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(Open to New Players) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Drunk Goblin Stealth: 24 vs Passive Perception [Unknown, unlisted, and definitely beaten]

The drunken goblin did a circle of the tunnels, and was shuffling his way along, unknown to Xarkana, and collapsed into her, hands reaching up, grasping at her leggings and undergarments, and pulling them down as his stomach could take no more. His cheeks filled, and he belched all over her panties and pants.

Even as he bled from the strike, the orc reared his head back and roared with laughter. "Hah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" he cackled. "How fortunate that you're hiding behind that portcullis safely! I was going to punch you in the stomach, but I'm afraid I don't want to get goblin vomit on me." he said, wiping blood from his mouth. "So, are you not stopping at convincing me to attack your enemies that I cannot attack, or shall I try to take one of you down with me as you attempt to cut me down?"
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Xarkana The Vile

"Prestidgitation." She snipped, cleaning herself with a wave of purple energy, readjusting her dress gracefully. "He managed to piss me off. Oh and by the way, your servants are as pathetic as you. So little orc, I hope you're done boasting once I dealt with this drunk vermin, or to make it more clear, you spill more bile, I spill your blood."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"I don't know how much more progress is going to be made with this line of though. So can we please move this along! I'm standing back here without any freaking gear and covering myself with my hands. Lets find a solution and get on with it!" The ranger was a bit indignant at this point, wanting her companions to make a decision before the enemies decided to turn their attention back on her.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Whatever, nobody wants to listen to the dogbold even when she gives an idea that let you get your army, with probably stronger minions then a bunch of more likely then not useless against your bitch of a mother goblins and hobgoblins and not involve pillaging us or the town as long as you had some patience." Kat seemed like she would have shrugged but the berserker was holding her body still ready to explodify the hobgoblin before her if this turned into fighting, or she got ignored and passed off as useless morality drivel, again.

(Dammit not letting go of that critical use cause orky here wanted to talk. Keeping that thing stored :p )
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Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kiera sneered at the ungrateful talk of the ones who dishonor their parents. She couldn't know the half-orc's pain of being outwardly rejected by his mom, but if the most important thing in life is in just being alive, then you still owe your existence. She looked around, imagining how easy it might be to kill the rest of the hobgoblins guarding him, and how any attempts at diplomacy could end being a ploy to buy time for the rest of the half-orc's army. And even if his pleas were genuine, it does nothing to delay the inevitable that his actions were still his, and his continued threat still deserves him death. Still, in the meantime, it seemed her amateur party wanted a chit-chat, so she'd still make use of the time, by leaning down and wiping the blood of her blades on the hobgoblin she slew, before sheathing them.

All the while listening to him whine on about his existence, and the varied chorus of voices from the heroes, with the occasional magic slung about, Kiera found little compromise in their desires, but at least there was discussion of a plan. "I'd say I think we understand each other, but we don't. You're willing to die right now for this cause, to try and kill us even if you know you wouldn't make it out of this battle, and call yourself beyond reason. But are you willing to wait? Are you beyond patience? There's always a plan when you want to kill someone, I have a plan on killing everyone I know, and executing that does take waiting. So while you do, tell me what it is you want to get. You need the army because you want this kind of attack? Is it that you want her to go through the same thing that brought you into this world, being shared around, or would you kill her once you have her? And then what do you do after? If you still have a large conquering army, and your revenge. Do you have to give it back? Continue on a murderous raping spree? It might be crazy for me to try and tell you that emotions compromise your actions when you've been so filled with the thought of vengeance, but tell me, when it comes to this woman, what is your approach, and what is your endgame?"

She'd had enough of the claims against him and the arguments of morality and decided to see if she could steer him into just the content at his heart, what is it he wanted out of this army and made sure to watch the motions of his body and face to see how emotionally compromised he might be, whether or not this revenge that was eating at him perhaps ate away too much and that it was all he lived for. Getting him talking about it all might either end up in him blowing up further or get him to divulge more of himself so they could help talk to him about his goals.

[Insight: 17+4= 21]
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya just kept hold of her dagger as she memorized this conversation. She looked to the hobgoblin she stabbed.

