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Ravnica - The City of Sluts Campaign

Name: Karissa, Location: Tenth District, Foundry Street Tag: Brianna, Working Goblin Mood: Peach, quickly nearing cherry;
HP: 10 AC: 16

Karissa looked to her friend, and then to the goblin as she began to put the pieces together. Nights? Krenko boys? Her face turned a shade of peach as the goblin began dragging her upstairs. Was Bri in on this? She looked to the minotaur for some semblance of understanding but she seemed already too into it-

"I like to watch!" She blurted out. "I- I mean I'm happy to watch it's..." She can't tell them about her condition- I mean she didn't want to get gangbanged! That's definitely what she had a problem with.. Definitely. Oh now they were looking at her! "It's my fetish! My Sexual fetish." Her face was turning red at the same rate that she was trying to retreat into her cloak like a tortoise into his shell. Not waiting for a response she pushed ahead up the stairs to avoid remaining in the awkward purgatory she had created.
1573747540172.png As Bri downs her drink it fizzes strangely though indeed the alcoholic burn is only slight. The whore chuckles as she's asked for stronger, "Give it a moment hun. It just isn't quick." As she finished her words, a heavy alcoholic belch pushes its way out of the Minotaur. Followed by a wave of headiness that leaves you a little giggly. Yeah, this is good stuff.
You are able to maintain your composure, carefully moving, but you are aware if you were to have more drink that would be harder.
You gain a level of exhaustion until you are no longer drunk. That was some damn strong stuff!

Reilida continued describing how she wanted to be treated this night. The goblin slut waved away all of her concerns. "Oh, don't worry hun. I've got you covered, I know the folks around here and they'll follow your fine ass anywhere. Pretend you work here and they'll happily tie you up so they can fuck all of your holes at once. Good times, that."

Turning to listen as the quiet elf spoke she smiled wider. "Well, if that's your style I can't say no to someone who pays me. I will say that if we don't convince you to join in by the end of our second night that I'll have failed." She thinks a little then giggles gleefully. "You know what, I'll make you a bet. If I can't get you to at least bless us with the sight of your body I'll be your slave for a day. If I do, well. Tihee I think we'll come up with something." She then stops and takes both ribbons in a hand before calling to the three large groups about.

"Oh, boys! We've got three new eager sluts tonight, and you know me." She winks at the crowd before speaking again, "If you come up to room 5 tonight it is half off. Come get some!" She smacks her ass then continues to lead the girls into the simple inn like room. Though most inns didn't reek of sex, there was thumping from the next room and it seemed clean blankets on the bed. There was a closet and a dresser in the room as well, both simple wooden affairs, but your goblin was leading you to the bed. "So, what do you want to call me tonight? The boys will be joining us soon so we'll need to get ready but in the mean time it would be good to get to know who I'm fucking with. Oh, and dear, that chair over there." She points at a chair painted red rather surprising since most of the room is the colors of the wood used to make it. "No-one will touch you if you sit in that. It makes things better for the nervous ones." She starts to unhook her overalls as she speaks, letting them fall to the floor leaving her nude before you, showing her short, soft figure.

Name: Iris Location: Entrance to Prison Tag: Undercover agent
HP: 9/9 Armor Class: 14 Initiative Bonus: +4 Saves: Proficient in Dex and Int. Speed: 30ft Proficiency bonus: +2
Initiative: Conditions:

After breaking off the kiss Iris noticed the wetting loans of the third member of their impromptu group, and after hearing the lust in her voice Iris sent a sultry wink towards Neela but refused to push it any further, only teasing her while they moved onward.

Their search took them to Tin street, a hotbed of activity in the city. Naturally the more... secret dealings, were of interest to Iris and she hoped they could get some fun to happen while here. With the more honest nature of the Selesnya Conclave, Iris was sorely lacking in actual secrets. The search was tiring for Iris, and when the random drunken man approached them and found Neela open to his advances, Iris sighed relieved that she could rest and have some entertainment. She leaned up against a nearby wall and watched with interest.

