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Psychology, the thread.


Jan 1, 2009
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Ok, I've noticed that there's been a fair amount of threads going offtopic to discuss psychology...

To get things going I'll state that:

Women are as sex-crazed as men, but because of current socio-economic (I have no idea if I used that word right. Been listening to Bo B. again.) trends their impulses are repressed.

That was assignment nr. 1.

Nr 2 Is to discuss a little obseration I've made.

The internet is a cruel, cruel place with people frequently butchering each other over a misplaced comma. On this forum however, the social structure is more civilized and forgiving. I wondered for a long time, "Why?" and my hypothesis is that because all participants of this forum have revealed themselves as equally perverted. There is no longer a need to prove superiority.

My second control-group is my chemistry class... Once it had been established that every single student in that group was a nerd, the class became very pleasant.

Please gimme some input:)
Re: Psychology, the thread.

That seems about right from what I've heard.

Got any explanation of why things always go off-topic?
Re: Psychology, the thread.

Tell me why the root word "conscience" and all its derivations (conscientious, consciousness, unconscious) are so hard to spell.
Re: Psychology, the thread.

Because people don't care about their conscience...
Re: Psychology, the thread.

As for the atmosphere around this forum...It's been my observation that for the most part, people seem to be more interested in their own fappage (or equivalent, I don't know the slang for what females would do) than any kind of superiority. There's joking, of course, but that's to be expected.

And to offer up a theory on off-topicness...At least one member that I am aware of has some form of Attention Deficit Disorder. (Myself, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, though I've calmed down quite a bit.) Also, there was at least one incident on the original forum where a now gone mod had tried to force an off-topic thread back on-topic, only to have it immediately hijacked by Aika. Granted, my memory isn't the best, so I could have gotten the hijacker wrong, but I'm reasonably certain it was him.

So, going off topic is kind of a tradition with the LM forums.
Re: Psychology, the thread.

I would imagine that things go off-topic because we're too small to care about keeping separate things to separate threads, and that is because we don't have strictly enforced rules.
Disclaimer: I'm a physics/chemistry major. Psychology isn't science.
Re: Psychology, the thread.

Women sex crazed as much as men... yep, from what I've seen and felt myself.

Atmosphere on this forum... you may have got it, as for off-topicness, I think things in here just flow natural, like a conversation in real life. Its not like other forums where there's an iron band of "You must discuss this now", instead people are allowed to converse, and just as in the real world, the conversation will eventually shift from the original topic. Whether gradually or through random outburst. Same as in social circles off the internet.

So... is this forum the cross breeding of real social circles and internet social etiquette into some strange bastard child?
Re: Psychology, the thread.

A Beautiful bastard child thank you very much.^^
Re: Psychology, the thread.

There is no longer a need to prove superiority.

I'm gonna have to disagree with that simply because sometimes we have people who try to prove that they're more perverted than others. Like those who brag about not flinching when fapping to guro, etc. Yes that includes me, and I admit it. I do feel a sense of individuality when I realize that my ryona fetish is uncommon even among a group of perverts. But I just ask for the stuff if you have it. I don't flaunt it as if it were some sort of grand title.
Re: Psychology, the thread.

Women sex crazed as much as men... yep, from what I've seen and felt myself.

Atmosphere on this forum... you may have got it, as for off-topicness, I think things in here just flow natural, like a conversation in real life. Its not like other forums where there's an iron band of "You must discuss this now", instead people are allowed to converse, and just as in the real world, the conversation will eventually shift from the original topic. Whether gradually or through random outburst. Same as in social circles off the internet.

So... is this forum the cross breeding of real social circles and internet social etiquette into some strange bastard child?

are there any sociologists in the crowd?
Re: Psychology, the thread.

That seems about right from what I've heard.

Got any explanation of why things always go off-topic?
Because it's always more fun to discuss stuff in the wrong thread.

Speaking of which, about those llamas...
Re: Psychology, the thread.

are there any sociologists in the crowd?

I dunno... I only took basic sociology in High School and it wasn't too in depth.

And yes wonderboy, a beautiful but strange bastard child.
Re: Psychology, the thread.

Women are as sex-crazed as men, but because of current socio-economic (I have no idea if I used that word right. Been listening to Bo B. again.) trends their impulses are repressed.

Women think about sex about as much on average as men, but are less promiscuous in general.

The internet is a cruel, cruel place with people frequently butchering each other over a misplaced comma. On this forum however, the social structure is more civilized and forgiving.

People tend to be dicks on the internet because they get to be anonymous. Forums in general are different because you are a member, and there is a community and rules that are generally followed, and the possibility of B& if you're an asshole. There seems to be an understanding among most of our members and likely the majority of the lurkers that as long as you do your best not to be a dick you're okay.
Re: Psychology, the thread.

I agree that anonymity breeds teh rudeness that one experiences on the internet, but our forum has a much nicer attitude than most. After having frequented only ulmf for several months, I visited a few other forums, and I wasn't even able to defend myself in forum arguments, as I was taken aback by the crudeness ad cruelty.
Re: Psychology, the thread.

I wasn't even able to defend myself in forum arguments, as I was taken aback by the crudeness ad cruelty.

When you argue with an idiot, group of idiots, or just trolls in general, you've already lost.
Re: Psychology, the thread.

Psychology is oh so beautiful. In order to understand the universe, we must first understand ourselves. :cool:
Re: Psychology, the thread.

Women are as sex-crazed as men, but because of current socio-economic (I have no idea if I used that word right. Been listening to Bo B. again.) trends their impulses are repressed.

Re: Psychology, the thread.

Applause for Pale for finding that.
Re: Psychology, the thread.

From Pale's link said:
Your insecurities are preyed upon, and you’re convinced that if you don’t learn how to solve a Rubik’s Cube with your vagina while both your legs are behind your head, that your man will become bored, and run off with Amethyst from Jiggle Dome down the street.
... Now I'm curious about a rubrics cube being solved that way.