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Pathos Facility - REALLY Old Version

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Re: Pathos Facility

"Wow, thank you. And please, call me Bell. I think the only people that still call me by my first name are my parents." She says cheerily, grabbing a plate and taking a bit of everything. By the time she sits down, she has two eggs, three sausages, and a biscuit sandwiched in between a pair of pancakes, like some sort of sandwich. she runs into the kitchen quickly to get a glass of milk, then starts up the conversation again.

"I was pretty tired last night, was up programming and didn't notice the time. This stuff smells delicious, it woke me up all the way up on the third floor, must be why I'm here so early. Where are the others anyway? Still sleeping with all this food down here? More for us I guess." She smiles and starts eating slowly, cutting off pieces and enjoying the mixed taste of everything at once.
Re: Pathos Facility

Koike nodded again when Bell commented about her name. "I'll make sure to note that in the files."

When she returned, he smiled briefly at both her plate, and her comments about the others. "I suspect that Jack, the quieter one, will be down somewhat soonish. As for Gil...It's been my experience that he keeps his own schedule. He was the last one in, the one who asked about rooms."

He paused for a moment, then asked, "I do need to ask, so that the personnel files will be ready once Doctor Shiraishi arrives...Can I see your room key, so I can enter the number on it?"
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Re: Pathos Facility

"Alrighty, just thought it was weird that I was the first one down here, most people get up way before me. Here's my key, I thought all that was filed for me, though." She says, pulling the key out and handing it to him before going back to eating.
Re: Pathos Facility

Koike read the key carefully, then set it down near Bell's place. After looking up, he commented, "And it sounds like at least one of the others is up."
Re: Pathos Facility

No sooner had Koike spoken than Jack showed up in the room, seemingly cruising along silently. How Koike still managed to hear him despite his fluid movements was a mystery to even him still, but he really didn't seem to care. He briefly nodded to the two of them, went into the kitchen and grabbed a plate of food. Moments later he exited and approached the table. "Good morning, is it alright for me to join the two of you?"
Re: Pathos Facility

Koike merely slid one of the chairs out using his foot. Then he turned back towards Bell. "To answer your confusion about the assignments, it's really a case of making it official. Unless it's entered by either an acting facility director, or a facility director, the system won't recognize it as a permanent assignment. Bureaucratic interference."
Re: Pathos Facility

"Ah, makes sense, I hate bureaucratic tape." She replies to Koike, before turning to Jack as he sits down, smiling as she very obviously sizes him up. "Hey there Tall, Dark, and Handsome, we haven't been officially introduced. I'm Senra Belladonna, but everyone calls me Bell."
Re: Pathos Facility

Jack sits down in the offered chair before nodding to Bell. "Good to meet you then Bell, I'm Jack O'Neill, but you can call me Jack if you'd like."

He clearly is smiling, apparently relishing the opportunity to meet a new person. It seems too that he is also eager to meet a Drow as well, as indicated by his warm smile, this one genuine. He reaches out with a hand for a handshake then adds with a chuckle, "and what did you call me?"

He's clearly amused though, and not upset in the slightest with her, more though he seems to be clearly in a good mood.
Re: Pathos Facility

Bell laughs as she shakes hands with him. "Tall, dark, and handsome, though in this case the dark refers to your attire." She turns back to her plate, now almost empty, and finishes it up quickly. "This food is great, isn't it? I haven't had much Human food before. One of these days I'll drag myself out of bed early and treat you all to a Drow breakfast, you'll like it." She says with a wink at Jack before she gets up and grabs a second, smaller helping.
Re: Pathos Facility

Koike nodded. "That would be interesting."
Re: Pathos Facility

Jack too nodded. "That sounds interesting, count me in."

He is still chuckling as he adds, "and I don't think anyone has ever called me that before."

There would be a long pause now as he begins eating, obviously relishing the food before him.
Re: Pathos Facility

Gil steps into the room late, wearing a blue t-shirt with a black leather duster and jeans with a pair of brown boots.

"Whuzzat? Food?"

He sat down, with a bored/disinterested look on his face, despite his hunger.

"Hey, you're the person who was here when we first came. Did I ever introduce myself? No, I don't think I did...it's Gil."
Re: Pathos Facility

Koike glanced up and saw Gil walk in. "Ah, good. Once you get done with the introductions, and finish waking up, I'm going to need help with something upstairs. That goes for you as well, Jack."

