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RPG Patreon Active [Paladox] The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss (Version 0.745)



Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

Here's the unofficial patch. It should fix that area.

(copy over previous version or it can function alone, but needs the audio folder)

Let me know if you find any other bugs in that area.


Jungle Girl
Aug 2, 2013
Reputation score
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

Just tested. You changed LOTS of stuff... since there is no changelog, I tried to explore around to make sense of it.

Anyway, as for my own complaints, stuff I saw:

1. You mostly fixed the transforming jelly boss, awesome :)

2. The ice cavern now looks complete! And insane hard, I got killed a lot :( (also, is a certain green winged boss supposed to attack as soon you open the exterior room door, before you even get a chance to save or eat the green orb?)

As for the rest seemly the game changed so much I am not even sure if the save is really compatible... I mean, it loaded and played around just fine, but some changes I dunno if they were intentional or were bugs. (like a random unlabelled downstairs in the main room)


Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
Reputation score
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

Just tested. You changed LOTS of stuff... since there is no changelog, I tried to explore around to make sense of it.
Sorry about the lack of a change log. I was keeping up with stuff at first and then I just sorta lost track of it...

1. You mostly fixed the transforming jelly boss, awesome :)
Still needs some work though. I might have made changes even since this patch, but I'm not sure.

Anyway I'm sure I'll be tweaking the bosses a lot more later on when I go through the game on multiple playthroughs.

2. The ice cavern now looks complete! And insane hard, I got killed a lot :( (also, is a certain green winged boss supposed to attack as soon you open the exterior room door, before you even get a chance to save or eat the green orb?)
Is this the ice place below The Caverns (top left cave in The Tower region) or The Avalost (left side)? If that's confusing, The Avalost has lightlocks. The Caverns don't.

If this is The Avalost then that is happening because you already completed the undergarden (The Avalost replaces that area) and it seems I didn't set the bosses up such that you wouldn't have to fight their new versions.

Not sure if I could fix that, but at least it shouldn't happen in new games.

As for the rest seemly the game changed so much I am not even sure if the save is really compatible... I mean, it loaded and played around just fine, but some changes I dunno if they were intentional or were bugs. (like a random unlabelled downstairs in the main room)
Oops.. well that area the downstairs leads to is for much later on. I must have wanted to test it and forgot to close it back off. It shouldn't cause any bad problems if you choose to explore there, aside from the super difficult fights.


Jungle Girl
Aug 2, 2013
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

Ah, there are TWO ice places?

Anyway, the one with the buggy boss (that insta-spawn) is the one where the boss rooms DO look like the undergarden ones (that I DID defeated... I noticed you changed the garden too, where my porn plants went? I really liked them...)

EDIT: Oh, I really liked the books giving hints for some obscure puzzles. I suggest you use that to give the hint for how the switches work, I noticed on this thread questions about the switches were asked many times.


Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
Reputation score
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

Ah, there are TWO ice places?

Anyway, the one with the buggy boss (that insta-spawn) is the one where the boss rooms DO look like the undergarden ones (that I DID defeated... I noticed you changed the garden too, where my porn plants went? I really liked them...)

EDIT: Oh, I really liked the books giving hints for some obscure puzzles. I suggest you use that to give the hint for how the switches work, I noticed on this thread questions about the switches were asked many times.
I didn't really think the porn plants were necessary. I might add them back in (maybe in Kendra's House of Pleasure), but just as a normal monster sex (no breast milk drainage, no essences).

About the switches, I might change the holes to color coded blocks so that it's more obvious. I believe this would work well and also make more sense (as some have pointed out that Sienna could just fly over the holes).


Jungle Girl
Oct 20, 2016
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

There are a few things I wanted to ask/tell. Mostly balance issues:
1) Is there a weapon for Adivia? With no weapon she is like Sienna was during the Tower.
2) Is the battle during the kidnapping event on the second Abyss day supposed to be winnable? I manage to defeat both abyssals, but then the guard just starts to spam Wrackless Stance and grinds Sienna to the ground even if she blocks every turn.
3) Wrackless Stance is way too powerful. Even Dillon was heavity damaged by it, Sienna and her children just get splattered by how much damage it deals. And there were times when it was used multiple times in a row.
4) Barkskin is useless. I get it that it increases defence based on percentage - the problem is, faeries have little defence in the first place. I never noticed a difference whenever I cast it.
5) The "regenerating" sprites are not very useful. They DO regenerate fuel/stamina/dunno about health, but they do it very slowly.
6) Is there a point in nursing sprites after they reach Adult stage?
7) Does Sienna learn the fire spell needed to burn logs through leveling, or somewhere in the dungeons (not The Dungeon)?
8) Does EXP splits between different characters when they are in the team?
Also, The Tower needs a tutorial. Or, at least, bosses there, it took me a while to realise how to deal with the eye boss.

