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(Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia swore as one of the pursuing parties caught up to them. Great, more goblins. Weak fighters, but they could not afford distractions like these. If they tarried more, they wasted valuable time that could be used to warn the village and risked running into more creatures. "Slaughter them quickly and move on! I've had enough of them." She declared, feeling magic surge through her blood.

Initiative: , crit
Formation: Back
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

(23 Init, Middle)

Laya grimaced as they exited the path, only to find they were cut off by a sizable squad of goblins. This wouldn't be easy. Her magic was expended, and she was running out of inspiring stories to tell. Well. Guess it was daggers then. Maybe they could beat the odds one more time. On the other hand, if the other attackers came up on them from behind it'd have been a Pyrrhic victory in the end.

Well, there was little point worrying about it now. They had no choice but to fight.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Still injured from the last battle, Kiera curled her lip at berating at the barbarian's words about the cleric and her decision to abandon. She couldn't help but take the heap of the blame for being the only one who could have removed the binds, but in her current state, there was little assurance that she would escape in one piece and it was more important that she get out relatively unscathed then some random farm family that's already been seeded. Due to her wounds, she decided to stick in the middle of the group, instead of in the back where she could keep her senses trained on their surroundings.

Once they passed the fork, Kiera hoped they'd be all right, but that soon proved wrong as the goblins in pursuit caught them in the wilderness. She cursed herself for deciding against being a sentry for the group, now that they were fighting nearly double their numbers. She wished there wouldn't be a battle, but prepared herself as she saw little other opportunity, unless they only had one thing in mind. "If you want Gribbles, you can have him!"

[Initiative 9+3= 12, Formation: Middle]
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Xp earned thus far: 220
: Fine
Trauma: 22 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 7/9
AC: 14

HP: 9/10
AC: 14
Trauma: 32 / 100

Weiss: Fine
HP: 11
AC: 18

Kat: Fine
HP: 15
AC: 15

: Fine
HP: 4/10
AC: 14

Xarkana: Fine
HP: 10
AC: 13

: Nude, Defeated
Corruption Level 1 (Next 0/2)
Trauma: 15 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 0/11
AC: 16(13)

8 Goblins

Goblin's init 12.

Turn order:
1: Kiera, Laya, Kat, Talia
2: Goblins
3: Weiss

Xarkana and 3 of the goblins sit down and talk about Evil Weekly. Seems like they''ll be occupied, until the group finds that their discussion led elsewhere as their battle of conversation took them away.

So now there are 8 goblins.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia acted swiftly. The sorceress had been ready for a fight for a while now. Before the goblins could make their move, she thrust her arm forward, power surging from her hand to her fingertips. A bolt of fire shot out of them, striking the nearest goblin in a shower of flame and sparks, burning him but not killing. "We've no time for this. Waste them!"

To Hit:
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya grimaced and nodded, before moving up and striking at a goblin. Any attacks on her were attacks not on those better suited to this part.

(16, for 5 damage)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat would keep beside Laya, growling a bit at the girl being up on the front again but really there wasn't anywhere else to put her admittedly with the sword. She would just try to cover Laya as best she could, swinging her greatsword forward as she tried to strike down one of the goblins.

(To Hit: 12+5 = 17
Damage: 2+6+3 = 11)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Still keeping to her wounded state, Kiera knew she'd fare much better playing this battle out at range. Luckily, the wilderness provided her plenty of opportunity to avoid direct combat, as long as she could get up into a high branch. Grabbing the closest limb she could, she swung her weight to the trunk in order to kick off and fling herself higher up, hoping to take her time with her shortbow in picking off targets.

[Acrobatics: 13+7= 20]
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Xp earned thus far: 220
: Fine
Trauma: 22 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 7/9
AC: 14

HP: 2/10
AC: 14
Trauma: 32 / 100

Weiss: Fine
HP: 11
AC: 18

Kat: Fine
HP: 15
AC: 15

: Fine
HP: 4/10
AC: 14

: Nude, Defeated
Corruption Level 1 (Next 0/2)
Trauma: 15 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 0/11
AC: 16(13)

6 Goblins

Laya and Talia worked together, smiting a goblin in their path. Meanwhile, Kat cleaved her path through one of the lesser creatures. (2 dead)

Then Keira climbed a tree successfully as the goblins attacked. Laya came to the front line, previously in the middle, to strike in melee. Leaving Weiss, Kat, and Laya in the melee against six. They broke up the fight evenly, 2 gobilns attacking each girl.

2 Attacked Weiss. (1 crit fail), and one of them tripped on his own foot mid charge, leaving him open to an attack. (Advantage on this goblin) The other simply wasn't close enough when he swung.

2 attacked Kat, but crawled back when her savagery tore through their ranks.

the last 2 came at Laya, (1 crit fail) another tripped (advantage on attacks against this goblin), showing utter incompetence before their foes and leaving itself wide open to attack. The other actually managed to strike, and hit Laya square in the gut with his mace. (7 damage) The blow was powerful enough to make her knees quake, as the goblin grinned, looking to pounce her. (Roll versus DC11 Violation.)

The enemy made their attack, and Laya was wounded, but now, Weiss could act, along with the others.

