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(Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya grimaces and paced when everyone decided to rest even longer, but she'd been outvoted. Come night she sighed. "I thought as much. Well that's what happens in stories if you dilly dally. Well, guess we have to hunt them down, hm? Or perhaps it's simply too late. Guess we'll find out when we take a look."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

After talking to the leader for a bit, Weiss returned home. She prepared something to eat for herself and Gribbles. Once she finished her food, she came outside to help everyone prepare against the assault that was supposed to happen. However, when she saw the sunrise, it was clear to her that the goblins weren’t planning on attacking. ''I-I guess, without a leader, they probably can’t organize a raid party.'' Weiss stated, relieved that the town wouldn’t be put in danger.

Although Weiss didn’t agree with taking a long rest, the others had their mind set on it. Weiss returned to her cottage, and unless Gribbles was pestering her for his reward, she went straight to bed. When she woke up later that day and heard the bad news, Weiss nearly freaked out. ''T-The goblins must’ve left last night, I don’t think they would travel during the day. D-Did you see any signs of where they could’ve gone?'' Weiss asked worried. She was going to try everything to save those girls. She was going to keep the promise the made to their mother. ''S-Since they’re carrying prisoners with them, I am sure they must’ve left some obvious tracks along the way.''
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kiera was proud of her training, so to hear it questioned by someone who wasn't there filled her with spite, and had she not always believed that she should always continue training, she might have spoken up. Though, her demeanor didn't better when the leader both suggested they prepare to defend a war, instead of going back to do what they should have, just as they planned, nor did she feel the least assured when the woman spoke of their tattoos. Though she was certainly right about there being misinformation, either she herself is the one that's misinformed, or she's misinforming them. Either way, the effects of the tattoos were apparent and a total surprise to find in battle.

Walking off from the group that she thought would return to the wilderness to continue their mission, Kiera was tempted to seek out her mother to talk about it, but wasn't about to question her, after all of the training and care she took. As tempted as she was to go back alone, just to at least keep an eye on the enemies movements, she knew it might have been little better than suicide if she was spotted. Instead she just went off to fill her waterskin, patch her wounds, and rest.

Waking up to find no attack on that day made her only grind her teeth about their decisions once more. They agreed to go back, and knew of the poison and the death of their leader, and still did nothing but sat here to find the worst path come to light. Hearing the news from the scout, Kiera knew that unless they were lucky enough to cut their group off before they met with a greater party, which was an unlikely proposal given the powerful magic, lack of knowledge of their destination, and possible approximation of a fuller camp or town, these daughters would become sows and the father might already be dead. "You're hurt. How much resistance did you run into from the group, and what of the enemy was there to face? Perhaps you could tell us which way they fled if you faced them?" She also heard out her companions talking about going after the fiends as they fled. "Finding tracks will be our best bet and our window is smaller and closing. If there's anyone who knows the layouts of the neighboring towns and area, could we plot their most likely course?"
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

To say that Talia was displeased by this turn of events was an understatement. The girl was downright pissed, silent but visibly simmering with barely contained anger. "We're going after them." The tiefling declared upon receiving the news. "Please tell us everything you've seen out there." She asked the scout, focused. "We need to get those girls back and kill every single one that tries to stop us." To her, this was a matter of pride now. She would not accept this failure. She simply couldn't bring herself to do so. She promised to finish this job and by gods, she was going to do it right.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Well if we're doing this then I suggest we leave sooner rather than later. Tracks are a fickle thing and things like dirt, dust, animals and other things have a nasty habit of mucking them up and making them harder to follow. As a ranger, I might have the best chance of following them. My parents training couldn't have been for nothing after all."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"If you did chase them, I'd advise you settle the matter quicker than light from silver." Announced the sage, entering into view seemingly from nowhere. She walked from the strange old house that was basically called the Sage's house, even though she never was seen inside of it. And it was the size of a closet. "Because the unchained are being spotted all across the country. In the next town over, the impoverished swamp town of Donmirth is beset by kidnappers, and because of the dangers of the swamp they cannot go to where those have disappeared off to. Brave souls who ventured forth are also missing. I have a feeling the unchained might be at work there, but tis up to you. Just do not waste too much time pursuing the goal of saving one when the many need your help as well."

"Whenever you're ready, come into my hut, I have something to show you."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Hmph. When it rains, it pours?" Talia noted, grimacing. So more of those Unchained showed up? Not that much of a suprise. The sorceress listened to the Sage's words carefully, but once the woman said her piece she didn't waste time on lingering around. She left quickly to prepare herself for the task ahead, which mostly consisted of making sure all of her gear was in place and her waterskin was refilled. Afterwards, she returned to the Sage's hut, waiting for the rest to gather so they could go in and see what the mage had to show to them. She also intended to ask the woman a few questions about things that made her feel suspicious during the last mission.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

''T-That sounds awful, but I promised the mother to save her loved ones. I-I don’t want to be a liar and break the promise I made to them, but I understand if were needed somewhere else.'' Weiss responded sadly to the sages words. If she couldn’t keep her promise to the woman she rescued, she’d have to make up for it some other way.

