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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

inspired me for the opening post.
Re: OOC thread

Sorry about the lack of posting despite what I last said, but real life is busy trying to murder me and bury my corpse in the back yard. This is honestly the first time I've even been on the forum since that last post. I can't guarantee the frequency of future posts but I'll try to get restarted tomorrow.

Feel free to continue with the interlude as I doubt if I'll have the time to keep you completely distracted with my posts. If you're still looking for an idea of someplace to go for the interlude, Paris isn't completely off the wall. Mithras does have a rather strong alliance with Matriarch Saliana and the Courts of Love. His alliance with Hardestadt and the Fiefs of the Black Cross isn't nearly as good but Magdeburg is their capital.

Of course the best idea might be one of the other 12 baronies of Avalon: Bordeaux (in France), Norwich, Salisbury, Chester, Lincoln, Carlisle, Gloucester, Exeter, Oxford, Sandwich, Nottingham, or York. The only thing I've done with any of them is name the barons (princes) of each one so it would be easy to play with as you like. Though if you want to mess with the Toreador primogen I suggest York, her sire is the baron.

Also oddly enough fashion was more of a male thing in the dark and middle ages.
Re: OOC thread

Glad to hear from you and looking forward to having you back.

I don't think any of us quite know yet what we're doing with the non-canon interlude, but it's a nice distraction. If it becomes a more serious thing, maybe we'll ask about the names of the various barons.
Re: OOC thread

Welcome back Ronny. I hope everything gets better for you real soon.
Re: OOC thread

It's a start at least, kind of forgot exactly where I was going to head with some things. Still it should be interesting.

Also I don't know why it just occurred to me the other day but I realized the perfect person to use for my vision of Adria. Adria is practically based off her if you know the character, though I didn't plan it that way. Selene Gallio, aka Black Queen, from the X-men comics. There are of course plenty of pictures on google to choose from but I took the one I thought fit best. Couldn't find one with her and Emma Frost that I liked, which would have been perfect since it would be like Adria and Eliza being in a picture but it's much better than nothing.

So long as you enjoy the interlude and it keeps you interested I don't mind how you do things.
Re: OOC thread

Mmm, definitely a good picture of Adria. :)

@Interlude - Anyone have an idea for how this is going to work when we go to the Cathedral?
Re: OOC thread

Cooperative group GMing I suppose. Be excellent to each other!

Feel free to set the scene, but leave some area open for others' inspiration. If you guys really wanted, we could take turns mini-GMing specific scenes?
Re: OOC thread

I will let any or all of those in Interludes decide what Vezina comes across at the rectory, and if you interact with an NPC inside the cathedral, I can do the personalities.
Re: OOC thread

I can get to it, but tomorrow probably.
Re: OOC thread

It probably doesn't need to be said since I've been absent for so long, but the game is on hiatus till who knows when. My life is too horrible at the time to run the game the correct way. I haven't even been on the forum in at least a month I've been so busy and or depressed to concentrate. Sorry, but at least there''s the chance that it'll get better and we can play again. I do miss you guys strangely enough.
Re: OOC thread

Miss you too Ronny.

Do what you need to do to sort things out. Once you're in a better place, don't hesitate to come back to this because it would be great to continue this.
Re: OOC thread

So I've been thinking of rebooting the game for a couple weeks now, but I'm not entirely sure if anyone would be up for it after my having been gone for so long. Things might move a bit slower than they used to since I'm not sure how often I'll have time to post.

Just as a heads up I was actually thinking of doing a complete reboot of the game. One because it would allow me to make things better and fix some of my mistakes from the previous incarnation and two because I lost a good portion of my notes for the game. I was thinking the same characters but if someone were inclined to try a new character that would be fine too.
Re: OOC thread

I might be interested, but with a new character. Jocelyn was just beyond my ability, i think.

I can see Sin being interested as well, but she‘s afk until sometime in august, last i heard.
Re: OOC thread

I think Malks are beyond most peoples abilities, mine included, to be honest with you. On the plus side you at least didn't try to hit anybody with a fish.

So if you have any ideas about what kind of character you would want to play just let me know.

And roger on Sin being AFK. Wouldn't surprise me if everyone is gone since I actually was going a couple months at a time between visits for a while there.
Re: OOC thread

I‘ve done malks before, just on a milder scale. Needs a mindset that i can‘t hit whenever i please. As for a new character, i‘m not too sure. I think you have AIM, if so hit me up any evening starting tuesday, and we can chat about it. I am sadly busy until then.
Re: OOC thread

The trouble is that dmronny isn't running the game and most of the players are taking a break from the site.

Not that I wouldn't love for this game to continue, but it doesn't seem likely at this moment.
Re: OOC thread

I never feel as if I'm playing consistently when I play Malks, and even when I'm not trying to play them for humour they still seem to come out humorous. Of course I wasn't making it easy on poor Jocelyn. I'll probably jump on AIM one of these nights just not tonight because I'm about to go to bed.

I am open to new people joining though the game hasn't really restarted as of yet. I'm more in the mode of seeing how interested people would be at the moment but do feel free to peruse what's already up and to keep an eye on things.

Bad Blue, I'll have no pessimism in this thread. After all vampires are such bright and optimistic creatures. Why else would they glitter in sunlight?

God I feel so dirty after saying that.
Re: OOC thread

sounds good. wednesday, or thursday morn or early afternoon would be best this week, past that no clue. sleep well!