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Pathfinder OOC Thread

Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Might make it saturday, might not. All depends on whether I've got booze handy or not (Respectively).

Also roll call go.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I can do this Saturday (in 20 hours) but of course none are here. :V

I'm good for next week.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

There is a slim chance I might be able to make it tomorrow, but I don't know. I will not be in control of my own destiny (IE, carpooling, and I'm not the driver) and I really don't know how long this thing is going to last. We're leaving here around 5, it takes an hour to get there, and therefore, an hour to get home. If I manage to make it any time before gamestart (or closely after) I'll jump in. Otherwise, Tass, my spells are on my sheet, you know my usual SOP and yes, I would warn the group that I have Silence spells memorized because there are other spellcasters in the group, heh. (Just in case Tass forgets to tell you people.)

Good luck, guys, if I don't manage to make it for this one!
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'll be there! Barring any unforeseen accidents, of course.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Recap: You (most of you) came, you fought, and you won! Against 2 wraiths, a dread wraith and six skeletons. Lots of spell slinging and battlefield control and buffs more or less won the fight rather handily. Now, the group is in a room with six destroyed skeletons wearing plate armor and holding greatswords, a single naked corpse lying on the floor that I forgot to mention last time, but it wasn't important to the combat anyhow, and a closed coffin on the far wall. Half of the room was walled off by Lilu, but there is now a hole in that wall that any of you can easily climb through, even Byzat who is now barely able to fit into the room courtesy of Kristie.

@Islona: You used a flamestrike and 2 channel energies, I think. Or was it 3? I want to say just 2, but I could be wrong. If I am, someone remind me.

@Redhand: You didn't use any ki points, but you still did pretty good. You finished off two of the enemies, if I remember correctly.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Nah, just two channels, for sure. We were on the third turn, and islona was last on the initiative order, so she wouldn't have had time for a third.

I'll start by searching the corpse, I think. Az will probably handle the coffin, but I'll get to that next if she isn't going to.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I know Tass already posted a summary, but I started writing it six hours ago and had to stop halfway to because I was late for cooking baking and theatre rehearsal, and my computer crashed, and dammit! I wanted to write a session summary!

Session Summary November 6th, 2011

Detecting undead and magic power, the party gathered at the door. The nearly rabid Byzat had to be leashed to allow the rest of the party to prepare, several casters enhancing the themselves and each other (such as Byzat) with a few enhancements. Then the door was opened and the skirmish began.

Three phantoms guarded the treasure, flanked by six well equipted skeletons. A blast of holy flame engulfed the room, then a wall of stone was conjured that trapped half the bony warriors, and black tentacles engulfed the other half. The heroes charged in, the priests flooding the room with positive energy, dispersing one of the wraiths, while the warriors brought magical steel and the mages brought fire to the undead. The wraiths tried to drain the life from Lilu and Byzat, but their great fortitude held strong. Byzat's tunnel vision drove him to focus on the biggest Wraith. Redhand managed to punch a Wraith back to death, and lasers and arrows filled the air.

Through the noise, the imprisoned skeletons could be heard chopping their way free. Upon breaking free, the waves of positive energy felled one, as did the other three being molested by black tentacles. With combined might of demon arrows, shinning blades and bulging muscles, the last the of the skeletons were dispatched, and the Dread Wraith vanquished.

The party was victorious.

So, post battle, Lilu will begin handing out healing from her wands. Be sure to thank your medic,
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Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

That's more kills than I get when I play myself! :I

So, right. Um, I am good for this week, but I can't do next Friday, in addition to the Saturday - that's 11/18.
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Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Seriously. But, well, gotta love channels. Will note the changes on my sheet accordingly...later. Feeling lazy. Will also help with triage as needed and make sure folks are well and good healed before we actually pop open the coffin. The last thing we need is to be wounded and make a vampire.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm not sure if I'll be running this week due to a social engagement that may consume most of my Saturday night. If I am, I'll let you lot know the day of, but regardless it will probably be a short session. Also, roll call time.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'll show up, provided you tell whether the session is on or not before I go to bed Saturday. Otherwise there's no guarantee.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'll probably show up.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'll be there, though it may be hard to tear myself away from Skyrim, hehe.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Should be able to make it, though if you have to cancel, I won't be crushed. Got a friend going through a rough patch, so I'm kind of "on call" for that. Or might have another friend over, but, we'll say 90% probability I can attend.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Might be good for tonight if the genii that my family are can fix my goddamned computer. If not, I can still make it, dunno how well this craptop can run IRC.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Might be good for tonight if the genii that my family are can fix my goddamned computer. If not, I can still make it, dunno how well this craptop can run IRC.

IRC takes considerably less resources than browsing web does.

Also, it's starting to look like I wont make it, after all. I'm not really interested in getting up around seven on a sunday morning because there might be a game. Doubly so if I go to bed after midnight.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

Game on. Hopefully Spider can make it at some point.
Re: Chat Based Pathfinder

I'm good to go this weakend. My performances end by 10:30, so I can easily make it home to take part in the game.