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R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

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Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

i thought it was because of connection, but this is worse. :(
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

+1... on all that T_T

so bad for Nyaa :/, i hope someone somewhere will eventualy take the torch

AS, HS and Eyny are good, but link die prety fast :/

for old stuff i often use a russian one, pornolab.net, it's all torrent, but need to create a account
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

NewDragon was also an uploader I was following, but I don't think he has a website or blog. Anyone aware if he hosts one?

There's a "New Dragon" on Anime-Sharing, not sure if it's the same person though?
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

So boys, Imma just step outta lurking for a bit.

Anon over at 4chan has an "alternative" nyaa up (it's something I guess, don't quote me on that):

Good news, the database that was recovered for it is only until April 5, so really, there's only a loss of about 1 month of anime stuff.

Bad news, the database for sukebei dates back to last year (at least 8 months old), so everything that's recent is dead.

It's not pretty, but yeah. pls giv support.
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Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

look like not only me cant access nyaaa.se
rip website has give me old stuff games which no website has :( :( :(
thank u, nyaa.se, but my thank will never reach u again :((
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Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

Ah, this does indeed seem to be the same person. Thanks a ton!

Looking forward to following this very reliable and prolific uploader again XD

New Dragon tends to grab games from other uploaders (he's taken a few of mine, for example - I know this because I've sometimes added little blurbs into the readme files to see where my uploads end up), so what he uploads may not be completely reliable if someone else has done something to it beforehand. That being said, I haven't yet heard of any problems with him.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

So boys, Imma just step outta lurking for a bit.

Anon over at 4chan has an "alternative" nyaa up (it's something I guess, don't quote me on that):

Good news, the database that was recovered for it is only until April 5, so really, there's only a loss of about 1 month of anime stuff.

Bad news, the database for sukebei dates back to last year (at least 8 months old), so everything that's recent is dead.

It's not pretty, but yeah. pls giv support.

Still better then nothingness.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

So I am searching for ANY info of why this site was deactivated.
Apparently it was taken down by the owner.

If this is related to ECLI:EU:C:2017:300 then this whole take-down is just BS and owner being paranoid without exactly understanding what the heck is going on. Good job.

And on top of that, it's ECJ ruling so it still falls down under:
[EU country]: "Do I follow this?"
[EU]: "Only if you want to".

Personally: I will not miss you Nyaa, I am paying to legally watch my anime on Crunchyroll and supporting their makers, so almost don't care.
Same goes for other things.
Sure, there are cases that weren't released with English subs/dubs and those ones could be grabbed only from torrent/similar sources. That's a shame.

But, Nyaa copycats will pop up one after another (maybe even nyaa itself) and something will be chosen as it's successor, no big deal.

And since I am here, I will shill for Crunchyroll as you can watch legal anime streams there for free (480p + ads) or with payed subscription (720p/1080p, no ads). They are working with Japanese studios/TVs and have streams ready with subs 1-2h after it's aired in Japan. (because scripts are sent to them week before airtime).
Also, if you liked HorribleSubs translations then you will like Crunchyroll, because HS was ripping from CR.
Oh right, some anime aren't copyrighted in EU, so they don't show on CR page... But CR is keeping up one cookie entry that can be changed in like 30 seconds to let you watch all available anime. Heh, there are probably plugins for browsers that do it automatically.

I don't like piracy, but not going to condemn anyone doing it. Just be aware that in such cases you will get shorter end of the stick (and even that isn't 100% expected).
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Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

or with payed subscription (720p/1080p, no ads).

Hmm , I'm curious~
How much for 1 month subcription?
Can I watch like dozen of anime? Or it's a pay/view?
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

Just throwing my two cents out there:

Look, not to sound like Nagito here, but there's still hope. Everything I've heard so far about it is second-hand, but I feel there's no major cause for alarm.

The site was taken down by the owner, which means it wasn't forcibly taken from him. And despite the fact he's said he took it down and it's not coming back, that could just be a case of him covering up so that he can lie low for a while. If nothing else, he's playing his cards wisely to see where this road leads, and then maybe one day he'll bring it back.

So in a best-case scenario, the site is just having a temporary blackout because I highly doubt anyone would throw all that work away to build something so great just to throw it all away one day. Regardless, I doubt the coding to the website no longer exists. It's most likely backed up somewhere.

And in a worst-case scenario, it really is gone for good. However, based on public outcry, it's become a martyr. People are already trying to build their own clone website to bring it back, so it could come back in another form because something so good shouldn't die.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

Unfortunately the Crunchyrolls catalogue is regional dependent, and where I live it is substantially smaller. I would pay otherwise.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

Hmm , I'm curious~
How much for 1 month subcription?
Can I watch like dozen of anime? Or it's a pay/view?

7 bucks per month or less for more months at once (usual stuff).
No, no pay per view, that would be stupid xD.
Right, they also have J-dramas and Manga if someone likes that.

