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Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

"That's close enough," came a voice from near the front of the assembled militiamen, the mob now ranging somewhere between twenty and thirty individuals. "Why have you come here, bringer of misfortune and disaster?" he shouted up to the pair of sirens. Clearly this was the voice of whoever headed the militia, it was firm, commanding and perhaps most importantly, sensible. While the man in question, a sandy haired elf wielding a spear, clearly didn't like the sirens as much as the rest of the village, he wasn't shouting threats at them or even ordering them to leave at this point.
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Kriia cursed as she saw the two warriors flying up to her on an intercept course. There was only a short time to consider her options. The cautious hunter would flee this two on one fight, using the speed her altitude advantage would grant would see her easily out of harm. But then the rest of the group would almost certainly use the opportunity to escape and lose her. The still fresh memory of the shrieking amongst the fire forbid losing this lead. She could she two of her own clan gradually approaching in the far distance. She'd fight. Either to win, or delay long enough for aid to arrive.

Nocking an arrow and drawing her bow she say's a short hunters prayer for her target as she takes aim and waits for the correct distance to begin firing. The same prayer she offered to any creature that became her prey, though also adding a less ceremonious comment to the end. "Fools, flying up at my arrows like this..."

Actions: Let loose a nice welcoming volley of three arrows at the rival archer, and take position on the map 10 squares from said archer in whatever direction keeps away from the spear user better. If possible. Since there's no terrain I guess I don't really need to pick an exact square personally.
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

(pass post until Flow's nearing combat range)
Re: The Desecrated Tranquil (Ranger Princess, Aztlan, Keylo, MBS)

Alariël Walked over to her fellow fairies and looked into there midst. She was looking for someone she recognized, It's been so long since she's been home no look recognizable. She know asks "are you sure this is the work of the Ursa?" "What if you attack them and they did nothing wrong, wouldn't that cause more problems then it would solve?" Alariël continued by saying "In my opinion it couldn't be Ursa They are generally peaceful, also this is a long way from where Ursa are normally found."
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Nae stopped when they were called to, her wings bristling at the comment. If she were not faced with couple dozen armed elves, she might have considered giving the leader a piece of her mind about that. Luckily though, she was too busy trying to seem like she wasn't ready to just force Keti home with her so she wouldn't have to do this. Sure it had been her idea, but she hadn't really expected such a hostile welcome.

"I just want to talk," Nae started, finally finding her voice. "Whatever ill will you bear for our people, you shouldn't be taking it out on Keti. He has almost no contact with the rest of us, and certainly isn't causing any harm to anyone in your village." She catches herself before she starts getting too fired up on the subject, knowing that she'd need to remain calm if she was going to get anywhere here.

"Someone attacked us," She told them slowly, trying to keep her tone as neutral as she could. "I know we are not on the best of terms right now, but I don't want him to get dragged into something he has no part in. Please, all I want to do is talk to the elder." Nae stood as tall as she could, and kept her eyes on the one who had spoken up, waiting to see what his answer would be. She hoped she'd at least managed to sound competent in her little speech as well.
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

It was definitely unusual for blood to be that sweet, although as it typically reflected one's diet if this individual had spent a lot of time drinking blood of others which was sweet it was be reflected in his own taste. One thing was certain, this individual did not survive on the livestock that many were forced to live off, he fed regularly upon a more exotic creature and in all likelihood something sentient.

The man gently shifted her off his body and slid off the bed and began to redress himself, before leaning in to give her a parting kiss on the cheek. "Come to a inn towards the seedier part of town called The Twisted Vine, ask for Etiel, or if he's out, Saerus," he whispers and then whirls and strides out the door.
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Battle Map:

Don't feel obliged to stay on the map, with on terrain, you're free to move as many squares as you like in a given direction. Reinforcing characters will arrive from the left edge.
Kriia: HP 24/24
Turn Order
32 Kriia
23 Enemy Harpies
20 Flowers (2 turns away)
17 Drago (4 turns away)


Diving down over the pair, Kriia whirls and fires off a trio of shots in quick succession at the other archer, two of them hitting the mark and received a pained squawk in response. Furthermore, having spotted allies approaching, she had caught the enemy in a flanking manoeuvre which would pay off as soon as Flowers got into range. Still, for the moment the pair of hostile harpies didn't seem to mind, the archer returning fire, both its arrows missing their mark as the hunter ducks and weaves in the air. The other harpy wielding a spear simply flies straight at her, closing the distance swiftly but unable to follow-up with a strike before the nimble Kriia has time to react. Judging by how unwieldy his spear was, Kriia saw opportunity to be able to simply outpace him and fire backwards, keeping out of the range of his attacks.
Stupid AP 5 to attack weapon >.>
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Atair marked the leader as he spoke, at least picking out his location among the men, learning where he was even if he might not see him clearly from where he was standing. By talking, he was taking a bit of a risk, but there was sense in the action. Two sirens and three dozen men was not a fair fight and while victory often came at any cost, there was little glory in a slaughter. There was still that tension, though, his tails flicking back and forth as his gaze moved between his side and the two sirens.

