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[Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Nope I don't.

I disregard rarity, acquire waifus.

The rarity system actually pisses me off because it gets in my way of getting my waifus.
Like i said, want the girls, prepare to spend. I get that when it comes to F2P games. Spend enought time you'll eventually get lucky and get em too, even with out paying, but odds are it will take a long time. I've not seen a game on Nutaku that completely locks characters behind a paywall, at least not permanently. Eventually they alway release to the general free roll area, even if it's not right away. Acquire waifus? It's available in all their games, just maybe not right away or you gotta be hella lucky, but there isnt a 0% chance on any of them.

Locking a mechanic behind a paywall is far more annoying then realizing you gonna have to play a long time to get that "perfect" waifu you want. Just my opinion on it though. Everyone has their own threshold for what's tolerable or not.
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Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

When it comes to Nutaku games I just wish they would get their hands on a game with some kind of engaging gameplay, least then I wouldn't mind as much in spending a little cash. Only one I ever did was Aigis but was only like $20, maybe just me but these games can be fun like some developers have done. I mean the idea of a game like Valhalla Chronicles (a sequel, forget what the original was called here but only in JP :( ) or Shikihime Zoushi but following the normal H-rated stuff, I can see those being much more enticing. Maybe just me though.

For the most part some of these games the content is okay and the rewards could easily be out done by a simple search on your favorite video site.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Yeah, I second that. I tried every free game on nutaku, and the only one I seriously kept is Aigis. The rest is either too samey (turn based nonsense that plays itself and eats up hours a day if I want to perfectly spend my resources), has no actual gameplay or just greed as fuck. Like this game. Locking a mechanic that is available in every similar game and the Japanese version for free is entirely unacceptable.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

What upsets me is that they made it a lot more difficult to pull a 5* character in the pre-registered campaign when compared to the Japanese version.

Oh, well that's some bullshit then.

Yeah, there should be some blowback for them on this one.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Had I known they were locking auto play shit behind a paywall I probably would have thought twice about pledging 50 bucks so soon cus I know most of the population will be free players who don't actually want to play the game but instead want to just pretend to be into it just like every FKG player who will never admit that FKG is shit.

Strike 1 low population. if this 5 page thread is a good indicator (because there's always that chance that everyone on this forum doesn't know what the fuck there talking about), the game isn't gonna last to long and will quickly become a barren waste land like angelic saga, but I don't believe it will be as bad as AS at least at first.

lets face it all of these games that have auto play features in them suck and even though most of us like to pretend we do, we don't really want to play any of them, thats why we click the auto play.

You put that behind a paywall then that means you need to pay to not play the game. But if your not gonna play the game to begin with why pay anything at all?

Strike 2 This game like the rest of Nutaku games with AS being the only exception, still isn't a game, its a chore.

Let me remind you, all most of you do is chase the stamina. Everything you do is based on how much stamina you have and will have. Assuming you want to be efficient which you have to be in a GVG game (if you say otherwise your just wrong), you have to schedule when you "play" not "play" when you want to.
I'm just crossing my fingers that this game has open GVG and isn't like Idolwarz bullshit where you don't choose when to GVG the game schedules your GVG for you. yes Idolwarz dreamshit = GVG.

"cant play when I want to, forced to play at certain times". Thats not a game, thats a chore.
If I cant GVG when ever I want, honestly I'm probably not gonna play this game to long. The GVG is the only thing that has my interest, I don't need another FKG thats why I dropped bravegirls.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Pulled a 5*. It was Oda Nobunaga.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Next time angelicberserker wait a little bit before cracking open your wallet because Superhippo targets those people that don't think before spending. :3?
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Oh, well that's some bullshit then.

Yeah, there should be some blowback for them on this one.
Yeah, I checked the original Japanese release thread, and many people were pulling their first (sometimes, more than that) in their very first set of daily pulls (they also got more than ten per day, if they sent out a tweet). Not just that, they had a feature where every 50th pull was a guarantee 5* girl. I did my 60th pull this morning, with not a single 5* to show for it. If we had the "50th guaranteed 5*" feature, I would have my 5* girl by now. :/

I find it funny that the reason SuperHippo gave us the increased slots for keeping more than one character was because the Japanese players were in a situation to whether they were receiving more 5* pulls than they could keep, and had a difficult time deciding who to keep and let go. This would be all well and fine in the English version...IF THEY DIDN'T LOWER THE RATE FOR 5* CHARACTERS UNLESS YOU PAY FOR THE ADDITIONAL SLOTS! What sense does that make? You have little to no chance of receiving a 5* character in the free/primary slot, unless you pay for more slots for the "increased chance". If SuperHippo kept the 5* drop-rate as it was in the Japanese release, with the additional slots being offered to those that want more than one 5* character, I would have been okay with it. However, forcing people to pay if they want a default chance of a 5*, even if they have no interest in keeping more than one, is just upsetting. No equality between versions, that's for sure. I'm not even going to go into the whole pay-wall thing for two of the 5* girls, as well as the 2x/Auto Battle feature, as it's been mentioned more than a few times in this thread already.