When a goblin suddenly appeared next to them offering to use her shocky thing on them, Iris slightly jumped and cursed silently to herself. She was more tired than she would have liked. She politely refused, though when Neela unbound her large chest Iris finally indulged herself. While the goblin played with one, Iris slide up to Neela's side and casually started to grope and squeeze the other breast as they asked after Noggra the goblin Alchemist, not even looking at Neela as she did so. Neela had been so eager earlier for some attention so Iris didn't hesitate to pinch the cherry pink nub at the tip while she was at it. "Yes, we wont bother Noggra, we just need to know where she is so we can look for her at more appropriate hours." Iris continued to casually play with Neela until they started to move again, finally looking towards her with a cheeky grin before leaving her alone once again.

"As long as the others dont finish too much sooner than us, than I have no problem waiting."
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Tag: Missara, Neela, Iris

After the goblin described to you the location of Noggra's Remedies, you decide to take a room closeby for the night. You could all share a room.. and when it comes to payment, everyone looks at Neela... half a zino for one room is quit expensive, but considering the late hour.. plus, breakfast included!

Unless one or more of the others.. tries to keep you from it, you have a nice, relaxing rest.

Neela dreams of ..coins.. lots of coins, donated to the church, each marked with a watching eye, which is perfectly normal, raining down non-painfully upon her nude body.. such a wonderful dream...

Iris dreams of her benefactor, a glass of delicious wine.. he reaches out to whisper secrets into her ear, her body feeling all different, but still sexy as she is slowly undressed in his loving embrace.

Missara .. is struggling to grow a small sapling out of fertile soil.. a basic task for Selesnya initiates, yet she fails.. the plant withers and as she forces more green mana into it, it long, dangerous thorns lash out.. before piercing into her skin, painfully.. oddly, the sensation isn't as terrible as expected, as the flower slowly begins draining her, beautiful crimson-red rose buds opening to full bloom as she becomes nothing more but nurishment for the vampire rose...

(you suffer a -1 penalty against all plant-creature enemies for the next 24 hours!)

(Everyone that was fatigued loses this status after 8 hours of rest)

You stayed up late and only awaken in the late morning hours. You wonder what the others are up to.. certainly they wouldn't be able to spent all this time being molested by goblins.

Molestations aside, you decide it is about time to visit this goblin-apothecary. A little peek into the now opened Noggra's remedies shop reveals rows of herbs of questionable origin, potions of more questionable origin, and a goblin, working behind a counter fitting for her size. You'll have to decide how to approach her, whilest she's mixing something that you -think- only coincidentially looks like a bomb-potion.
Name: Sikilla
as 'Reilida Goldleaf', Tag: Everyone
HP: 10 AC: 14

"Hmmm, come on, you are making this feel too fake...get to know us? What next, candles and romantic dinner?"

"Of course you are a cutie and we could go on a date later, but now we need to be abducted and bred by a goblin gang."
she sighed, before leaning to whisper to the goblin's ear.

"Actually, my shy friend is the same...you think she came here just to take a look?"

"As for who we are...just some random sluts that walked in the wrong neighborhood...or even better, we owe some gold to the wrong people...we certainly don't need any kind of sympathy!"
she explained

"We need only the toughest gang around, to teach us a lesson!" she winked at the other two playfully.
a83d64d4acfb13fb124e5496851fa534.jpeg Brianna, Gruul Fisticuff Enthusiast; Tag: Karissa; Goblin Courtesan; Mood: Confident;
HP: 10/10; Armor Class: 14; Speed: 30ft.;

The drink did have quite the after kick. Though it was still not nearly enough to topple her. She gave quite belch and softly giggled. "Mmm, I suppose," She said with a cool confident tone. [Con Save: Nat 20, adding CHA of 1 (non nat) to impress the goblin]. She smiled a little adding, "Still a bit weak, but I suppose that's what's I should expect for the more refined civil liqueur." It was admittedly tasty, but when you wanted a strong drink she expected it STRONG. Though wasn't she getting a bit sidetracked?​
She followed the goblin slut up to the room. IT was a bit odd the way they were going about getting this information... She wasn't overeager to spread her legs for goblins she bearly knew for information, much preferring the company of woman-folk... though honestly, this was far from her first time bedding a rowdy boy or two. "Mmm, My name is Brianna, just call me Bri," She introduced herself to the goblin-slut as she slips the straps of her top off. Her massive jugs jiggling with sudden freedom. Showing the other girls her two sizable symmetrical tits that capped each breast. Though both where flacid right now, that probably wouldn't last much longers. Soon enough the short came off as well, leaving the parties cow in nothing but stiff cotton panties. She plopped down on the bed, "Well, I agree with Rei... We are here to get fucked... not as keen on the kidnapping part, but what happens happens." She agreed.​
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ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela Idris, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Tin Street, Tag: All, Status: None, Mood: Aroused