He? Cocking his head to the side, his attention trailed to the one holding the basket. Lithe frame, long hair, and of course, a skirt that was loose enough to hide details. Granted the siren was a little slim on top, but that didn't necessarily mean... He gave his head a little shake. Still, the other siren had clearly said "he."

Listening to the female's speech, his tails continued to flick. Of course they'd deny any involvement in the problems of the village but now, to turn things around and declare themselves the victims. Nets were definitely being woven here, that was certain.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Soren sagged in relief as the rest of the rock wolves scattered. Though he'd not been scared at the time, fear of what might have happened to his companions flooded him and quickly turned to anger and resentment. He'd been holding onto an idealized view of the professor and it hit him like a fist to the stomach to see how arrogant the man was and how much he disregarded the warnings of people wiser than he in matters like this. He heard a saying somewhere before about how a wise man listens to others in matters he knows nothing about, and resolved himself to be wiser than his teacher. The first step to learning is to realize there's always more to learn. he thought ruefully.

He put his wand away in his satchel and looked helplessly around. Though he knew very little about healing, he had some bandages in his pack and offered them to Goron, seeing Satuma get help from Azalia. "Here," he said, "let me help you patch those up. I'm no healer, but at least this will stop the bleeding."
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

Keti stood where he'd stopped, letting Nae deal with the speaker. Something sounded strange in the speaker's "greeting"... had he said "bringer"? Were they only addressing one of them?

He scanned the gathered elves in the meantime, trying to find the two that he'd seen fleeing his home. What color had their hair been...? And could he see anyone holding a... what were they called, "handcannon"?

He tried not to cringe when Nae accused the villagers of having attacked them. It was sure to further excite the mob and make them angrier... or worse, bolder. When he heard it, he immediately pulled out the slate - slowly - and started writing.

My window exploded a second after I passed
while we were having lunch. I found a metal
ball and saw two men running.

He worried horribly that it would only worsen things as he turned the slate around for them to see a few moments later, and hoped that they weren't whipped up to the point that they wouldn't listen...
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Re: The Desecrated Tranquil (Ranger Princess, Aztlan, Keylo, MBS)

Akana watch as she sauntered somberly over to the other Nymph, but before she could finish reaching her destination her kin had decided to flee... And she was in no shape to chase after her...

"We... Only wanted to help..."

When she began hearing rustling in the nearby, and a group of hunting Faefolk crawled out from the brush... But the message they brought with them wasn't the greatest of news... And with her eyes still puffy from her previous spat, the troupe nearly brought her once more as she piped in...

Her voice surprisingly strong when compared to how she felt:

"And what proof do you have that this is Ursa related in any way? A Ursa couldn't have done this... No Ursa could... Could... DO that... You have NO right to start a witchhunt without any evidence! The Ursa deserve to live undisturbed! And... If you have been doing your jobs right, then there should be no need for a formal hunt... You! You... Your as bad as whatever did this...!"

Her voice begun failing as the emotion rose through it, tightening it, till it was cracked and un-recogniseable as the powerfull demanding crow that she had started with...

Akana turns and walks off to stand beside a nearby tree... Once again shaking, but with anger this time... And held herself to steady, her breathing coming out huffy as she tried to calm herself once more... Today really wasn't turning out to be a good day... And she knew it was probably going to grow darker still before dawn breaks...

Akana wiped the welled up tears from her eyes and utters a single word "Stupid..."
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

"Here." Azalia approached Satuma with a concerned look on the face. She didn't know much about this kind of wounds, and frankly, the soldier didn't look too good. The sorceress knew a bit or two about first aid, but most of it was about treating burns resulting from miscast fire magic. Here, she was ab bit out of her depth. "You'll have to walk me through this, I'm not too good with bandages."

Even as she helped the soldier put the bandage on, she couldn't help but feel a bit of contempt towards the old professor. Seriously, that bastard better learn from this, or one day he might wake up to a very, very nasty suprise. Azalia had no clear idea what this suprise would be, but she had a feeling it'd involve fire and scalpels, if she could score any. "Damn it. This doesn't look good..."
Re: Baptism by Fire (Occam, Squid, Kathy)

Folding her wings to twirl away from the incoming arrows, she quickly launches out again to swoop away from the spear wielder before he could bring it upon her. She was fairly confident she could out maneuver him, but even having dodged the two arrows, the threat of their sting conjured quite vividly in Kriia's imagination. She wanted that bow out of the picture so that she could properly focus on the remaining target. Drawing an arrow as she span in the air, she aims down the centre of both foes, though the archer behind was still her true target.