"So uh... Wanna just say you're "dead" and go lean against the wall for awhile while this happens? This seems like it could take awhile. We could swap stories, share a meal or something? Seems like a more productive thing to do at this point. I'd love to hear a few stories of hobgoblin warlords battlefield abilities if you got em? It's hard to get that sort of thing out here for obvious reasons."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Vylyra took a moment to hide herself, but would point at the cleric looking woman from behind cover. "Oi. How bout you actually do your job and patch me up before I fall to pieces here! I'm not in the mood to die in my birthday suit in front of people." She made her request rather bluntly only because she wasn't in the mood to add to the conversation. Felt like they were talking in circles anyway.
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Weiss glares at Xarkana when she casts a spell at the half-orc. ''D-Don’t even think about doing that again, o-or I will have to discipline you.'' Weiss threatened the warlock, as she was sorely lacking in morals. ''A-And Kat, I-I don’t know how many children you’re planning to give birth too, b-but e-even if we all somehow managed to birth fifty or more children in our life time, h-he still wouldn’t a nowhere near enough in the end.'' Weiss explained why Kat’s plan wouldn’t exactly work for him, even if they ended up pregnant all the time and he has no time limit.

''I-I am also curious about that, w-what are you planning to do after you had your vengeance?'' Weiss asked curiously, but after talking with him for a while, she realized that he most likely wouldn’t give in to their ultimatum. Weiss couldn’t just let him go free after all he had done, and how things were going, it didn’t seem like he would even try to cast away his evil ways and seek to redeem himself.

While Weiss was waiting for his answer, suddenly the naked half-elf called out at her. ''A-Ah, I-I am sorry.'' Now that they stopped fighting, she would hurry over to the badly wounded half-elf. Weiss quickly examined, probing and poking around in various places. Even though the wounds look severe, she couldn’t do more than cleaning the wounds for now. ''I-I am sorry, I-I can’t do much more than that currently. I-I need to rest before I can heal again.'' Weiss apologized at the half-elf. She offered the naked half-elf a blanket before starting to gather the half-elf’s clothing. ''B-But as long as you don’t do anything too strenuous, t-these wounds will heal by themselves.''
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

The orc growled. "After I've had my vengeance?" he inquired. "I've no interest in destroying this world, just those who walk in the light and cast shade upon others. I expect, soon after I make myself known as her child, she will want to do everything in her power to remove me permanently. That is what I truly want. I won't be satisfied until I show my chain to everyone in her 'beloved' city and declare how the monster gave birth to a monster. That lie she fabricated, I will destroy it, and bring to light my sufferings. After that, come what may. My main goal will be to trying to be free of this chain forever and take out the other woman who betrayed me ever so recently. I've too many traitors in my life to think of what to do after they're all rotting in uncomfortable despair for the rest of their days."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Vylyra begrudginly accepts the blanket to cover herself but is still a little miffed about the direction this fight is going. Not quite the daring rescue she was expecting from heroes. I mean, one of them looked downright evil! How the heck was she gonna save anything? "I didn't plan on going anywhere. Though I was hoping to get out of here sooner rather then later. But apparently we decided that having pleasant conversation with a rapist and vengeance seeker is a better use of our time! Why are you seriously giving this man any consideration for any of his ideas?! The man seems quite determined to murder those who wronged him and last I checked, people that won't to do that don't often change their mind!"
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"I too am having trouble imagining any sort of resolution that's going to work out." Talia shrugged, sighing. "We're fighting to protect, he's fighting to destroy. While I'd be willing to let him go if he'd not become a problem to us again sometime in the future, I doubt this is going to be that way." She looked at the cleric. "Weiss. If you have something to achieve here, do so now. If words won't solve this and a compromise can't be reached, there's only one way we can finish this. Remember, we don't have a whole day to stand around and talk. We've already wasted enough time earlier as it is."
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Yeah, Lyra's got a point. Why are we talking to the guy who captured and raped my friend." Kat swung her sword at the hobgoblin that had been standing closest to her. Casually loping off its head."Whoops my sword slipped."

(Using that critical hit I stored from last page, so 20 damage)

(P.S. If for whatever reason that's not allowed, fairly sure I killed him anyways cause phone rolled
To hit: 14+5 =19
Damage: 4+4+3+2 =13)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia watched Kat cut the hobgoblin up like a trout before shrugging. Ultimately, she had no problems with this and she was growing tired of the conversation going in circles. She glanced at the hobgoblin that had been close, the one that tried to rape her a moment ago. Honestly, why did she NOT fry his brain given the chance? Fortunately, that was a mistake easily rectified. "Come here!" She shouted, hand snapping up. Her fingers grazed his armor, a powerful discharge of electricity erupting from them and striking the hapless hob.