Neela sighed and cuddled up against Iris as the Selesnya acolyte groped her from behind. Hear breaths turned to moans as her pert, red, aroused nipple was tugged, warm pleasure radiating through her body. Her nethers were wet and filled the air around her with the scent of her arousal. "Mmmmm... We should take this somewhere private..." She whispered to Iris, kissing her passionately as they went on to find a place to stay for the night.

They ended up in a spacious room with upholstered furniture and multiple beds for all sizes. Neela had to admit it was worth the money spent. She didn't lose much time throwing off her dress, something she was quite fast at, and revealed that she wore no underwear. Neela crawled on the largest of the beds and spread her legs, showing off her glistening and puffy slit to the other two. "Well, you two wanted to show me your kindness, didn't you? Go on, what are you waiting for?" She asked with a lustful smirk.

Only faintly visible above the wet and eager pussy, was a stretch of discolored skin, almost light blue, a swirling pattern, too intricate to be a birthmark, but too abstract for ordinary tattoos. The way the lines slithered around another called out to Iris...
Name: Karissa, Location: The No Touch Chair Tag: Brianna, Working Goblin Mood: Horny as Hell;
HP: 10 AC: 16

Karissa nods to the Goblin's bet. If she got naked something was going to happen for sure. As another shower of spores escaped from beneath her robe (And hopefully beneath the floorboards) her point was proven. At least they had a plan! And well... It wouldn't hurt to... watch.

Just to make sure they didn't take advantage of her friend. And if she- if she started touching herself well, her face began to glow beneath the hood as she tried to hide her lustful smile. She was such a pervert! It must be the fungus doing this. Elves were upright and refined and oh dear she was already touching herself beneath the robe. Her hands were sticky with lust immediately but thankfully the thick cloth kept her attentions a secret as she lifted it carefully to her lips.

The chair was a nice addition, and she climbed up into it, her slight form allowing her a criss cross seat, and her cloak enough padding to make it comfy.

"Thank you miss... I'm um, I'm really looking forward to this." GOD why did she sound so slutty there! This was ridiculous! She's not turned on by this or anything...
1574371585825.png Sighing as she unbuckles her overalls, letting them slip off her shoulders and pool about her ankles where she kicks them under the bed. "Hun, I'm not going to abduct you. Honestly your friends don't seem too keen for that either, but if that's what you want, I'm sure I could forget that rule about taking girls home." Suddenly a realization strikes her making the goblin whore straiten and exclaim, "Oh, I almost forgot! Wait here," as she jiggles off to the door."

Poking her head out she calls, "Bertha, get your white ass over here." Then she whispers something to Bertha's ear.
"I've got some fresh meat in here, get the boss. Let him know we can get two new girls and sell off the third."

Pulling her head back in she hurries over to the dresser and starts pulling out bottles, silk rope and a pair of panties with a dildo attached. Opening another drawer out come dildos of assorted shapes and sizes, "Alright, so I've got Bri, Miss Hood, and Miss slut. Don't you worry yourself none Bri, you won't leave here till you are good and ready and for Miss Hood." She tosses one of the smaller toys at the no touch chair, it is conically shaped with nubs along its length like a cat's. "That can help better than your fingers dear." She winks before tossing the two bottles over to Bri.

"I'd suggest you lube up, Miss Slut probably won't need it but I find taking it up the ass just a little more pleasurable that way. Now that should be the boys, remember to moan girls." With that she 1574371830398.png launches herself into the bed beside Bri, then climbs up into her cleavage giving a delightful image of the two girls stacked together. This time Bri notices the perfume scent on her goblin companion, poppy and though faint it certainly tickles the nose pleasantly. The smooth green girl eagerly seems to twist and turn as she gets herself ready, then the door opens and what seems to be 10 people stream in.