Aside from that, the game really drawn me in (maybe it's the survival aspects ;)).


Tentacle God
Jun 24, 2010
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

1) Having used Adivia myself, she doesn't really need a weapon, pretty sure she's supposed to be like a pacifist/healer which is why she doesn't have one.
2) Yea that fight seems rather harsh, it's winnable but it's mostly up to RNG, just know that the spam of wreckless stance starts when the guy is low HP.
3) It's supposed to be powerful since they get a drop in defense as well, usually it's a sign to just pile all damage onto that enemy before it gets the chance to destroy you, but some fights don't really give you that option.
4) Not really useless, it makes a significant difference in certain fights, like when fighting the guard which attacks you for trying to free the catgirl.
5) Sprites don't seem very useful in general since you have to manually swap them back in after using a tool, the only ones I've ever used where combat related ones for certain bosses.
7) The fire spell for burning logs is learned by beating the fire mage, same as the nature mage for mossy rocks.


Jungle Girl
Aug 2, 2013
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

1. Like the other guy said, Adivia doesn't need a weapon... that said, if you aren't pacifist, you can make a intentionally murderous party instead, my favourite main party is Death Fairy, Battle Fairy and Void Fairy, few enemies can resist that trio for long, healing isn't needed at all, because they mown down the enemies so fast that they don't get a chance to do serious damage.

2. That battle is supposed to be very hard, yes.

3. I never had a problem with that... and I AM trying to lose... sort of. I avoid all fights that I can, and never equip clothes or defense items, trying to get my fairies raped, yet by just advancing the plot and killing the bosses I only lost to a common enemy after the tower about 5 times... In fact it is kinda boring, I never have to use any items except food and water, my spirit is always maximum, and so on... The only enemy where wrackless was dangerous was a certain boss where they spam it (it is a pair, then one boss cast it, then the other, then the first, then the second, and so on... in this particular boss you learn the hard way that defending is bad idea, since you will end never doing any damage until your party die).

4. I used barkskin with some success agaisnt some bosses, but barkskin affects only one character, later you learn mass debuff spells, those are more useful (ie: reducing the enemy attack, instead of raising your own defense...)

5. The regenerating sprites have a serious problem: how you use them if you need in the same slot to have the lantern or a tool? I now just don't care about them.

6. Creator need to answer that one, I have no idea, mainly because of 5 (I don't give a fuck about sprites, they are 100% useless)

7. One of the main plot bosses have the spell, you will murder him and steal the spell from him...

8. I think there are two "types" of XP, the battle one splits only inside the battle party itself, and the story-related XP go to everyone. I noticed this when I realized that all my character had the same level, but the "main battle party" had much higher level, and adivia (that I used situationally) had a level between the two groups.


Jungle Girl
Oct 20, 2016
Reputation score
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

1) Ok, Adivia learned Rebuke and is now my most damaging character outside of Sienna herself... wow. Didn't expect that. She is still squishy as hell, but that is to be expected.
2) I actually won that fight right after I wrote the post. Weaken was a lifesaver, and allowed me to live long enough to kill the guard after Wrackless Spamce started.
4) Yes, Barkskin helped against that guard, but aside from that... Weaken just helps a lot more, though it doesn't always stick.
5) Idk about sprites being useless in general, Weapon Power/Avoid Wounds sprites helped a lot (I doubt I would've won that fight above without adult WP sprite).
7) Ok, killed that boss just now. Now Sienna just kills everything with fire :p. But I wonder if the boss really squished himself between the statues? Ew.
8) I meant if you get more EXP with just Sienna or with full team.


Tentacle God
Jun 24, 2010
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

I do not think exp is spread out, you get a flat amount for all of your party.


Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

1) Is there a weapon for Adivia? With no weapon she is like Sienna was during the Tower.
I plan to have a harp for her, but it will happen sometime during the storyline. As others have said, she does have her use as a pacifist healer. Not to mention her offensive spells she gets after gaining some levels, which are very effective against the undead (and there's a LOT of undead).