To Hit:
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya looked over as the fight ignited again, before looking to her opponent again. "Uh... Okay so I;m gonna have to edit that bit down a lot for the story so uh... Given the rampage they;re on... Sorry this is for your own good!"

She flipped her dagger around and swung to knock the hobgoblin out with the hilt instead.

(19, for 7 damage, going for knock out instead of kill. She figures he got stabbed earlier so he will look dead enough to go unnoticed.)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

If there was any sense that this man-orc wanted his mother to just accept him, and that he should have a lineage he'd be allowed to speak about, Kiera could understand, herself quite pleased with the elven side of her family. It seems, from birth, he's done nothing but gain enemies, and feel tied to something he had no control over. Still, feeling no control doesn't justify trying to exercise the control he's trying to put on others. "I guess it seems sometimes like we all have to play our roles, but look at us right now, not killing each other and practically best buddies," she remarked dryly. "Forgive me for asking, but if she was woman in that line of work, it begs the question, in the trappings of the basement, did you know if she had any other children? Siblings of yours?"
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Xp earned thus far: 120
: Fine
Trauma: 15 / 100
Orgasm: [x][][]
HP: 3/9
AC: 14

HP: 9/10
AC: 14
Trauma: 32 / 100

Weiss: Fine
HP: 11
AC: 18

Kat: Fine
HP: 15
AC: 15

: Fine
HP: 10
AC: 14

Xarkana: Fine
HP: 10(+4)
AC: 13

: Nude
Corruption Level 1 (Next 0/2)
Trauma: 15 / 100
Orgasm: [x][][]
Escape: [x][][]
HP: 0/11
AC: 16(13)

Grumash: Attacking Vylyra, taken 16 damage
2 Hobgoblins:
B Attacking Talia, taken 8 damage
E Attacking Laya, taken 7 damage

Kat murders the Hobgoblin closest to her, Hob A

"Even if I fall, I doubt you lot will last long if you operate as awfully as this." the orc stated, before deciding to finish the half-elf that simply suggested he die.

2 hits from Orc to Vylyra: 9&17, miss and hit for 5 damage.

Vylyra is batted aside, and drops to 0 HP. Chains form around her weak body as a pool of black liquid seemingly impassible formed underneath her, restraining her and seeking to pull her under. Her tattoo glowed, and glistening, black tentacles shaped themselves, coursing over her body, and adding to the pleasure she already suffered.

Same rules as being at 0HP. Though death save fails, are orgasm counters.

Medicine check vs dc10 to administer aid, then target will no longer be in danger.

Roll: 19, Vylyra fights the chains as phallic eldritch tentacles plunge into her.
+5 Trauma

The two remaining hobgoblins fight. The one who stood attacks Laya.
To-hit: 10 miss

The other attacks Talia again.
To-hit: 12, miss
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Talia saw the hobgoblin's blow coming this time. While it was aimed well, the creature failed to take her draconic heritage into account. She parried it with her arm, the brass scales on her skin holding firm as she brushed his weapon aside. The sorceress attempted to retaliate, once more swinging her arm with fingers wreathed in deadly electricity, but her counterattack was slow. Her opponent would likely avoid it and keep fighting, much to her displeasure. She hoped to dispatch him with her next blow after an opening like that.

To Hit:
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Laya pouts as someone else attacked her. "Okay then, guess this a thing too. Not exactly wise..."

She struck at her opponent with her dagger again. "Well the stories a story. This is what happens when everyone has diffrent ideals and ideas."

(18 to hit, 5 damage)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

Kat this time went or the orc himself, who even now was unleashing... whatever those tentacles were on her friend. Her blade still warm with the blood of the hobgoblin she rushed forward again and struck, aiming to tear him in two from shoulder to groin.

(To hit 19+5 =24
To damage: 6+4+3+2 =15
RNG's going to be coming for my ass soon, I can feel it)
Re: (Open) Dungeons and Depravity: Revenge of the Unchained

"Bwah!" The half-elf hit the ground with a thud as she was struck one final time and sent sprawling. Before she knew it, chains once again formed around her weakened form as a pool of black liquid formed underneath her. Like before, she was restrained by the chains but was at risk of being pulled into the liquid as well. "No! Not again!" She'd cry as she tried to resist the bonds around her. To top it off, black tentacles took shape and began running over her body, causing her additional pleasure. "N...no...not like this...anything but this!" She'd whimper as the eldritch tentacles had their way with her.