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[Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

^ Judging by the amount of dudes who forked out the 25$ to have to pre-reg slots open, I'd say you weren't heard :cool:

Not going to touch this game. Good art , interesting gameplay ... but paying for basics features is a low hit even for this kind of money grabbing games , there is a limit on how much u should milk a cow.
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Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

I can't even get a 5* to appear.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

I was surprised to hear that the autobattle/2x speed feature would be locked out as a paid feature since it was available at the beginning on the dmm version when I tried it.

On a slightly different topic, they implemented the auto-move on nutaku FKG so I don't get why such a drastic change in their approach?
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Ok, in perspective,
I spend $100 in pokemon go and drop late 1 month .. I was Hyped but the gameplay was trash ='(
I am spending $160 a long of 2month in Gran Blue Fantasy (SFW) by my wanted character SSR, the game gift more in a month what I spended XD, a whale need spend $900 if want very special char, I can play 14 hours in row
I spend few buckes in few Nutaku's games Usually $30 each month between 4 games, but my power is very low and dont change the balance =(
But, why I will spend $50 in a new game I never saw before, I spend $60 in a AAA by hype, where is my hype? Nutaku or Segoku spend publicity by hype!!!

Oh My Gosh, I want 3 5* chars!!! I want, I want, the true is I will drop the game in next week, $25 is very expensive, maybe $5, but never $25 by only a character
Now there is a paywall and lesser players want spend in the game, small fanbase = weak game = fast close = bye all my money spended
And there are other features blocked by a paywall we dont know because will a change version report in release

Units are free or what? how they have money? Why need $50 by 2 5*?
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Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

So wait. They expect us to pay for the extra pre-registrations offers BEFORE the game is even released? Not just that, they're making basic gameplay options (2x/Auto-Battle) as a feature for pay-only customers? They might have killed this game before it even released.

I'll do the free daily draws, but I'm guessing they have the rate for a 5* to be ridiculously low (probably lower than 1%) unless you open your wallet. That doesn't sit well with me at all. If you want people to invest in your game you first have to give them something. I'm not going to open my wallet and support something I've yet to play, especially when I see they gutting gameplay aspects and putting them behind a paywall. :/
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

^ Not on Nutaku (yet).
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Another set of rolls another bunch of 3+4* characters. Does anyone know when this pre-reg ends? Couldn't find it on the banners.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Early-mid December is when the game should launch.

And yeah, I'm 5*-less today as well.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Another day, more 4*.

I've been reading up more on the Japanese release, and apparently in their pre-registration gatcha if you rolled 50 times you were guaranteed a 5* on your 50th pull. That's something I would have liked to see in the English version. Maybe have the tie in with Twitter that they had, to help spread information that the game was releasing as well as giving you additional pulls per day for sending out the tweet?

I'm pretty upset at the "increased chances" to get a 5* if you spend money. Has ANYONE gotten a 5* yet that didn't purchase the second or third character slot? I'm beginning to think that it's pretty damn impossible for a free player to pull one, especially at only ten pulls per day. To make matters worse, I bet this game will have an early release in Canada (like the majority of Nutaku games do), which means I have less time to try for a 5*.

Regardless, there's no way in hell I'm spending $25/$50 on a game I haven't yet tried. Not sure what Nutaku/SuperHippo are thinking. I know there will always be people out there that spend/support this kind of thing, but I seriously cannot understand the thought process of it. Sure, if you've played the game and had/have fun with it, there's absolutely nothing wrong with spending a bit of money and supporting it. Hell, I've already spent a bit of money in Flower Knight Girl, since I enjoy the game and want to show my support. With Sengoku Providence though...

In any case, I'll do my daily pulls and if I fail to get a 5*, I'll pass on the game. I'm guessing they're going to make the entire thing very P2W (it's already looking like it, and the game hasn't even launched yet), so this is likely my best (and only) chance to get a 5* without spending a lot of money. In Japan, they have a guaranteed 5* for a 10+1 pull. Who wants to guess the English version won't get that feature? No wait, maybe we will, but we'll need to spend money first to "unlock" that feature. :/


I just read this on their Facebook page. A comment from the developer or, at least, the one handling the English release.

"Again please wait for the game before making assumptions, the paid slots created during preregistration were made because players complained during DMM preregistration that it was difficult to decide which Senki to keep. Making them free in pre-registration would not have been fair for players going directly in the game.
We consider fair to add these features in this purchase. Again you are ock these features making a purchse and you also get the items you buy."

How thoughtful of them! They heard our pleas/complaints about being unable to choose between our two freshly-pulled 5* waifu, that they selflessly offered the $25/$50 paid in-game option, just so we wouldn't have to make that life-or-death decision. In addition, they lowered the rate of standard 5* pulls, unless we paid the premium fee, just so the F2P customers wouldn't be caught in the horrible situation of having a first and second 5* pulled, and no way to keep both (only having one slot available). They couldn't offer the second and third slots for free to all pre-registration customers, since that wouldn't "be fair". However, giving you the option to have this available if you opt to use your credit card? Yes, that they can do!

