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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)


I'd think the latter part is a continuation of her mother's advice as in
"[She] said [it] is not good for [the child's] education"
with [it] meaning approaching Feena. Education might not be the most precise word, it's more the process of upbringing or guidance in this case, learning what's (morally) right and what's wrong.
Phrased as a parental advice in a very free way, the following might be fitting as a translation:

"My mother told me not to get too close to you...."
"She said you'd teach me bad manners."

It's just what I think of the sentence. I could be wrong of course.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

And that's why context is important. Reading what Memory said afterwards... could it be that the kid only says this if Feena is naked/otherwise indecent? If so then it's probably more along the lines of

"Mummy said I shouldn't talk to you.
She said your weirdness might be catching..."
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

That actually makes so much more sense.

I was scratching my head at that for a couple of days and gave it to Memory like I THINK this is what it says but i really have no idea hahaha

Machine translators can only take you so far -.-
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

First off, I apologies for not providing a clear-cut context regarding the JPN text. My mentality was elsewhere at the time.

Second, the child's text in question is triggered based on Feena's stats: Whore and Crime. Appearance is not a factor as far as I can tell. (Not that one can due to 'covered in jizz' and 'near nakedness' triggers the event where Feena walk to the village square and get all sorts of attention.)
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

As if climbing to fetch water from a well, she faces the people, gradually spreading her legs.

My take on it...doesn't seem right, especially that 'water' part. (This narration is little weird.)

Context is Feena walking to Nozzle Village's centre square. At this point, she is miserable and upset (Deliciously so!). This part of the narration happens as soon as Feena spreads her legs to the people...which is basically Feena facing the player crying her eyes out.

EDIT: Wait, I just realised! Is the narration referring to the town's well?! Because the town has a well! And if so, I should NOT be having any problems! (Aside from how Feena is interacting with the well. I'm assuming she's climbing to sit on it...or stand on it.)
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I don't suppose anybody else has encountered the text spacing problem I've had yet have they? I still haven't been able to find a solution to the problem.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I've been observing OP and the others translating the crap out of the game.

I can feel the stress of you guys and it's so stressful I empathize the feeling.
Wish I could do something, but even If I can translate stuff, I don't have the time.

All I can say is, Gambatte mina!
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

EDIT: Disregard everything I said here. I used poor grammar and failed to convert the words into Kanji before trying to translate the words and ended up with complete BS.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Kyo iku ni yokunainda means "Today (you) didn't go to the bath". I believe the last bit "-tteiuno" is essentially an unsure "said because". So the translation of "Kyo iku ni yokunaindatteiuno" would be "Maybe she said it because you didn't take a bath today" or "I think it might be because you forgot to bathe today".

So yeah, mommy doesn't want you near her daughter because you're covered in semen.

Ohhhhh boy. XP There's many possibilities that I can't choose! D: Who knew that a piece of dialogue made for a child would be so damn frustrating!? Ugggghhhh....!
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)


would be in Kanji the following:


I honestly can't see anything about a "bath" mentioned in there.
I can see though where Crispin takes the "today" from:
きょう and いく could be seen as separate and with the Kanji 今日 and 行く, but the sentence structure would be off with this choice, especially with the following に particle.
And as you already said before, the dialog doesn't necessarily trigger when Feena is covered in cum, but when her negative stats are high enough.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Yeah, you're right. Was reading it as separate words and with poor grammar. Been about 5-6 years since I went to Japanese class.

Checking again, the top line is "Mom and big sister said not to get near."
With the kanji the bottom line should roughly translate to "(they) said it's because it'll teach me bad things."

Also, I read it as bath because yoku can translate to bath, with the kanji being 浴.

Anyway, I'll be more careful in the future so I don't end up causing mistranslations with my "help". >_>
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

New update!

A LARGE majority of Nozzle Village is complete. Hard to give an exact percentage, but at a guess, it would be roughly around 93%. 6% are H-scenes. Six separate H-scenes in Nozzle Village alone.
The remaining 1% is text for various parts of the village. Barring the dialogue after Mariel's rape by the villagers, there are several pieces of text I cannot trigger to get some context. Like, at all. I'm guessing they are triggered after a bit of game progression, but I haven't had much success. (As always, please let us know if you've come across any untranslated text. Details are a must.)

I am now going to focus on the H-scenes. Story progression will be put on hold until I am done.

Majority of work for this segment goes to the user 'thisguythatguy'. All praise goes to this user. *Clap, clap*
Speaking of this user, I should PM him later down the line...

And praise also goes out to those who lent a hand in translating those picky bits. You're all heroes in my book. :)
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

New update!

Majority of work for this segment goes to the user 'thisguythatguy'. All praise goes to this user. *Clap, clap*
Speaking of this user, I should PM him later down the line...

I would like to say thank you for Memory proof reading everything I sent. This is my first translation and I did get quite a few things wrong BUT getting better. And thank you all for the support (Hasbian especially)
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Good job guys! Thanks for the hard work. I really hope this game gets licensed by an official VN distributor like Manga Gamer >: So we can have the official uncensored glory of it with a more modern engine for the word space lol
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I don't suppose anybody else has encountered the text spacing problem I've had yet have they? I still haven't been able to find a solution to the problem.

It's a kerning issue. I had it too. The hgg2d pastbin for Princess Sacrifice contains a fix for it. I'll just link to it here: mega.nz/#!cxpCwISB!GCcW5v_Oplhzxc1enSlXqttDnhkZgOjNa-UDzmIvln0
Just put the stuff inside the text fix folder in the same directory as your exe is and overwrite. Note that you're stuck with one font in the game after installing this.

Might wanna add the files to your folder for people to download, Memory.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Excuse me, May I ask how to open these lsb file? I'm Intend to translate this game too, not in English but Other Lang too.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Excuse me, May I ask how to open these lsb file? I'm Intend to translate this game too, not in English but Other Lang too.

This link leads to the tools needed to open lsb files.

Put the lsb files into an 'Output' Folder and 'disassemble.bat' will convert them into xml files in an 'Input' Folder. If you don't have the folders, make them.
And now you know~! :)
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Thank you. And I want to ask this game has any problems with Vietnamese? Cause the last game I want to translate had problem with this language, this game was "lilitale". English is perfect fine but when I tried to replace with vietnamese it's occured many errors.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

It's a kerning issue. I had it too. The hgg2d pastbin for Princess Sacrifice contains a fix for it. I'll just link to it here: mega.nz/#!cxpCwISB!GCcW5v_Oplhzxc1enSlXqttDnhkZgOjNa-UDzmIvln0
Just put the stuff inside the text fix folder in the same directory as your exe is and overwrite. Note that you're stuck with one font in the game after installing this.

Might wanna add the files to your folder for people to download, Memory.

That did it. Thanks much!
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Thank you. And I want to ask this game has any problems with Vietnamese? Cause the last game I want to translate had problem with this language, this game was "lilitale". English is perfect fine but when I tried to replace with vietnamese it's occured many errors.

Just tested for you. (Don't take the example below too seriously.)
Example: Instead of 'Tên tôi là Feena', it shows up as 'Ten toi la Feena.'

I'm sure you can guess the rest.