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Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Nae frowned a little but she waited for Keti to finish before adding her own thoughts to the matter. She crossed her arms and glanced back at the window, shaking her head a little as she kept her gaze from Keti.

"So it's fine if they try to shoot you again when I'm gone? I know you're not going to come back with me, even after this. I'm not going to just leave you here, not without being sure you're not going to get hurt for something you have no part in. I something happened to you..." See paused for a moment, glancing back to the other Siren before turning away from him fully.

"No ones going to shoot me in town. They wouldn't do something like that. You're all alone up here. If I hadn't been here and they'd... no one would know until I came back." She shook her head, a noticeable shiver running through her. She sighed after a moment and turned back slowly, looking down a little and shuffling her feet.

"I'll help you clean up. Then we can talk about it more." She told him in a tone that would hopefully leave no room for argument as she moved to work on cleaning up the mess.
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Drago had ceased circling the flames when Kriia called for him, looking towards where the harpies were fleeing. "I see them, Kriia! They had better know what's going on!" he yells with a grunt as he shoots off towards them, trying to match speed with Kriia. He may have had a cold heart towards other races, but to him, every harpy was like family, and whoever had done this was going to pay. Dearly.

As he flew, he checked to make sure his sword was still mounted at his hip, and that his short-barreled handcannon was still hanging on his back. If a fight broke out, he was ready for it, though that didn't change the fact that they were other Harpies.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

A sigh followed by more clack clacking filled the silence left by the Nae's cease of speech, and soon Keti had written a reply for her.

I only have 1 pair of gloves, Nae. I don't want
you cut on top of my window shattered. If you
insist, keep an eye out, it's not much to clean.

Not quite true; he was sure he had a spare pair or two in the shed, but it was more work to go and fetch them than to just clean up the one broken window.

Keti got up and went to a bag hanging on the wall inside, and pulled out two thick gloves, which he normally used when tending to the thornier beauties in his garden. Taking another basket, he first found the little metal ball that had caused the whole mess before picking up the larger pieces of glass and putting them all in the basket. If Nae insisted on going to into the village, he hoped this broken window would serve as at least some sort of evidence - though he wondered if they would even listen.

Having picked up all the large shards, Keti went and got his broom. Holding it close to the head, he gathered the smaller shards up against the basket and began scooping them in.
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Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Nae wasn't about to argue further, moving to position herself out of the way where she could keep an eye on the outside. She fiddled about with the wand at her side and tapped idly at her harp. She didn't like the idea that she might actually have to use the weapons she'd been given. Hopefully the incident wasn't caused by anyone with power in the town, though if some of the elves really felt this way towards them, she didn't know how far she'd get. Not that it would stop her from trying.

"Everyone's going to be worried you know. Even if this was all somehow a mistake. I wouldn't feel right leaving you here by yourself." There wasn't much for her to do as she watched Keti clean, so she tried to think of how she might explain what had happened to the village without sounding like she was accusing them. At this point both sides seemed about ready to fight for the slightest of reasons.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

Meaghan let out a small noise as she felt his bulge against her, eye brow cocking, impressed. Her fingers grasped the flesh of his rear, her thumbs hooked over his waistband and pushing the garment down.

Her legs unfolded from behind this intriguing lover, giving better access to her form.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

"When you kids are done..." Nath said in a firm but hushed voice as the group slowly edged forwards down the trail. Up ahead, there was sudden movement as one of the rock wolves moved out to block their path, giving a great howl. It was a large quadrapedal creature, probably around four feet to the shoulder with large, powerful limbs. Its body was grey and covered in jagged scales that gave it its namesake, were it laying flat on the ground, at first glance one may mistake it for rock against the terrain, at least as long as the head wasn't visible.

The head was dominated by a large jaw with powerful fangs protruding from the bottom, as formidable and dangerous looking as its thick, clawed limbs. The creature growled and barked viciously as the group as Nath put his arms out either side, warning no one to pass him.

A botl of energy whizzed past him, striking near the rock wolf and causing it to retreat back out of sight off the trail, jumping and climbing over the rocks with surprising grace and agility. "Hmph, not so tough afterall," came the somewhat smug voice of Professor Jontus, who as people whirled held tome open in one hand, a small crystal charm on a chain necklace dangling over it in his other. "You idiot," snapped Nath, still in a hushed voice, but clearly very angry. "What the hell did you think you were doing?"

"Removing an obstacle that was causing unacceptable delays," the professor replied calmly, "As well as demonstrating that I do not need an escort." Nath just shook his head at the ground as the professor spoke. "Well I hope you'er ready, because the entire pack is converging on us, looking for our blood now," he declared in a soft voice, flourishing his staff into a readied position as he moved forwards from the group slightly ready to defend them. "Satuma, the rear," he called back, passing on instructions to her as the group prepared for a fight.