Honestly, this game deserves to fail, and I hope it does. We need to set a precedent against this kind of thing happening again in the future. I've said this before, but I have no problem paying money to support a game. I've purchased more than my share of Nutaku Gold for Flower Knight Girl, as it's a game I've invested my time (and now money) in. However, trying to entice people to pay for a standard-rate (when compared to the Japanese version) pre-registration gatcha, without many of them even trying the game in the first place, just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. I'm surprised that people are actually willing to pay, not knowing what the game plays like (unless they've watched extensive videos of the Japanese version, or played the game themselves on DMM). For all we know, the gameplay could even be heavily altered from the original release. We literally know so little, and after seeing the way this pre-registration gatcha was handled, I have no faith in SuperHippo.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Finally got my first 5* as well.

Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Can't roll a 5* so I'll sidetrack a bit : judging by Samurai Warriors/Orochi, if Tadakatsu Honda is in there, she should be a 6* (even if the max is 5*) .....

And if they also added Lu Bu, the game would implode with her godly 7* power :eek:
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

And thus marks the end of me giving Nutaku money. Ever. How they are doing Senpro is an insult to both new players and jp players.

Lets just make comparisons between the preregistering of senpro in jp when there was no content and was a pure gamble vs the preregistering of it now where it has an established following in Japan.

First the very noticeable lack of the 50 = 1 guaranteed 5*. Anything below 5* doesn't help in the end dungeons. At all. The stat difference between a 4* -> 5* and a 5* - 6* is very noticeable in addition to the skill advantages.

Second, JP preregistering came with a 5* NO MATTER WHAT. Yamamoto Kansuke was a girl who was given to every single person who preregistered, who made a difference for a lot of people. Especially further down the line when she received her godified form that made light teams viable against dark teams again. (She also wasn't added to the preregister pool since she was being given for free. They didn't even want to pad their pool with her, which they'd be well justified in doing)

Third, the pool of 5* pull is even lower then jp preregister. I'm counting six on their front page; which in a release of a new game would be understandable, but it doesn't even compare to the whopping 11 available at JP preregister time. Yododono, Nohime, Eishoin, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Nene, Akechi Mitsuhide, Ieyasu Tokugawa, Nankoubou Tenkai, Oda Nobunaga, Ishida Mitsunari, and finally Tadakatsu Honda.

Then to even going as far as locking two of them behind a TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR PAYWALL?! 40 dollars would net you a 10 roll with one guaranteed 5*. That's one 5* in addition to 9 other units who can be additional 5* or fodder units to exchange. During super white gacha time (Which happened every one or two months), it's 40 jewels (Which more or less was 40 dollars) and would net you 10 units, one guaranteed 6* (Because every girl is pre-evolved) and 9 either evolved 4*-5* or 5*-6*. And it started early into the lifetime of the game.

Fourth, that basic QoL function (x2 speed/auto hit) becomes a necessity to maintain your own sanity. This games dungeons and events favor quantity over quality. Majority of the events I ran involved 100 stages, which without either of those two becomes excruciatingly mind-numbing. Locking that behind the same paywall is a dirtbag thing to do.

Honorable mention goes to the reduced rates. Senpro in Japan is the ONLY DMM game I have ever given money to. I was ecstatic hearing it being brought to the west, but this? This infuriates me. This painful, stingy, money-grubbing; is not the jp devs. At all. I'd much rather continue giving money to them with dmm getting a cut then giving one to superhippo/nutaku.
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Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

so like, what's superhippo's company website?

I want to study them and know how they tick. Should be an interesting research subject.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

But they don't mention their partnership with Nutaku there... Probably to not scare off potential customers of their wholesome mobile games :D
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

And thus marks the end of me giving Nutaku money. Ever. How they are doing Senpro is an insult to both new players and jp players.