Even with her skill, the potential difference between being able to declare a smug victory to her backup as they arrived and suffering a painful injury before the fight was over, was still less distinct than she'd like.

(3 AP Attack) Fire at the archer,
(6 AP Move) veer off and back away 13 squares to grid north.
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Re: The Desecrated Tranquil (Ranger Princess, Aztlan, Keylo, MBS)

When the dark-haired nymph suddenly burst into a run, Sylvia stopped in her tracks, staring after her. The dryad's traditional serene expression was the only thing that masked the dark, brooding feelings that swelled in her heart. As she stood motionless, watching the nymph go, Sylvia contemplated all that had happened so far. <Such terror in a creature normally so filled with love. She must have seen something dreadful . . . perhaps a witness to whatever caused this dreadful scene?> Sylvia remained still as the group of faeries marauded onto the scene. Her eyes were far off in thought, still looking to where the nymph had run. Silent, the dryad's thoughts swirled around what she had witnessed so far. <Three separate incidents of suffering and death, trees left suffering in anguish to watch over the meticulously arranged death beneath them.> Sylvia was vaguely aware of a commotion around her but remained rooted to the soil, now looking down at the earth she was sworn to protect. <No . . . not isolated incidents. This wasn't just death. It was malice, suffering, and terror. Death was natural. All forest creatures died eventually, and it was normal for animals like the ursa to feed and even defend territory. These events were unnatural, premeditated murder and deliberate terrorizing of forest dwellers. Dark....darkness. It had to be dark magic.>

Deep in her thoughtful reverie, Sylvia started at her nymph companion's sudden shouting. The dryad watched her vigorously defend the ursa creatures and took in the scene around her thoughtfully. There was power in the nymph's emotion that seemed lacking before. Sylvia could see the fierce devotion in her eyes as she spoke. Perhaps there was more to this little nymph than meets the eye.

Sylvia watched the nymph for a moment with a small smile curling at her lips before turning back to the group of faeries that she hadn't really registered in her mind until this very moment. It seemed odd for faeries to act so aggressive, and Sylvia didn't know what to make of them. When she finally spoke, it was serene and soft. Her milky voice somehow traveling further than such a soft sound should. "Young nymph speaks wisely fellow forest dwellers. In my travels, I see several of these sacrilegious scenes, always the same. Trees are left blackened with evil, suffering under the odious deaths of forest creatures like these poor elves here." Sylvia gestured to the bodies under the tree that still pained her. "Ursa are territorial creatures, great and fearful when encroached on but rather unconcerned with the world around them when left alone." Sylvia smiled good-naturedly, "I should think clever faery folk like yourselves would not want to provoke such defensive creatures." The dryad paused for a moment, considering her thoughts from a few moments before. "No, these forest desecrations have been done far from ursa homes. Far from anyplace an ursa should care to defend. I believe these acts can only be done with a malicious heart intent on creating terror . . . the very malice of one who has fallen into the depths of dark magic."
Re: Escape from Dracholt (Sinfulwolf)

Laying on her back, contemplating who she had just gotten herself entangled with, Meaghan started to clean up using a cloth and a bowl of water nestled beside the bed.

Without dressing she crossed over to the window and swung it open, and closed her eyes, feeling the breeze across her sweaty skin. She stood there for a moment, before letting out an even breath and getting dressed again.

She went downstairs, throwing a wink towards the woman who had watched her ascend earlier, and sliding a few coins across the counter to the inn keep. Meaghan didn't linger any longer than the time it took to do those two things, before retreating out into the streets.

She looked around casually for a moment; she had heard of the Twisted Vine, and knew how to get there. Regardless of the knowledge, it would not do to walk in a straight line towards her destination, especially if the stranger she had just fucked was telling the truth.

Staying casual, which was easy now in post-coital bliss, she took a winding route towards the other inn. She stopped occasionally at semi-expensive shops, looking at their wares before pouting as she felt the lack of many coins in her purse, only a sparse jingle emanating from the leather pouch.

In this manner she brought herself to the seedier portion of town, where everything was cheap, and filthy, but the Vampyres here still knew how to indulge in the passion that made the blood boil and taste ever more delicious.

Meaghan smiled as she spotted the Twisted Vine, and stepped through its doors.
Re: An Ancient Compact (Farren, Gargantuablarg, Copper)

As the pair of sirens combed the crowd, they did notice one man, towards the back of the group, who could be of the pair whom they had encountered earlier. His hair, a bright redhead, matched the men they had seen from behind and one of them did posess the type of firearm that would launch an iron ball like the one she had found. Infact, as they searched the group, it was the only handcannon amoungst them. As far as the other individual, he had short dark hair dropped neatly and could match the description of about three different men in this group alone, from the glimpse they ahd caught of him.