((Post to decide where abouts you'll be, I'll get a map up tonight when I get home. ))

Dun nun nun nun nun nun nah nah, dun nun nun nun nun nun nah nah...
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Soren flushed and settled into the middle of the group, near Azalia. When the rock wolf appeared he took in it's appearance, hands itching to go to his sketchbook, but when Nath mentioned the pack coming back he drew his wand from his bag and made sure his crossbow was in easy reach. I may not be the strongest person here, but I can still defend myself. he thought grimly, looking for the pack.
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

((Having a higher dodge score isn't going to have any mechanical affect against the flames as they don't make attack rolls; they merely burn anything that enters their squards. But if it makes you feel better/RP fluff...))

Moving in to begin fighting the raging flames, Flow begins a series of strafing runs against the outside of the flames, firing blasts of water energy towards it. The energy steams and spittles violently, the flames initially seeming to leap forwards in response to her blasts. Sustained fire at the base of the flames, however, did yield a result as she began to slowly push them back even as they continued to spittle out in protest to her attacks.

Overhead, she saw a group of harpies approaching the fire, carrying between them a large tarp that was presumably filled with water; they seemed intent on flying overhead and dropping it into the heart of the fire, which did not sit right with her, somehow...


Meanwhile, Drago and Kriia gave pursuit by air to the group of harpies they had seen in the distance, but all too quickly it became apparent that this group were simply too far ahead for them to catch quickly. They had the choice of pursuing the group until they caught them, which could take some time unless the group landed or waited for them, or returning to help battle the flames. At this point they were the only ones who'd be able to pursue this group, but should the situation turn hostile they were outnumbered and there was no telling how far they'd have to fly before they caught up.
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Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Azalia tensed as she watched the large rock wolf stand in their path. It seemed that it split from the pack, possibly to challenge them. Nath mentioned that leaving them alone would allow the group to pass safely. She briefly wondered how he planned to deal with this one, though. He seemed to have some kind of idea what to do... Only for his warning to be completely disregarded, as professor decided to simply shoot the wolf. It didn't take a genius to realize that the rest of them wouldn't take this well. Azalia stared at Jontus for a moment, watching him smile smugly, then slammed the palm of her hand against her forehead, shaking her head. She resisted the urge to throw a comment, though, and simply took a position somewhere in the middle of group, near Satuma. She quickly checked her weapons, arming herself with a wand and keeping her whip within reach.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

In a few minutes the floor was clear of glass, all tossed into a brown, tightly-woven basket, with the metal ball distorted, but visible at the bottom of the basket. Keti left this just under the broken window, replaced the gloves he used to pick it all up, and went back to the table.

Nae's words were turning in his mind as he waved her back over; perhaps it was selfish of him to remain here... but at the same time, he wouldn't... couldn't leave. What would happen to his flowers without him here to take care of them? And how could he live in the watery coves the school wanted him to go back to, without any of the vibrant plantlife to comfort him as their songs echoed around him?

He waved her back over as he munched on an apple. The slate lay there waiting for her; written on it, simply, was:

___What do you think we should do?
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Satuma muttered to herself as the professor zinged a bolt of energy off of the rocks right next to the rock wolf, causing it to momentarily retreat.

"Yes, sir!" Satuma snapped as Nath ordered her to the rear. She slithered back along the path, mentioning the word "Dumbass" quite clearly as she passed by Jontus, loud enough for his students to hear as well. She sincerely hoped that she wasn't about to earn a new scar because some ivory tower shut-away still needed to learn a lesson about real-life consequences.

She made sure her wand was at the ready just in case as she held her hand cannon in a ready position, intending to blast away at the first sign of rockwolves attacking from behind.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Nae moved to the table and leaned against it, casting her eyes over the slate. She didn't really know what she should do, well she did, but she wasn't going to do that. Ideally she should probably go back and talk to the other sirens, but that would mean leaving Keti alone, something she didn't want to do.

"I still think we should try to talk with them. They have to listen, our people have lived here together for so long. I'm not going to leave you alone regardless, it's too dangerous. I just don't think ignoring this will make things any better. If I can at least convince them you don't have anything to do with us then you'll be safe." Not that the siren ad any idea if that would even happen. She had no idea what else to suggest since staying put didn't seem like it'd solve anything.

"I don't know what else we could do. Trying to convince you to come back is something... but I'm not really sure I'll be any good at making the elves listen. I have to try something though." Nae nodded, mostly to reassure herself. One of her hands moved to twirl a length of her hair around them, a nervous habit of hers. She was scared at the thought that she might well face a hostile reception from the town, but she couldn't bear to just leave now.
Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp, Aurani)

Taken aback by Celine's words, Auricael should've expected that her current looks would make her look like a common pebbler in the eyes of an outsider. She'd have to prove herself that she's not one to be taken lightly.

"Do not be fooled by my garments, I wear them for practical use and not to show off my status around these parts. It is rare to have not one, but two travellers visiting at the same time, though in these festive times I shouldn't be surprised but honoured that outsiders come to show their respects."

Noticing the brief disturbance across the room Auricael shifts a glance towards the robed traveller. "Looks like someone's taken notice of our conversation, I'd better go show my hospitality. Do enjoy your stay, stranger."

