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RPG Patreon Active [Paladox] The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss (Version 0.745)

Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

Sorta bug, visually at least. Otherwise it's working as intended. When you get the hammer you can smash them for goodies. :)
Is it more profitable to kill them first then activate light lock or smash them later then?

I'll think about putting them back in. Maybe as mimics that run away?
Not really sure, but it would probably be mid-late game only, and have just really good stuff in them (lots of gold/gems, upgrade orb, etc..). It could also be random, like do you really, REALLY want to mess with it? Maybe it's just a chest with an upgrade orb (so tempting!) or it turns into a mimic that will give you nothing but a hard time (and maybe even revive the monsters you already killed).
I think your removal of random in-battle collectibles had an unforseen effect - surprised/sleeping monsters ALWAYS appear, if they can appear in that fight.

Well there's more beyond the gate at the bottom. I don't think the enemy would crash the game (at least I hope not), but the fight would likely be impossible for lower level parties.
Well, it's not like I have any way to open that gate, so i'll just avoid that area for now.

Yeah. I wonder if anyone actually didn't save her?
I'm doubtful. lol
You have to be a heartless person not to save the poor kitty. Maybe allow players to eventually heal her limbs?

Well that is the name of the place. I wanted to be as obscure as possible about the hints.
You kinda succeeded :)

Also here are a few bugs I found:
Bug 1: There is a girl in the wall in Kendra's office.
Bug 2: More a visual bug, but there's a noticeable diffence in the wall in the Emerald Palace
Bug 3: Verminous Minions' sprites are broken.

On an unrelated note, I might be a bit overleveled for the Dungeon...

Another question: Does Burn deal damage, or affects monsters in some other ways?


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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

Is it more profitable to kill them first then activate light lock or smash them later then?
The amount of exp they give is relative to just one character getting exp, so it's more profitable to kill them first. Smashing them is good too though, since experium can be fed to a specific character (that you might otherwise think is too weak to take in your party).

I think your removal of random in-battle collectibles had an unforseen effect - surprised/sleeping monsters ALWAYS appear, if they can appear in that fight.
It's intentional. I felt like they were the only worthwhile "chance" thing to get, so I just let them always appear, when applicable.

You have to be a heartless person not to save the poor kitty. Maybe allow players to eventually heal her limbs?
I do have plans for her, late game, but not that. She won't be getting her limbs back. I had thought about a scenario where that might happen, but decided against it for various reasons.

There is a girl in the wall in Kendra's office.
Ah, so there is. Residual copy/paste stuff. >.>;
(deleted for next version)
Thanks for noticing. :)

More a visual bug, but there's a noticeable diffence in the wall in the Emerald Palace
It seems to go back and forth between matching/not matching. Hopefully it'll be fixed for the next version. Thanks for noticing that. Looped maps can be a little fickle with the edges and corners.

Bug 3: Verminous Minions' sprites are broken.
Thanks. I've been trying to switch over monsters from using 16 frames to 4 frames. Sometimes I miss the duplicates. Strange though, as I was thinking I had a different set of battler images for the minions. I'll make a note to fix it, but went ahead and fixed the frame issue. I'll have to check and see if they stay green. I won't need to make new battler images if they do.. and that will save me some time. :D

On an unrelated note, I might be a bit overleveled for the Dungeon...
You could always use the opportunity to level up some other characters. :)

Another question: Does Burn deal damage, or affects monsters in some other ways?
It's just like poison, taking 10% of their current HP. Great for whittling down stronger monsters.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

Sorry if I am necroing the thread but I really want to play this again and it looks like all the links are down since the mega account was deleted. Does anyone have a link for the latest version?
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

No problem! Game's not dead at all. I've just been busy working on it and haven't updated the links on the forums yet.

Here's version 0.5:

Here's the last patch, version 0.68.

For 0.68 to function all you need to do is copy the Audio folder from 0.5's folder and paste it into 0.68's folder.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: CB Abyss 0.65 (Updated Sept 13th, 20

Abyss Version 0.7

You should be able to go beyond Kendra's quest now, and complete The Blackwoo, Blackwood Manor, The Lavatorium, The Mines (levels 5+!), and The Pentitentiary.

Please let me know if you get stuck.
Hints: Kendra's Quest, Wings, Lich, Kendra's Palace (look carefully)

Please keep a backup save before fighting the boss on Penitentiary Level 3.

Some known issues:

You can talk to the cat girl (regardless if you saved her or not) in the upper hall and find out her name. The conversation can be repeated and is rather lengthy. She still needs a lot of work.

The Caverns Levels 5 and 6 have no hostile monsters (oops). I'll try to add those for the next update.

Classroom classes and Kendra's House of Pleasure still need updating. Hopefully I fixed the issue where the game would lock up if you did not get the "gift" from Nasira after completing her quest.

