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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

He shot a look at her.

"Because the level of power required to do that isn't generatable by anything LIVING. Not unless it's at a ...."

He was cut off by the woman, who until now they had believed couldn't speak English.

"Mitochondrial level? Yes, he's correct, and it is. I believe vacating this place would be .... a wise thing to do. Preferably before this facility collapses in on us."

To puncuate her words, the facility rocked again, part of the roofing crashing to the floor.

Siphon nodded, too wrapped up in what was going on to be shocked by her sudden ability to speak their language.

"Yes, we can beam out of here, but only just. I'll set the recall and beam ALL of us to the Kara. Thank god we parked on the other side of the planet where they missed us. This will take a few moments."


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Toryn had started to come back around into the room with the Draque beamed in. When they fried, he was a little surprised. He was also entering the commands for his ship's recall systems.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"No." Veda says forcefully. "Get her into orbit and take out whatever's up there, I'll focus on the ground forces. I won't let this place be destroyed so easily."

Veda strides out of the room with a purpose, her arm cannon extending forward, red lines appearing in the cracks.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Toryn seemed to waver, just about to finish the command...then, he entered a different set of commands. "Go. I've sent a command to the Shadow Wind to deploy its fighters. She may need help."

That said, his shoulder cannon popped up, and he turned to assist Veda making the 'she' in his comment clear.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Siphon nodded.

"Be careful, and if things get too hot radio me and I'll see if I can do something."

He hit the button, and those who weren't staying behind were beamed up to the Kara.

((Talok is leaving to give the space fight more than one heavy hitter in there, as for Ixack and Sho, I'll leave that up to Burrito and Copper.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"Keep tabs on me, but I think I might be able to help," Sho tells Siphon, actually hurrying along behind the two warriors. Given the make-up of the planet, she just might be able to throw a monkey-wrench in the Draque's assault. Or rather, one big handful of sand right in the bastards' collective faces. She just had to make sure they couldn't get a bead on her and things would hopefully be fine.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

((You got me doing the italic+underline for shared thoughts now lol.))

Very well. Be careful

Siphon, Aya and Talok appeared aboard the Kara in a flash of white light, Talok almost immediately vanishing again as he beamed himself to his ship.

Both Alveran ships surged forward, and around the planet, coming square to face the attacking Draque ... all thirty ships of their force.

Aya's eyes widened at the sight, assuming that they couldn't handle that many at once, based off what she knew, or thought she knew about the ship they were in.

Siphon only shook his head, then sat down in his chair, firing the first barrage of drones and plasma beams at the enemy force, even as the Daina Eil'Mori did the same.

While the weapons were highly effective, the sheer number of ships against only two Alveran craft still left gaping holes in the defense of the Chozo Facility, allowing those ships not under attack to beam more troops to the surface, as well as continue firing from orbit.

This likely would continue to be the case until the Shadow WIng actually arrived and began her attack.

On the surface in the meantime, close to five hundred more troops suddenly appeared, a half of them shrouding to become invisible. The rest began combing their way methodically, looking for the survivors they knew were still there.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Ixack had shook his head when Siphon had mentioned beaming out, taking off in a sprint behind Veda and Toryn "Who would want to avoid a fight like this?" he thinks, the device on his right wrist warming up as he disappeared, cloaking and pushing past Veda and Toryn "I shall scout ahead. My technology allows me to move without detection." he broadcasts to the two as he continues ahead of them


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Toryn had shifted by this point, and was running along the ceiling. He paused suddenly, as if hearing something, then resumed his charge, shoulder cannon firing on the Draque as soon as he was in range.

The Shadow Wind came around, accompanied by a cloud of fighter craft. It hung slightly back from the two Alveran ships, although the fighters charged in.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Veda nodded to Sho. "Stick close if you can, I'll give what cover I'm able." She says, stepping to the side for Ixack and speaking to him as he passes. "Go for their flanks, we'll try and focus on the center to stay out of your way." Finally, she looks up at Toryn. "There's an antechamber ahead, big room, high ceiling, only two entrances. If we can draw them there, we should have an easy time of it." She explains, as her weapon starts to charge a shot, a glowing red sphere of energy forming at the tip of the weapon.

The group reached the antechamber the same time as a cloaked Draque squad did from the entrance on the other side. Veda was already expecting this and had switched to a visor that can spot them already. turning sideways a bit to protect the skull still in her other hand, she raised her arm cannon and let the charged shot go, straight at the center of the group. "They're there, cloaked." She says as her shot hit one of them, who practically melted under the shot.
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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

A spray of Shockwave blasts hit the area that Veda had indicated. If anyone tracked the shots, they'd find Toryn was standing on one of the walls, up near the roof. After a burst of fire, he jumped straight out from the wall, spun in mid air, and landed at a point that was angled away from where he had been. He'd been moving as if following the pull of gravity...except that gravity wasn't pulling in the normal direction.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

The Draque began scattering, firing their weapons back at the group, hitting mostly nothing but wall.

Again the entire base shuddered around them, this time a lot worse than it had before. Some form of alarm sounded briefly, then died off.

In orbit in the meantime, Talok piloted his ship on a strafing run of the enemy forces, forcing them to break their line apart to compensate.