Though it might come as a surprise to some, there is a rather good mix of men and women, all tattooed and pierced in odd patterns. A gruff goblin who seems to be the leader steps forward and calling out, "Alright boys, let's show these new sluts how good being a whore here is."

The group falls on the three ladies who aren't in the chair. Each one being groped and played with by numerous hands and faces that last only a moment. Tongues exploring every inch, some in the hair, others nibble behind the ear. Yet other lick toes and fingers, lapping playfully as they manipulate the bodies before them to their pleasure. The reek of sweat from hard work wafts through the room as clothes are discarded and the rope soon comes to hand.

a83d64d4acfb13fb124e5496851fa534.jpeg Brianna, Gruul Fisticuff Enthusiast; Tag: Karissa; Goblin Courtesan; Mood: Confident;
HP: 10/10; Armor Class: 14; Speed: 30ft.;

Bri nods at the goblins comforts. Thinking to herself that they'd be able to get plenty of information just from being good whores... why Rei was so insistent on becoming sex-slaves was beyond her... not like the goblins could properly hold down a minotaur if she didn't want it, so she found herself unconcerned. "Oh, thanks," Bri smiled as she accepted the two bottles. Diligently applying it to her body. Knowing just what her money makers would be, she makes sure that plenty is applied to her ample bosom as well as her thighs, sex, and butt. The smooth oil felt kind of nice on her skin... smooth, soft, and make her tingle with anticipation with the excitement to come.
The assult comes swiftly, as Bri's cottons are torn off without hesitation. Exposing her hairless nethers to all of the goblins. Unsurprisingly her large breasts attract plenty of attention. Goblins kneading them, licking them, sucking them in turn. What is surprising is the attention given to her ears and toes. Making the cowgirl mewl as she is awash in goblins, each one using her body in sensual, playful ways. This was certainly much better than she had anticipated.
[Precept: 16] [CON: 8]
Name: Sikilla
as 'Reilida Goldleaf', Tag: Everyone
HP: 10 AC: 14

'Reilida' heard the goblin's whisper, but she decided to let the scene play out naturally. It wasn't like it really mattered, anyway. She was tempted for a moment to use a small spell to turn the chair's color to green instead of red...but the person behind the scenes shouldn't appear before the audience!

"Hey what you mean I don't need it! Of course I do!" Reilda complained, taking her turn to use the oil too. Except she decided to spread it everywhere on her body!

As the crowd swarmed in, she presented her butt towards them with a playful spank on her butt.

"Oh...the little miss over there told us to remember to moan...I take it this means that generally whores here have to fake it...? I hope you can prove her wrong, because I am not faking anything~!" she provoked them, chuckling. Yes, a performance was a very real thing!

"Ohoh...that tickles a bit!" she commented on the assault of the tongues!

[17 perception / 11 Con]
Name: Karissa, Location: The No Touch Chair Tag: Brianna, Working Goblin Mood: Horny as Hell;
HP: 10 AC: 16

Karissa didn't try and deny the Goblin her gift, squirreling the dildo into her cloack where she could put it to use underneath her layers and layers. As she shuddered little puffs of glowing green spores escaped the rare gap in her heavy clothing. The arousal was getting her shifting and huffing underneath the thick clothes, the smell of arousal and sweat beginning to build up under her fur poncho and wrappings. For an elf she looked awfully funky. She curls up tighter reflexively when the goblins pile in, her attentions pausing for a moment before realizing they really would pay her no mind before quietly trying to entertain her secret exhibitionist fantasies. What if they were watching her!

The thought sent a shudder through her as she continued to entertain herself, oblivious to any sinister actions taken by the goblins so far.

(Con: 20, Perception: 7)

Name: Iris Location: Entrance to Prison Tag: Undercover agent
HP: 9/9 Armor Class: 14 Initiative Bonus: +4 Saves: Proficient in Dex and Int. Speed: 30ft Proficiency bonus: +2
Initiative: Conditions:

As Neela deepens the kiss between the two of them and then backs away, Iris lightly bites the Orzhov girl's lower lip. She felt the need to make it known she was in control of that kiss. It lasted for only a second but Iris's lust wasn't so easily sated. "Well, I mean it does seem like we have some time to spare." She wrapped an arm behind Neela, her hand groping Neela's large and supple ass. "Come on Sister lets get going" She offered her other arm to Missara and if she accepts, Iris does the same with her before heading for an inn.

