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ACT [Perveloper]Captivity

Is it really? Of the 2 times I've been grabbed both ended up carrying me up, weird coincidence I guess. My low sample count is telling of how much I enjoy the cave level (I don't).
Nearly finished with all other levels other than jungle, my mind always seems to register seeing the bear traps a split second too late, shit is hella unforgiving. I'm not looking forward to doing the nimble feet achievement.
Also, I "meticulously" attempted to do the energy ball dodge achievement on space station, but didn't trigger after the 50th dodge. Does the count get reset if you get hit by one?
No. You need to dodge the energy balls from different enemys. So 1 Sqoid is one dodge. It's hell.
No. You need to dodge the energy balls from different enemys. So 1 Sqoid is one dodge. It's hell.
Dammit all, I had just got done getting to wave 28 and only cut if off cuz I got bored. Guess I'm doing another run of Mr Bones' Wild Hallway.
I did, sometimes it carry me, sometimes it dont, dunno what im doing different.

Technically it's supposed to happen every time, but it glitches a lot and the dev patched it so that if the glitch happens, he just drops you immediately. So basically, either he carries you off, or you glitched and just need to try again until it works.
Just cleared the Nuttshack, now trying the Jungle and well... The fact the game expects you to not hit a single active trap for 15 rounds makes me want to punch the dev in their throat, NGL. I already have enough to worry about with how much this map loves to swarm you with enemies with only your default gun for the first few rounds, on top of praying for RNG to give me a decent weapon before the big orcs come in and you might as well reset without one, having to avoid mobs, some of with have ranged attacks, while ALSO having to make sure I notice tiny wads of pixels is more a tedious challenge more than a fun one. Also fuck the giant orcs and the fact they have a guard ability they love to spam, making the dart mobs behind him impossible to kill without risking damage/setting off bear traps by rolling past him+the darts.
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Don't konw if you knew this, but you can shoot the traps to disarm them safely. Also the orcs become vulnerable when they swing, so big damage single-hit weapons like a shotgun are ideal for them.
Don't konw if you knew this, but you can shoot the traps to disarm them safely. Also the orcs become vulnerable when they swing, so big damage single-hit weapons like a shotgun are ideal for them.
Pssst! Don't tell that to anyone! Try to monetize this "secret" of "git-gud gaming"! :D
lets be real, most games like this don't even hint at having any strategy at all
lets be real, most games like this don't even hint at having any strategy at all
Its either finding a strategy or a meta, which in itself is a strategy. The only things that don't have strategy are things you have no control over at all.
Is there actually a way to finish those stage's the most i've gone is wave 15 on the shack stage and i dunno if it ends or not.
The entire basis of the game is an endless gauntlet. You stop getting rewards and essentially "win" by reaching wave 20, but the only ways to actually exit a stage are to game over on it or quit to menu.
Really having fun with this, it's pretty challenging even set to casual mode. I've managed to clear all the experiments in the shack and the cave, and am working on the jungle

For those having trouble in the cave even on casual, I figured out a neat little trick you can make use of on the first wave to get ahead a little in cash.

Kill all the enemies in the wave but leave one fly alive, then let it rape you once or twice. Once you're egged up run around kiting the fly to avoid further damage or grabs until all eggs are laid and hatched, running or rolling through the maggots to kill them as the hatch. Each of the three eggs you get per rape spawns 10 maggots, which each earn $25 when killed. You should earn an extra 750-1500 in the first wave, depending on whether you got raped once or twice, which will give you enough cash to light up the zone (unlocking the vendors) and if you did it twice either buy a ramping weapon or be half way to getting an endgame weapon already.

I wouldn't advise doing this more than twice, as each rape knocks off ~1/4 of your strength bar, and you may lack the strength to break grabs if you abuse this too much. It does get you a nice bit of starting cash though, so you can grab a good weapon earlier, which I find does wonders to stabilise your situation, and you can always restore your strength and lust with drugs later when you're flush with cash.

Fair warning, I've only tried this on casual; I don't know what the difficulty setting affects, but if it impacts the rate you gain lust/lose strength then this may drain strength too much to be worth it.
I fucked up my run for the Mother achievement in the cave, solely because I forgot about the 200 total pregnancy achievement in the general category.
I had the perfect setup for surviving long enough to get egged 25 times, the 8-shot Tenelli and the 55-clip smg with pinpoint accuracy, and I cut the run short after the Breeder achievement went off.
Really didn't want another cave run, I've been putting off the jungle for too long.
I fucked up my run for the Mother achievement in the cave, solely because I forgot about the 200 total pregnancy achievement in the general category.
I had the perfect setup for surviving long enough to get egged 25 times, the 8-shot Tenelli and the 55-clip smg with pinpoint accuracy, and I cut the run short after the Breeder achievement went off.
Really didn't want another cave run, I've been putting off the jungle for too long.
Have done similar to this myself. You can complete mother in about 5 waves if you're careful, by abusing the fact that you can earn extra cash from the maggots that hatch from eggs you lay. Kill all of wave 1 except 1 fly, let it rape you twice. Run around kiting it and avoiding its grab until all 6 eggs are laid, hatch, and the maggots are crushed, then kill the fly. You should have enough cash for the lights and an anaphrodisiac.