It was a tactic he and Siphon had used many other times since they had garnered ships each, and each time it had worked perfectly. Once the ships broke form, the Kara surged forward, firing a quick barrage of plasma beams, followed up by another load of drones, and finished off by yet another barrage of plasma beams from the rear of the ship.

Aya stood on the bridge, assessing the battle, somewhat impressed by the flawless execution of such a tactic without the benefit of any kind of audio chatter. She smiled when seven of the Draque ships exploded, forcing more of those attacking the surface to break off and engage the powerful Alveran ships.

The arrival of the Shadow Wind further split their numbers after she launched fighters, but still the Draque fired on the surface. Aya wondered why until she saw the sensory relay on the console before her, her eyes widening.

"Siphon, they are targeting the surface where the crust is weakest. I think they're trying to destabilize the planets core since the facility was being powered on geo-thermal energy."

His eyes shot wide and he relayed the message to Talok, along with the order to launch the 302's. Dozens of the small fighters exploded from both ships, but their firepower wasn't enough to completely distract the enemy. Growling, he sent a scrambled transmission to his companions on the surface.

"Folks we have a problem. Aya seems to think that the Draque are targeting the geo-thermal link powering the facility in an attempt to destroy the whole planet. We're holding most of their fleet off at the moment, but we can't stop every shot. Some of them are getting through, and I'm not sure how much more that facility can take. Might end up having to abandon this one, much as it pains me to admit it."


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"I'd rather take the fight outside," Sho mutters, though she does listen to Veda and stays as much behind her as she can. Though she doesn't have the technical means to locate the Draque, following the shots from the others gives her a good generalization as to where the creatures are. Taking quick stock of her allies...Ixack presumably somewhere in the perimeter, Veda in front, and Toryn on the ceiling...she takes that into account as the dry air of the chamber starts to whip up, going from virtually nonexistant to a force that turns the little bits of sand and rubble into stinging projectiles that batter and scrape at their enemies, essentially blasting and buffeting them, not to mention killing any visibility they might have outside of electronics, which weren't going to last long either unless they were shielded against the sand getting in and mucking with the equipment.

"Well, I'd say we got the most important thing out of here that there was. I don't like it either, but if push comes to shove, get us the hell out of here, Mr. Wizard."


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"Stand by. I've got a little surprise for them that's about to be sprung."

True to Toryn's word, not more than two seconds after his call, three more carriers jumped in near the Shadow Wind, and deployed fighters.

At the same time, seven heavy cruisers, sixteen destroyers, and twenty frigates dropped in, pretty much on top of the Draque, and delivered an immediate broadside.

"I can bring more in if needed."

Talok would recognize that the ships were the same types as had appeared back before the space gate was secured...Although they'd been controlled by the now gone Warden back then.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Talok did indeed recognize the ships and a slight grin came across his face. It lasted only a few moments as the Draque responded by launching their own fighters, which began to level the playing field out some.

And then the worst possible thing that could have happened for the enemy forces did happen.

A sudden surge of energy pre-dated a gigantic hyper-space window, which spat out a hive ship. Further, it was Narlina's hive, and the second it was clear of the window, it opened fire on the closest Draque vessel, launching countless darts.

And thus the battle was renewed once more.

It had been going on for a few minutes, the ships Toryn had sent in performing their sneak attacks at the start, then whittling away at the enemy. However something had seemed wrong, and finally Siphon put it together.

"Toryn, we have a problem here."


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"They're still attacking the surface, if that's what you're meaning. Something tells me they really want to take this facility out." Toryn didn't stop to explain how he knew, but since any shots that landed near the facility would have likely shaken it, that's likely how he knew.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

"Indeed. They are also multi-attacking with more than one set of weapon ports, something we've not seen before. The reactor is beginning to de-stabilize, if this keeps up it's going to overload and explode. They aren't just trying to destroy the facility, looks like they want the whole planet gone."

Over the com link a muffled explosion was heard several times as the Draque finally began firing back at the Alveran ships as well.

"Well ... I think I got SOME of their attention focused on me now. Looks like their weapons have been upgraded too, shield is holding, but did drop three percent in efficiency with that barrage. What's the situation down there?"


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Ixack, having rushed ahead and taken down a Draque soldier, picks him up by the neck with his left hand and grabs his face with his right, a pulse being emitted from the devie on his left hand as he hefts the now uncoscious Draque onto his shoulder, then cloaking and heading back towards the group "I do believe I have captured a prisoner. I think we should evacuate." he broadcasts to the group in the ruins, then diverts his attention to Siphon in a long-range broadcast "Are you taking prisoners? Or should I end another foolish life?" he asks, looking around at the facility for a way back to his ship


Dec 14, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Veda said not a word as she stood near the entrance, covering both Sho and the skull with her body as she fired continuously into the wave of Draque. Her cannon shifted shape every few seconds, changing between firing blasts of electrical energy at the cloaked enemies, and melting them where they stood.

As the brightest non-moving target in the room, she was taking her fair share of shots and then some, and was actually placing herself in the way of a few more, to cover the woman behind her when needed. As such, her suit's energy level was dropping fast. She ignored the blinking indicator on her visor and continued firing, a grim look going unseen under her helmet.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Chozo Facility (Planetside and Orbitside)

Toryn dropped down, near Veda and Sho but to one side, and remained in a crouch. A sizable bubble of energy flared into existance, surrounding the three in a large shield.