Stopped too far back for the slate to be easily read, Nae was forced to read it aloud for the assembled men. "Metal ball, huh?" the leader of the group said, pondering this. "Norris, sounds like they'er fingering you for this one," he shouts without turning from the Sirens. "Uh... yes sir. That would seem to be the case," he replied, clearly somewhat nervous about being put on the spot. "You were on watch today, were you not? Infact, you're the one who spotted them approaching, no?" the leader shouts back again. "Yes sir, I was on watch today."

"Care to explain what happened?" Norris seemed to hesitate for a moment, drumming his fingers on the barrel of his firearm. "I saw something, like a wisp or something and followed it from my post. Before I even realised it, I had wandered up the hill and was standing in the witch's garden. And I saw it, in the window, pointing at me, uttering a curse, an evil light glowing from its eyes. So I did what any reasonable man would, and I fired. The witch hid away from the shot and I bolted back to town. And here they are, hot on my heels, Sir."
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

Nath had taken to bandaging his own wounds, gritting his teeth as he wrapped the strips tightly over his wounds while Goron graefully accepted Soren's aid. "So, my first real fight, huh?" Goron said with a slight chuckle, followed by a wince which caused him to shrink back down again. "You should have stayed behind me, kid," Nath said quietly as he continued to bandage himself. "It's my job to get hurt, not yours."

The professor appeared impatient as wounds were tended to, but wasn't quite so callous as to openly complain, instead resuming the pacing he had done earlier. Once the wounds were bandaged and wrapped, the group was able to begin onwards down the trail, although the mood was indeed rather soured. The pack of rockwolves continued to follow the group, perhaps even stalk it, but seemed unwilling to make another approach at them.

((Converse time once again.

Also Crossgrave, gain 9 exp
Blueslime, gain 10 exp
Chibi, gain 9 exp))
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Re: The Village of the Wayward Lambs (Pale, Oamp)

Unsurprisingly, the Oracle is a thorough killjoy for the whole of the festivities. Her hood remains up, only golden eyes seen through slitted white, and she ignores most of the food, preferring, apparently, to eat out of sight of the villagers. She lingers, though, in the background, turning down all offers of food or conversation. The ice carving catches her attention, briefly.. and during a slow period, she's glimpsed briefly examining it while folks are busy elsewhere.. but not for long, soon losing interest and removing herself from the fray once more, to wait for something. Exactly -what- she was waiting for, was a mystery.

At least, until Auricael made herself known. At which the robed figure comes forward, easing her way through the villagers by sheer force of presence.. and the reputation of her race, until she reaches the front. Not her place, after all, to shout from the back. In the uncomfortable silence after Auricael's announcement.. it's her voice that fills the gap.

"Greetings, Auricael. I presume you are the Goddess I've been hearing so much about..? I come bearing a message, from my Kindred, of great importance.."
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

"Mmm, don't worry, it will be fine. I've still got strength in the arm, so it hasn't gone very deep. It's just bloody. So if you wrap the bandage around like this..." Satuma tried to smile past the need to wince. "And tie it off tight like... this!" She grit her teeth, and exhaled abruptly.

"There. Not bad. And now... maybe you could try out some sorcery and see if some water magic can ease this." She patted Azalia on her coils, as she looked at the dark mage expectantly.

Fire elements like Satuma couldn't get past their natural troubles with water magic without extreme dedication to the magical arts. All the instincts were wrong, and only through simple, painstaking, rote memorization and trial and error could a fire element lamia develop the sphere of water magic. As a result, almost every arcane healer in the Lamian empire was a dark practitioner. It was also why emphasis on technology and non-arcane medicine was a high priority within the universities. Bandaging and first aid techniques were only the surface of medicinal studies. Some of the world's greatest surgeons were Lamias, and many cures for various plagues had been researched by a cold-blood.
Re: The Ill-Portented Expedition (crossgrave, blueslime, chibi)

"Ah!" Azalia slapped her forehead. As a spellcaster, she specialized in destruction rather than regeneration and healing and as a result, sometimes she tended to forget about some of her less used spells. Taking out her wand, the sorceress concentrated, muttering the chant under her breath. She wasn't particularly fond of water magic, but she had to admit that it had it's uses. Healing was the most popular one, but there were few mages who could accomplish that, due to the fact that many lamias had the wrong affinity. A high-level spellcaster could get around that, sure, but few individuals devoted themselves to magic like that, choosing science instead. A pity. Still, the medical knowledge Lamias gathered during their studies, as well as various mundane techniques they possessed were truly impressive.