Thank you, SuperHippo. Thank you. We really appreciate you guys looking after your customers and the difficult decisions we could potentially have to make.
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Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

I can't even be mad at them for charging for something they made up. It's a dumb price, but whatever.

Just mad about charging for features that are free in the JP version.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

I can't even be mad at them for charging for something they made up. It's a dumb price, but whatever.

Just mad about charging for features that are free in the JP version.
What upsets me is that they made it a lot more difficult to pull a 5* character in the pre-registered campaign when compared to the Japanese version.

In the Japanese release:

- You got ten pulls a day with an option to pull more if you posted a share link to Twitter. This reset each day.

- After 50 pulls, you got a guaranteed 5* character. This could be repeated, as many times as you wanted, assuming you kept pulling (every 50 pulls would give you a 5*, so you could keep trying for a specific one).

- The rates for 5* characters were (seemingly) a lot higher than they are in the English version (judging from other forums). I have a feeling their rates were nerfed into the ground for our version, and if you want things as they are/were supposed to be, you need to pay money for those "increased chances".

To me, it seems like if you want a decent shot at a 5* in the pre-registered campaign, then you need to pay. That's not what these event should be like. The fact that they're grabbing for money so early on (since they know we all care about starting the game with a 5* already, given their rarity) isn't exactly a great sign. As I mentioned earlier, has anyone (who hasn't purchased an unlock slot) pulled a 5* from the gatcha? Everyone that I've seen that got one already spent money, which leads me to believe the odds of us pulling one for free are probably nil.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

I snuck into their building and took a photograph of them. So that you guys will know what they really look like when they make bullshit posts.
Click open the spoiler for the grim truth.


I made only one roll on this preregister gacha and got me the 4* waifu. I ain't making more rolls than that. Cuz its obvious that it's pointless waste of time.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

i payed for the extra 2 roll slots, but u still only get 10 rolls per day and u only get boosted odds for 5 stars in the 2 payed rolls not in the free slot, ive been trying to reroll my 2nd 5 star unit to get akechi mitsuhide for the past 3 days and still dont have her but about 7/10 of my rolls are 5 stars every single day lol most of them being yoyo, havnt seen oda nobunaga once yet, got tokugawa ieyasu 3 times but 0 akechi mitsuhide. ive also been rolling on the free slot on 3 different accounts every day and yet to see ANY 5 star unit
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Pretty sure my luck is getting worse.

One 4* and the rest 3*.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

5 4* today... Maybe tomorrow I will break into 5* territory.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

Got 2 4 star yesterday that i switch out and probably 4 today.
Free only for me, so will try again tomorrow. No 5star for me yet either.
I'll comment on the paywall thing after a short info session/background..possible bit of rant.

Bit of my background with Nutaku games for those whom aren't familiar with me as i don't post all that often anymore:
I've paid large amounts on some previous Natuku games. Aigis i'd be surprised if anyone has past me yet in spending and i only spent a total of around 200$ during 2016. (Yes over 10k first year). Girls Kingdom i spent a chunck on the game, but it eventually broke. Seems the new devlopment company has gotten it to where its more stable and thus playable. Though my spending is a lot less there due to previous bugs. Spending for BG Raven was only a few hundred (for stamina pots and one special draw). It fit my likes and is NOT a PvP game, so wether i spend or not is irrelvant to the other players.

Needless to say i've spent on the games.
I paid on XOverd, and got junk, and havent even logged into it sense. Waste of money sadly. So I'm not even remotely willing to spend on this game. Main reason being was what happened to Dragon Tactics which i had also spent on, though in moderation. Games that are too focused on PvP while being P2W seem not to last long and close. (Angelic Saga seems to be the only exception IMO as i don't count Girl's Kingdom as PvP game even though you can fight other players maps for offinsive events).

I'm also a bit disapointed in the idea to lock key features/mechanics behind a paywall. Getting the rare units, is par for the course. You want all the rares, spend money is a given with the type of game. So i get that, it's understandable and makes good buisness sense. Base mechanics being blocked is a WTF are you smoking and can i have some cause its got to be GOOD.

As it stands of this writing, I wont spend a dime on this. Bait me and make it worth my time or I'll spend else where. Cock block me from the start and the only thing you gonna get from me is the finger.
Re: [Nutaku] Sengoku Providence

You want all the rares, spend money is a given with the type of game.

Nope I don't.

I disregard rarity, acquire waifus.

The rarity system actually pisses me off because it gets in my way of getting my waifus.