Skipping off the seat she walks towards the other traveller, stopping next to an empty chair she takes notice of the golden eye glimmering in the dim light before climbing into the seat.
"Greetings traveller, I hope you don't mind me... intruding. You seem to have travelled far, but I feel it is not for the festival that you have entered these distant lands. Tell me, Oracle, what brings you here?"
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

As the girl before him began to tug at his pants, he rocked forwards and then back away, facilitating her getting them under him. As she slid them off, her firm member was exposed to her, standing firmly at attention, waiting upon her attentions as he gave her a coy smirk.
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Flow glared at the fire as her wand slashed against it's flames with magical water... the way it seemed to erupt wider at first, before dying down... she turned to the harpies beside her and motioned hard, yelling, "Stop them from dumping it on the fire itself! Dump it on us to ensure we're safe! We need to fight this thing smart, not just hurl water at it! The water will flow downhill from us and give everyone a safe way out!"

Though she couldn't put her finger on it, if it was magical fire there was no telling what mundane water might do to it... though if it were something like an oil fire... pouring water on it would only make it spread faster and wider. If that were the case, then trying to wash it away on the slope nearby was their only hope for rescuing survivors, any water dropped into the center would only cause an even bigger mess of things...

(Working at a tavern gives a gal a lot of experiences that can be used in situations like this <3 )

Rushing the few harpies nearby off to intercept the water drop and redirect it, Flow continued to battle the flames from the ground, protecting the group she'd landed in the midst of using her wand and magical water strikes.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Keti had been rummaging through the basket of fruit while Nae was speaking, and presented her with another fruit when she finished. This time, it was a shiny red apple, just like the one he'd been crunching through. He was already halfway through his - he usually ate very slowly, taking time to savor the taste of whatever he'd made; however having nearly been shot, without even having done anything, had understandably upset him, the the crisp sweetness of the apple providing no solace.

Holding his half-gone apple in his mouth, Keti rubbed his sleeved arm across the surface of the slate and picked up the chalk.

___I still don't think this will work, Nae.
Still, I want to show the mayor the glass and the
ball. Are you still hungry?
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

((Battle Map:

Sa = Satuma, Jo = Professor Jontus
So = Soren, Nat = Nath
Az = Azalia, Go = Goron
PL = Pack Lizard, RW# = Rock Wolf (and ID number)
              HP      WP     SP   Effects
Satuma      24/24   16/16   6/6
Azalia	    28/28   17/17   8/8
Soren       28/28   17/17   8/8
Turn Order:
26 - Satuma
25 - Soren
24 - Azalia
18 - Goron
17 - Rock Wolves
16 - Prof Jon
15 - Nath
Please post your actions below your post in brackets or a spoiler tag so I can clearly see them. Also, don't worry about posting in turn order, just keep in mind this is the order actions will be resolved.))


As soon as the group took up their formation, the rock wolves began to leap out of the surrounding hills, surrounding the group before slowly advancing towards them menacingly. "We mustn't let them get at the Pack Lizard; she's terrified and if she takes a few bites she'll likely panic and bolt, taking with her all out supplies," Nath called back over his shoulder as he whirled his staff menacingly at the approaching beasts, trying to intimidate them or give them pause.

Goron had drawn a sword from his back and held it somewhat unsteadily. "I'm no warrior, but I'll do my best," he declared to the group .

"Hmph. These beasts will get a quick lesson in what it means to delay my expedition," Jontus declared haughtily, still dangling the crystal charm over the dark purple tome he held.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Nae manages to smile a little at the offered apple, but shakes her head slowly. Considering all that was going on she didn't have much of an appetite. She placed the apple down on the table and poked at it a little. As eager as she normally was to gorge herself on whatever Keti offered her, she didn't feel that she would do more than nibble at the fruit at this point.

"It might not... probably won't... but I need to try something. If it doesn't then... we'll think of something else." She shrugged a little, wishing that she could just go back to this being her peaceful little retreat form the world.

"I'll have something else when we get back, I'm not all that hungry right now." Nae forces a smile, not wanting to add any more worries to the situation if she could help it.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

"Well my oh my, that is impressive," Meaghan purred softly as she leaned forward, the tip of her tongue swirling around the head of the stranger's shaft, her hands pushing her own breeches down her body.

Exposing more and more of her flesh she took more of him into her mouth, letting him slide between her fangs, before flicking away her clothing and laying back on the bed, pulling off his now slick shaft, stark naked.
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Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp, Aurani)

After her brief, and unpleasant start from restfulness with the thump of chair on floor, Alazais was doing her best to reclaim the easy, languid peace that had come so easily a moment before. Chair leaned back once more, hooded head resting on the wall, and golden eyes closing.. but only for a minute, at most, before a stranger's footsteps are intruding once again.

Quelling her sigh, the Oracle opens golden eyes, and sits forward.. booted feet touching the floor -before- her chair this time to catch the irritating thunk. The eyeslit tilts up, then down, examining Auricael, before she deigns to reply.

"You are correct. It is not the festival that brings me here. Rather I come with a message... but not one I intend to give to any individual alone. If I repeat myself for every bumpkin and peasant in the land, I'll never travel more than thirty miles. No, I shall wait until the village is gathered for the celebration before saying my piece."

With a little luck, folk will take me more seriously then.

"So, to answer your question... I carry a message. A warning, specifically, from my kindred."
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