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Pathos Facility - REALLY Old Version

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Re: Pathos Facility

Bell waits for Gil's affirmative, then slips one arm into Jack's and the other into Gil's as she went out the door. "Well, come on then, time's a wasting!"
Re: Pathos Facility

Jack allows her to take his arm, and walks beside her as they head out. "Off we go then, first stop, only Bell knows."
Re: Pathos Facility

Koike followed along, quietly checking his watch at one point. He looked up at the trio in front of him, then shrugged. He was probably considering something mentally.
Re: Pathos Facility

Koike followed along, quietly checking his watch at one point. He looked up at the trio in front of him, then shrugged. He was probably considering something mentally.

Gil looked back at Koike, but then looked at Bell.

"So, where to next, baby? I just hope it serves beer.."
Re: Pathos Facility

Koike smirked as he shook his head and mouthed, 'One track mind.'
Re: Pathos Facility

Jack didn't say a word at all, and simply walked along with Bell and the others still, trying hard not to smile.
Re: Pathos Facility

"Don't worry Gil, what's a party without alchohol?" She says with a smile. After about a ten minute walk, bell leads them to a rather large two-story building.

"Here we are, best bar in town. Figures that its also one of the biggest public building here too, doesn't it?" She says with a laugh, and leads them inside.

Inside was a madhouse. the single story had booth tables on three of the walls, with the bar taking up the last. Half of the open area was dance floor, open all the way up to the second floor ceiling, with the other half split evenly between tables and what looked like an arcade. The top floor was mostly tables, and only half the area of the bottom floor, with a balcony looking out over the dance floor. Most of the patrons were Drow, with the odd Human mixed in, maybe one in fifteen.

Bell leads them up the stairs to a table right up against the balcony. "You guys wait here. I'll be right back with the first drink of the night, then we'll get to the fun stuff." She says over the din of music, then runs back down the stairs.
Re: Pathos Facility

Koike nodded as Bell left, then turned to Jack. "If Gil gets like he usually does when he's drunk...You're responsible for the extraction."
Re: Pathos Facility


There is an almost evil glint to his eye, but it is a playful one.
Re: Pathos Facility

Bell returns with four fine glasses in one hand and what looks an awful lot like a champaign bottle of blood in the other. She sets the glasses down and starts pouring carefully.

"Alright, this stuff is called Amaranth. Its pretty rare, and a lot more powerful than it tastes, so be careful. There's this big long story that goes along with it, something about how it's supposed to signify the blood of your enemies, and how drinking it is supposed to make you stronger and bring you closer to your God or somesuch, but its a load of crap in my opinion." She finishes pouring and hands everyone a glass. "Anyway, hope you like it, its my favourite!" She says, waiting so everyone can drink at the same time.

((Stuff's about 60%, and tastes like drinking cream soda through a black licorice straw, or something similar))
Re: Pathos Facility

Koike tested it, then commented. "Interesting taste."

He paused briefly, and took a slow breath. As he did this, his eyes drifted shut, but he reopened them as he exhaled. "Well, I suppose it's that time when it's best to let things here play out as they will, and see what happens?"

As he said this, Koike's posture shifted. Where before he'd seemed almost formal, he was now more relaxed and casual. There was also the beginnings of an impish gleam in his eyes.
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Re: Pathos Facility

Jack took a sip of it, and when it didn't send him flying took a larger swig of his drink. "Pretty damn good actually."

He glanced over to Koike, and then said only one word, which would likely drawn a sigh from him. "Indeed."
Re: Pathos Facility

"That's the spirit!" She says, completely missing the undertone of the conversation. She takes another drink and speaks up again. "So I've talked to the bartender, you're all on my tab and we have pretty much free run of the place. There's bathrooms on each floor, pretty hard to miss, and the place runs till around surise. Any questions?"

((Also, that's about as far as I had planned for the evening, so don't be afraid of tromping all over my plans, 'cause there aren't any :) ))
Re: Pathos Facility

Gil eyed the bottle, and wondered if he could down the whole thing without serious injury..

He decided against the idea, but filled his glass with the stuff.
Re: Pathos Facility

Koike smirked, then decided to crack a joke. "So, should we place bets as to who the first one to end up performing drunken karaoke will be?"
Re: Pathos Facility

Koike smirked, then decided to crack a joke. "So, should we place bets as to who the first one to end up performing drunken karaoke will be?"

"Hope no one places any bets on me, because I ain't singin'. Ever."
Re: Pathos Facility

Bell gave Gil a smile, recognizing the look on his face, then turned and eyes up Jack. "So," she says expectantly. "You gonna ask a girl to dance or what?"
Re: Pathos Facility

There is a moment pause while Jack finishes his glass, and then he sets it down. "Oh yeah, dancing should be fun." He grins widely then looks at her and asks, "so Bell, would you care to dance with me?"

It would be somewhat clear that he was loosening up some now, and becoming more at ease realizing there weren't that many differences between their two cultures after all.
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