Balancing! Goodness. I'm sure there are some really difficult fights, and some that should be more difficult (but you just mop the floor with them). Please let me know which ones could use improvement, and which ones are way too difficult. It's very important and will save me lots of time!

Stone Monsters: Monsters should turn to stone after you active most Light Locks. Some areas (like The Mines) are not intended to have this functionality. Anyway, sometimes the stone monsters will look glitchy or look like other monsters, due to various issues. I intend to fix this in future updates.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: Abyss 0.7 (Updated Feb 22nd, 2017)

There's a small patch available through my Patreon:

You don't have to be a patron to see the patch updates. Just follow my Patreon and you should get updates whenever I release smaller patches like these.

Thanks everyone for your continued play and support!:D
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: Abyss 0.7 (Updated Feb 22nd, 2017)

glad you still work on this gemstone.. :)
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: Abyss 0.7 (Updated Feb 22nd, 2017)

a couple of questions that i couldn't find on the walk-through...hopefully some one here will be able to help me
1. how do you upgrade your acid to get through the green and red doors
2. how come some of the girls stained glass upgrade areas have upgrades you cant get to because there is no path (not the ones that are blocked by the black orbs that you cant upgrade yet) it seems like the path doesn't exist yet as if your missing something, but it is there even for some of the girls that i did the quest for.
3. i hope I'm just using it wrong, but using the fire spell outside of combat is supposed to improve your heat rating...but for me it isn't doing anything...even if I'm not in a cold environment (in case the heat drops faster then i can raise it and check)
I think that's about it...thanks in advance for any help
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: Abyss 0.7 (Updated Feb 22nd, 2017)

1: You can't upgrade the acid until after you've completed Kendra's 4 item quest. After that, you'll be able to get through the green gates. The purple gates can't be accessed yet.

2: I purposely left islands in some of the girls' skill trees to be accessed through storyline events at some point. I haven't implemented this yet, but I do intend to do so at some point.

3: The fire cantrip should be increasing your warmth by 10 + 10 per point spent on fire spells (includes all characters' skill trees). If you haven't put any points towards fire spells, then you'll probably lose double the warmth that the fire cantrip would have restored.

Of course this is all in theory and I haven't actually playtested the warmth and fire cantrip mechanic much (if any). Please let me know if you find it to be too difficult or if there are any other issues.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: Abyss 0.7 (Updated Feb 22nd, 2017)

i have to admit i have been using a cheat engine, and with that i have upgraded all available points in every charecters stained glass area...and i just tested it again after going to the ice area and getting into the negatives i used the safety spell and used it and it only up my heat by 40...despite all but i think 1 charecter haveing all 4 fire upgrades...also i noticed that the main hub lightwell/transporter (if you input 1, 2, or 3 will take you to a different dungeon) will port you some where that i dont recognize if you input just 00...and the enimies killed there only stay dead till you leave and come back...including chests being looted.
and thanks for the fast reply...i was hoping i was missing something to get to open the green doors with the acid since im just 1 skeleton key short of the lich.
as a side note for either walkthrough or ingame hints i had a hard time (luck in the end) of turning the musical boxes into a usable item (taking it to the gem vendor) and activating the pillars to be able to use the switch just before the white mages boss fight...i could be alone on that, but maybe include some sort of hint or something...but thanks again for teh fast reply...back to searching for that last key...lol

as a side note i just finished the Kendra's 4 item quest...but cant seem to figure out what area to go to next since all the previous areas i still ahve access to and none of them have just opened up...so like the 2 other examples maybe some sort of in-game hint or a posted walk through in a help folder that i know many other games-in-progress do
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: Abyss 0.7 (Updated Feb 22nd, 2017)

i have to admit i have been using a cheat engine, and with that i have upgraded all available points in every charecters stained glass area...and i just tested it again after going to the ice area and getting into the negatives i used the safety spell and used it and it only up my heat by 40...despite all but i think 1 charecter haveing all 4 fire upgrades
Sounds like the game engine's math is off. (Multiplication is not RPG Maker VX's strong point). I'll check into it and see if I can rectify the problem.

...also i noticed that the main hub lightwell/transporter (if you input 1, 2, or 3 will take you to a different dungeon) will port you some where that i dont recognize if you input just 00...and the enimies killed there only stay dead till you leave and come back...including chests being looted.
Actually that is The Emerald Palace, and is working as intended. There's an obscure book about it in the classroom. There are 3 different versions of The Emerald Palace (which could result in you thinking the enemies/chests respawned). The version you get depends on the time you go there. The lightlock solutions are also time related. :)

and thanks for the fast reply...i was hoping i was missing something to get to open the green doors with the acid since im just 1 skeleton key short of the lich.
as a side note for either walkthrough or ingame hints i had a hard time (luck in the end) of turning the musical boxes into a usable item (taking it to the gem vendor) and activating the pillars to be able to use the switch just before the white mages boss fight...i could be alone on that, but maybe include some sort of hint or something...but thanks again for teh fast reply...back to searching for that last key...lol

Okay I will make a note of those. Hopefully I can include something to help make those less obscure. :)

Thanks for playing and good luck with that last key. :D
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: Abyss 0.7 (Updated Feb 22nd, 2017)

Here's a new link:
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: Abyss 0.7 (Updated Feb 22nd, 2017)

Internal Ejaculate (in-game screenshot)


It seems to be working as intended. :D
The only issue is I haven't retooled the clothing system yet (aside from the wand, which will show a different one depending on what you have equipped). But I'll get to that when I start my playthrough.