2) Is the battle during the kidnapping event on the second Abyss day supposed to be winnable? I manage to defeat both abyssals, but then the guard just starts to spam Wrackless Stance and grinds Sienna to the ground even if she blocks every turn.
As others have said, it is winnable but it's meant to be very difficult. If you haven't built up Sienna much (avoiding monsters in the tutorial and Tower) then you probably don't have much hope of winning. All 3 scenarios have a different benefit though, and should reward you based on your play style and whether you can or can't win the fight.

3) Wrackless Stance is way too powerful. Even Dillon was heavity damaged by it, Sienna and her children just get splattered by how much damage it deals. And there were times when it was used multiple times in a row.
As others have said, that is the time when you should wail on them. They sacrifice defense for speed and damage. If your characters have more agility then it's a very good opportunity to deal some heavy damage, possibly finishing off the enemy. They are prone to do this when they are about to die, and also when they see Sienna is low on health.

4) Barkskin is useless. I get it that it increases defence based on percentage - the problem is, faeries have little defence in the first place. I never noticed a difference whenever I cast it.
I'll make a note to increase the effectiveness of it (or change it entirely). I've noticed other similar spells seem to have little to no effect when it really counts (Charlene in particular) and I've been trying to improve those. It's crappy that RPG Maker won't allow a higher than double increase on stats from a spell. It's probably just bad because of low initial stats though, and should be far more effective spells later on in the game.

5) The "regenerating" sprites are not very useful. They DO regenerate fuel/stamina/dunno about health, but they do it very slowly.
I'll make a note to either double the speed of it or allow them to be equipped somewhere else.

6) Is there a point in nursing sprites after they reach Adult stage?
Not really. Previously I did this because it allowed players to keep Sienna's milk from drying up, but since you can also do this by collecting it in bottles, there's not really a point to wasting it on the sprites. I should probably also allow you to let them grow via bottled fairy milk.

8) Does EXP splits between different characters when they are in the team?
Whether you have one character or 4, the exp from fights would be the same (get 100 exp from a monster for one character, or 100 exp for all characters). Quest exp works differently, giving it to all characters, even those you don't have access to yet.

Also, The Tower needs a tutorial. Or, at least, bosses there, it took me a while to realise how to deal with the eye boss.
I was hoping Midna would return and update her tutorial, but I guess not. I might write one myself sometime. With that said, you can always ask here in the thread and I should reply within 24 hours (probably less).


Jungle Girl
Oct 20, 2016
Reputation score
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

I plan to have a harp for her, but it will happen sometime during the storyline. As others have said, she does have her use as a pacifist healer. Not to mention her offensive spells she gets after gaining some levels, which are very effective against the undead (and there's a LOT of undead).
Ok, noted) As I have already found out, she is quite the magical cannon.

As others have said, it is winnable but it's meant to be very difficult. If you haven't built up Sienna much (avoiding monsters in the tutorial and Tower) then you probably don't have much hope of winning. All 3 scenarios have a different benefit though, and should reward you based on your play style and whether you can or can't win the fight.
Ok, but even at level 25 it was still decided by one lucky Weaken. I guess my Sienna wasn't fast enough to act before Wrackless Stance guard.

I'll make a note to increase the effectiveness of it (or change it entirely). I've noticed other similar spells seem to have little to no effect when it really counts (Charlene in particular) and I've been trying to improve those. It's crappy that RPG Maker won't allow a higher than double increase on stats from a spell. It's probably just bad because of low initial stats though, and should be far more effective spells later on in the game.
Make buffs give a percentage boost, plus some minor flat boost on top of that (Like Def = (Def x 2) + Int/2))?

I'll make a note to either double the speed of it or allow them to be equipped somewhere else.
I think there should be a dedicated slot for tools, but i get that it would be hard to do in RPGMaker

Whether you have one character or 4, the exp from fights would be the same (get 100 exp from a monster for one character, or 100 exp for all characters). Quest exp works differently, giving it to all characters, even those you don't have access to yet.
Ok thanks for that, so it's impossible to screw yourself out of EXP by cleaning tower dungeons when Dillon is still around.

I got another question though - dexterity affects turn order and chance to escape, right? Or just chance to escape?

Also for some reason Sienna's portrait was bruised in the menu (but not in any submenus that show the portrait, like basic stats) after I won the kidnapping fight, but the portrait fixed itself when I bought clothes later.

