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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Sorry for bumping, just wanna ask, how's the translation?
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Sorry for bumping, just wanna ask, how's the translation?

Game currently going through technical issues. Trial and error for combat-related sections.
Damage from enemies coming out as '0 damage'.

Other than that, nothing new.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Game currently going through technical issues. Trial and error for combat-related sections.
Damage from enemies coming out as '0 damage'.

Other than that, nothing new.

I see, sounds bad.
Thanks for the update.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Had to dig this up. Uncertain on how to make them out. These are from the beginning of H-scenes. The volumes on the lore, basically.
It's mainly this character for the first quote:
Does this part change anything in terms of meaning? In the current translation, I excluded this for the sake of simplicity.

Thank you for those who are trying their best to help in advance.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I may by slightly off (lack of context makes me sad), but 第三巻より translates as "From the third volume" (i.e. of a book). Leaving out the first character transforms 第三 = The third to 三 = three, which makes the text somewhat garbled.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

All I can dig up is something about three books, or the third volume.
Adding 第 changed most of the things I got to "From the third volume". It makes little sense without context. But I do think there's something there about three books/scrolls/accounts/stories or some such. This I deduce from the second line: 三巻より. Everything I get says three books/volumes.

You beat me to it by a few seconds. You play dirty :p
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Hmm, so the result may end up looking like this:
Philosopher Werner 『Omeras Mainland History Journal』 From Vol.3

'From' is the smallest word I could use in this context. 'Clip' doesn't quite work nor anything else. (Space is, once again, a bitch)
Strangely, although some volumes (such as 'Vol.3') have '第' and also without it, some volumes such as 1 and 2 ONLY have '第'. This led me to believe it's somewhat of a unnecessity in the grand scheme of translating this game. Which is probably why I just shortened them all to:
Philosopher Werner 『Omeras Mainland History Journal』 Vol.(number)

+Rep for Squark and Habisain. :) This helped cleared things up.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Could it be "From Philosopher Werner's『Omeras Mainland History Journal』 Vol.(number)"?
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Could it be "From Philosopher Werner's『Omeras Mainland History Journal』 Vol.(number)"?

'From' can also be replaced with 'By' in this case, but as stated before:
Space is a bitch

I should let everyone know how things are going, now. Need an excuse to vent my frustration.

Well, the combat seems to be working again. Damage is coming out fine, but I wouldn't hold my breath over it. I seem to be breaking more than I'm fixing. On a related note to combat, the majority of dialogue is going smoothly. Still plenty more to go, though, as I have discovered through my research - turns out, there is unique dialogue for each part of Feena's body parts during sex, much like how there are different pieces of dialogue for clothing articles.
2.Boobs (Or tits, whichever is more preferable)
5.All at the same time
As you can all imagine, this amounts to a metric ton of dialogue. And I cannot believe tits is even part of the list. (This rarely comes up in my playthroughs...because I'm a cheating bastard. :D ) The only cure for this is more cowbells time and effort.

That's currently how things are going down. Skills are still in the testing phase. I did manage to get 'Genital' to show up in combat, though. Progress! :)
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

As for myself, I have been working on Port Wellstone. Have about 40% of the non-h dialog translated. Funnily enough I've been more busy during summer than during the school season so work has been slow on my end. But I'm still working on it
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

In battle, there's this piece of dialogue:
男の人のもの = These men
(My translation...is on the safe side in terms of spacing)
It's more like a skill, like Semen so it's separate from the rest, and it's from dialogue like this:
This is triggered after Feena gets gang-raped. Type of creature probably doesn't matter.

EDIT: Nothing, anyone? :/ Nothing to suggest?
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Looking through the code, '男の人のもの' is only used twice. One for gang-rape and the other for nipple play, apparently.
Using my research, this translation would be:
Original: 乳首をこすってる男の人のものが、ビクッてなって……!
TL: These men rubbing my nipples, it's making me wince……!

I still have doubts about the context, though. Need to see this happen in-game.

Ah, I need to mention a change in Feena's dialogue. In the game, she has this verbal tic where she ends her sentences with '~tsu'. Being the amateur I was when I started this, I switched them out for 'hic'.......I completely forgot WHY I did that. To rectify this issue, I'm going to remove them and replace them with suitable phrases whenever appropriate. Such as grunts.

In any case, I'm going back to translating. :)

EDIT: Hmm, seems I need a second opinion on this translation:
Original: (……私はもう、このまま、ずっと……
TL: (……I'm already, like this, so much……
These men at their peak are glad from bullying……
They are animals, I guess……)
An expert is gonna grill me for this. :<
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I'm tired at the moment, so might be a bit off, but I'll have a go:


"(... I've felt like this for so long...
Feeling happy when men torment me like this...
I'm like an animal...)"
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)


(..... Maybe I've already, at this rate, forever.....
become a creature who only lives.....
to be teased and pleasured as a plaything of men.....)

It'd be fun to see how everybody translates differently but here's my take.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Omg, M1zuki's take is HAWT, buuuut that's a lot of liberties. And unfortunately for both Habisain and M1zuki, they won't fit. At all. :<

So, I'll just take bits and pieces and make something out of it. :)
(…I've, been like this, for so long…
Feeling delighted when these men
torment me like a plaything…
I've become, an animal…
This may fit. (And if it won't, I'll make it even shorter.....for the sake of ero dialogue. Lol. XD )

Of course, the other regarding the nipple play will need slight changes. As explained, '男の人のもの' is like a skill, so the text itself will be consistent when used.
This should do:
My nipples being teased by
these men, it's making me wince……!

Gave a +rep to M1zuki, but couldn't for Habisain. :< (Will try again later. Need to uphold my respect for the pros)

EDIT: Looking at the results, it fit very well. :D This is turning out great. (Still got plenty to go.....I am slightly fazed by how Feena's dialogue changes from willing to rejection. Guess that was to be expected in a massive H-RPG)
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Omg, M1zuki's take is HAWT, buuuut that's a lot of liberties.

I-I was actually trying to be really literal, but ok. :eek:

Pretty sure 男の人のも means men's plaything... so maybe it's a variable for her title, not really a skill?

Or never mind it's a variable for the way she refers to male genitalia...
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

I-I was actually trying to be really literal, but ok. :eek:

Pretty sure 男の人のも means men's plaything... so maybe it's a variable for her title, not really a skill?

Or never mind it's a variable for the way she refers to male genitalia...

Are you sure? My research is failing me hard, so I can't find a relation to your results. :(
I am super indecisive about this right now.
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Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Doesn't seem to make much sense on its own.
For instance,
男の人 (Otoko no hito)
roughly comes back as man or men, while
のも (nomo) doesn't actually seem to be word without a う on the end, unless I'm sorely mistaken (turns it into nomou). I think this turns it into "drink" or something along those lines.
So it seems that m1zuki is more or less on the ball.
Re: Princess Sacrifice - Eng Translation (WIP)

Indeed, I think M1zuki's is probably much closer than my half-asleep version. But it looks like both are kind of irrelevant, given space concerns.