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Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Hettie... You had me waiting...

I don't like waiting...


It was worth it...
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I think we should go fro the intros. Especially if you've already gone through the work of making it. Also, yay!
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Edit: @MadHettie: Obviously love the latest animation, but I have a question for you. This combo finisher is obviously Mid/Mid/Mid, but what if she gets hit by one of the other two attackers before the third Mid hits? I don't really see... ehm... any space for any other partners. Or did you and Nunu change it to just whatever the first three that hit her instead of there being a max of five?
Actually, this latest combo is high/high/high. The max number of tentacles that can assault Jungle Girl will be 4 (5 would have just been too much work), so there is only one possible order the tentacles can attach: Mid (to hold her), High, High, High.

The previous animation I worked on—back on page 34—is the mid/mid/mid animation. Since that one already starts off with a mid tentacle holding Jungle Girl, a different tentacle could join in before the third mid tentacle arrives. In that combo, I've got two mid tentacles in her ass while one rubs itself between her breasts. If a high tentacle reaches her before the combo is triggered, it can fuck her mouth. If a low tentacle reaches her before the combo triggers, it can fuck her pussy. The animation I actually posted is misleading because it shows 5 tentacles: the three mids, one high, and one low. When it comes time to make the individual animations, I'll just remove whichever tentacles are not in play.

I'm currently reworking that animation since the large tentacle at the end looks awkward; I'm removing it entirely and letting the two smaller tentacles in her ass finish inside her.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

MadHettie don't ever let anyone put you or your hard work down.

Know that some of us appreciate your efforts and the fact that you are willing to share them with us.

Hip, Hip, Hoorah for MadHettie!!!
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

so far there has only been constructive critisism hasn't there.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

What is this... "constructive criticism" you speak of?

Is that some sort of Australian thing?

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

hmm music, i guess you could say it 'sounds' like a gd idea? HAHAHaha...bah please yourselves
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I got

Steam heat

On a related note: I think the game could use music

I seem to remember someone (Incubus) taking a shot at this before, and then quite a few people getting titchy over it.

I still have the music file he made - never deleted it.

I would say that if we have music, it would probably have to be optional (ie: have an on/off button) and be very, very low key. On the other hand, I enjoyed the "jungle" sound effects of the original Jungle Girl myself.
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Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I don't have the widest array available of jungle sounds, but I can whip up some background music if you guys want... I'm thinking something omnious with, but with jungle drums.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

so far there has only been constructive critisism hasn't there.

Indeed, I've not read any discouraging comments here. You guys have been a tremendous help with feedback. I may have mentioned before, but this game represents my first real attempt at animation with a human subject. It doesn't always come together easily, but you guys have been patient and enthusiastic (not a common combination) and I HEART you all. ^_^

As far as music goes, constructive criticism is harder to come by since whoever composes the music can't really know what everyone else wants to hear. Obviously, I know what everyone generally wants to see, so my job is more clear. And if there's a problem with something I've drawn, it's fairly easy to articulate (for example, 'her left arm looks too thick'). If someone doesn't like a musical submission, it's harder to describe what needs fixing, and that would naturally be frustrating for the musician.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I honestly enjoyed games without music when the woman are getting... um... pleasured that way I can hear their moans and squeals of delight without any background noise.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

...Or, if you do add music, add a mute music button, mayhap? Mute MUSIC, mind you. Not mute SFX... Oh, and HEART!!!
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

We tried music, people got upset, butts were hurt, GET ON WITH IT.

Nunu, I love you, but I'd love you even more if you're able to get at least a walking cycle demo out before 2010 is up.

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Something I've been curious about as of late...

How's the game going to be distributed? I first found DG and JG via Newgrounds, but I hardly go there anymore and after having a few things crash and burn my computer in the past, I shy away from downloading as much as I can. Now, granted, I've got the sneaking suspicion that Nu and Hettie can be trusted to be virus free (as far as a download goes. I say nothing about your current state of health.), it's places outside of the forum I don't trust *laughs*
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I think a simple Megaupload would do it just fine. They process way to much to risk letting a virus loose on their stuff, they'd lose way too much business.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I think a simple Megaupload would do it just fine. They process way to much to risk letting a virus loose on their stuff, they'd lose way too much business.

Even if they do scan the files(of which I wouldn't be too sure of, were I you), no scan is perfect.