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RPG RPG Maker Loli [ONEONE1] サムライバンダリズム/ Samurai Vandalism (RJ322248)

yea but for characters other than the mc
ah........ well maybe oneone1 want keep some things for the full game ;)

Seems that the game has been delayed to LATE MAY

Oh well, actually expected to be delayed cause the certain bugs/slow things from the demo, but comparing content too, yeah, a delay was in hand
but they gave us a new trailer in waiting the game .😆
Don't think that's available in the trial. Tried to do that yesterday (and noticed that xUnity autotranslator was working this time) and couldn't find any NPCs or monsters that wanted to plunge it into them.
Yep, I also spent quite a while poking around their sections hoping something could work. Seems like since virginity loss is required for monster combat rape to occur, they simply took out the NPC events that would've allowed that.

Oddly though, using a Unity asset extractor reveals a lot of animations that seem to be unobtainable in the trial but are still in the game files for some reason. There's a good chunk of extra scenes for the black hair girl and a few for the other two main ones. Not sure why they would leave in the data for so many animations that don't appear in the demo.
Yep, I also spent quite a while poking around their sections hoping something could work. Seems like since virginity loss is required for monster combat rape to occur, they simply took out the NPC events that would've allowed that.

Oddly though, using a Unity asset extractor reveals a lot of animations that seem to be unobtainable in the trial but are still in the game files for some reason. There's a good chunk of extra scenes for the black hair girl and a few for the other two main ones. Not sure why they would leave in the data for so many animations that don't appear in the demo.

Not really surprising though, leftovers and unused stuff is in games all the time, for hgames i'd guess it's just unused CG that's merely on the artists drive instead of the game files.
Maybe the game broke when not putting them in the files (there's another game that has a random picture of a coconut in the files and doesn't work without it) or maybe they thought "if people release these on picture websites, maybe it'll attract people to the game" since it seemed like it was MAYBE half of what is to come and barely anything for the other girls in those. Or ofcourse, maybe they just didn't want to bother, since you can't actually access them within the game anyways
Yep, I also spent quite a while poking around their sections hoping something could work. Seems like since virginity loss is required for monster combat rape to occur, they simply took out the NPC events that would've allowed that.

Oddly though, using a Unity asset extractor reveals a lot of animations that seem to be unobtainable in the trial but are still in the game files for some reason. There's a good chunk of extra scenes for the black hair girl and a few for the other two main ones. Not sure why they would leave in the data for so many animations that don't appear in the demo.

Given that the game was scheduled to be out a month or so after the trial they probably just slapped on a "to be continued" in the middle of their working branch and didn't bother cleaning out unused assets. I wouldn't be surprised if it could be bypassed
It does but you have to lose your virginity to a game over event first, or something. Pretty sure the other characters you briefly get to play don't have any in the demo though.

Also I must say that the animations are amazing but the way they're implemented is just so ridiculously stupid. Enemies will literally trigger an entire sex sequence every single round as an "attack", just no build up at all. Very poorly handled

Their games of this "series" have always been like that though so not sure what you were expecting. Once she loses her virginity, enemies can just fuck her instantly whenever they want. 99% of the H-content is lock behind a virgin wall and 80% of it is locked behind the "dark route." Pretty standard for this series.
Their games of this "series" have always been like that though so not sure what you were expecting. Once she loses her virginity, enemies can just fuck her instantly whenever they want. 99% of the H-content is lock behind a virgin wall and 80% of it is locked behind the "dark route." Pretty standard for this series.
I didn't expect anything since I've never played these, they seem hard to get into without translations. Fair point I guess but I still think it's handled badly. Just compare the system to games like those Miko RPGs or Ariman titles, they have way better buildup to their combat rape mechanics
For me it actually looks better than what Oneone1 usually produces, at least gameplay wise (The story for Ideology in Friction was pretty good imo). Just the fact that there are multiple party members and enemies is an upgrade to the usual, where you just spam attack to beat every enemy without ever even upgrading your gear. Judging by the video in the latest article posted on cien, the characters might be in slightly more danger than is usual for a Oneone1 game too.

The other big plus for me, is just boob size. The triple A size they usually go with doesn't really do it for me personally. From what I can see though, the characters in this game represent a spectrum of sizes, and the MC is much more in line with my preferences than what they usually go with.

So, here's hoping that the first post I made in this thread ends up being wrong about this game. Though I'm certainly not going to set my expectations very high.
Yep, May 25th and is launched. Preview CGs look great.
damn, already out. Ideology in Friction was so good, i'm probably going to wait for a translation.

For those who don't know, the two games are in the same universe, not sure if it's a sequel but it's seems like it. This one is taking place 6 years later, after the happy ending were Glacier Berg is married.
1621876124045.png Every time i start a new game, a similar error pops up, there is a Japanese locale, I tried to install the Japanese / English version of the game. All time the same error(
View attachment 39377Every time i start a new game, a similar error pops up, there is a Japanese locale, I tried to install the Japanese / English version of the game. All time the same error(
To run game you need to switch system locale, region and regional format to japanese or game will crash, game has both languages but eng ver still crashing, only works on jap language for some reason.
if someone can figure out how to run eng version let me know, for now im am using uniti translator tool to translate it to eng
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To run game you need to switch system locale, region and regional format to japanese or game will crash
I am always in Japanese locale. Therefore, I cannot understand what else the game might not like.