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Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva was about to snap at Kaye for interrupting her rest with Lily's coils around her, but realized that she couldn't stay like this forever, even though she actually enjoyed the company of the Naga woman...

"Lily... Thank you," was all she said, as she leaned up, and kissed Lily on the cheek. Although she never likes to admit it, Shiva's actually bi-curious, and with the extremely kind way the Naga treated her, if Lily asked to have sex with Shiva... She'd probably be embarrassed, but end up saying yes in the end. She had already grown fond of the snake woman, and was already thinking of spending the night with her, just wrapped in those warm coils...

Crawling up to her feet, Shiva walked to the hole, and grabbed the best looking armor, even though they looked just as raggedy as her old ones. They'd help non the less.

Quickly slipping them on, she felt a little better about her disposition, and deciding that, no longer in the nude, and beaten, she could perhaps lead once more, even though she herself at this point was a little uncertain, worried that anything could come around the corner, and strike her down, showing just how worthless she is...

"Alright, grab some replacement armor, then we move out! Let's hope to find a city, and an Inn before sun down, and the nocturnal monsters come out!" she announced to the group still inside the cave, and looked to Lily with a smile, before heading through the cave entrance.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

(Bleh, fell behind on the character interaction due to being caught up D:...)

Following the rest, Aegis proceeds to the entrance of the cave, showing no real reaction to any of the events as she kept her thoughts to herself...
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Lily gives Shiva a final squeeze of her coils as Shiva makes her way out of then, smiling at the peck. "My pleasssure, dear. If you ever want to come back, feel free. That goesss for any of you asss well." She hisses pleasantly, completely ignoring the bounty of weapons and armor, having never exactly been used to such things. She'd be hard pressed to find much to fit her anyway, being half snake. She followed Shiva to the cave entrance, waiting for the others.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Celestia walk with all to the exit. After all the problems they only get armors. She is a little disappointed because their first objective was to save the slaves of the gnolls. Celestia feel to much concern about the future of all those poor girls who will be used to give birth until the end of the times, unless the good side win this war.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Lilliana is still standing guard outside the cave oblivious to the events going on inside. Figuring that with her keen eyesight and skills as an archer, combined with what seems to be mild claustrophobia, she would be better suited to guard outside, she waits patiently for something to happen or for someone to call her in.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

((I'm giving TheWeirdOne until tonight at 12 AM EST to post. If he doesn't, BurningGold's character will magically replace his.))
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

(poor "TheWeirdOne" he even dont have log in )

Thanks Scratchy,i wish than you could help us to find where are the gnolls and the others slaves, but i think than will be impossible in this moment" Celestia want to use her new friendship with Scratchy, but maybe he is still loyal to the another gnolls and decide to dont help more. After a moment she decide to to ask to him "Scratchy, please help us to find them, i will be in debt with you, so please say us where could they have gone"

(action use charisma to persuade Scratchy to help them to find the gnolls)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva stops, and motions to Lily and the others to stop as well before they left, as she turned to the Gnoll, supporting Celestia's asking, "Yes... There are still women trapped... And I'm wondering if this dog here can lead us to them.
Would you kindly lead us to the slaves you and your people captured?
" Shiva asked the Gnoll.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Scratchy had slumped down to a sitting position after clearing away the wall, his pick axe strewn to the side. His ears twitched as both Celestia and Shiva tried to get the information out of him... And it seemed to have worked. Tilting his head back, and letting out a sorrowful howl, the creature pointed towards the two crystals, where rocks blocked the entrance.

"There..." He whimpered, right after the howl finished, "My clan is trapped in there..."
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva blinked, "... And what's stopping us from digging to them?" she asked the Gnoll, "I think, if they're trapped, we ought to free them. Even though my instinct tells me to leave creatures of such perversion to rot, no living thing deserves to be buried alive like that,"

Shiva walked over to the Gnoll, and picked up it's axe, holding it in her hands as she looked down at it, "Come, there are still two other pick axes lying about. Lets work together to free those trapped in the cave!" Shiva announced, ordering her group once again, "And would someone kindly alert the others outside to come back, while the dog and I, as well as any other volunteer clear the path?" she said, holding the axe over her shoulder.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Lily nods, then smiles cheerfully. "Well, letsss get to work then!" She giggles, grabbing one of the picks and slithering over to the cave-in, heaving away at attempting to break through the barrier or rock.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

"It is fruitless," Scratchy said, staring at the wall before him, "The walls would collapse to keep any magical creature from harming my kin... Along the entire two mile tunnel..." He let out a long, heavy sigh, before closing his eyes.

"I will never see my Kin again.."
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Lily hisses sadly, tossing the pick aside and sighing, leaning against the wall, thinking about something, then looking to the others. "Do any of you have sssome sssort of magic that can ssshape the earth? That might come in handy here..."
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva grunted with frustration, and almost wanted to run over to Lily as she laid against the wall, but stopped herself, as she realized that she might let the demonic side of her take over by giving in to sudden desires...

"Damn it! Isn't there anything we can do!?!" she exclaimed, "We can't leave them there to die!"
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

"My Kin won't die..." Scratchy said, slowly getting to his feet. He walked back to the exit, muttering something about 'stupid magic users', with his tail literally tucked between his legs.
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva stands in place, unable to figure out what to make of the situation, and looks to Lily who was near her, looking for some advice, support, or a gem of wisdom over what happened...
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Unfortunately for Shiva, Lily was pretty much just as lost. She gets off the wall, slithering over to the cave exit. As she passed Shiva, she put a hand on her shoulder, motioning with her head that they should leave. If there wasn't anything they could do, there was no point in hanging around. Passing Shiva, she slithers up to the gnoll, giving him a gentle hug from behind. "I'm ssso sssorry about what'sss happened... You're free to ssstay with usss asss long asss you wisssh. At leassst I'll let you." She smiled. "Who knowsss? Maybe in our travelsss we'll find your kin, and you can return to them..."
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

"Sigh...looks like we cant help them now, maybe after save this dimension we can find someone than could find the gnolls" Celestia also go out of the cave
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

Shiva only followed Lily following the touch on the shoulder, heaving a sigh of defeat as she does so, and follows her out of the cave, while trying not to notice the snake woman's rump in clear view...

(What time of day is it?)
Re: Realm 1 - Good Team Play thread

((Uhm... Using Tass' method of time, it would be... 3 AM ish.o.o; ))