Once they ended up in their room Iris also stripped off her armor and normal clothing to reveal her black satin underwear. She stripped off the bra as well but kept the panties for now. Her eyes wandered the eager Orzhov slut's body, stopping on the lightly glowing symbol. No wonder she was such a whore for attention...

"Well Sister, should we play with this naughty slut for a little bit?" As she asked, Iris moved to Neela. As soon as Iris touched the unknowing slave's body, a light sense of pleasure radiated from where Iris was touching her. The tip of a finger traced from Neela's thigh to right above her womb, where the mark lay all the while that pleasure only growing stronger as her finger grew closer to the mark. "Say, you remind me a lot of this one shape shifter prostitute from back home." Iris said a trigger phase that was planted in Neela during her brainwashing that was supposed to be used to make a brainwashed slave slightly more obedient to their temporary handler. She sat next to Neela, her finger moving from the crest to trace around her dripping folds. "What did you exactly want us to do again?"
The WGhore House Tag: Karissa
1575418560762.png The dildo felt a little odd in Karissa's hands, perhaps slightly slimy? Well, that just made it pass through her pussy lips just that much easier. It turned out to be a masterfully crafted toy. Though it's smaller size left a little to be desired on any thrust, it dragged magnificently against her inner walls with those nubs, gently pulling against them trying to hold the two together.

Most of the spores did as she hoped, falling into the floorboards and disappearing both from sight and mind. There was one puff though that floated up and out over the crowd, still out of sight, but dangerously near someone's head.

It was just as she'd been promised by the goblin. The masturbating elf was looked at from time to time, but no one even got close enough for her to reach out and touch herself. Out of the crowd approaches one of the women. Her nose is black, and slightly wet, eyes widely spaced and her fluffy ears that of a deer's resting high in her dappled brown hair. Sitting nearby she watches Karissa as her form moves and shifts in the heavy cloak. Winking the doe girl reaches down to her own crotch and begins to stroke it, her other hand sneaking under her shirt to grab the small b-cup from beneath. The two make quite a pair, watching each other masturbating, but never touching. Until a puff of spores floats over to her, and eagerly the black nose sucks it up. Her wide spaced eyes dilating quickly and a dopey smile spreading across the girl's face.

Tag: Reilida (Sikilla)
The oily sheen soon covered Rei's body, making her elven form even more effervescent. It felt so good, so, so sexy being coated like this. The slight shift in the air even felt rather good, like someone 1575418265332.png was lightly groping her nipples. MHh, but there was no time for that, the guests were here.

Three of the goblins stopped with dropped jaws, watching the push tush before them shake and jiggle from the smack. They then tumbled forward, tripping over each other to get to her first. As she speaks of her thoughts on fake moaning the hoard of goblins lift her from her feet down to the ground for better access. One of them decides to put her tongue to better use, occupying it with his own. Another says, "Nah miss, some new girls just try to suppress it. We want to hear ya, ya 'ear?" He then gets to work molesting her soft breasts, squeezing them and flicking over her nipples with his tongue.

The goblin at Rei's feet giggles as she waves then gets back to work, her tongue running along the insole then between the pink toes. The others have by this point gotten a little more bold. Two have commandeered her hands and have begun stroking them against nethers. The right against a ridged meaty pole with an odd bulb at its base, the left pressed wrist deep into a juicy, plush pussy. The boy who explained the circumstances has his dick pressed firmly between the two oiled tits, and is holding them by the nipple as he thrusts against them.

1575418443200.png Tag: Both
Both girls watch as Bri seems to quickly loose her mind overwhelmed by the thick musky scent that hangs in the air. It could also be the ball-sack she currently has her nose buried in and the shaft all the way in her throat. There was a man beneath her, his shaft stuck ridgedly up her butt and goblin thrusting quickly into her slick pussy. The Gruul might not be of much use here, but the folks seem quite happy to accept her amongst them.

