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(Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Tenacious buggers I'll give them that." Kat muttered to herself before swinging again, and unfortunately missing unless the goblin was just that bad at dodging.

(To Hit: 2+5 = 7
To damage: 2+2+3+2 = 9)
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

And then the goblins were all dead. Level up! You reached 300 xp.

The girls cleaved through the remaining goblins with ease, and found themselves free of opposition, the path was clear to the town to take their wounded and the singular captive back to safety...

When they did, the child son hugged his mother, who was weak but now free. "Where are big sis and lil sis?" he asked. "T-they're coming, just rest easy now, my son." the mother said. The crowd gave a light cheer, but it was a somber one, the townspeople clearly knew something didn't go right for only the mother to be brought back. Indeed, the daughters were still back there being brood sows for the monsters.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Tia grimaced at the reception. Not that she faulted the villagers for it: if anything, her sentiments mirrored theirs. "Where's the chief?" She asked, looking around. "We need to speak with him, quickly. The Sage too, if she's around." There was much that had to be discussed. "There is a large number of goblins and kobolds out there, larger than we've expected. We managed to kill their leader, his guards and a couple dozen or so more, but they are likely to recover from this disruption sooner or later. It'd be advisable if the village was on alert until we deal with this problem, especially during nighttime."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat frowned as they only brought home one of the three girls, and it took a rather supreme force of will to not cut some poor innocent walls or furniture with her sword. They would rest for a night, and as soon as morning came around they would be going back. She would see to it, even if she had to do it by herself. "Yes, we need to go talk to talk to them both. They'll likely be disorganized for a while but they'll figure out a new leader soon enough."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya picked up one of the goblins maces as she fled. Dagger wasn't cutting it. No pun intended. Shame none of them had arrows. Then again, they had money now.

"It is as Talia said. Dark forces have begun awakening and are rallying various monsters. Sadly we were vastly outnumbered, but do not despair. We simply need a short time to lick our wounds before returning to the fray. They're on alert at the moment but they'll either panic or get complacent. So we need to be ready to take advantage. And if they seek to strike under darkness we must be ready too. I suggest that torches be set around the perimeter of the town during the night, up high on rods. If the creatures near they'll be visible, and if they put out the torches, we'll know they are there. Assuming they feel brave enough to try without someone galvanizing them. In any case, we won't be idle. We just have wounds to fix and I need some arrows. And maybe some better armor for some of us."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The maces she picked up seemed rusted, and nearly broken. As Laya took them, a single testing swing showed them breaking almost immediately.

When Talia looked for the leader, from the patch of grass she was sitting at. "So, you lot had some issues with the minor creatures?" she questioned. One of the heroes who sealed the evil away, she was a powerful warrior, but in the midst of her adventure an ogre smashed her spine, causing her to have great difficulty walking without her sword and sheath. No children as well, she took to helping raise others in the ways of the sword, perfecting her own new style of fighting without moving much. A unique and arguably worse style than most, but it was the only one she could actually use while sitting down. Magic did well to help her recover, but she chose to take it easy. "Your training is lacking." she said, before choosing to sit instead of stand. "The sage already informed us. We're ready for battle. Even if they're older, the heroes of yore should easily dispatch this group of ruffians." she stated. "You've done all you can for now, rest and recover, and be prepared to defend tomorrow." she said.

The girls were left to their own devices until midnight.

Time: 8:45
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat huffed, she didn't like being called lacking. She had cleaved everything that stood in her way! "We will be ready."

With that Kat would take Vylyra and put her over her shoulder, carrying the half-elf toward the dogbolds house near the edge of town. Lyra's own house was too far away and they both needed to get some rest before midnight, and Kat kinda wanted to cuddle with her friend, unsure how the still knocked out half elf was taking the whole incident when she woke up.

(Takes Vylyra for a short rest, Kat will wake up around 11 at latest (Assuming nothing else happens) and go to prepare for the coming battle.)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia grimaced at the chief's assessment. It was true, she could have done better. Errors in judgement had been made too. But the numbers hadn't been on their side, which was the deciding factor. And ultimately, if the goblins had managed to poison the kobolds then the incoming battle would be easier. For now, the tiefling retreated to her house to rest and meditate to recover her strength and prepare mentally for the fight to come. An hour before midnight, she'd head back out, to get in position for the battle.

Short Rest:
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Weiss freed Gribbles from the rabbit trap, and gently puts him onto the ground. Once they approached the village, Weiss pulls Gribbles aside to speak with him. ''Y-You probably s-should keep your distance f-from the village, G-Gribbles. T-They will most likely k-kill you on sight. I-If you think you can s-sneak through the town a-and find my home, y-you can try w-waiting there.'' Weiss suggested. If Gribbles thought he could make it, she’d described the safest way for him to get to her home. If he wanted to wait outside, she promised to come back as soon as she can.

When they brought back the captive, the town’s cheers were somber, and you could easily tell that she was distraught about returning with only one captive. If getting captured wasn’t such an issue, she would’ve never abandoned those girls. ''D-Don’t worry, I-I promise we will save them.'' Weiss said to the mother, as Weiss tried her best to comfort them.

