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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

It was Siphon who answered the drone, having arrived in the room as it spoke. "Indeed your drone is working properly for our methods of communication. Welcome aboard the station."

He turns to the Protoss, a quizzical look on his face as he glances to Thor, who simply nods to him. With an upraised eye, he concentrates for a moment then says, greetings Protoss. I hope I am communicating efficiently by mere thought, as my species is not telepathic by nature. If you can indeed understand me, please move one of your arms in reply as well as speak to me mentally.

Thor replies to the Protoss, our race is very old, and not of this galaxy originally. We have visited many different races and studied them. Yours is one we have been observing for the last two hundred years. And as for communication, we have since determined you are only capable of telepathic communication, and while most are not, we determined you could pick up on thoughts directed specifically to you, and as such, that is how I am communicating with you now.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Ixackael replies directly to Siphon first "Indeed you are. It is good to know you can direct your thoughts to a specific being." Ixack thinks back to Siphon and lowers his right arm so the hand is clearly visible, then he replies to Thor "It is good to know our species was actually worth being noted. Our tribal Hierarchy tends to get us exempted from many history books. Even though our race is said to be older than even the Human race. Of course, that is mostly speculation." he replies to the small alien, his eyes opening and giving off a sense of restlessness to any who looks at them


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Siphon nods then adds, I am called Siphon/Talvesh by everyone, mostly because I am actually two different life forms in one body. I will try to explain that later since you are going to no doubt be curious about that. What may I call you?

Thor replies as well to him, your race is indeed older than the current forms of humans as you know them. They are in fact the second evolution of what we all call humans. There was a race before them, known as the Ancients many millions of years ago who are likely older than you. However, with the exception of a small handful, all of the Ancients have since shed their physical bodies to exist beyond our time and space, beyond dimension as pure energy. The Ancients were one of the four earliest known races. My race, the Asgard were once allied with them when they still were in this galaxy. The others however have not been seen in some time, although we know they do exist still.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"You may call me Ixackael." Ixack replies to Siphon "I would indeed like to know more after we are finished." he also adds, then turns his attention to Thor "The Ancients, huh? Sounds just like something mentioned in the Lore Scrolls. Still, it would be very nice to learn more about your own race. You seem to possess an extremely capable mind, much like my own. You have simply applied it to intellect instead of communication. At least, that is the impression I received from simply speaking with you." Ixackael replies to the Asgard, noting every bit of information he can "I am just hoping I can walk away from this experience with many stories and much information to tell my Prelate and my tribe." he says. A large grin would be on his face had he the ability.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Very well then Ixackael, welcome to our neck of the galaxy as the human saying goes. Fairly soon we'll get started on the reason we are all here, and I will see to it somehow that your able to communicate appropriately with everyone else and comfortable. I am thinking perhaps a direct interface to the speaker systems of this room would work for you along with a data node. What I mean by that is this. He holds up a small device which he slides onto his finger. When active, this would allow you to process anything said in this room directly to your mind, and reply through the PA system in it to all of us. It's a variant of my own people's technology. It was created after an incident we came across with a race that had no means to communicate but telepathically, and they also had no visible eyes with which to see with. They operated solely on a form of radar for guidance, it was if they had it built in. Unfortunately, they were also from the same dimension we were from, and we're not from this one. Their entire species was wiped out by a plague nearly one hundred years ago. I myself was witness to it's devastating power, and we were never able to cure it even with all the help we had.

Thor simply replies to him, perhaps you shall indeed return to the rest of your people one day with useful information. I do not see any problem with an exchange of information between ourselves in the future when there is time, and perhaps we may also be able to initiate a first meeting between our respective cultures at a later date. A sort of cultural first contact if you will.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Ixackael chuckles to himself in his mind, then replies to Siphon "That would be wonderful. I believe the first Humans I interacted with had such a device. Although it only translated words into our thoughts, and did not allow us to return the speech. I would prefer to keep it that way." he relays back to Siphon, then turns his mental attention back to the Asgard "It would be wonderful to have my race and yours meet with each other. We could both learn so much. I am actually glad that Prelate Zeratul decided to send me here." he relays to Thor, his mind going over all manner of possibilities


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

There is a moment while Siphon thinks then he says, alright, so all of us then would need to wear one of these devices, and I'll need to tweak the macro program just a little bit to accomplish that, but it shouldn't take more than about five minutes to do that. I'll get on that now then, give me a few minutes.

Thor's reply came a moment later. Then we shall discuss later the idea and potential possibilities to set that up. I should ask now then exactly how much of why you were asked to come here were you told by those who sent you?


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Ixack replies to Siphon "Actually. It does not matter if they cannot communicate telepathically. I can still transfer my thoughts to them, and they can respond verbally so long as I can use a device which allows me to translate their words to thoughts." he replies, not wanting to cause too much trouble, then replies to Thor "We received a transmission from the humans some time ago, asking for help. Prelate Zeratul, being our tribe leader and fairly familiar with Humans, decided to send me in his stead, as he cannot leave our people behind. I followed my orders, and came here to help. I would say 'use me in any way you see fit' but that is not the way our tribe works. We take orders, and carry them out in any way we see necessary to accomplish our goals." he replies, his eyes looking over all the races gathered in the room, trying to take down as much information as he could. "It may not be good for planning ahead. But we Protoss are good at improvising plans."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Either way to work that out I still have to tweak the macro, but that makes things easier by a bit.

