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R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

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Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

Slightly off topic, but since people are talking about anime streaming sites as an alternative, I've been using Kissanime for quite a while now. Does have some ads and such, but membership is free. Don't know how it compares to Crunchyroll as I've never used that site. (found Kissanime first)

One can always block the ads on Kiss if they bother you. It's what I do. They slow down the page too much. You just need Greasemonkey, or its equivalent for Chrome, and the KissAnime anti-adblock script. Problem solved.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

I thought it was odd that so many people pointed to the biggest problem with Nyaa's fall is that it would be difficult to find anime (Over at Reddit and 4chan and such). There are so many streaming sites with hq stuff, I've never had trouble finding anime online, and lately full Javs have been getting uploaded more often too. Really just seems like games taking the biggest hit to me. Seeders on porn don't usually last long anyways.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

I didn't mean it was unrelated, I meant trying to take the moral high ground in a thread about a torrent site seems a bit silly. Torrent sites being kind of the opposite of the moral high ground.

But I'm glad you didn't take it personally, wasn't trying to start a flame war, just being a little sarcastic.

I couldn't find the doors :p

I wouldn't call it silly and to be fair, this is Hentai Games section, so not exactly perfect place for this thread either xD
It's just this whole mindset that was created due to years of free stuff, that's ticking me off.
It's just simply sad.
There is no perfect company that doesn't fuck up, especially in such unknown and fresh grounds.
Sure, there is huge shitfuck behind CR and that's their biggest problem now, but... eh...

I can understand why people pirate stuff, as I been doing that myself, now I can afford more stuff and don't need to bullshit myself that "it's ok, I can't afford it" so my conscience leaves me alone.
Damn, even reason like: No demo, gonna pirate it (and play fully, never buy :p), has no meaning as you can refund them on platforms like steam.
I will agree that CR grew too fast and now it's biting them back.
I will agree they got randomly stabbed.

Keeping up a business and doing it is fucking hard, especially when you know only your regional market (Japan). They are stupid for not wanting to learn, but they have their reasons for not caring at all.
And there are problems from legal perspective also, as:
Pirating is not stealing, not same thing. It's an act of making a copy and spreading it.
Company does not lose ANY money due to piracy, it loses potential money.

But, if there are more pirated copies over sold ones, company could face a huge problems, as they literally didn't make enough to pay their bills.

Then you have hard to deal Japanese side and their weird as fuck demands (you would be shocked), sometimes it feels like they just want to suck dry west as much as possible. Why? Because in most cases they don't trust us, especially in terms of digital content.

Having sensible balance over such things is hard, really fucking hard.
I don't know, maybe it's easier for me to understand because I know how it works.
But I know this, CR must have a growing premium users and growing free users that watch ads. Otherwise they wouldn't have any money to license as many series.
Which means, with each year more people decide to support this.
Which means, more money.
Which means, more licenses.
Which means, more DMCA... Wait, that wasn't even happening as often anyway.
Even when Fakku got legal, e-hentai panicked and started removing stuff, while Fakku was like: kek, chill the fuck out.

But if we would want to go deeper and find someone for most shit that happens at CR (like lowering video quality, fucked up inside politics, etc) then people should point their fingers at Ellation and their poisonous upper team. Shit, even creation of that was just a simple takeover.

Damn, I am not going to venture into how company can recover and run from such things as that would require more walltexting.

Anyway, to sum everything up:
Nyaa went down, because reason that are unknown.
People panic.
Nyaa replacements are popping up, some want it back, more want ad revenue.
2nd Nyaa will be established.
Back to usual business.

On the other note, a lot of fansubbers have their own trackers and means of sharing their work.
How about going on their websites and doing that?
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Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

I thought it was odd that so many people pointed to the biggest problem with Nyaa's fall is that it would be difficult to find anime (Over at Reddit and 4chan and such). There are so many streaming sites with hq stuff, I've never had trouble finding anime online, and lately full Javs have been getting uploaded more often too. Really just seems like games taking the biggest hit to me. Seeders on porn don't usually last long anyways.

Exactly. I'm far more worried about games than anime. Never had trouble streaming anime. But downloading h-games has always been a hassle. It's hard to find sites that don't shove viruses down your ass or where you don't have to waste a whole day downloading one part out of 12 rar files.
I downloaded so many h-games from Nyaa. It spoiled me. And now it's back to square one.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

Exactly. I'm far more worried about games than anime. Never had trouble streaming anime. But downloading h-games has always been a hassle. It's hard to find sites that don't shove viruses down your ass or where you don't have to waste a whole day downloading one part out of 12 rar files.
I downloaded so many h-games from Nyaa. It spoiled me. And now it's back to square one.

What many are saying is that many Anime/Manga sites picked stuff from Nyaa, so those sites would/will/might have to find new sources.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

Exactly. I'm far more worried about games than anime. Never had trouble streaming anime. But downloading h-games has always been a hassle. It's hard to find sites that don't shove viruses down your ass or where you don't have to waste a whole day downloading one part out of 12 rar files.
I downloaded so many h-games from Nyaa. It spoiled me. And now it's back to square one.

Pretty much this.

I know that there will be a replacement but I'm worried about those old games that had a few seeds. :(
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

Well in a way this sucks Nyaa why were u so good and yet so much a coward. Well i know this might go on deaf ears or nobody will really care i get most of my anime from National anime sure 5.00 bucks a month is not bad and its ftp style so not to bad but if anyone knows any where else to get anime torrents from then let me and everyone know :)
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

Longpost is long.

oh boohoo an official licencor was/is shutting down the pirating competition. cry me a river. oh wait, you already are.

if oversea's sees that we are paying for their products and not just stealing them. they are more likely to officially release more products in the west in english.

look at alicesoft. they didn't release anything in the west due to pirating and the negative stigma over rapelay. so they tested the waters with haruka which was a success and now they are releasing rance games and more (supposedly).

long story short, shutting down pirates is not a bad thing. they mostly lose the fanbase that wouldn't have payed for the product anyways.
You don't understand example you have presented yourself.

Alicesoft was picked by Mangagamer a GLOBALLY publishing company, therefore piracy is their direct "competition" as well as by releasing product they're plugging hole they've created by removing pirated copies from circulation.

CR is US-CENTRIC company targeting MOBILE market, global piracy platforms aren't their competitions because they have no intention of covering holes they've created therefore causing hydra to spawn new heads because outside of america hole needs to be plugged with something and the only thing that attempts to fill that hole are fansubbers.

Hosting streaming service costs money, same goes for translators, editors and other workers, fee for Japanese stations and such.
Is it a shit move? Yes, same as firing people.
They are not gigantic platform like YT, not as big as Netflix, but like every business they need money (both as income and to pay for stuff).
Lower quality means lower size. Lower size means less space on server, less space means more stuff per GB, which means less money.
This is that simple.
No money, more cuts, keep that up and you go down.

But hey, we can go back to hardcore fansubbing, that one is free and people work there for free.
Let's flip a middle finger to whole Japan, yes, we want your stuff, give it for free, let other Japanese pay for it.
"We think there is a fundamental misconception about piracy. Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem, If a pirate offers a product anywhere in the world, 24 x 7, purchasable from the convenience of your personal computer, and the legal provider says the product is region-locked, will come to your country 3 months after the US release, and can only be purchased at a brick and mortar store, then the pirate's service is more valuable."
-Gabe Newell

CR is shitty legal alternative, face it.
Lowering quality of your product silently won't get you new customers in capitalism, it will turn them toward competition or piracy since both are better.
People will pay extra for quality you can easily see it in other services so why is CR doing the opposite? To save space? Surely it will save you a lot of space when your customer base shrinks at very fast rate.
If they wanted to change "1080" (can't fucking call it that at this point) to 1,5MBps bitrate because they think that most of their users are on mobile then they should have changed it only for mobile users and pray that they won't notice, but to do that to everything on their site thinking that 24" monitor viewed from half meter wouldn't notice noticeable change in quality is just stupidity, then they kept it silent for a month wishfully thinking that shitstorm will go away and everyone will accept new "quality" just shows what they think about customers, they don't give a shit.

Now let's compare it to company that cares, (This is btw "new better quality" from CR)
How can German company stay in quality for 10 years? Because quality brings money, CR tries to offer quantity to gain monopoly and falls under it's own weight.