Didn't expect to get so many answers in so little time, to be honest. Props to you! :)


Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
Reputation score
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

Ok, but even at level 25 it was still decided by one lucky Weaken. I guess my Sienna wasn't fast enough to act before Wrackless Stance guard.
BTW thanks. I was not aware of the typo. Should be reckless. Fixed for next update.

As for that fight, it might help to mainly use the wand until it's just the guard left, then whittle him down while healing, and finally use the Transmutation spell on him after hitting him a few times with the wand. If you have plenty of magic then it shouldn't be too difficult.

Make buffs give a percentage boost, plus some minor flat boost on top of that (Like Def = (Def x 2) + Int/2))?
I don't think that's possible. I wish it were. I'll look into what I can do with the buff spells though. I'd look at scripts for it but that would mean everyone having to start over again, so if I have to resort to that I'll wait until the game is nearly finished.

I think there should be a dedicated slot for tools, but i get that it would be hard to do in RPGMaker
I could probably move the sprites to a different armor slot with little to no issues. There might be one slot that has very few items, and I could move those to a different slot.

Ok thanks for that, so it's impossible to screw yourself out of EXP by cleaning tower dungeons when Dillon is still around.
Yeah use him to your heart's content. Kendra can miss out on some exp though, and she joins you after he leaves. Also, the dark monsters in the caverns don't come back. The monsters in the cellar (miner, muki, etc..) are all gone after The Tower chapter ends. If you want to maximize exp you could wait until Dillon is gone, get Kendra, clear out The Cellar, then avoid the dark scorpions, oozes, etc.. until after The Tower ends, and come back with a full party. That way you basically get 4x the exp. Sienna probably needs the exp more early on though... and there will be plenty of opportunities for gobs of exp in the late game.

I got another question though - dexterity affects turn order and chance to escape, right? Or just chance to escape?
Both. It also affects critical hit rate. Previously I just used it as a flat escape ability, but later realized it was a big waste of an important stat.

Also for some reason Sienna's portrait was bruised in the menu (but not in any submenus that show the portrait, like basic stats) after I won the kidnapping fight, but the portrait fixed itself when I bought clothes later.
I forgot to change it after that event. I guess I should just not change the base portrait to begin with. I'll make a note. Thanks for noticing it.

Didn't expect to get so many answers in so little time, to be honest. Props to you! :)
Glad to help! :D


Jungle Girl
Sep 13, 2016
Reputation score
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

i downloaded the file but the game says that the RGSS202E.dll is missing. this happens to me on some rpg vx games and i was wondering if there was a fix to this.


Jungle Girl
Oct 20, 2016
Reputation score
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

BTW thanks. I was not aware of the typo. Should be reckless. Fixed for next update.
It was a typo? I thougt it was a pun, honestly;)

As for that fight, it might help to mainly use the wand until it's just the guard left, then whittle him down while healing, and finally use the Transmutation spell on him after hitting him a few times with the wand. If you have plenty of magic then it shouldn't be too difficult.
:confused: What Transmutation? I might be missing something, but the only clearly offensive spell I had at the moment was Magic Blast, at it was weaker than the wand.

I don't think that's possible. I wish it were. I'll look into what I can do with the buff spells though. I'd look at scripts for it but that would mean everyone having to start over again, so if I have to resort to that I'll wait until the game is nearly finished.
A pity.

Yeah use him to your heart's content. Kendra can miss out on some exp though, and she joins you after he leaves. Also, the dark monsters in the caverns don't come back. The monsters in the cellar (miner, muki, etc..) are all gone after The Tower chapter ends. If you want to maximize exp you could wait until Dillon is gone, get Kendra, clear out The Cellar, then avoid the dark scorpions, oozes, etc.. until after The Tower ends, and come back with a full party. That way you basically get 4x the exp. Sienna probably needs the exp more early on though... and there will be plenty of opportunities for gobs of exp in the late game.
Wait, Kendra is recruitable? I cleared the Tower with just Sienna on day 18, does Kendra join later?

Both. It also affects critical hit rate. Previously I just used it as a flat escape ability, but later realized it was a big waste of an important stat.
Ok, I'll keep that in mind.

i downloaded the file but the game says that the RGSS202E.dll is missing. this happens to me on some rpg vx games and i was wondering if there was a fix to this.
Dunno, maybe RTP file is damaged?


Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
Reputation score
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

:confused: What Transmutation? I might be missing something, but the only clearly offensive spell I had at the moment was Magic Blast, at it was weaker than the wand.