He stood up, then paused for a moment. "Oh, that's right...Bell, there was a program of some sort left up last night. I just left it. Would you mind seeing what it is, and dealing with it if need be?"

With that said, he took care of his dishes, and headed back up to the fourth floor.
Re: Pathos Facility

Gil wasn't too hungry, and he was just about finished with introductions.

Deciding he was pretty curious about what Koike needed help with, he followed him up to the fourth floor.
Re: Pathos Facility

Jack nodded then said to Bell, "we'll chat a little bit later if you'd like, right now I'd best go see what he needs help with."

He quickly clears his dishes and heads up to the fourth floor, quickly catching up to the others.
Re: Pathos Facility

While he was waiting, Koike did another sweep of the meeting room. Once the two arrived, he quickly began a short briefing. "Two major things that need to be discussed. First off, it looks like I was right. This sudden spat of AAD is likely aided, at least, by them. For now, though, we're going to have to play defensively. That means patrols. Secondly, I think it might not hurt to keep our new co-worker under observation for a couple of days. I don't yet know how the Drow will react to the Hour, but she was active last night, and seems to not have any signs of AAD. The support system is in place. I checked that last night, so we're set on that end. Like we discussed on the way here. Gil, for now, I'm going to ask that you handle things on this end. Jack, you're running patrols. If you start getting tired, let me know, and we'll switch."

This entire speech is given in a quiet tone, loud enough for the two in the room to hear, but it would be difficult for someone outside to listen in.
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Re: Pathos Facility

"Nice to meet you, I'm Bell" she replies, about halfway through her second plate of food. She gets a couple more bites in as Koike speaks, choking a little as she realized what he was talking about.

"Really? That's really strange, I thought that if a Human computer loses power while something was in temporary memory, it's lost. I have to go see this!" She hurriedly cleans her plate, dumping the leftovers of her weird breakfast hodgepodge in a garbage, then runs off out of the dining area towards the West Wing, completely oblivious to Jack's comment.
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Re: Pathos Facility

While he was waiting, Koike did another sweep of the meeting room. Once the two arrived, he quickly began a short briefing. "Two major things that need to be discussed. First off, it looks like I was right. This sudden spat of AAD is likely aided, at least, by them. For now, though, we're going to have to play defensively. That means patrols. Secondly, I think it might not hurt to keep our new co-worker under observation for a couple of days. I don't yet know how the Drow will react to the Hour, but she was active last night, and seems to not have any signs of AAD. The support system is in place. I checked that last night, so we're set on that end. Like we discussed on the way here. Gil, for now, I'm going to ask that you handle things on this end. Jack, you're running patrols. If you start getting tired, let me know, and we'll switch."

This entire speech is given in a quiet tone, loud enough for the two in the room to hear, but it would be difficult for someone outside to listen in.
"Damn. Surveillence? Ah well. Better than doing patrols."

Gil eyes the large Jack, who's bulk and muscle was pretty much perfect for patrols and any potential fights.

"You think that Drow could really have the potential? I mean, it's lucky enough we three have it..."
Re: Pathos Facility

"It's a distinct possibility. We don't know very much about how they react to certain things, but I'm seeing similarities from the psychological end. It's certain that they have the usual reaction, since we saw that much on the way over here from the docks last night. She was still active, and didn't seem to have any kind of disorientation when I was speaking to her earlier." Koike shrugged. "We really can't spare any more help from Earth, given how few of us there are overall. If there's a chance that the Drow can have the potential, that's something we need to know."
Re: Pathos Facility

"It's a distinct possibility. We don't know very much about how they react to certain things, but I'm seeing similarities from the psychological end. It's certain that they have the usual reaction, since we saw that much on the way over here from the docks last night. She was still active, and didn't seem to have any kind of disorientation when I was speaking to her earlier." Koike shrugged. "We really can't spare any more help from Earth, given how few of us there are overall. If there's a chance that the Drow can have the potential, that's something we need to know."

"Ugh. How do you suppose we get her to reveal she has the potential? We already know she doesn't get ADD during the Hour, but how can we get her to reveal her power?"
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