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(Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Damn. Just a giant chest of wealth that's only gonna weigh us down if we gotta carry it and three pregnant women. Talk about timing, and still no sign of the key. Though, hey, my good captives, did you see if he used a key to open your manacles? Or some sort of magic?," she asks, thinking with a grimace.

There was weird mumbo jumbo happening here so who knew? Maybe it'd open to his touch?

"Wait, Vylyra was back there too, how'd she get loose?"
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia grimaced as she looked around. She had no idea where the keys could be hidden, or who was their carrier. There wasn't much time for a thorough search either. They'd have to figure out a way to deal with the locks quickly. "Kiera? Got any spare lockpicks?" She asked. "Maybe if several of us try, we'll get those off quicker and get out before we're in more trouble."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The girls gave tired shakes of their heads, it seemed they didn't know. They just trembled as their big bellies heaved up and down.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"In theory we could all get in and try, except only one of us has a lockpick and a clue.," says Laya, "No, this is on Kiera I'm afraid. The portcullis will also have to be lifted again for us to get out, meaning Kat can't be one to help carry these women. It'll be up to the rest of us to help them along and get us out safely. The chest will have to be left behind, we simply can't spare the manpower, and the riches might distract the goblins long enough for us to escape."

"Of course, the option to simply save your own hides is there, as I'm sure a certain someone will broach soon enough. But I'm afraid I'll just keep looking for the key while you all figure it out."

She decides to go look behind the other curtain where the horn was next.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat would head over to the nearest girl and reared back her sword trying to cut the manacles from the girl even as Kiera was searching. "She probably picked the locks, or slipped out. I'll try to help this one anyone that can pick a lock or break it some other way help the others. Xarkana see if you can't do something to delay them getting here since you're stuck on that side of the gate."

It would take her a few tries, but she'd get through one of the daughter's bindings by swinging her sword at it. Damn small things were hard to hit, but at least she didn't hit the girl.

(RJ said 6 seconds per swing, AC19, following rolls
Roll 1: 17+5 = 22||Damage: 4+3+3 = 10 Chain 1 broke
Roll 2: 15+5 = 20||Damage: 1+3+3 = 7 Chain 2 Broke
Roll 3: 5+5 = 10 miss
Roll 4: 7+5 = 12 miss
Roll 6: 13+5 = 18 miss
Roll 7: 20+5 = 25 crit||Damage: 4+2+(3+6(Critical rolls)+2(Savage attacks)+3 = 20 Chain 3 broke
Roll 8: 16+5 = 21||Damage: 2+3+3 = 8 Chain 4 Broke, girl is lose. Time taken: 48 Seconds)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The girls would suddenly remember that they were given special backpacks by the sage at some point early in their youths. Even those that weren't in the village knew the sage, and their packs were all seemingly black holes into infinity and weightlessness.

With one motion Laya took the loot, and it vanished into her pack without fuss. Magic was truly amazing.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Extremely loud sounds of chains snapping came from Kat's insistent slamming of blade against metal. As the chains both resisted and came apart, the background noises of the caverns became louder. Closer. Quicker.

Their words were in goblin and kobold language alike, and indistinguishable even if they were understandable to one among them, but the general sounds made were questioning what they were hearing as desires for investigation filled the cavern.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

That was loud, and now the noise of incoming goblins and kobolds were even louder. This wasn’t good. They were going to be upon them quickly with all this noise going on. ''K-Kat, open that portcullis so Xarkana can get through. L-Laya, look through vylyra b-belongings, m-maybe she has something useful, l-like another set of lock picks or keys. K-Kiera after K-kat with my help opened the portcullis, c-can you try to jam it? T-That might buy is some time. W-We need to get these girls off the walls quickly, b-before it’s too late.''
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

With the girls detached from the walls, and the sounds of impending goblins and kobolds coming their way, and they had a solid number of girls down. "Weiss, grab Vylyra and one of these girls. Everyone else pick a girl and help them out, pick the chains, break them, whatever you need to. We're going now."

She went over to the gate and yanked it open, she'd hold it open long enough for all the captured girls and the rest of the group to get out, and then would take up the rear guard in their attempt to escape.

(STR check for lifting the gate: 17+5 = 22)
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Weiss shook her head. ''T-This might sound strange coming from me, b-but I think we just have to go. I-If we get captured here trying to save these girls, t-the town will be doomed, w-we can’t take that risk.'' Weiss said. ''U-Unless someone wants to try save these girls with me, b-but we can’t risk all of us getting captured w-while the town is in danger.'' Weiss suggested. She didn’t mind taking the risk if someone helped her, but she wasn’t willing to risk the entire group just because she wanted to save a few people.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kiera took the blows from the orc's axes, wounded heavily but not knocked down. She had little time to weigh her options of attacking or receding before the barbarian struck him down, and they were left to witness the vile magic of their enemy.

(Roll vs DC13 to avoid Violation)

[19] :p. Get fucked. Or rather, don't.]

The goblin's return prompted some hasty action, as the news of the captives closer-than-realized whereabouts and an impending group of enemies had to speed along their decisions. Kiera notices the shackles and thought to the lockpicks she carried on her, wondering how much time it would take just her to get them all down, and realized that, with the husband missing, any effort they take now will be an incomplete one. The actions were decided for them once the dogbold took to the chains with her weapon, seemingly dividing the time Kiera would need, while alerting the incoming troop.

