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ADV Ryona [Rock Candy] Titty Punchan

Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

I'd hope not, or just about every daydream (or would that be daymare?) I've ever had where my anxiety kicked in and I thought 'what would happen if my car went off the side of the road', followed by the vivid mental scenario of the horrific demise that follows would imply that I WANT to die.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

Dark's right, I'm done.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

Being able to manage this kind of control just makes you a rational thinker. =3

I disagree. I believe that being desensitized to materials potentially harmful to your psyche is a naturally developed defence mechanism, not a skill.

Intentionally manipulating your emotions might be a very real skill, I agree, but not being affected by repulsive ideas or ideals in an erotic game/video/medium will almost every time just be desensitization. Not mental conditioning.

I seriously doubt that the majority of people who are attracted to Guro, Ryona, and Scat, are attracted to it because they decided they wanted to be on a whim, it's because they where fed the conditions required for it to happen.

I'd go as far to say that not being affected by harmful fictional ideas would be due to desensitization more than 70% of the time, in my honest opinion.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

I disagree. I believe that being desensitized to materials potentially harmful to your psyche is a naturally developed defence mechanism, not a skill.

Intentionally manipulating your emotions might be a very real skill, I agree, but not being affected by repulsive ideas or ideals in an erotic game/video/medium will almost every time just be desensitization. Not mental conditioning.

I seriously doubt that the majority of people who are attracted to Guro, Ryona, and Scat, are attracted to it because they decided they wanted to be on a whim, it's because they where fed the conditions required for it to happen.

I'd go as far to say that not being affected by harmful fictional ideas would be due to desensitization more than 70% of the time, in my honest opinion.

Slight ryona is something I can enjoy at least a bit...but guro, hard ryona(mutilation of appearance and such) and scat are several things that just make me sick to my stomach.

I can see how some people are into it...they're freaks. But then again, most all of us are called freaks by the people who only like regular porn and the whole lot of us are called freaks by people who are prudes. And secretively, the entire lot of us call the prudes freaks! :D
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

I can see how some people are into it...they're freaks. But then again, most all of us are called freaks by the people who only like regular porn and the whole lot of us are called freaks by people who are prudes. And secretively, the entire lot of us call the prudes freaks! :D

So.. In reality, everyone's a freak?
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

I disagree. I believe that being desensitized to materials potentially harmful to your psyche is a naturally developed defence mechanism, not a skill.

Intentionally manipulating your emotions might be a very real skill, I agree, but not being affected by repulsive ideas or ideals in an erotic game/video/medium will almost every time just be desensitization. Not mental conditioning.

I seriously doubt that the majority of people who are attracted to Guro, Ryona, and Scat, are attracted to it because they decided they wanted to be on a whim, it's because they where fed the conditions required for it to happen.

I'd go as far to say that not being affected by harmful fictional ideas would be due to desensitization more than 70% of the time, in my honest opinion.

There's an underlining point I made. It's that reality and fantasy are two completely different (opposing) factors that we take into consideration, before applying any kind of urgency to commit an action.

The end "effect" from having emotional stimulation (E.G. viewing imagery) is first dependent on rather that imagery is real or not. Once that's been understood, the need to take that stimulation any further now becomes a kind of choice.

We are calculating machines - basically. So I think that fantasy and reality, being the separate factors that they are, require different ways of calculating. Fantasy isn't real, so the way we address it may affect us (via stimulation) but the end result doesn't go anywhere. Because we know it's not real, then there's no reason to pursue the ideas beyond what they are - ideas. The stimulation and effect follow right behind. Whereas with reality, you can guess how far affection can go.

I think the choice concept is determined by your knowledge of the facts. Now I may agree & speculate further that we don't have a conscious choice, but there still is a choice. You can see this when you notice how people course their lives without knowing certain facts. Many facts get ignored and people still get by. In other words, choice requires knowledge of your surroundings. The more you know, the more you can make choices that have best possible outcomes.
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Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

How did this become a discussion about human psychology? o.o
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

By combining sexuality with violence.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

There's an underlining point I made. It's that reality and fantasy are two completely different (opposing) factors that we take into consideration, before applying any kind of urgency to commit an action.

The end "effect" from having emotional stimulation (E.G. viewing imagery) is first dependent on rather that imagery is real or not. Once that's been understood, the need to take that stimulation any further now becomes a kind of choice.

We are calculating machines - basically. So I think that fantasy and reality, being the separate factors that they are, require different ways of calculating. Fantasy isn't real, so the way we address it may affect us (via stimulation) but the end result doesn't go anywhere. Because we know it's not real, then there's no reason to pursue the ideas beyond what they are - ideas. The stimulation and effect follow right behind. Whereas with reality, you can guess how far affection can go.

I think the choice concept is determined by your knowledge of the facts. Now I may agree & speculate further that we don't have a conscious choice, but there still is a choice. You can see this when you notice how people course their lives without knowing certain facts. Many facts get ignored and people still get by. In other words, choice requires knowledge of your surroundings. The more you know, the more you can make choices that have best possible outcomes.