Everyone's turn
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Weiss couldn’t help but feel a little bad for the goblin that fell down in front of her. It was hard to believe that these clumsy creatures posed any threat at all. However, Weiss knew that in battle she shouldn’t hesitate, and with Laya getting seriously hurt, she understood that she shouldn’t take them lightly. Without any hesitation, Weiss took the opening the goblin gave her, even though she felt bad for the cute little fellow. She wanted to get rid of the goblins in front of her, and help Laya instead. ''L-Laya, I-I will help you as soon as I can, t-try your best to hold on.''

[To hit: , . Damage: ]
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

(7+5 Acrobatics)

Laya cried out in pain as she was struck with a mace, nearly being taken down. She was taking one of those maces when this was over with. For now, she struck at the one that messed up, deciding to maximize her chances at doing something useful before she went down.

(20, for 9 damage on a crit)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia fired again, hoping to aid the girls in their brawl. Noticing that Weiss had been attacked before she could move to strike against the goblin threat, she launched one of her magical projectiles at the goblins. Only to stare in bemusement as the creature tripped, her attack sailing over his head harmlessly. The tiefling's eyebrow twitched as she bit off a curse.

To Hit: ,
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat would continue to advance on the two that were before her. "Come back here goblins, I have a sword to give you." The beserker woman had a feral smile on her face as she approached and swung again.

(To hit: 9+5 = 14
Damage: 1+3+3 = 7)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Ineffectual though she may be, Vylyra could still support the party from the back line with words instead of action. It was the least she could do. "K...keep fucking those annoying little bastards up! We can win this! Ow..." she fell back, having leaned up slightly to try and see the action herself but the pain forced her back down.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Xp earned thus far: 220
: Fine
Trauma: 22 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 7/9
AC: 14

HP: 2/10
AC: 14
Trauma: 32 / 100

Weiss: Fine
HP: 6/11
AC: 18

Kat: Fine
HP: 15
AC: 15

: Fine
HP: 4/10
AC: 14

: Nude, Defeated
Corruption Level 1 (Next 0/2)
Trauma: 15 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 0/11
AC: 16(13)

2 Goblins
A attacking Weiss taken 4 damage
C attacking Kat

The girls went on a rampage, cleaving through the goblins. Talia blasted one goblin while Weiss wounded the other, and Kat and laya smashed up the goblins around them.

Keira (Auto-pilot) fires an arrow at a goblin (nat 20) and instantly kills one near Laya.

The two goblins attack, the one in front of Weiss, wounded, strikes at her, hitting her leg where her armor was weak and knocking her down to one knee.
Weiss takes 5 damage, and must roll versus violation DC11. If she doesn't recover, she will find the goblin getting behind her, and placing his face under her skirt and against her ass to start tonguing her pussy through her panties.

The other goblin swings at Kat, but misses.

Everyone's turn
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya nods with some relief that she had survived the onslaught as they struck true. She turned and hurried towards Weiss to try and help the cleric who was still under threat it seemed.

"Seriously, you are still trying? Just run away and save yourselves already.," she growled at the remaining goblins.

If they didn't flee or surrender she took a stab with her dagger.

(14+5, for 5 damage)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

It seemed the goblins were now fighting for their lives. If threatened they'd probably indeed flee.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

''O-Ow…'' Weiss yelped, as one of the goblins managed to hit her and bring her down on one knee. She completely failed to notice the goblin moved behind her, and only noticed him once he had her hands on top her ass. ''E-Eep!'' Weiss yelled surprised. She desperately began shaking her ass around, trying to force the goblin off her. It didn’t look like the tenacious goblin was going to let her go, and the only thing her shaking did was giving the goblin a face full of her jiggling butt.

[Athletics: ]

''Kyaaa! G-Get off me you pervert!'' Weiss yelled in panic when the goblin tried to get under her skirt. She made a final attempt to get the goblin off her by ramming her shield straight against his face. That did the trick, as she managed to shove off the goblin with her shield. She thought they were cute and all, but not nearly cute enough to forgive them for trying something dirty to her. ''Y-You better apologize and get out of here, o-or I w-will personally make s-sure y-you’ll make it t-to hell.''

[Using shield to negate first roll. Intimidate: ]
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Although Kiera managed to take herself out of striking distance, her practicality didn't make her heartless. She knew that, once she was up here, her skills were best put to use killing protecting whoever she could. Having seen Laya take the brunt of the damage from the first wave of attacks, Kiera nocked her arrow and drew her bow, aiming for one of the goblins attacking her and putting the arrow straight through his head.

Although the tide of battle quickly shifted in their favor against their weak enemies, losing fast their only advantage of numbers, some of the party was still taking damage. Seeing Weiss go down, Kiera nocked another arrow. 'The most accurate way to scare a group into thinking you would kill all of them is to start killing all of them. It's difficult for that to not be convincing,' she thought as she launched another arrow.

[To hit: 12+5= 17. Dmg: 5]
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia seemed to be thinking the same way as Kiera. Either that, or she really wanted them all dead. Either way, she took aim at the remaining survivors, singling the nearest one out before letting loose with a bolt of fire. All her earlier anger and frustration went into this one, especially after her previous miss. The result was a searing blast of flame that struck the one dueling Kat, lightning the poor bugger up like a bonfire. He'd barely have any time to register what happened before getting torched inside-out as the bolt punched through him.

To Hit: