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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'll be there, completely without bells on. (Less sneaky that way.))

As for stuff you missed, Islona topped everyone up (Byzat and Az maybe had a point or two of damage left each, i think.)) Apart from that, Kristie and Az talked about devils-know-what ((literally, as per usual)), followed by Az and Isi havngi a brief conversation about their respective histories while everyone was getting sorted, and that was about it, I think.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Didn't roll call start already for this Saturday's game?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Technically, yes. Officially, not until someone calls roll call.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I am good for Saturday.

...My next Sat's taken up, though. <:x

Also, I read the log I took... but I don't remember seeing anything about a blacksmith or skellies. Weird.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I am good for Saturday.

...My next Sat's taken up, though. <:x

Also, I read the log I took... but I don't remember seeing anything about a blacksmith or skellies. Weird.

You dropped out before we finished.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Yeah, Blarg, it kinda kicked you and didn't bring you back. But it's mostly taken care of, I suppose.

I should be good to go for Saturday. Nothing I can think of that will interfere and if it does, I should be able to let y'all know at least in some way shape or form.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

"I don't to write in the diary today..."
"I agree with the idiot, for once, let's just forgo the diary and get on with the fun!"
"W...Who are you calling idiot?"
"...Shut up, both of you, you know they expect her to write about her journey... so let's keep them happy for now."
"....Fine, but I'm not writing."
"I didn't ask you to, you barbaric fool."

Day 9? of Azieru's Travels

"...I really wish she would write this... ugh... well, let's try... okay, happy thoughts, happy thoughts."

Dear Diary,

Time seems to just fly! I can't believe it's already been a week since I left home, and I already made so many new friends! ..Although it seems that I fell asleep earlier somehow, must mean that I'm not getting enough sleep!

So anyway, last time I told you about me going into that dark and danky place with the others, right? Well, after the little embarassment with the door that I tried to take (How was I suppose to know it would fall in?)

Nothing happened for awhile, it was just more corridors and trap doors! The big noisy guy keeps wanting to push ahead, and I have to keep reminding him that he isn't as good at finding traps as I am! And I think he stepped in something when he jumped down a hole, but I don't know what it was, it didn't even go squish!

Anyway, then we found a set of pretty doors! The bars were made of metal, uh... I think they were bronze, at least that's what my book said. The big guy, uh... Byzat! Right, tried to cut through the doors, and I pointed out that the doors could just be... opened. So I opened them.

Whoosh! There was a blast of ice air! And rotting air! But the icy air was more scary! I hid against the wall, but Byzat stood there like a big rock, a really big rock, and the drow became a drowsicle! It was really funny! But we then had to kill some stupid zombie doggies, I even managed to hold one down for awhile as the big guy, and the slightly bigger guy, hit stuff around! Oh, then Byzat got hit by more ice, here's my picture of him! He has a flaming sword on his back!

I heard there was some commotion upstairs, so I ran to the ladder that lead back up, and then Kristie fell on me! I caught her, then suddenly BOOM! There was another explosion! It was the last one though, and we quickly ran away from there and found a fork in the road.

I don't really know what's wrong the big guy, he's crazy, he said if he died he didn't want to come back! It's.... it's actually pretty terrifying. I won't lie, diary, he is a fool if he has such a deathwish. Although by all standards one such as him would've met his end already... it is by the will of some deity that he remains alive today...

Anyway! I saw there was some kind of thingy on the ground, I'm not sure what it was going to do, but I know a trap when I see one!

While the others argued about it, I drew around the trap with chalk and we were on our way to more adventure! As we walked along, I found a few more pressure plates, but those things are so easy to disable, all you need to do is to jam somehting hard, but thin, like one of the lockpicks, into the trigger mechanism just between the top connecting piece and the bottom piece, making sure that you don't accidentally hit the trigger mechanism, but any fool with a self worth should be able to disable it! It's child's play! Why must I spend my time...



Ahem, anyway, then after walking for awhile, suddenly we found this old door! And the air was so thick, and worrisome, and then the clerics told everyone that there was something ahead, and then... and then I heard a voice in my head that told me to go away...

"Ugh... finally done."
"Haha, took you long enough, you fucked up some parts though. Anyway, I'm hungry, let's go for tofu fritters."
"Yay tofu~!"
"...Words cannot express how much I hate the two of you."
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Also, people, if you want Tass to run during the week so that we don't have to wait/people who can't make this saturday can participate in the upcoming fight, please get your schedules to Tassadar.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Sunday - Well, little late for that.
Monday - Sleeping until 3, Trick or Treating at 6, occupied until at least 12:30 EST
Tuesday - Sleeping until 3-6, occupied until at least 12:30 EST
Wednesday - Sleeping until 3-6, occupied until at least 12:00 EST
Thursday - Sleeping until 3-6, occupied until at least 1:00 EST
Friday - Sleeping until 3-6, occupation up in the air, pending on whether my friend decides to leave her house or not, though Tass already said he can't do Friday.

By "at least" I mean that that's likely the earliest I will be online and available for gaming, but don't count on it. Granted, after that, I will be online until anywhere from 8am to 1pm EST, but for the most part, that's usually not good for the rest of folks. If you wanted to try and do something when the daystar's out, I could probably manage it, but otherwise, evenings for me are usually very full. Sorry :/
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

All days barring Monday are generally fine for me this week.

...Though if all else fails, I may actually try running a "live" session of my Curse of the Crimson Throne game, so as to get some of the more tedious parts of the dungeon out of the way. To make up for the fact that we'd have no game otherwise this week of course.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

This week I'm okay pretty much any time except for 18:00-24:00 EST, since I'd rather be able to stay awake for the session.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Give me a date, and I'll be there. I'm available whenever.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

My current available hours are:
  • Monday, 19:00 EST to 00:00 EST
  • Tuesday, 22:15 EST until 00:00 EST
  • Wednesday, 21:00 EST until 00:00 EST
  • Thursday, 22:15 EST until 00:00 EST
  • Friday, 19:00 until Saturday 05:00 EST
  • Saturday, 19:00 until Sunday 05:00 EST
  • Sunday, 19:00 EST to 00:00 EST

This is until December, which will be really messy with all the wild Christmas Orgies I have to host. But I should be able to make and keep to a schedule.

Starting January, it's 19:00 to 00:00 Sunday through Thursday, and 19:00 to 05:00 Friday/Saturday and Saturday/Sunday, but will be subject to change as I add things to me schedule.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

So, here's what I've got so far:
Spider: Any time except between 6 PM to midnight.
Shrike: She hasn't got back to me, but she works for the next 6 days, so idk.
Keylo: Whenever.
LDF: Mostly late afternoon (for me.)
Occam: Whenever.
GargBlarg: Hasn't posted yet, but he said anytime in the shoutbox.
Copper: Only after midnight.
Taken: Basically, after 9 or 10 every day.

Me: Not after midnight on weekdays unless I had no intention of going to class the next day.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm good for any time, excepting for this Thursday (11/3) and the Saturdays on 11/5, 11/19, 11/26, 12/3, and 12/24. My jorb kinda calls me in randomly, but I'll keep my Fridays open.

On a -completely- unrelated note, after getting Snake Style, I imagine Red moving and punching people like the girl in
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Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Just got some real time to write it out today. Times are GMT -7, i think EST is GMT -5, so try adding two hours to get that.

Monday-Thursday: Work until 3-ish. Can game until around midnight, except for Monday, Halloween stuff going on, and Tuesday, Halloween stuff as well. Wednesday and Friday should be fine.

Friday: Work until 5-ish, should be free the rest of the day and into the night as long as needed.

Sat-Sun: Free all the way to Sunday around midnight, I'm assuming I work Monday, but don't have the schedule yet.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Erm...okay, not to hijack the thread but, due to recent reports of a mid-week session not being likely this week, I'm officially declaring a live session of Curse of the Crimson Throne on Thursday (or later) in its place, provided at least four out of my six players can make it.

Thus far, I have confirmation from everyone but Shrike that Thursday is fine for them... Though we need to decide a time still.

Also, wait, we have a game session on saturday anyway? What?
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Yes, there is a game Saturday. I'm not available Friday, is what I said, and then I told GarbantuaBlarg that I would find a way to get him into the boss fight against the Cleric. Protip: You're not about to fight the Cleric.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Huh, first I've heard of that, for sure. You let me know what time it is, I'll be there. I get off work around 3-ish my time, and can only play until around midnight, so the closer to that, the better.

Blarg and Copper I think were the two with troubles on Saturday, but I guess if it's only the miniboss, we may be able to do without them.