It went almost unnoticed, but in their midst there was suddenly a Halfling garbed in an oversized robe, holding a long green stick and muttering something as he waves it about. Wait is that a spell!?
ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela Idris, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Tin Street, Tag: All, Status: None, Mood: Aroused

Neela furrowed her brow, not quite sure what Iris was saying, but she suddenly didn't care. She was so horny, so needy - and Iris was so beautiful, so sexy, so desirable. Neela needed her. Needed to fuck her, to be fucked by her.
"I... want you... to fuck me... to use me... make me moan and squirm and cum... like the slut I am..." Neela breathed out, suddenly dizzy, unable to think of anything but Iris beside her. Her snatch was leaking and puffy, ready to be used. She was panting, her eyes glazed over. "Please... use me..." She pleaded. Normally, Neela liked taking charge, to use and abuse her partners, make them abase themselves for her... but right now, she wanted all those dirty things to happen to her, for Iris to take control, to command her pleasure...
Name: Sikilla
as 'Reilida Goldleaf', Tag: Everyone
HP: 10 AC: 14

Sikilla found the situation Reilida found herself in, rather amusing. Everything was going fine, so far!

She greedily sucked the goblin's tongue, while her hands did the work on the others. Finally, when her mouth was free she teasted the goblin a bit.

"You kiss ok~...I guess you earned the right to...I dunno, like hump my leg? I am a priencess I should let you know, so I can't have you fuck me and breed me! Only a goblin as daring as Krenko would do something like fuck my pussy and cum inside without my permission..." she chuckled.

"Hmm...I guess I should assess you next..." she turned to the goblin that was fucking her breasts. "I will open my mouth a bit...lets see if your cock is big enough to reach all the way from there to my mouth!" she challenged him, licking her lips.

However she was just starting, when the weird halfling popped up.

"Hey, thats a private party! Where you popped up from!" she complained, just to make sure the goblins noticed the newcomer. Of course, she didn't really mind the audience, but not if it started causing weird things with their magic!

Name: Iris Location: Entrance to Prison Tag: Undercover agent
HP: 9/9 Armor Class: 14 Initiative Bonus: +4 Saves: Proficient in Dex and Int. Speed: 30ft Proficiency bonus: +2
Initiative: Conditions:

"Good girl~" she purred, her voice filled to the brim with her own lust. At the same time as she said this, her middle and ring fingers suddenly plunged fully into the waiting slut's cunt! That feeling of pleasure from that Neela had experienced from Iris's touch increased exponentially now that she was being finger fucked by Iris. The dirty blond's fingers gave no mercy, rapidly thrusting and writhing deep in the pink depths of Neela's sensitive pussy, bringing a pleasure that was hard to believe came just from Iris using her fingers alone. Iris continued till Neela was uncontrollably moaning, and then moved her thumb to where the unknowing slave's clit was now standing proud and started to gently grind her thumb against the nub! It forced Neela over the edge, but Iris continued her movements with that same predatory grin, not stopping for the girl's orgasm! Her free hand found its way to one of the those breasts she had watched the drunk play with. Unlike her other hand, Iris mauled Neela's tit, roughly squeezing it till it spilled from between her fingers.

"Look at your beautiful body, you were just made to be played with weren't you?" Her head leaned in and kissed Neela's cheek. She could feel Neela's getting close to another orgasm already. A third finger slipped into the messy, and tight folds, easily forcing her over once again! As she went over, Neela could feel Iris's breath on her ear, as she started to whisper. "Yes, I think Ill claim you. I'll enjoy playing with you." Even through the orgasmic bliss, Iris's command words made something click deep within Neela's mind. She wanted to be helpful to Iris. She wanted to be useful to Iris. She wanted to make Iris happy. Iris would continue to play with Neel's body, enjoying the way Neel's folds tightened and squirted her fem-cum and how soft yet firm those tits were. Iris relentlessly forced Neela to cum, and every time she would whisper sweat nothings in her ears, till the night just turned into one blur of pleasure!

