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Quick, without thinking...

Re: Quick, without thinking...





Re: Quick, without thinking...

The crown jewels of Great Britain.
Re: Quick, without thinking...

Re: Quick, without thinking...

Bling n' Bitches, yo :cool:
to be quite honest
i dont really know <_<
Re: Quick, without thinking...

Well, now that I'm not thinking of words that aren't real... and the Earth isn't in the world since it is the world... Can I have the Earths core?
Re: Quick, without thinking...

A 24-7 all-you-can eat shrimp buffet, mmmmmmmmmm...
Re: Quick, without thinking...

Just money to live comfortably.

And this thread reminded me of how much I hate spongebob.
Re: Quick, without thinking...

A constant supply of LOTS of money for the rest of my life.

I need to:
A) get car insurance
B) pay for college - or at least the books, since my parents are taking care of the rest currently, though I'd rather be able to do that myself
C) buy a car - unless my dad gives me the one that's sitting in the driveway collecting dust-bunnies and moth-balls
D) buy a VERY large house, TOTALLY paid off, so I can invite people over and they won't have to worry about working to buy a house if they didn't want to, just keeping the house clean - though I WOULD encourage people to get SOME sort of job, so they could go to college/at least DO something; of course, that's assuming they don't trade stocks for a living :p
E) buy LOTS of food every month/week/however often I would have to in order to keep the house stocked
F) be able to go to all these places that my friends want me to go with them - Ireland, Sweden, Japan, Hawaii, etc.

. . . . . Yeah, I want to be able to just be able to give the people I know a place to stay, regardless of what's going on in their life, like a safe-house of sorts; maybe buy off the government and get the land declared neutral, like the Swiss :p
Re: Quick, without thinking...

Money to afford school, Getting an apt with my g/f, and enough to put in the bank to save up so i would not need to worry about money the rest of my life.
Re: Quick, without thinking...

uhhhh... pineapple bun!!!

well that the first thing that came to mind for me
Re: Quick, without thinking...

Money to pay off all my debts and to keep me in college.
Re: Quick, without thinking...

Changing my choice, having been reminded of what I would spend my lottery winnings on: Putting Firefly back on the air :3
Re: Quick, without thinking...

(Heh. Sorry, I just found this site in my favorites recently and had an itch to use it again)
Re: Quick, without thinking...

Going on just the thread preview thingy before I actually clicked the thread, first thing that popped into my head was, "A thing that could transport me in and out of Gensokyo."

I'd just been reading a load of doujin and thinking how this world could be rather dull sometimes. A bit of supernatural tourism would be fun, provided I don't get eaten by youkai or vaporised in a danmaku battle. Does my choice count/work though? Since unfortunately I don't believe Gensokyo actually exists...

To late for me to make a second quick choice now. Seen everyone elses answers. All you money people are boring, if probably sensible. No one was thinking about tentacles? I suppose an endless flow of money would be my second thought. And if money was the answer, I'd bring back Firefly too. Not that I've actually ever seen any of it spare the Serenity movie, but I've heard people talking fondly of it before so why not. I'd also throw money out to games developers to let them make some inventive games without having interfering publishers and investors screwing it up for them. The condition would be that the game was good, but I'd leave that to them to figure out, rather than dictate that they conform to what the recent market analysis people deem is fun (read profitable). And other stuff. Lot's of other stuff.
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Re: Quick, without thinking...

(...) No one was thinking about tentacles? I suppose an endless flow of money would be my second thought.

Using an endless supply of money you can fund genetics research for real life tentacle porn, the japanese are already working on it I think, well, I know they are very advanced in the genetic research area, and japan+genetics = tentacles.

Besides that, money was my second choice, my first was actually something about godlike powers over everything, but that would have been a bit excessive for a simple thread that includes spongebob pictures.
Re: Quick, without thinking...

Oh hell, god like powers would easily be my first, except the thread asked about an item, rather than any other vague gains. Me and my friends have a phrase, "If I had 'power', I would..."

We go on for ages about various absurd ideas we'd entertain ourselves with if we had 'power'. Omnipotence would be a blast. Though you'd have to watch your sanity and "sense of self" in a world that changes to fit your whims. Start gradually, take some philosophy courses, keep the world "backed up" in case you forget how it used to be at "0 years AM" (After Me). Reality is a dangerous thing when put in the hands of a finite human mind. Unless you could will yourself to be infinitely intelligent, but I imagine that's something like dieing and probably no fun at all. I think about this a lot you see...