Fight through wave 2 normally. you should get enough cash for a second anaphrodisiac. Using both should bottom out your lust again so your pleasure doesn't rise too fast.
Fight wave 3 the same way you did wave 1, but only let the surviving fly rape you once. lay eggs and kill maggots before ending wave. buy and use anaphrodisiac, plus buffout if you can afford.

Clear all but 1 fly on wave four, then let it chain rape you. you should survive the 9th total rape, which will see you hit 27 impregnations.
Im kinda ok with PRG maker based games if its not "classic style" battles when you have mindlesly grind horde after horde to get level using same moves every turn, and you have painfully select it with 4 or 5 button presses every single round since no one on earth remebers ancient lost technology called "repeat last action button". Last rpg game i tolerated enough was Hatsume-since fucking turn based system actualy affected gameplay, and was not all 100% waste of time(just 60-70).
Honestly, having earned most of the achievements from just playing it on normal here and there when I can, the game definitely is far from impossible once you have a few strategies down, especially keeping in mind on most maps what doors/access points spawn what enemies, and what rounds certain enemies will begin to spawn on. By far, the three easiest so far in my opinion are probably the Shack being most obvious, then FER as an easy second, all you really need to get to round 20 is the uzi and once you get to it past the doors, of if you're lucky on the gun vendor, a sawed off or tenelli, and finally either the Space Station or the Jungle. Both of these are somewhat dependent on how well you perform early and have the dodge timing/map down. Once you get a decent sub machinegun, or even a shotgun like the sawed off you pretty much dominate the jungle by just standing on the higher platforms and earning free headshots as enemies come up, and blasting them away with the shotgun. The space station is pretty similar, and is almost trivial once you get to the final door as long as you have a decent weapon, its just tougher than FER in my opinion due to how narrow the one corridor is, and the fact there is no verticality allowing you to escape more easily from enemies.

That said, all of the stages are pretty trivial, though somewhat time consuming if you abuse the s key/submit key, and use the auto escape to almost immediately escape. This not only allows you to take no damage, but also offers a couple seconds of invul upon escape, allowing you to reposition/reload. This and, if you ever start to run low on strength keeping topped out on buffout, should easily last you long enough till you get a solid gun on any stage, perhaps even two and a dose of psycho to go with it. Easily enough to get you to wave 20, which is all thats intended as the game more or less just continues with waves infinitely till you quit or lose. The only honest two achieves I see being a pain to manage is the 15 hypnosis' from the Sqoids, since I don't believe you can just let them grab you and escape for those to count unlike every other enemy, and the avoiding traps till wave 15 which, while certainly possible, I can already see being the cause of plenty of heartache. The pregnancy one on Cave requiring 20 pregnancies without mindbreak will also be a slog, as you basically are required to pop anaphrodisiac for both it and the sqoid one on nearly every animation to make it work I imagine. Regardless, since there isn't really much to see just yet by finishing the game, I don't see it being anything all too worth getting other than just to say you have, or for the cosmetics tied to them,

Still loving the game as I boot it up when I'm feeling the itch to do so every here and there, definitely looking forward to the new stage whenever it comes around.
Hey guys, I have a question about the "hypnosis" experiment in the space level. Do you need to let the entire animation go through 15 times or can you just escape the grab 15 times? From what I've seen, you can only survive 4-5 of the full animation before losing a heart, so how are you supposed to get 15 before a mind break?
Hey guys, I have a question about the "hypnosis" experiment in the space level. Do you need to let the entire animation go through 15 times or can you just escape the grab 15 times? From what I've seen, you can only survive 4-5 of the full animation before losing a heart, so how are you supposed to get 15 before a mind break?
As far as I know, you have to let it get to the point where you get hypnotized, so yes, you basically have to let the animation play out. The Jacky from the FER stage used to require that you get fully choked out 15 times before as well, before being changed in this most recent patch to just 'raped', meaning you just have to get grabbed 15 times. So far, the sqoid is the only one that still has to be fully played out as far as I know to actually work. Could be wrong though as I haven't actually tested it myself yet, but knowing that the Jacky one used to work on the same sort of metric, and the sqoid does actually get tracked as to how many times it hypnotizes you in the data section, I'd assume that the answer is yes, making it one of the most difficult challenges to complete as you basically have to manage anaphrodisiac quite heavily to make it work, similar to the dog knotting achievement.
For that one achievement, stock up on anaphrodisiacs (up to 8 I think), leave only a single not-metroid alive and when your arousal reaches 33%+ pop an ana and wait for it to drop to 0. Rinse, repeat.
This game is hard to begin with but got dang the achievements are a whole different level