It's an unofficial release, but there's quite a few changes, including the transmutation spell. It does double the damage of magic blast but costs about 3x as much. It also gives a new resource.

Oh, and you'll need at leas the audio folder to run this version.

Wait, Kendra is recruitable? I cleared the Tower with just Sienna on day 18, does Kendra join later?
If you avoid the gambler's den then you might not run into her at all. There should be a point where she will join you, but it's possible to miss her joining early (she won't help everywhere, for various reasons). She can also join you later on, but you'll have to do her initial quest first (finding Gray).

i downloaded the file but the game says that the RGSS202E.dll is missing. this happens to me on some rpg vx games and i was wondering if there was a fix to this.
I know several people have had this problem, but I still don't know the specific reason why it happens (or the exact solution).

Maybe try to download / reinstall the run time package again?

I'm guessing some RMVX games work for you because they include the run time package in the game file. Could be wrong though.


Jungle Girl
Oct 20, 2016
Reputation score
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

It's an unofficial release, but there's quite a few changes, including the transmutation spell. It does double the damage of magic blast but costs about 3x as much. It also gives a new resource.

Oh, and you'll need at leas the audio folder to run this version.
Whoa, that was sudden. I thought you made it patrons only? I won't say no though :D

If you avoid the gambler's den then you might not run into her at all. There should be a point where she will join you, but it's possible to miss her joining early (she won't help everywhere, for various reasons). She can also join you later on, but you'll have to do her initial quest first (finding Gray).
Well, I think I didn't get enough events with her in the gambling den. She was in front the miniboss cavern telling something like "Nothing to see here, keep moving", then after I beat the eye boss (creepy), she told me "good job releasing that guy, satisfied?" before giving me a bomb. That's the last time I saw her at the tower.

Also, low vitals warning just jumpscared me. Specifically low hygiene warning, mostly due to how out of the blue it was, as well as appearing as if the screen was blood splattered. And with Sienna coughing, that was... quite effective. It's cool, but sudden as hell. Good job with that :)

EDIT: Tried said version and imported Audio folder along with saves. I take it Harvest/Open has been changed, because Harvest disappeared and Open became (DEFUNCT SPELL) in the menu. Entering the ladder near the dungeon entrance doesn't move you next to the ladder in the room you enter, but rather some distance away from it. Interacting with the locked door in that room causes the door to momentarily change into... something. I get it that the area there is unfinished?

Also, another question. Is there a way to interact with a catgirl in the abyss if she is rescued from the tower? Nothing I try does anything. The guy that escaped the tower with Sienna is also around, but the only thing he says is "I'm counting on you!". Is he supposed to do anything else?
Last edited:


Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
Reputation score
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

Whoa, that was sudden. I thought you made it patrons only? I won't say no though :D
It should probably be a public release, but I'd like to find out about and fix as many bugs as possible before releasing it officially.

Also, low vitals warning just jumpscared me. Specifically low hygiene warning, mostly due to how out of the blue it was, as well as appearing as if the screen was blood splattered. And with Sienna coughing, that was... quite effective. It's cool, but sudden as hell. Good job with that :)
Hopefully it's not still as annoying as it used to be. I remember getting those flash images stuck on the screen while going through one of the clinic visits. Maybe some day I can do something better, like just having the numbers appear the top right when they're getting bad.

EDIT: Tried said version and imported Audio folder along with saves. I take it Harvest/Open has been changed, because Harvest disappeared and Open became (DEFUNCT SPELL) in the menu.
Yes Harvest is now Transmutation, and Open is useless. All the optional targets in most fights were removed for the most part. Farming skill was also replaced, since it seemed pointless.

Entering the ladder near the dungeon entrance doesn't move you next to the ladder in the room you enter, but rather some distance away from it. Interacting with the locked door in that room causes the door to momentarily change into... something. I get it that the area there is unfinished?
Yeah it's rather unfinished and I forgot to remove access when I uploaded the patch. No harm done though, unless you decide to try and fight the enemies there. :D

Also, another question. Is there a way to interact with a catgirl in the abyss if she is rescued from the tower? Nothing I try does anything. The guy that escaped the tower with Sienna is also around, but the only thing he says is "I'm counting on you!". Is he supposed to do anything else?
I haven't worked with her much beyond The Tower's events. Same with Lenny. They'll both have important roles to play, but currently they're just twiddling their thumbs... Or thumb, considering the kitty only has one.