Weiss followed Talia’s example and prepared her gear for the upcoming journey. However, there was one more thing she had to attend to, the little goblin in her house. ''G-Gribbles, I think I might be going on a long journey. I-I don’t know if you want to accompany us, I would appreciate your help, but if you have other plans, I understand.'' Weiss said with a smile. ''A-And don’t think I forgot about the reward I promised. W-What kind of reward do you want? I-I don’t own much, but I’m sure you can find something you want.'' Weiss inquired.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Coming into her house, Weiss might be shocked to find two naked daughters bound in rope and surrounded by half a dozen goblins. One of which was Gribbles, with his strikingly identifiable pink mohawk. As if they were caught red handed, each goblin did as Gribbles did, turning to Weiss slowly, and then grinning at her. "Peace?" all but Gribbles said.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya shrugged and followed the sage, strumming her lute. "Hm. Wonder if I could do this stage of the story in iambic pentameter..."

She considered a bit. "I have so many notes already. Gods, this is shaping up to be one hell of an edit job. I'm gonna need a whole team for this probably. Yeesh. Wonder what rhymes well with goblin..."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The sage put her hand to her chin for a moment. "... Trodden... Perhaps Bobbin? Hobbling?"
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Hmm... Trodden's not bad? Oh, oh, Robbin'! I mean there's no way we're gonna get a perfect rhyme, but close enough. Thanks for the help.," Laya smiles brightly before writing into her notes quickly.

"Finally I'll get to have a story I didn't just learn from you. I mean yours are great, but I'll get to write one myself! Assuming that we can get anymore people in your house before it ends. I mean, goblin battle isn't the worst story but it'd be a total cliffhanger and that would be awful."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Weiss was shocked at first, but after realizing what was going on, she jumped with joy at the sight of the captives in her house, she couldn’t believe that Gribbles actually went out and saved them. ''D-Did you do this, Gribbles? T-That’s so sweet of you!'' Weiss said excitedly, and hugged the little goblin while twirling him around. She put him down before facing the other goblins. ''O-Of course! I-I don’t know how I can ever repay all of you.'' Weiss said to the group of goblins.

''C-Can you please keep it a secret that the goblins are here? J-Just tell them that you escaped on your own. Y-You don’t want you bring your saviors in danger, right?'' Weiss requested of the girls before freeing them, and sending them off with some of her spare clothing.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Given that Vylyra was already equipped from the night before due to being on watch, she had little need to return home for any sort of equipment. She was already decked from head to toe. The ranger entered the scene at the sage's home shortly after the sage and the bard began talking of rhyming and the like. Much as the ranger liked hearing stories and songs of ancient legends and heroes, she'd never been one for the actual construction of the song or story itself. So the talk of rhyming was a little beyond her"Don't mind me, just keep talking."
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat was walking by outside and saw Weiss walking into her house, and for some reason kinda felt the urge to actually peak in on the girl. She wasn't sure what it was, but there was some reason behind it.

When she saw all the goblins in there, Gribbles sporting of all things a pink mohawk, and Weiss hugging him and going to free the two prisoners the goblins evidently brought along, well, Kat was quite suprised. Though she decided not to just bust in there and start slaughtering infiltrating goblins. Instead she'd just keep peeking in, making sure they weren't going to do anything to Weiss. If they were going to actually be helpful then she could be reasonable.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The scout looked at Kiera strangely, he was unhurt, just tired. "I saw nothing ma'am. Nothing but a few lit torches and an empty vermin lair." he explained.

Meanwhile, the girls in the house nodded at Weiss' request. Some were sobbing, and they made whispers of just wanting to go home. Meanwhile, Gribbles hugged Weiss back, and something near his crotch area was poking against her. "Y-yes! I did! G-got da boys together, w-what boys one could, and then... Brought them here!" he said, and then one of the other goblins chirped up. "Gribbles told this one that there would be sexy ladies ready to pleas-" he was cut off by Gribbles making an inane noise. "Abababa!" he spat at his cohort. "B-but, yes... Gribbles knows, how you can repay! Uh..." he seemed to struggle despite being so sure. "W-we want... Massages! Yes! Give us all a massage on our most sore muscle!"

Meanwhile, the sage took a stool out from her hut, and sat it outside, folding one leg over the other and resting her hands in her lap, waiting.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

''Hmm, s-sexy ladies?'' Weiss questioned after Gribbles made them shut up. That sounded incredibly suspicious, even to someone as innocent as Weiss, and Gribbles request also seemed a bit suspicious to her. ''M-Massages?'' She inquired, remaining awfully silent for a while. She pondered his request for about a minute, while staring at Gribbles the entire time. Then she suddenly clapped her hands together, breaking the silence. ''A-Are you sure that’s all you want? I-I am not sure how good my massages are, but if that’s what you want, I will try my best!''
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The sage took out a book and started flipping through it. It was called: "Spontaneous Coma Disease".

The goblins all celebrated, dancing around like fools, before all their clothes were immediately thrown off, six large yet flaccid goblin cocks before Weiss. "Den let's get started!"
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya groaned and paced about. "We need to build some sort of magnet. A girl magnet. That draws in our girls. Hm. Maybe some sort of sound amplifier?"

She pauses then looks at the sage. "Wait, you're a sage. Don't you know when they will show up?"
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"You know... That's a good question, Laya." Talia shrugged, tapping the ground with her foot as she leaned on her staff. "Altough I'm not sure about the whole attracting device option. That sort of construction would require arcane skills on a level beyond mine, at least right now. Who are we missing, anyway?" She glanced at the sage and her book. "Also, is it any good?"