I haven't implemented the uterus semen at all yet (artwork aside). That will probably be a new statistic. I don't currently have any plans on it contributing toward pregnancy chance, but do plan on it contributing toward flowback. Also, it won't wash away, but will likely be absorbed / flowback into the vagina rather quickly.
It seems to be working as intended. :D
The only issue is I haven't retooled the clothing system yet (aside from the wand, which will show a different one depending on what you have equipped). But I'll get to that when I start my playthrough.

I haven't implemented the uterus semen at all yet (artwork aside). That will probably be a new statistic. I don't currently have any plans on it contributing toward pregnancy chance, but do plan on it contributing toward flowback. Also, it won't wash away, but will likely be absorbed / flowback into the vagina rather quickly.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: Abyss 0.7 (Updated Feb 22nd, 2017)

Sorry, the file is gone again, can you re-up or are you close to news of another update, at which point, I will wait?

or both maybe?
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: Abyss 0.7 (Updated Feb 22nd, 2017)

Sorry for not saying something sooner. I thought it best to simply get the link posted as fast as possible.

Anyway! The above link is for version 0.71, so it's nothing new, if you already have that version.
I am trying dropbox this time. I hope the link will be pretty solid, and not expire after lah-dee-dah amount of days. >.>

I don't think a new version will be ready soon. I need to play through and balance stuff properly.
So far I've decided that half of the intro enemies should be removed, and I increased exp gain from
their passive versions (surprised/lazy spiders, rats, etc..) to make up for any exp lost. Also doubled
the early boss exp (up to the end of The Tower). This will be in .72. I plan on making a lot of other
changes as well. Hopefully I can find and squash all the Tower bugs once and for all. :)
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: Abyss 0.7 (Updated Feb 22nd, 2017)

I've got to say - I played this originally many iterations ago, and I think I need to revisit this. Looks like you are in the middle of bringing everything up to a new standard, so to speak, so I should probably wait until your next major release. But am looking forward to revisting this world. Glad to see you still tweaking this...I remember gorgeous maps and interesting gameplay...
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: Abyss 0.7 (Updated Feb 22nd, 2017)

I've got to say - I played this originally many iterations ago, and I think I need to revisit this. Looks like you are in the middle of bringing everything up to a new standard, so to speak, so I should probably wait until your next major release. But am looking forward to revisting this world. Glad to see you still tweaking this...I remember gorgeous maps and interesting gameplay...

You will be able to pick starting traits in the next version, so yeah, it might be a good idea to wait on it.

Plus I'm adjusting old events to consider the new traits (vegetarians, for example, won't eat as much for Breakfast & Dinner in The Tower). I'm not sure if any of the other traits will need such special treatment, but hopefully I (and other players) can spot events where this would be so. :)

I've just made it to The Tower in my playthrough. It's tempting to just speed through it, but apparently there are some glitchy temptation & intoxication events. Hopefully I can finally get all those completely fixed (but that's probably just wishful thinking).
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Ver: Abyss 0.7 (Updated Feb 22nd, 2017)

Sorry for not saying something sooner. I thought it best to simply get the link posted as fast as possible.

Anyway! The above link is for version 0.71, so it's nothing new, if you already have that version.

Thanks for the Re-up.

And I am in the same boat as Hoboy, I only remembered this game after having to clear space on my laptop, and I saw I had version 1B10P11 on my laptop saved outside the Spider Boss room. Most likely a lot has changed since then. I am rather interested in the idea of starting traits in this game, so I will look forward to the next update.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Version: Abyss 0.72 (Updated Aug 9th, 201


Version 0.72 Game Download:

Patch Notes:

(Also please take care to chop the two logs BEFORE you interact with the CUP ON THE STUMP, at the start of the game. Otherwise you'll get stuck and NEED TO RESTART! I'll get that fixed soon.)

Artwork by Mavis:
Hopefully the artwork isn't too much of a spoiler. I thought it would be fun to include it with this release. Sadly the actual in-game bit still needs some sprite work, but we'll get there eventually. :)

If you have any questions, if you get stuck, or if you find any bugs or glitches then please let me know! I can usually reply within 24 hours (if not much sooner).
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. Version: Abyss 0.72 (Updated Aug 9th, 201

The dropbox link was limited, so I've reuploaded to upload files and replaced all the links. Here's the new link again:
