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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Really wish I could solve Damoriva's problem, but I'm at a loss. Sorry...

BTW, just letting everyone know that I'm gonna stop for a bit. Need to tackle other stuff.

Be back soon~~

Thanks for all your hard work!
Also I have a problem with the translations, is feena suppose to be missing her names when people refer to her? Whenever someone talks about her her name is blank.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I have a problem with the translations, is feena suppose to be missing her names when people refer to her? Whenever someone talks about her her name is blank.

'Feena is missing her name'?
I have never heard of this problem. Please elaborate.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

'Feena is missing her name'?
I have never heard of this problem. Please elaborate.

Problem fixed after getting newest patch.
Before instead of showing Feena's name in the conversation, it only showed up as a blank name instead. Now it's showing her japanese name again.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

What I do not understand what I have to do with the GAL Dartein.
Even so pure stuff without the folder?
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

^ I have no idea what this user just said.

Anywho, I'm currently working on the H-scene regarding the slimes. Namely, the common slimes. (Like the H-scene involving Demea, this will take awhile. Expect me to ask for help in the future)
The user 'thisguythatguy' should currently be handling the second layer of dialogue for Nozzle Village, but I haven't heard from the user lately. Hope nothing's gone wrong. :/
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

What I do not understand what I have to do with the GAL Dartein.
Even so pure stuff without the folder?

Just unzip the files and put them all in the base game folder (where you also have the .exe) ignore the fact that you're not overwriting anything and are just adding new files to it.

^ I have no idea what this user just said.

As I understand it he's asking what to do with the translation files, as there are no clear instructions on how to use the files themselves and it might not exactly be obvious the first time doing it.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

How are you opening the game files if you don't mind me asking. I was just picking up Unity for fun to see what I could make, and I was thinking if it was easier to just remake the whole game in Unity and copy the assets from the original?
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

How are you opening the game files if you don't mind me asking. I was just picking up Unity for fun to see what I could make, and I was thinking if it was easier to just remake the whole game in Unity and copy the assets from the original?

I used tools for LiveMaker 3 games to convert LSB files into XML files.
Later used Notepad++ to open XML files.

I have no idea what it's called, unfortunately. :p
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I used tools for LiveMaker 3 games to convert LSB files into XML files.
Later used Notepad++ to open XML files.

I have no idea what it's called, unfortunately. :p

Does it have the background, character drawings etc.?
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I don't want to be "that guy", so I'll be nice about it.
How's the work going, Memory?
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I don't want to be "that guy", so I'll be nice about it.
How's the work going, Memory?

This, it's always tricky asking how progress is without coming across as an impatient ass.. lol
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

In terms of progress, nothing much. User 'thisguythatguy' is handling Nozzle Village, me cleaning up and inputting his work back into the game, and I am personally handling H-scenes.
Without help, of course. Because ain't nobody gonna touch these overly-descriptive basterds.

I also went back for the hint for the dice. Since I can't translate it by myself, I figured I should post the original and my translation for feedback.
Numbers from the dice plus your bonus can lead
to a greater value than the target.
1 digit will always fail.
Another dice can be added by consuming 1 LUK.

Until something of importance is complete, (Say...a whole lot of the first segment from the Village to the Fairy Forest) I won't be saying much around here.
I still read your comments, though. So I won't vanish like the others. :) (Unless something happens beyond my control...)

EDIT: I also had to fix my grammar because I forgot this game is meant to be translated in present-tense as per the previous translator's choice.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Well, let's try a helpful translation before I go offline. Let's see...

You'll (succeed/hit) if your ability score + 2 dice are greater than your opponents value.
But rolling 2 1's will always fail.
You can spend 1 luck to roll an extra die."

Swap succeed/hit based on context, and substitute 2 dice for 2D6 if you really need space.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Praising the user Habisain, all night long.

I'm gonna update soon. Will include the list of changes later. Just need to translate a little more text.
Need to update so I don't lose the changes.

Most changes involve Nozzle Village. Does not include H-scenes. Don't expect any H-scenes.
Small changes, the usual.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I need additional opinions (and help) regarding this text just because.

