possibly went ignored if they were actually meant for SuperHippo instead.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

I read that article, and it sounded like Nutaku was never in control to begin with? It was SuperHippo all along? idk, it didn't seem like something that really affected us in the end, just that our complaints towards Nutaku possibly went ignored if they were actually meant for SuperHippo instead.

Where's that article at?
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

I feel like its something new just from the feel of the article. Nutaku never once mentioned third parties in any of their interviews or streams. They always said our developers. There's also a pastebin out there of games that says Nutaku directly develops X games, I'm not sure where its origin is from, I feel like it may be one of these boards though.

I also just posted a comment about this game on lewdgamer, Nutakudev was asked what the deal was with Providence locking content behind a paywall and he specifically informed the user to go ask SuperHippo, the first time I've ever heard that term used from Nutaku.

To me, all of that points to this being a new development as far as who owns updating the games. Seeing a brand new game come out with basic features locked behind a paywall doesn't set a good precedent for the developers though. I'll definitely wait until I see more before giving my judgment, but this doesn't look like a positive direction.

Where's that article at?

Lewdgamer. Specifically this article.

Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Well, they've always said their situation was "complicated", which usually ended up translating to "nobody fucking knows". But transparency/lack of communication with Nutaku was always an issue.

That said, it's too early to tell if anything's changed with the cash aspect here.

FKG proves they can make good deals, at least, even for F2P'ers.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

I honestly hope no one puts any money into this game after that feature paywall nonsense with auto-battle and 2x. They need a very hard lesson that this kind of business is unacceptable. I truly hope people can put aside selfish desires to send a message to Nutaku on this.

But I'm certain that plea will fall on some deaf ears.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

^ Judging by the amount of dudes who forked out the 25$ to have to pre-reg slots open, I'd say you weren't heard :cool: