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Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Isn't it called "Pegging"?

That it is. I am also referred to as a BOB, or bend over boyfriend
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

It's fine to believe in individuals. People as a group are dumber than rocks.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Hey. No judgement. All god's children. It's fine. I was gay once. For a while. We all do it. No big deal.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

"People is dumb. Person are smart, but people is dumb."
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

For the most part, the bible actually has no problem with gays in general. People misconceive that EVERYWHERE
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

They just say that it's a no-no to lay with another man.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Leviticus isn't for Christian followers and Sodom involved gay gang rape.

Cuz ya know, those fags, always trying to push the government into letting them change jewish priests into queers and gang fuck anyone they want. That shit makes me intolerant of them
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Hey, it's alright. They're allowed. The bible only forbids LAYING with another MAN. Loophole.

Good thing they will never release the 1.1 patch to cover that loophole. I have no problem with gay people unless they are assholes or rapists , I have a problem with assholes and rapists.

Oh NO ! I'm not a demon girl anymore ! ;_;
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I'm ok with gays. Long as they don't overdo it. If your talking to a dude and they say 'hey, just letting you know I'm gay'. Okay that's cool, long as you don't hit on me or anything I'm fine with that.

But if they come out with rainbows and unicorns prancing "Helloooooo everbody!!" Then I want to smash their face in.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Well, there's a difference between being gay and being stupid. You're talking about the latter, Sponge.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

God doesn't hate gays, never has. He's just mad we found a loophole in the system.

Think about it. Eve eats the apple. God punishes women with painful childbirth, and the men with putting up with our mood swings and such if they want to continue their line. So the men and women just looked at the situation and basically said to God, "You know what...we're just gonna bang each other!" =P
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Technically, I don't believe in any gods, but I feel I should say something... I'll put it this way - if the story of first humans looked exactly how it was described in Bible, then God is horribly incompetent. Which kinda clashes with the fact that he created such a complex universe. I wouldn't advise thinking about this too much, I ended up going in circles.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Well, if the bible is correct, we're all products of incest (if there's just Adam and Eve, where did we come from?) and we should all hate black people (that was the curse that God put on Cain for trying to kill his brother).
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Eh. It's things like that that make me feel I was justified when I decided that Bible is nothing but fiction. Some parts are well-written, but it's all fiction.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

God doesn't hate gays, never has. He's just mad we found a loophole in the system.

Think about it. Eve eats the apple. God punishes women with painful childbirth, and the men with putting up with our mood swings and such if they want to continue their line. So the men and women just looked at the situation and basically said to God, "You know what...we're just gonna bang each other!" =P

"Make more women god! I still got plenty of ribs left!"
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Nah, then His followers will just oppress them more. The women write part of a bible, the men throw it out. The women make Adam's (FIRST) wife, Lilith. Lilith is independent and doesn't follow every single thing thing Adam tells her to. The men make Lilith be a demon, and she is banished from Eden. Gender equality my arse.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Huh. I wonder where humanity would have been without religion.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Less organized. But prolly saner.