Thor nodded once more. Very well, we shall follow where our paths go, and go from there.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

"I thank you for you understanding" Ixack simply replies to Siphon before hearing Thor's words "Indeed. Here's hoping we all make it out alive to tell the tale of what transpires along our paths." he thinks, raising his right hand to his left shoulder and lowering his head down, a customary sign for 'Victory' in his tribe


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Once Siphon has fixed the devices to do what he wanted them to do, he hands them out to everyone, then one by one they test them. "Working?"


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

A little before anything actually arrives, sensors would pick an impossibly tiny mass, moving at an incredible speed in-system, until finally, the SS Florence zaps out of nowhere, a small, angular interceptor-type craft, and apparently, being piloted by a novice, as it neatly careers between the other behemoths, skimming the surface once or twice. A melodic voice interjects over sub-space transmissions, in distinctly non-refined terms..

"Sha'ala DAMN it, Diana! I thought AIs were supposed to be able to FLY these things? How many times must I tell you.."

The small ship rights itself, suddenly looking a lot more normal..

"DON'T fly upside-down!"

A moment later, after a presumed retort.

"Artificial gravity may not affect you, missy, but it certainly affects some of us! Wait... is that thing.."

The communication blinks off, for a minute or two, then returns, as the Florence cruises neatly into a docking station. The voice is considerably more calm, now, and recognizably feminine.

"My apologies. This is Captain Daina Eil'Mori, of the SS Florence. I'm here to meet an old friend."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

There is a moment while someone goes to get Siphon, then his face comes over Daina's viewscreen. "God it is good to see you again Daina. Glad you could make it. Come on aboard and we can get this party started, I'll meet you in the hangar bay?"


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Daina permits herself a smile, seeing Siphon.

"Now there's a familiar face.. I'll be right down."

She cancels the video, and turns to her equipment, laid out and ready on the table in the mess room.

A few moments later, a fully suited Daina, helmet covering her distinctive features, and weapons holstered... well, pretty much everywhere, strolls from the Florence's ramp, watching her surroundings with a trained eye, and more especially, looking for Siphon.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

It wouldn't take long for her to find him, as he was already closing the gap between the doors and her ship. "It's really good to see you again." There was a warm smile on his features as he quickly, despite the armor on her, gave her a hug.

Stepping back he added, "seems like everyone else has arrived here already, the Ingrali, the Wraith, Talok, Thor is here to represent the Asgard, and we have some new additions as well. One is a sentient starship and the other is I think a Dark Templar Protoss, if I read Thor's nod correctly. Sivok will not be joining us here, they've been involved in a skirmish near another planet and couldn't make it here. We haven't heard anything from the Gou'ald or the Tokra though in weeks. Anyway, how have you been?"


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

As Siphon envelops the Asari in a hug, her aura surges around her unexpectedly, a blue corona that shimmers around the two of them. For a brief moment, their thoughts touch, long enough for..

Missed you

As she steps back, surprise flashes across her face at her aura's reaction. Apparently, she expected that even less than he did.

"Oh, you know. Same old, same old. Saving the galaxy, wandering around.. training up a new AI to fly the Florence.."

She winces.

"Not that that's been terribly successful. Fill me in on our new allies..


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Siphon apparently wasn't really surprised by this, perhaps he had either known, or perhaps he had already been communicating telepathically?

"Well the Protoss is a full telepath in the sense that he has no ears or mouth, so that is the only way he can communicate. As for the Ship, who we're calling Nebula, I really know nothing of him. As for the situation, what we DO know is that Sivok's crew was recently in a fight with a fleet of ships. They won, but he said enemy fleet movements are starting to get smoother and their numbers are growing. Now we can only assume this means they have a cloning facility for the Draque somewhere in this galaxy, which means they will need more territory and power to supply for them. Sivok believes it is only a matter of time before we see a large scale fleet attack a heavily populated world with minimal defenses. The problem is, half the planets in our galaxy fit that description."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Ixack notices Siphon leave, and thinks nothing of it "When is this damn meeting going to be over with? I expected to come, gather a bit of information, then start the hunt." he thinks to himself as he continues gathering all the information he can, particularly interested in the Ingrali, spending most of his time studying their body, sheerly dumbfounded by the fact that they weren't in any physical form. His own mind ran calculations and theories as to how this happened, his eyes darting from one Ingrali to the next, trying to differentiate one from another "They look as if 'Demons' from Terran lore. I must know more about them." he thinks to himself, nodding lightly as he looks over at the humans "They seem to be just like all the other Humans I have had contact with, aside from Raynor. I can just feel their arrogance. Their massive pride which transcends even my own race's. It's going to be tough taking orders from people like them."


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

As Siphon speaks, Daina's lips curl more and more into a frown, as the situation begins to sound exactly like something she absolutely despises. Guerrilla warfare.

"Well. Sounds like we've got a situation where they're hiding somewhere, and can strike most places at whim. Any ideas on location? There's no way we can stretch ourselves enough to cover every system, so our best bet is a pre-emptive strike on some sort of base, or..."

Daina had graduated near the top of her class, and along with that, came training in special tactics and reconnaissance.

"Unless we can draw them out by offering something too appealing to turn down..."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Peltas Five Space Station (Milky Way Galaxy)

Siphon shook his head. "No concrete location yet, but Sivok has already gotten several spies on the inside. We believe it won't be long, sometime in the next day or two before they launch a massive attack. We've narrowed it down to a sixty light year radius of potential targets with low level space capabilities, but high end potential for land and mineral takings."

There is a pause before he adds, "the idea is a possibility, but if we commit to that now and they launch an attack before we're ready, we've lost our bait right there. What we need to do is catch everyone up to speed here and come up with a concrete plan, and stop this nonsense of playing around. Now, I have an idea with this, and it involves taking out the Sentinels."