Weiss shook her head at the leader of the town. ''I-It weren’t only minor creatures we encountered. W-We encountered a bunch of hobgoblins, a-and a half-orc that had a symbol similar to us.'' Weiss explained. ''D-Do you know what it means to b-be unchained? T-The half-orc told us, t-that the symbols on our hands are a curse. I-I always saw them as a mark of heroism, b-but after what I’ve seen t-today, I-I am inclined to b-believe they are a curse.'' Weiss asked concerned.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"I don't know what nonsense you were fed, but they are most certainly not a curse." the leader declared. Meanwhile, Gribbles was slipping into Weiss' window and falling into her home. "That tattoo protects you from her influence. The mages who designed the spell told us explicitly that the children who wear these tattoos cannot die. Creating invincible fighters in combat that cannot be slain by her minions. It certainly didn't help that some children, like the one who you speak of, turned against us, but such is expected from such wanton use of greater magics."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Yeah at the expense of everyour goblin and kobold in that cave trying to jump our bones mid combat. Not going to complain about not being able to die but could do without the side effect of making the horny stupid monsters more horny and more suicidally stupid as to focus on fucking Laya or Talia in the middle of combat. Did make them easier to kill though admittedly." Kat added as she was leaving the town square with Lyra.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"... The horniness you speak of is due to the Unchained, not us. You seem to have grievously horrible misinformation." she stated flatly.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

When Weiss heard the leader’s explanation, it only added to her worries. It didn’t look like the leader knew much more than they did. It was great that they wouldn’t die, but the fact that their parents didn’t even know what they accepted upon their children, made her disappointed at them. ''I-I guess, I-I might be worried about nothing, b-but when you see someone chained up and dragged into a p-pool of m-magical liquid, y-you start to wonder i-if these things really protect you.'' Weiss stated, before her eyes suddenly widen as she realizes something. ''W-Wait, i-if s-someone with a t-tattoo gets corrupted, d-do they lose their immortality?'' Weiss asked worried, fearing that the half-orc might still be alive somewhere.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Probably. I got big ears but most of the talking was happening while I was busy cutting down kobolds or hobgoblins so it didn't really stick. Anyways off I go." And with that, Kat went off to get Lyra all rested up.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya grumbled at the uselessness of the objects the goblins had. Was it some factor of their service that had let them deal such blows to her but crumble to a single swing when she had it?

Well no matter, once they'd arrived, Laya went to her home for now and started dividing the funds they had gotten equally into pouches for everyone. She'd figure out the objects later. By her metric everyone should have the equivalency of 30 gold, 5 silver and 4 copper in assorted coins. She'd let them worry about specific coin metrics. Or she could just exchange it at a merchant to make it work as whole numbers.

With that in mind, she decided to see if she could find someone selling arrows and get the coins handled. Once that was settled, she'd go get some rest and some food, singing a tune to herself.

(heals self for 12 resting. Rolled a 6 on the song of rest dice.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

(Distribute coins amongst yourselves, posting shopping logs here, and level up.)

Midnight came before anyone expected it. Only allowed a short rest, the girls were prepared to fight... Then they were prepared some more... Then they were totally prepared. Right around daybreak, everyone was exhausted, and the goblins didn't show.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Short Rest:

When Vylyra woke herself up after a rather interesting couple days, she found herself resting in Kats room. Naked. How she got there she had no idea but she made a note to tell Kat to at least get her gear for her instead of leaving her in her birthday suit. Pulling together some makeshift underclothes, Vylyra would eventually get her armor back on and prepare for the arrival of their enemy. Longbow in hand, she waited for the enemy to arrive but little to nothing came. Maybe the occasional stray rabbit or squirrel but never anything resembling a goblin or a kobold. This was...most unusual. And this would continue on until the next morning and the ranger finally got fed up. "So are those little green fuckers coming or did I just waste the whole night on watch?!"
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat really didn't have anything she'd need to buy, and she didn't actually know Lyra's three sizes that well. So she'd for now just give the half-elf ranger some of her own, admittedly minimalist clothes. Some wrapping for her chest, a loin cloth and some panties was more then enough to be decent.

She did sneak away that choker from the loot pile, she kinda liked it...Either way though over the night as they stood guard the Dogbold was both relieved and a bit agitated. Evidently, the goblins and kobolds hadn't gotten their shit together yet and appointed a new leader. Unfortunately that meant they couldn't cut them down now, and they were likely fucking those girls to make more of them.

When morning came, Kat would plant her axe into the ground and spoke to the group. "We must rest now. If we do we can get back out to the cave by around dinner time and might catch them trying to eat or out to forge. Then we can take them apart and rescue the others."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"It's possible our attempts at convincing the goblins to turn on the kobolds and poison them bore fruit." Talia reminded the group. The sorceress was somewhat pissed off at having to wait until dawn for nothing. If there was an attack and they managed to cut a number of the beasts down, going back to reclaim the missing people would have been much easier. Now they'd have to deal with everyone left in there. Like the last time hadn't been difficult enough.

"I agree with Kat." The tiefling sighed, rubbing her tired eyes. "Let's get a bit of sleep, then go deal with those pests. We have a job to finish and I want it finished today. Afterwards, I hope the Sage will be around for a chat. I'd like to ask her about a few things." The girl muttered. There was much that needed to be explained, oh so much. In the meantime, some preparations were in order. She had managed to get some gold out of the last trip and even swiped the iron ring from the looted trinkets. She had no idea what she was going to use it for yet, but the girl was sure she'd think of something. Or pawn it off for more cash.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

As the girls rested, they would find that come darkness yet again, a scout sent by the leader of the village came back with unique news. News which the injured hero brought to everyone herself from a wooden chair someone brought to her in the middle of the town.

"The vermin are gone, their lair dispersed. As a unit, they have traveled away from the town. I have reason to believe they have given up attacking us, though this also means that they have taken two of the farmer's daughters with them, and the husband as well, as his body was not found."

(Everyone gets a full rest.)