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RPG Patreon Active [Paladox] The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss (Version 0.745)

Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Welcome back. I personally like when devs give us info on how they are. It shows that they have a lot to do and its not always just the game/image/song/anything. I used to fix electronics and stuff but people would get impatient or angry when I had no time to do anything. It was as if they expected me to prioritize them when that was never going to happen.

Random rant is random, but justified. Take your time dude, and take care of irl things first.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

is my fairy supposed to get pregnant after finding gray?? no rapes or sex happened since giving birth to the first baby :/
i think it happened when i buy mystery potions ._.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Mystery potions are in the game just for the purpose of getting more children without having to have sex to do so.

Maybe later I can have a wider variety of possible effects, but for now that's what they do.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Mystery potions are in the game just for the purpose of getting more children without having to have sex to do so.

Maybe later I can have a wider variety of possible effects, but for now that's what they do.

yeah i figured that but the problem is that just buying them is getting her pregnant and if i try to buy lots of potions quickly i often accidentally end up getting pregnant since its the first pot on the list. I think putting the mystery potion on the bottom would help and mana at first since it seems the most useful.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Okay thanks for the suggestion. I'll add it to my to-do list.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

i don't know where to even start looking for earth magic spell :confused:
stuck at crypt floor 7 where the enchanted rock blocks me...do i have to make a earth fairy ? XD
Edit: safety doesn't work in crypt it seems
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Earth spell is in The Vinery.

Safety 'should' work in The Crypts, just not in boss rooms. Of course I made a couple of mistakes with the spell in The Crypts.. If you're stuck and need to cast it, just find a boss room and exit through the door you entered. That should fix the issue. I'll have it fixed in the next update.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Is there any kind of "cheat" mode to make the earlier parts of the game go quicker? The combat is really annoying when you're running around with such a small lantern/light.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

There's no cheats (unless you use a universal RPG Maker VX hack/trainer), but I plan on re-playing through that and I'll try and make it more interesting. It's even more boring if you've already played through it before. xD

But yeah, I'd definitely like to improve on the earlier parts of the game and make combat more interesting.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

I have some suggestion,
Like, when fairy was imperg, she will show a message to notify player instead of until the last 3 day before birth.
Make a fast foward or just skip key for sex, or make options to shut some acts down.
Chird yet to birth could be more annoying by making kicks when they where in battles, and in dunguons. Which force player to stay in safe house for town developing.
Chird in free time could be more useful by make them to build and run the town and craft items, not just study.(ofcorse it could be they run things better
after study.)
Gifs are too tiny, I am blinded by finding them, maybe there is someway to make them bigger when in event acts?
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

There's no cheats (unless you use a universal RPG Maker VX hack/trainer), but I plan on re-playing through that and I'll try and make it more interesting. It's even more boring if you've already played through it before. xD

But yeah, I'd definitely like to improve on the earlier parts of the game and make combat more interesting.

Well, how about branching paths? Say for example, you push a stone block that blocks 2 path, depending on which way you push it , it blocks a path you can not go. Or, if you lose / win against a boss it changes the dialogue a bit. Maybe have alternative endings or different events if you pick different dialogue choices.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

There is a 'mystery' sound that plays when you get impregnated. The status screen should also display your gestation time. I think it tells if you're pregnant or not but I'm not sure if I implemented that properly...

And finally it will also show on Sienna's internal view. I haven't implemented that yet, of course, but when I do it will basically show a ball of glowing light that gets larger with each gestation.

There's the 'another place' amulet that will skip sex.. to some extent. But I'll probably redo the sex system a bit so that it won't be quite so... lengthy as it is now.

I don't think I want to get into town development. Maybe at some point. *shrugs* If there's any development it will always be instant, like how the children's rooms just pop into being.

I might try and make children more useful. I'm not sure. That's probably a rather distant project.

As I've said before, if I ever find a magnification script that doesn't have issues then I'll try and implement that.

I do plan on having at least 3 different endings. I want to have a lot of subtle changes in the endings too, like the possibility of not having certain children meaning some events just don't happen (or they happen, but quite differently). With so many optional children that could become very complicated for me, so I might just set up the game so that you have to have every kid to progress through to the end. I guess I'll think about changing things up if I ever get the game finished.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Is this pretty much dead?
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Is this pretty much dead?