Lets just make comparisons between the preregistering of senpro in jp when there was no content and was a pure gamble vs the preregistering of it now where it has an established following in Japan.

First the very noticeable lack of the 50 = 1 guaranteed 5*. Anything below 5* doesn't help in the end dungeons. At all. The stat difference between a 4* -> 5* and a 5* - 6* is very noticeable in addition to the skill advantages.

Second, JP preregistering came with a 5* NO MATTER WHAT. Yamamoto Kansuke was a girl who was given to every single person who preregistered, who made a difference for a lot of people. Especially further down the line when she received her godified form that made light teams viable against dark teams again. (She also wasn't added to the preregister pool since she was being given for free. They didn't even want to pad their pool with her, which they'd be well justified in doing)

Third, the pool of 5* pull is even lower then jp preregister. I'm counting six on their front page; which in a release of a new game would be understandable, but it doesn't even compare to the whopping 11 available at JP preregister time. Yododono, Nohime, Eishoin, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Nene, Akechi Mitsuhide, Ieyasu Tokugawa, Nankoubou Tenkai, Oda Nobunaga, Ishida Mitsunari, and finally Tadakatsu Honda.

Then to even going as far as locking two of them behind a TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR PAYWALL?! 40 dollars would net you a 10 roll with one guaranteed 5*. That's one 5* in addition to 9 other units who can be additional 5* or fodder units to exchange. During super white gacha time (Which happened every one or two months), it's 40 jewels (Which more or less was 40 dollars) and would net you 10 units, one guaranteed 6* (Because every girl is pre-evolved) and 9 either evolved 4*-5* or 5*-6*. And it started early into the lifetime of the game.

Fourth, that basic QoL function (x2 speed/auto hit) becomes a necessity to maintain your own sanity. This games dungeons and events favor quantity over quality. Majority of the events I ran involved 100 stages, which without either of those two becomes excruciatingly mind-numbing. Locking that behind the same paywall is a dirtbag thing to do.

Honorable mention goes to the reduced rates. Senpro in Japan is the ONLY DMM game I have ever given money to. I was ecstatic hearing it being brought to the west, but this? This infuriates me. This painful, stingy, money-grubbing; is not the jp devs. At all. I'd much rather continue giving money to them with dmm getting a cut then giving one to superhippo/nutaku.

That sounds really terrible from the English launch. Its pretty clear this game is being used to heavily market to super whales what with basically requiring the purchase of the 2 additional slots to have a decent chance at getting a 5* unit, not to mention the 2x and auto complete being locked behind money.

Sadly this will probably go under the Nutaku games list I don't even bother going much past the tutorial for.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

But they don't mention their partnership with Nutaku there... Probably to not scare off potential customers of their wholesome mobile games :D

Ah. Now the shitty behavior in Xoverd and Sengoku providence makes sense.

Superhippo is probably butthurt over hentai game making more money than their stupid hippo game. In fact I won't be surprised that they're secretly trying to kill both games while getting what money they can from nutaku.

They have a contact page. I'm going to tell them how much disappointed I am. And how much their daddies is disappointed in them too for fun.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

But they don't mention their partnership with Nutaku there... Probably to not scare off potential customers of their wholesome mobile games :D

You know, if SuperHippo is the one handling the DMM games for Nutaku then what the fuck is Nutaku doing? Being Steam?
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Yes. Exactly being Steam.

It is actually their aspiration to one day become the leading platform of adult gaming, a :D !
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

You know, if SuperHippo is the one handling the DMM games for Nutaku then what the fuck is Nutaku doing? Being Steam?

You laugh, but once Steam took off, Valve stopped making games. Sure there's rumors that they're making new games and they're managing 2 of the largest e-sports right now, but otherwise raw game development is very slow or non-existent.

I see Nutaku moving in a direction of being able to pass off responsibility for their browser games, washing their hands of it. They'll acquire the games, and host them, but they won't be in control of their handling. Next time Nutaku is accused of censoring games, or making shitty paywalls, they can pass the buck off to SuperHippo.

Additionally I see them moving in a direction of finding games to place on their downloadable platform, hence why you see partnerships forming with companies like Sekai Project, see a bunch of downloadables coming from JAST and Mangagamer and a plethora of indie developers.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Seems like once you pay to unlock 1 of the slots for the pre-reg, you also unlock the auto/2x at the same time :/
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

So it IS possible to roll 5*, huh? Still most likely drop this scammy bullcrap straight after the tutorial, but now I at least am inclined to try the tutorial :D