A girl in Nozzle Village says this to Feena. (Mostly happens depending on Feena's appearance, the negative type.) According to the girl, her mother instructed the child to not go near Feena. And then the girl says this:

EDIT: Forgot this one.
Say, I heard from the others.
Same village, said by shopkeeper (Man) for Feena to potentially blow him.

Additional opinions, and help, required.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

And habisain charges in once again, not really knowing anything! Seriously, the girl is pretty tricky for me, but it strikes me as a line such as "But why is she a no good person?"

As to the shopkeeper, that one I'm more confident in (although I'm assuming that the shopkeeper is demanding Feena blow him as payment for something in this translation, the jist of it should be easy enough to adapt if this isn't the case)

"Well, I heard some gossip... but...
Well, my dear, do you think I'd tell this to just anyone?
Law and order isn't too good here, you know?"

Add additional flavour such as "Loose lips cost lives, perhaps my own" and/or "I need you to make it worth my while" to taste.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Hey, habisain.

Any tips or guides you could point me (or other new translators) to to help them in translating? Machine translations can only take you so far.

Anything would be appreciated.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Maybe I should write a more detailed post or topic on this, but a handful of quick tips I can give now:

1) Machine translations will help 95% of the time. For the remaining 5%, a lot of it could reasonably be guessed by context. To be blunt: these are fan translations of hentai games. No-one will care if you get a few things slightly wrong, so don't be afraid to. In fact, most people won't even notice. Even people who say we read Japanese and so "we'll know if you make mistakes" (actual quote I've been on the receiving end of) probably won't notice, because they're not going to be proofreading your translated script against the Japanese.
2) Rikaichan/Rikaikun are very useful tools, especially when you're dealing with a common situation: characters being inserted to get certain sounds in the text. Rikaichan/Rikaikun (Firefox/Chrome respectively) allow you to mouseover a Japanese word to get a translation. Importantly, if a word can't be translated due to characters being inserted, you can use Rikaichan/Rikaikun to easily roll over the sentence and see when things start to make sense again. That way you'll only lose one or two words, rather than garbled output from a machine translator. Just make sure you pay attention to if Rikaichan/Rikaikun say that the words is a negative or not.
3) Lateral thinking is important. Rather than try to translate literally, try to identify the concepts that are being communicated and then stitch them together into a coherent sentence. Quite often a literal translation isn't going to be very good anyway.
4) Importantly, your source material may have mistakes in it. These might be typos (e.g. words that don't make sense), or things which are actually wrong (which I've encountered in VPM). Don't be afraid to use editorial judgement to correct them.
5) If you know some Japanese words from Anime, try using Google translate and pay attention to the Romaji below the translation. You might spot words there, and it's a good way to improve your Japanese.
6) Katakana can be used to indicate a primitive style of speech in Japanese, but machine translators will just spit out the phonetic Japanese in this case. If you see this, convert to Hiragana before putting into a translator.
7) Focus on English writing skills more than Japanese translation skills. Maybe a contentious point, but writing English is much more important than translating Japanese. It's what people read in the end, after all, and it'll improve your ad libbing if it's needed.
8) Try to use appropriate tools. It'll be no fun translating if you have to wrestle with your tools all the time. If necessary, try to find a programmer to help with this - I really can't stress how important I think this one is.
9) Don't be afraid to ask for help. Worst case is nothing will happen, best case you'll pick up some more techniques.
10) Try to work out characters personalities, and use them. I've noticed a lot of bland H-game characters (e.g. very dull speech), so feel free to add your own interpretation of the characters. It'll make the end produce more interesting.
11) Actually have fun translating. If it stops being fun, stop translating.

Wow... That was far longer than I thought it would be. Oh well, hope it's useful.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Took in habisain's suggestion. You're a lifesaver.

While testing stuff, I realised Feena can be considered an exhibitionest in front of people by simply being covered in jizz.
However, the narration and dialogue doesn't take this into account. They only refer to Feena as if she's naked. (Or in her undies)

So, I am left with a dilemma. I can either: Leave the narration and text as is, or change them to be vague.

And here I thought the game took into account all combinations. =w= I am disappoint.