The Japanese companies don't give a shit about westerners. They've left that almost solely in the hands of idiots over here until just recently. And they have no idea what they're doing.
They do care,

First we bring them considerable revenue:
(Graphs from Association of Japanese Animation)
See, in that graphics titled '日本のアニメの海展開' - that covers the sales market of anime overseas. In that graph, North America (北米) comprise 12.3%, European Union (欧州) comprise 25.8%, and Eastern Europe (東欧) comprise 1.3% for a total of 39.4%. That's even more than all of Asia (アシア) at 38.9%.

Second, more and more western companies are participating in product's production offloading cost from Japanese companies.

Third Japan only recently entered global markets like Steam, they're 13 years behind us so naturally there will be mistakes made but who loved steam in 2004? No one. Give it a time.

Put the leecher-stealers in charge of everything. Perfect solution. I love how a free community full of sharing and camaraderie can be poisoned and stabbed to death by the two biggest fuckboy websites in Internet history. First it was FAKKU with eromanga and doujinshi, stealing content for years and then working behind the scenes to sell out their competition for money. Then, CrunchyRoll and their shitty streaming service, legitimizing their years of stealing fansubs to make OUR SUBZ DO NOT STEL!

I don't begrudge Japanese artists and game makers working with westerners for translations. I do begrudge them trying to turn the west into their personal piggy bank like they have Japanese consumers. Japanese otaku shill out more for two episodes than I do for a season of a western show. And they're still replete with terrible translation decisions. Take a look at the shit show that the Prison School anime was subjected to when released.

If you want to commit sudoku while prostrating before your CrunchyRoll masters, leave me out of it please.

Thanks for showing that everything you know comes from 4Chan.


Crunchyroll was first to go legal and by almost 8 years :V
CR started pouring only legal content in 2009, 3 years into it's existence in sea of piracy these 3 years are like nothing.
Then in 2013 they were sold to new owners and in 2014 AT&T joined therefore it was obvious that company is going to be shit, like no revelations here when you're owned by one of shitties corps in US...

3 years in piracy and they could become legal alternative nullifies your statement that "The Japanese companies don't give a shit about westerners."

However CR blew up quickly and imploded even quicker, it had a chance to become THE service but money was better to original creators and was sold to heartless capitalism machine so there's little future in this service.

How did their cry for not pirating their subs worked so far? Well HorribleSubs is surely lively as always, even if HS disappear hydra will get new head as you can't kill fansubbing without replacing it with equal or better service but AT&T won't understand that when they have huge telecommunication monopoly in US, you can only hope that they won't lobby to become anime monopoly too.

FAKKU! is whole lot of different deal, hentai community refuses to pay for Japanese content, here we are on this piracy forum and here we have You typical hentai "consumer" throwing tantrum that legal alternatives can spawn in sea of piracy that's available by simple google search.
Most importantly, FAKKU isn't fighting piracy, you're free to continue fapping without spending a dime. Jacob said that he understands why piracy is here and won't fight it.

FAKKU was created in 2006 because back then accessing hentai back then was equal to visiting a lot of shady sites inviting a lot of malware (remember these beautiful times? Yeah Nyaa made it fucking easy to forget) as aggregator of random hentai content so you don't need to risk malware for quick fap. Unfortunately site was unsustainable and closed for half year.

This is good time to tell you that what are you imagine as free ads money in fact is very very small money it can be 0.001$ per 10k views if you're undesirable for advertisers just like brutal or porn content.

But even back then if you bothered to read forum (I know you didn't that's why I will quote it for you there) you would know that legal transition is ultimate goal of FAKKU, "Eventually I want to start translating the more popular manga titles, I want to talk with Japanese publishers and get them to ship us the actual manga and sell it on the site. There is so much that FAKKU still has in store!" -Jacob 2007

In following years FAKKU allowed fan translation teams to upload their works to FAKKU and work from their server space, yeah teams had safe space on FAKKU where they had no danger of being suddenly removed by hosting and their works were seen as their rather than single page at the end of upload like on other sites.

In 2011 FAKKU made deal with Kitty Media to legally stream their subbed hentai on site for free. There goes gathering money from adverts, ehh?