No, but you see, while ignoring things can be a conscious decision, you're implying that people who are naturally inclined to be unaffected by fictional material are somehow mentally superior to people who are disinclined to the same.

That's simply not true. Seeing a man get beaten to death in recorded film won't affect some people, but will drastically affect others. In no way are people unaffected in any way more logical than the latter, they are just more down to earth, which has it's advantages, but isn't necessarily better.

In a perfect world, Naivety would be a positive trait to have with no disadvantages. In a world completely plunged into the depths of hell, it would be a negative trait with no redeeming factor. In the world we live in, I can only say that the best solution would be a balance between the two, not an on/off switch for your emotions and mental process', because no matter how efficient the human brain is, it simply does not work that way.

We are not robots, we are biological creatures of perception. Discerning that something is fantasy does not completely disregard it from your mind, no matter how hard you try, which is why phobias and illogical fears exist.

You might know that clowns aren't trying to get you, but that doesn't help the fact that you once had a traumatizing experience that your brain will fall back to each time you see one.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

How did this become a discussion about human psychology? o.o

You say that like there's something wrong with it.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

How did this become a discussion about human psychology? o.o

Because nerds tend to fight amongst themselves a lot over silly things!
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

No, but you see, while ignoring things can be a conscious decision, you're implying that people who are naturally inclined to be unaffected by fictional material are somehow mentally superior to people who are disinclined to the same.

That's simply not true. Seeing a man get beaten to death in recorded film won't affect some people, but will drastically affect others. In no way are people unaffected in any way more logical than the latter, they are just more down to earth, which has it's advantages, but isn't necessarily better.

In a perfect world, Naivety would be a positive trait to have with no disadvantages. In a world completely plunged into the depths of hell, it would be a negative trait with no redeeming factor. In the world we live in, I can only say that the best solution would be a balance between the two, not an on/off switch for your emotions and mental process', because no matter how efficient the human brain is, it simply does not work that way.

We are not robots, we are biological creatures of perception. Discerning that something is fantasy does not completely disregard it from your mind, no matter how hard you try, which is why phobias and illogical fears exist.

You might know that clowns aren't trying to get you, but that doesn't help the fact that you once had a traumatizing experience that your brain will fall back to each time you see one.

People who are drastically "hurt" *cough cough* from a fictional idea/image/whatever are prolonged in their experience because they lack the proper knowledge of the situation.

That's the whole reason we have psychologists - to inform people about certain facts that they otherwise would never have known. This ultimately would lead them to a recovery.

It's the same reason people are diagnosed with conditions like Coulrophobia. A person who suffered a traumatic experience with a clown(s), only did so because they lacked a major amount of information in regards to the truth of the experience.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

This thread is ridiculous, which makes it funny. Bunch of nerds fighting about whose opinion is "right" or "wrong". First post btw, yeuh!
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

This thread is ridiculous, which makes it funny. Bunch of nerds fighting about whose opinion is "right" or "wrong". First post btw, yeuh!

I could care less if I'm right or wrong.

Engaging in these debates is a great way to learn new stuff. It just so happens to be way more productive than trolling YouTube vids or some shit. Good practice for teh brainz... ;)
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

I could care less if I'm right or wrong.

Engaging in these debates is a great way to learn new stuff. It just so happens to be way more productive than trolling YouTube vids or some shit. Good practice for teh brainz... ;)

Here's a tip for you if you want more practice for zhe brein. You should observe a debate between two drunk persons. This really shows simplicity of the way how people think and how they react to some else way of thinking. You can also see the true emotions of someone way better, because you can't see them really by reading letters and emoticons :D. Also emotions are of course boosted by the booze so it will almost always lead to a fight, which is of course is funny as hell. This a fun way of learning, at least through my experience.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

This thread is ridiculous, which makes it funny. Bunch of nerds fighting about whose opinion is "right" or "wrong". First post btw, yeuh!

Because thinking through thoughtful debate with people with different viewpoints in a polite and intelligent manner is for idiots.
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

Clearly intelligent debate is stupid and drunk debate is eye opening.

He actually has a point, it's just a really jaded and easily arguable one. He just felt like making it because it gives him the opportunity to jump into an argument about who's wrong or right, paint himself as the person who's right and you all as wrong, but does so in a way that makes fun of argument, so you can either say nothing and admit he's right, or argue with him, which someone proves his point that he's right.

Isn't being an asshole fun? I LOVE doing that shit

(admittedly, he most likely doesn't know he's doing it, people who take this stance often don't, but seriously sit back and read your post compared to everyone else's and explain how it's not hypocrisy. Is it because you attacked a horizontal argument from a vertical angle, so that separates what you said from everyone else? That's usually how hypocrisy works, justifying your points as being on a different level, therefore not applicable to the same regards.)
Re: Rock Candy - Titty Punchan

Ehh, we're human, we all have double standards.

We just don't like admitting it.