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Operation TR (game in the making) - now with a blog

Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Probably something like that could work, but I'm not sure how much fun there is in that either and all.
I'm just bad at team work unless it has clear splits I guess

Yeah, I know the feeling, but it does pay off sometimes.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.


Oh shit, I'm late! Gotta run.
...well run and run.

...Yeah I've gotten bit more procasting ruining my days lately + some up coming exams for study places which give me shudders already.

But atleast I've gotten this run/walk cycle done somewhat in thise last weeks, which I kinda consider a break through considering how hard it usualy is for me.


I need to get myself back in the groove.

Thats that for this update. I'm hoping this sunny weather will motivate me more now.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

So I decided to take a little break from basics and start on SECKS a bit


You've been grapped from behind to a cliff hanger
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Wow.... Seriously, wow. I hate to say this is how I imagine my game, but this surpasses it completely. I cannot wait for more stuff in your game. I love it.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

The animation it's still only about 35% done though

So anyway; for my weekly update, I've done some basic stuff during last week (mostly tweaking shooting/jumping, some enemy sprite tweaking) but there's nothing worth showing.

However the most important thing is;

No work for this week or the next. I'll skip thise updates.


I have 3 exams for study places next week + a few work interviews for this time scale.
Thise are very high on my priority list ya' all know.
I need to prepare for em in serious terms, reading thise pre materials and reminding myself on math again. I cannot afford to fail and get a low score on thise exams.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.


Exam's done.
Work interviews done.

I'm going back to the regular schedule
So during next/this week I will aim to finish the shooting and jumping frames, which I'm actually currently working on right now.

This basicly means there's gona be enough basic poses for first alphas with the new graphics very soon, not in valve time either.

So Oberon, if you're still around and still intrested, rev up that game maker =D

The sprite on top of this page is not for the game use and merely a post decoration.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

I keep an eye here, when I get the goods, I'll make something with em :)
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Apoligies for the hold ups, I had some more IRL trouble that took priority

Mostly pass exams and ofcourse waiting for the results preasure, with added mixture of sick elders of the family for extra worry and financial problem for maximun motivation killer.

Luckily with those now out of the way and I'll give my ( 2x late) weekly report;

-Firing done. In all 3 direction too.

Rough animation for forward fire, includes pulling out the gun to get you the idea;


Fast yes, but then again, gameplay wise, might not be wise to be too long either if you need to shoot stuff fast, yes?

-Unfortunantly, I'm not sure what happened to my jumping sprites, but they got somehow messed up, blurred up, I think I accidently saved them incorrectly while I was tired back when I worked on them, I'm not really sure. I'm redoing them in the current moment.

-I've made some new background and level pieces/objects that should allow a bit prettier level layout, such as small sand dunes, more plants, some sand falls, etc.

-I've done some little work on the enemy side too to give them more life, and doodled up some rough new enemies and plans for em.

And now over and out, kinda sleepy.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

She's pulling the gun out of her ass...
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Glad to see this is still in the making!
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Weekly update;

Honestly, I haven't been able to do much this week, had been in a rather vicious cycle.. I've still been trying to do atleast something.

The jumping animation has been proven diffucult so it isn't done yet.

However, I've continued making background/level bits and pieces and the like for the time being, so I haven't wasted the whole week, also some enemy stuff.


Here's a little mock up of what I've been messing with. I'm thinking of making a darkened version of the sunset main background though, it might be a bit distracting.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Wow, I love how this is coming out so far. The style is definitely flutent.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Indeed, it looks pretty darn good!

The heroine looks better than I would have expected considering the resolution of her sprites. Sweet!
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Its turning out pretty amazing, but I have to admit I get a rush of nostalgia when I look at those new preview shots. Remind me of ActRaiser 2 for some reason.
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Glad to know the sprites work together as intented. c:

Unfortunantly I haven't been able to work lately at all.
I probably won't be able to work for while either.
The thing is I've been very mentally unstable lately, so until I get my issues sorted out, don't expect much.

I'll still aim to finish this and I'll be around and all.
So take this as a short hiatus or something in those cases
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Toss me what you have so I can start tweaking the engine and refining it for the new size, if you dont mind? May as well make some use of the free time I have of late. :)
Re: Operation TR (game in the making) - Work work.

Alright I'll send you what I have
Though just be aware there is no jumping sprites for exsample and a lot of other missing sprites too
But engine testing doesnt probably need to be completely pretty looking =P