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[Nutaku] Taimanin Asagi: Battle Arena

Hmmm....... Are they skipping the pvp events? Cause the flat boost for the USF seems quite nice to have, it be sad if we miss it.
Hmmm....... Are they skipping the pvp events? Cause the flat boost for the USF seems quite nice to have, it be sad if we miss it.
sadly, yes, they are skipping the much needed pvp event with alberta as the SR reward

in case you guys are wondering. we were suppose to have a pvp event with this card as the reward



she is the equavilant of vampire asagi in terms of stats and skill.

this sucks, because she is one of my favorite TABA girls. i have a thing for dark elfs and she is the closest that's come to it. that and she also has a pregnant UR card iirc.

this is a huge blow to the USF faction.
Man how is everyone getting lvl 50 bosses so fast. I go through several bars of stam and get no bosses. Is there a technique for it or is it just that i have plain bad luck?
It’s all just luck base. Some times I can get red oni / speed demon to level 30 by the first 24 hours. Sometimes I takes 3 days to get to level 30. In dmm version I could get them to level 50 because the player base is bigger and all my crappy raid bosses were always killed in seconds.

I’ve actually been meaning to bring that up. In dmm version, it looks like no one kills your fulst any more. Every time it comes up, it just sits there for hours. No one wants to waste be on fulst lol.
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No chance of me reaching top 50, would need to get over 2m more points. Looks like the revival isn't for another 10 months either. Although if we are still skipping PvP events even though they have reward cards we may skip revivals as well.

Not having that extra 5% is going to annoy me so much.
Yeah going for 4 copies this time around, not gonna dump all my pots on a defense card.
well fuck, 5 minutes before maintenance, i was in 43 place. i was in 20th place 2 hours ago. people seriously waited until the last 5 minutes to rush. i climbed 3 floors at the last second. hopefully that was enough to stay in top 50.
Wait, didn't you have 7mil points or so? Oh gawd, i guess i am kicked out of my current place TT.TT
I place my bets on maintenance being extended again~
yeah, i had 7 mil. people were passing me still lol.
Woot, barely managed to stay in current place *phew*
And something is wrong, where did the extended maintenance go? Or is emergency maintenance the way to go now?
emergency maintenance, always. then extended emergency maintenance.

hell yeah, got my 5 copies.
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What happens if you got more than one card that lowers enemy def against a raid boss? Does it add together then decrease boss hp, or does it decrease it once, then decrease it once again from that lowered value?
good question, i haven't seen that asked yet and the wiki is hard to find an answer.

on a side note, 4 multies and no UR. really bummed out.
Hmm I get that the current time limited UR is good. But does anyone know when the next few good cards might be? Afraid of using too many tickets to try for this card and missing any upcoming ones.

How good is it anyway, is it worthwhile to burn all the tickets I have to try for it? Given that I am running a Taimanin deck. o.o
if you're running a taimanin deck, yes. this will be the best card for the deck until LR new year asagi comes out


if we follow event order like we have, it is in 4 events. that gives you 4 events worth of tickets to save up for her.

she has the exact same skill as this current sakura, but with LR stats.

4 more events from this one (8 events away) we get demon version of UR sakura and LR asagi with annerose


all types def down 30%

2 events after annerose, we get USF version of def down


thus completing the def down for all factions.

next event from now actually has a pretty great defense card coming up.


reduces damage from all types by 25%. she is like saya neo, but with defense focus stats. though this is a hard recommend since most people don't have great USF def decks. there just isn't many to put in. then again, this card would help that out.

personally, i wouldn't go hard on new years asagi, UR is already hard enough to pull. i need to save every ticket from this event up to annerose. that is my most wanted card in the game and would be devastated if i dont pull her. wiki shows no re-appearances so unless some one got lazy, she is a one time deal.
heeeeey, there's that 1 hour emergency maintenance and probably 1 BP or stamina bottle compensation lol.
Do the special gachas(hr+/sr+) include the time limited cards?
Whelp there goes 20+ more tickets.

Thanks for all the help answering my questions and compiling a comprehensive list of upcoming cards!:)
no problem. did you pull anything good?

i just noticed this event extended the awards list. there are more rewards past the 1 million points 2X HR ticket mark.

you can get a second SR ticket at the 1,500,000 mark now. first ticket is still at the 500,000. couple extra premium and HR tickets thrown around in there too.

edit: ill just post the tickets

1100000 premium ticket
1200000 premium ticket
1500000 SR ticket
1750000 premium ticket
1950000 HR ticket

past that is the random rewards every 50,000 points.

no more random rewards once you reach 500000000... seriously, who the hell would reach 500 million points? lol.
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