Oh, and quite often you can see 48h premium codes [Guest Pass] in comments below anime stream as people are giving those out, because CR gives 1 to every premium user every month.
Even I have like 5 stacked xD
And if I remember correctly, they are giving first 14 days of premium for free for people to check out, so they don't charge you until that time is up.

Unfortunately the Crunchyrolls catalogue is regional dependent, and where I live it is substantially smaller. I would pay otherwise.
Oh right, some anime aren't copyrighted in EU, so they don't show on CR page... But CR is keeping up one cookie entry that can be changed in like 30 seconds to let you watch all available anime. Heh, there are probably plugins for browsers that do it automatically.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

And since I am here, I will shill for Crunchyroll as you can watch legal anime streams there for free (480p + ads) or with payed subscription (720p/1080p, no ads). They are working with Japanese studios/TVs and have streams ready with subs 1-2h after it's aired in Japan. (because scripts are sent to them week before airtime).

Too bad you need to be in US to enjoy popular shows,
Too bad their "1080p" quality is worse than youtube's (sub 6Mbps bitrate comparing to 30-35Mbps on BDs) but that's only thanks to month long outrage because they intended to keep it at 1,5-2Mbps (Hello 2007!) purposefully thinking that no one will notice.

So this company is pile of shit to customers, if I'm paying the same money that US then I expect the same service but I won't get it here nor I will support company that screws over customers thinking they can get away with it.

Unfortunately all other legal alternatives are US, French, German centric and the only global platform, Daisuki has extremely poor choice of shows.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

7 bucks per month or less for more months at once (usual stuff).
No, no pay per view, that would be stupid xD.
Right, they also have J-dramas and Manga if someone likes that.

Oh, and quite often you can see 48h premium codes [Guest Pass] in comments below anime stream as people are giving those out, because CR gives 1 to every premium user every month.
Even I have like 5 stacked xD
And if I remember correctly, they are giving first 14 days of premium for free for people to check out, so they don't charge you until that time is up.

Woooo~ 7$ per month
Kinda a reasonable price
Will try free premium first
Thanks for the info~
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

7 bucks per month or less for more months at once (usual stuff).
No, no pay per view, that would be stupid xD.
Right, they also have J-dramas and Manga if someone likes that.

Oh, and quite often you can see 48h premium codes [Guest Pass] in comments below anime stream as people are giving those out, because CR gives 1 to every premium user every month.
Even I have like 5 stacked xD
And if I remember correctly, they are giving first 14 days of premium for free for people to check out, so they don't charge you until that time is up.

Hmph? So you mean the regional lock isn't payment dependent, but just cookie/ip address dependent? I may have a way around it then.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

Hmph? So you mean the regional lock isn't payment dependent, but just cookie/ip address dependent? I may have a way around it then.

I can pretty much share how I do it.
Keep in mind, there may be automated plugins to web browsers, but I just like to do it manually:
What is needed: cookie editor (like Editthiscookie) and US based proxy that has access to cookies.

1. So, this website:
1.1 Only setting that's needed is: 'Allow cookies', rest? Whatever.
2. Insert this address:
3. While on proxied CR website, click "Shows" so cookie entry is made.
4. On the top bar( from proxy site), click "Home" (between "Go" button and "clear cookies")
5. Top website: "Manage cookies".
6. Copy Value of "sess_id", should look like random string, example: 4si6h3iwx2xokvwtvw1h3mdvuwenuisp
7. Open CR website, edit cookies and change sess_id, paste copied one.
8. Apply and enjoy.

1. Find plugin
2. Install

I have no idea if plugins work, didn't test/check. I use this method because it's easy, always works and I have been using it for 4+ years.
How long will cookie stay? Depends, sometimes mine is kept for a week, sometimes a day or two.
Also, yes, you can watch through proxy website but...
a) Login through proxy website? No thanks.
b) Lower speed.

Personally I think they could easily deal with this to block people from doing it, but this method is known and still works and they are 100% aware of it.
Why they keep it? I personally think it's there so people can use it and deal with license problem through some grey area methods.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

The siterip seems down. Scratch that, the site name changed I think or there was a misspelling in the earlier link? Swear the link worked earlier, hmm.
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Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

And in a worst-case scenario, it really is gone for good. However, based on public outcry, it's become a martyr. People are already trying to build their own clone website to bring it back, so it could come back in another form because something so good shouldn't die.

No. The worst-case scenario is:

He puts the site back up, law enforcement comes knocking and he goes to jail for the rest of his life due to the sheer amount of anime/manga/hentai/visual novels/eroge content listed. Meanwhile, everyone else immediately shuns him due to legal fears and quietly moves onto the next Nyaa/Sukebei.

I've been around the pirating scene long enough to know that for all its noise and bluster, most "pirates" are useless flakes who can't even be counted on to help seed/mirror links. As much as the shutdown of Nyaa/Sukebei disappoints me, I don't begrudge them for not wanting to go to jail over it.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

Why would I pay money to CrunchyRoll? Those assholes are the reason fansubbers were almost wiped from existence. They stole free subs, then escalated from stealing free subs to ratting out fansubbers for shekels.

CrunchyRoll is literally Hitler.
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