After the cleric spoke up, Kiera found herself agreeing. "If we leave and heal up to regain ourselves, we'll be able to see how they react and follow them to find the father. If we're trapped, we can still fight, and the girls will be safe, but if we stay, we're certainly going to lose our exit."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Time passes as indecision wracks the group, the sounds get closer.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained


Well, given Kiera decided not to use her lockpicking skills at the same time Kat was hacking away at the prisoners chains. Guess they were now going to be leaving two people behind. "We'll come back for them, now since you aren't going to do anything to help free them." Kat headed over to the gate and lifted it.


Kat was holding the Gate over her head. "Let's go, get the girl I freed and go go go. I'll bring up the rear."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia grit her teeth, the tiefling looking rather pissed. Disgraceful. Absolutely disgraceful. They were supposed to help these people and stop the goblins, not flee like this with only one person to their name. At least the leader of this group was dead, though it was small consolation. "As soon as we're ready, we ARE coming back." She told the rest of the group even as she moved to help the beaten ranger walk. "Weiss, grab the girl. I'll help Vylyra." She would not leave the matter like this, oh no. Soon as an opportunity presented itself, she was going to finish this job right.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya shrugged a bit. Seems a decision had been made. "Well, then let's get going I suppose." She got ready to follow along soon as they got who they grabbed and moved on.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

''O-Of course w-we’re coming back for the rest of the family as soon as we can. I-If it wasn’t so important for us to return to the town, I-I would’ve never abandoned them. D-Don’t worry about Vylyra, I-I can carry her. Weiss said while gathering all of Vylyra’s equipment.

Weiss grabs a blanket out of her backpack, and puts it over the pregnant girl. ''W-We’re going to bring you somewhere safe, w-we will return for your family later, w-when things aren’t so dangerous.'' Weiss said softly while putting the girl on her back, and then she put Vylyra over her shoulder. ''I-I wish we didn’t have to leave you here for now, b-but if we don’t go now, t-there might not a town for you to return to.'' She explained sadly to the two still chained on the wall. Weiss was ready to move out.
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Xp earned thus far: 220
: Fine
Trauma: 22 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 7/9
AC: 14

HP: 9/10
AC: 14
Trauma: 32 / 100

Weiss: Fine
HP: 11
AC: 18

Kat: Fine
HP: 15
AC: 15

: Fine
HP: 4/10
AC: 14

Xarkana: Fine
HP: 10
AC: 13

: Nude, Defeated
Corruption Level 1 (Next 0/2)
Trauma: 15 / 100
Orgasm: [][][]
HP: 0/11
AC: 16(13)

The girls apparently moved out of the room. It helped when someone hit the lever to open the door for everyone so Kat didn't have to flex, though no one in the group had an idea who it was. They moved slowly, causing them to lose pace. It didn't help at all that they spent so long trying to free the girls, and spurring the enemies to investigate upon hearing the sharp sounds of metal snapping. Then, the worst happened...

The girls made it outside, and as they made their way out, chatter came from within the cave, shoutings of angry declaration. The cave was now aware that they had an intruder, and that their boss was missing, and that the hobgoblins were dead. The forces within spread out to locate the escapees, and locate, they did...

In the wilderness, 11 goblins came charging at the group. "D-dere! Dere dey is! Da ones who invaded!" one shouted, and Gribbles quickly went to hide, diving into a bush, and activating a trap for a rabbit and being lifted into the air by his ankle. "DEY GOT GRIBBLES!" one shouted. "WE SAVE YOU GRIBBLES!"

"... Okay." Gribbles replied.

: vs 11 goblins

Roll initiative

(Those of you who don't post will be removed from the fight, and the # of goblins reduced to account for it. Those who are defeated may post, but don't have to. You're just prone/weak and defeated, unable to take action.)​
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

They were out of the cave, Kat keeping up the rear, but unfortunately, they didn't actually escape the goblins entirely. Out in the woods just outside the cave they were found by the near dozen goblins that had spilled out of the cave entrance. Turning with a growl, Kat prepared her sword, ready to slaughter their pursuers.

(Initative Roll: 12+1 = 13 Formation Front
Triggering Rage)
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Weiss was relieved to finally be outside again. It looked like they escaped just in time. However, looks can be deceiving, as shortly after they moved into the wilderness, eleven goblins found them. With a hostage to protect, and an unconscious naked half-elf over her shoulder, this battle could get ugly. Weiss put the hostage and Vylyra down while keeping them covered with her blanket. ''C-Can s-someone t-that stays in the back make sure that t-these two stay safe?'' Weiss asked while preparing herself for battle. With two people that couldn’t move themselves, running wasn’t an option.

[Initiative: , Formation: Front]
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

After all the hits and abuse she'd taken today, all she could only remember getting picked up by the various warriors helping her and getting carried out of the cave with one of the other hostages. Least when she was fading in and out of consciousness. Talk about one hell of an afternoon. She'd wake up more seriously, when she felt the breeze on her skin and being laid down on the ground. Seems the group had run into some goblin on their way out and were making a whole bunch of noise. She'd try to sit herself up just so she could watch the events unfolding. "Fuck...goblins so damn stupid...K...kick their ass."