At some point, Neela would just pass out and Iris would join her soon after. Once they awoke, Iris couldn't help but enjoy the thick scent of sex that lingered in the air still. "Well wasn't that fun?"
ddbgr8k-e7ca22b1-dbef-4417-a9c7-9f60233dcbb9.jpgNeela Idris, Orzhov enforcer?, Location: Tin Street, Tag: All, Status: None, Mood: Aroused

Neela was lost in bliss. Shuddering limply underneath Iris' assaulting fingers, she could do nothing but moan. She was helpless, under someone else's thumb. There was a voice inside her head that took offense, that demanded Neela be in charge, in control, but that voice drowned in sweet whispers as rising passions as she realized just how hot this was. She was at Iris' mercy, and the thought thrilled her like nothing had ever before. Neela was a loyal member of her Church, and she enjoyed serving, but this was different. Iris could use her, abuse her, make her do anything, betray her house... the thought burned like liquid fire between her loins as she came again. To be so utterly helpless, controlled, enslaved... Everything tingled at the prospect, from her pert and red nipples to her curling toes. Neela was moaning too loud to understand what Iris was whispering, but she imagined it a mantra of abject submission and depraved surrender, of becoming a doting toy for the woman to play with... Neela's pleasure was controlled expertly by Iris, and she couldn't help but wonder as another orgasm ripped through her increasingly frayed mind, if her very thoughts would be next to be controlled...

After many wet and messy orgasms, Neela fell asleep in Iris' grasp, her mind eagerly lapping up her new perspective. Her dreams were hazy and surreal, but she saw herself, naked, in front of a large eye, and she touched herself as she whispered some profound truth she couldn't understand...

As she awoke, Neela groaned as her chafed nipples and folds met the cool morning air. She sat up and beheld Iris already awake, watching her. Beautiful, sexy Iris. Neela knew she should stay with her, have many more nights like this, even though she couldn't remember much, the pounding need between her legs at seeing Iris told her it must have been amazing.
"Mmmmm, that it was! I wouldn't mind continuing..." Neela answered, flashing a lewd smile.

Name: Iris Location: Entrance to Prison Tag: Undercover agent
HP: 9/9 Armor Class: 14 Initiative Bonus: +4 Saves: Proficient in Dex and Int. Speed: 30ft Proficiency bonus: +2
Initiative: Conditions:

This had been Iris's first experience of actually using one of the guild's undercover slaves, and it had been quite the enjoyable experience. The feeling of control over Neela was empowering, she could whisper her sweet commands into the whore's ears while she was cumming out her brains and she would think Iris's orders were her own thoughts. So cute, the poor slave girl thought she was in control. Her mind also wandered to her dream. Oh how she longed to go back to her benefactor and receive her own praise and attention.

"While it would be nice to continue playing, we should probably get a move on with the mission. Wouldn't be a good idea to keep the envoy waiting too long." She pauses and looks the naked Neela up and down with hungry eyes. It felt like she could see through Neela, like she couldn't hide anything from Iris. "...Though, if we did find some extra time, I wouldn't mind if we did this again."

Iris got off their bed and started to put on a new set of clothing. When she took off the black lacy panties she had worn through out the previous night, there was a very visible and large stain of her own juices. "Now, lets go find this goblin apothecary."


Once inside of the apothecary shop, on a whim, Iris started to browse the shelving. She was looking for a favorite potion of hers that allowed the consumer to temporarily turn into a futa. Suddenly engrossed in a little shopping, Iris left her companions to ask about Falish while she gave a quick glance over the merchandise.

Name: Missara Lightfoot, Location: Morning: Inn and then Apothecary Shop Tag: Iris, Neela, Aopthecary Mood: Curious
HP: 10 AC: 16

Missara had enjoyed watching Iris take Neela during the night with great pleasure of her own. Still, she'd spent her time in a combination of masturbation and prayer as Iris took Neela from height to height. Certainly there were wonder things to be experienced although at the moment her prayers were the most important.

Perhaps Missara should have participated in the sex the night before for her dreams certainly were difficult and even terrible. Upon waking she was pale and even shaken, dressing quickly but turning to her comrades with a forced smile. "Playing... ahhh... my dreams... Let's get to the apothecary... yes..."


When they reached the apothecary Missara entered eagerly. She was at least a bit rested now even though the nightmare still haunted her. Seeing Iris distracted by the potions MIssara nodded to Neela and approached the counter. "Good morning, my friends and I have heard that you among others are a good source for enhancing potions... those that affect the mind and body as well as some that can work like..." she looked down at what seemed to be a bomb. "Well, like bombs of various types. And... well, alchemical weapons."

OOC: Back into the game, sorry for the absence.
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