Jungle Girl
Oct 20, 2016
Reputation score
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

It should probably be a public release, but I'd like to find out about and fix as many bugs as possible before releasing it officially.
Well it seems i found one. After activating a Light Lock at Dungeon level 2 all enemies had screwed up sprites and could no longer be interacted with (well interacting with them made them intangible for a second, but no more than that. Once I left the area and retunred the enemies' sprites were restored, but were still... stoned? Or it's not a bug, but a way to make floors safe once Light Lock is active?

Hopefully it's not still as annoying as it used to be. I remember getting those flash images stuck on the screen while going through one of the clinic visits. Maybe some day I can do something better, like just having the numbers appear the top right when they're getting bad.
Idk about annoyingness, but it really tells the player to watch Sienna's vitals)

Yes Harvest is now Transmutation, and Open is useless. All the optional targets in most fights were removed for the most part. Farming skill was also replaced, since it seemed pointless.
Spiderwebs or rat nests maybe, but in-battle chests I think was a good idea (it was put to good use in FF10 actually)

Yeah it's rather unfinished and I forgot to remove access when I uploaded the patch. No harm done though, unless you decide to try and fight the enemies there. :D
Well it's not like there's anything accessible, except a shitton of wooden chests (which don't give much anyway), a single metal chest, a Light Lock with no hints how to solve it and that ghost guy that roams around, which I simply dodged. I take it trying to fight that guy would've crashed the game due to missing audio?

I haven't worked with her much beyond The Tower's events. Same with Lenny. They'll both have important roles to play, but currently they're just twiddling their thumbs... Or thumb, considering the kitty only has one.
I hope so:D Poor kitty... cats are my weakness...

Also, is there a hint to Place 00 Light Lock somewhere? It could be in that "Emerald Palace" book at home, but the hint is very vague.


Tentacle God
Mar 10, 2013
Reputation score
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

Well it seems i found one. After activating a Light Lock at Dungeon level 2 all enemies had screwed up sprites and could no longer be interacted with (well interacting with them made them intangible for a second, but no more than that. Once I left the area and retunred the enemies' sprites were restored, but were still... stoned? Or it's not a bug, but a way to make floors safe once Light Lock is active?
Sorta bug, visually at least. Otherwise it's working as intended. When you get the hammer you can smash them for goodies. :)

Idk about annoyingness, but it really tells the player to watch Sienna's vitals)
Yeah. I guess it's better than sudden death, especially after just saving. xD

Spiderwebs or rat nests maybe, but in-battle chests I think was a good idea (it was put to good use in FF10 actually)
I'll think about putting them back in. Maybe as mimics that run away?
Not really sure, but it would probably be mid-late game only, and have just really good stuff in them (lots of gold/gems, upgrade orb, etc..). It could also be random, like do you really, REALLY want to mess with it? Maybe it's just a chest with an upgrade orb (so tempting!) or it turns into a mimic that will give you nothing but a hard time (and maybe even revive the monsters you already killed).

Well it's not like there's anything accessible, except a shitton of wooden chests (which don't give much anyway), a single metal chest, a Light Lock with no hints how to solve it and that ghost guy that roams around, which I simply dodged. I take it trying to fight that guy would've crashed the game due to missing audio?
Well there's more beyond the gate at the bottom. I don't think the enemy would crash the game (at least I hope not), but the fight would likely be impossible for lower level parties.

I hope so:D Poor kitty... cats are my weakness...
Yeah. I wonder if anyone actually didn't save her?
I'm doubtful. lol

Also, is there a hint to Place 00 Light Lock somewhere? It could be in that "Emerald Palace" book at home, but the hint is very vague.
Well that is the name of the place. I wanted to be as obscure as possible about the hints.

Hint 1:
There are actually 3 levels there. Everything in The Emerald Palace is about time, including which level you end up on and the solution to the lightlocks.

Hint 2:
To solve the Emerald Palace lightlocks you just need a basic understanding of converting time to numbers, and that's fairly simple. 9:37 PM would be 2137 in a lightlock code.

Hint 3:
There are no complicated times, so it should be fairly easy to guess the 4 most famous times of the day.

Hint 4:
You can rule out one, since that's when Sienna sleeps. You know.. midnight? Or should I say 2400

Hint 5:
What's the opposite of midnight?

Hint 6:
Noon! And the other two times of day? Dawn and dusk.

Partial Solution:
Dawn is at 6 AM, Noon is at 12 PM, and Dusk is 6 PM. You'll need to convert those to military time for the solutions. :)