In 2014 Wanimagazine entered Cease and desist rampage in western hentai world killing many sites and fan-translations which didn't miss FAKKU as well, the difference was that instead of closing or going further underground Jacob decided to take a chance to strike deal with them to became legal publisher to which they agreed to which again nullifies your point that "The Japanese companies don't give a shit about westerners" because if they didn't they would just refuse Jacob and there would be no legal hentai in the west. They even went as far as allowing slow transition and pirated content was slowly removed instead of instant purge.

The rest is what we have now, a damn good quality legal source of hentai for decent price, striking 2 birds with one stone because the rise of FAKKU also forced Project-Hentai the only other legal global distributor of hentai to raise quality because they were shit like CR in both their physical and digital files.

On top of that since, current FAKKU employees are ex-fantranslators that stayed with FAKKU until the very end also including Daiz whom you don't know but he almost single handedly popularized H.264 (.mkv) encoding which brought us anime quality you know today - a great quality with reasonable file sizes.

I know this won't change you but I pay for good quality products provided by good service, unfortunately global anime scene lacks more of "Daiz" who would crusade for it and this shitty lingering from last century business model that movie distribution needs to be restricted by borders.

On the other hand hentai market despite negative people like you is growing, we now have good legal hentai manga publisher working with Comic Book Legal Defense Fund so police won't knock on your doors for jerking to anime,
Companies like MangaGamer and Sekai Project who translate hentai games despite problems like developers not having original assets therefore there being no uncensored version (FOR FUCK SAKE Front Wing WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT) or payment processors throwing a fit whenever loli appears.
Patreon projects which show that there's definitely market for fully English hentai,
and I hope that soon we will get global platform to replace DLSite which is terribley ancient and greedy toward developers (topkek is Steam becomes that, american puritans will get heart attack) while Japanese indie hentai scene is just as much shitty as western indie scene there are still gems that are worth buying and definitely deserve audience and full translation.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

This thread has gone completely off topic. Can we please go back to alternative sites for HENTAI GAMES instead?

If you guys want to keep discussing cruchyrolls you should create a new thread here.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

Time to keep tabs on Chinese sites then, even though they can be a bit anal about sharing things without making some kind of profit in forum virtual currency, and I'd much rather torrent than deal with some kind of free filehoster that caps your speed.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

This thread has gone completely off topic. Can we please go back to alternative sites for HENTAI GAMES instead?

If you guys want to keep discussing cruchyrolls you should create a new thread here.

the thread maybe went a little bit off topic, but discussing a fundemental issue, that is directly affecting Hentai games, should have its place here, i'd say.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

I guess sukeibei.pantsu.cat didn't last long. I hope the older games don't get lost in bit space.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

Tokyo Tosho came back so if you were looking for something just use that and the magnet links.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

I don't think anyone mentioned it, but has most of the major titles that the cat site had. At least a couple guys put stuff on both places.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

I never understood how to download stuff from that anime-sharing site.

the first of the links asks for premiums
the second never worked for me
the third asks me a captcha, tells me i failed and makes me wait 2 hours to retry

Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

I use

and occasionally

to find stuff. If you're researching for ero games in particular, try on the first two, but don't bother with the RJ numbers from DLSite, those rarely give you results (similar to nyaa), copy-paste the Japanese names instead.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

I never understood how to download stuff from that anime-sharing site.

the first of the links asks for premiums
the second never worked for me
the third asks me a captcha, tells me i failed and makes me wait 2 hours to retry


Whenever I want to search in Anime-sharing, I use google.

Anime-Sharing "[Name of game in japanese here]"

Then filter your google search within 6 months range. If no results are found, go to 1 year... then 2 years.... and so on.

The reason for the time filter is that these cloud service links go down pretty quick. Honestly, if you find an anime-sharing post with the game you want, but the post is from 2015, chances are, the links are dead already.
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

I guess sukeibei.pantsu.cat didn't last long. I hope the older games don't get lost in bit space.

Still up for me.

It's sukebei.pantsu.cat, not sukeibei.pantsu.cat
Re: R.I.P Nyaa/Sukebei

I hope many of you use this as an opportunity to get out there and work for your porn...hell, make your own hentai :3
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