Just really slow. I won't ever fully abandon it, unless I die or something. :eek:


^ spoiler screenshot.. sorta

I should probably post more often but I hate to disappoint thread subscribers that might be looking for an actual update.
So I usually just update the first post in the "Next Update: click-able spoiler" section.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Just really slow. I won't ever fully abandon it, unless I die or something. :eek:


^ spoiler screenshot.. sorta

I should probably post more often but I hate to disappoint thread subscribers that might be looking for an actual update.
So I usually just update the first post in the "Next Update: click-able spoiler" section.

Take your time. Just show us that you're alive every once in a while =P. Poor Sienna getting all beat up and such.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Still alive. xD I have tried to work on this several times but it just seems like I can't make any progress with it. I'm probably thinking about it too much and getting overwhelmed.

I guess I should just pick one thing and put all my focus on that. I know to take things one step at a time but lately I have a hard time seeing the trees because of the forest.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Still alive. xD I have tried to work on this several times but it just seems like I can't make any progress with it. I'm probably thinking about it too much and getting overwhelmed.

I guess I should just pick one thing and put all my focus on that. I know to take things one step at a time but lately I have a hard time seeing the trees because of the forest.

Still I beg you to keep up, because the game is amazing. I'm still owing some suggestions but I can't think of anything, and the game as it is, is already fantastic.
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

Just a slight status update. I think I'll use a couple sex animations from VH.

I've also been throwing a lot of ideas around in my head. I'm seriously thinking about a rather large overhaul to how the children are obtained. I'll explain the change. Please let me know your thoughts.

Proposed change: All fairy pregnancies would be an event, (possibly skip-able?) and all sprites would be obtained the old fashioned way (with possibly less gestation time, since they're so tiny.. possibly even taking less than a day).

Once the fairy children pregnancies are initiated it would start a small quest, basically giving the player a quest to gather X materials. After that time the screen would fade to black and months would pass, leading up to the birth of your child. Then another quest would be given, and years would pass. This would lead into the next growth period of each child.

The Pros: No complicated eating formula to get all the fairy children. More realistic time passage for pregnancies and child growth. Clear opportunities during the gathering quests for Sienna and her children to have conversations. Better balancing with extra children being given at exact locations during the adventure. Each child would have their own dad, allowing for more story depth and character development.

The Cons: There's no randomness to it. You can't immediately get any child you want. Even longer before the next release.

The Ugly: Could be confusing (for me) as there are a lot of switches and variables to consider. Then again, it would simplify children interactions as child A could not have interactions with child C before child B is in the picture. Therefore a definite timeline.

Two more things I want to change are equipment and clothing. I feel like I should remove the "clothing escape" feature entirely, and instead focus on clothing adding something more useful for the player, such as extra defense or even extra vigor. A lot of players have complained about the number of wounds, so perhaps I should change clothing to do the following:
1: Provide extra vigor, based on which outfit and said outfit's durability.
2: Clothing sprite changes depending on its durability.
3: Lots of cloth can be used to repair the durability.
4: Blocks wounds until the outfit is tattered.
5: Destroyed outfits can be repaired, for a price (just like wands).
6: Outfit is almost always destroyed when defeated.

I've also been thinking about adding pickable traits at the start of the game, but I'm having difficulty thinking of good ones. Any suggestions?
Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

I think the change to the fairy pregnancies can be interesting. With such a time-skip you can even make some changes to the npcs, map and events without losing context, it can even work to justify a reset to some optional events.

Now for the traits, I think it's a good idea :) . I think the most basic and easy to use ones you can implement are ones related to combat and magic, such as a affinity to one element (maybe giving a early spell as well), or being a jack of all trades. You can also give her a trait that gives her the ability to run/fly a bit faster (that can also help with escapes).

Sex related ones will probably be really interesting as well:
- There can be one as 'strong willpower' that makes her suffer less with rape;
- One of her being a 'good actor' and as such being able to, despite her suffering, put a play saying she enjoy the sex so to get something from the other party or at least a better reaction (receive more pay from prostitution from the guy at the bar?);
- The typical being more submissive or not, changing a bit how she react to certain scenes, making some being less damaging or more.
- A different sensitivity to certain areas, making sex/rape more uncomfortable at the start, but corrupting her more quickly later; and etc.

Those are not particularly good, but it shows there's a lot of stuff you can do by just changing statistics :) . Keep up the good work man, I'm glad you're still kicking and motivated to work at the game, thanks a lot for that and for everything you've already done.
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Re: The Fairy, the Succubus, and the Abyss. V1B10P11 (Updated April 19th, 2014)

1 to 4 i am fine with it.
5 feels like a bit abuse to my option.
6 can power down or nerf a bit.

Great game keep it up.