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Re: Hate Thread

I actually like Jews. They seem to be the only people who don't want to actively convert me. They don't care if you're a Jew, they're just happy being Jews.

How many non-christians have actually tried to convert you?
Re: Hate Thread

How many non-christians have actually tried to convert you?

You make a valid point. I've probably just been so frustrated with all the Christians trying to convert me that I hadn't realized that they're all Christians. Mainly Mormons, actually, but there have been a few missionaries or whatever from other Christian practices.
Re: Hate Thread

You make a valid point. I've probably just been so frustrated with all the Christians trying to convert me that I hadn't realized that they're all Christians. Mainly Mormons, actually, but there have been a few missionaries or whatever from other Christian practices.

Hrm. It's mainly the Mormons and Jehovah's witness that do the whole conversion thing. Other sects do send missionaries out, but that's like to third world countries and stuff.

All the churches I've been to, the Preacher tells us to say something, and then leave it alone. Don't push, because that pushes people away. And don't ever go door to door. People hate that.

Maybe i just went to cool churches...
Re: Hate Thread

No, that sounds like a fairly sensible way to do it.

I don't really remember much of the last time I sat through a church thing. Mainly because I was trying to pretend not to be there. Last time I agreed to help out doing carols at a church, I had no idea it would involve, y'know, listening to sermon. And I was up on stage, so I had to keep a straight face and take it seriously and all that.

Well, I didn't have to, but I didn't want make an ass of myself.

In the end, I got through it without exploding. Although the boiled candies I got as a thank you did give me a stomach ache.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate hang overs... but fuck it was worth it.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate hang overs... but fuck it was worth it.

Ha, thanks to my advanced genes I don't suffer from hang overs. At all. Though this fucking cold has been hounding me since the end of November, and whenever I think I've managed to hide from it BAM! It kicks me in a the dick and makes me its bitch once more.
So I guess my genes aren't that advanced after all.
Re: Hate Thread

I had a hangover level headache this morning (and still sort of do) for no reason at all :mad::rolleyes:
Re: Hate Thread

Ughhh..... Random evening stomach ache...

Can't think of any likely cause. Just so friggin uncomfortable. It's hardly the worst thing in the world, but damned annoying.

Euugghhh. ~_~

[Edit+] I wonder if I'm ill? I don't really feel ill spare the stomach pains, but everyone else seems to have been lately. It'll ruin my non ill streak if I am.
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Re: Hate Thread

I don't know if this is people uploading beats to sites against the author's permission, the author doing it or these are supposed to be the actual finished games, but I hate the amount of hentai games that I've seen lately that are either half finished, barely started, or so full of bugs and glitches it's unplayable.

I decided I'd check for some flash games just then and 2 for 2 had problems that made them unplayable for me. One of them lagged horrible whenever I clicked an option, the other I ended up getitng stuck on a screen I couldn't leave, because the placement on the previous screen put me within the zone that moves me to the current one, so I was forever being shunted back into where I was, which had no other exit and nothing to do in it.
Re: Hate Thread

Goddamn I hate my cellphone. This is the same one I've complained about before, and just now I learned that it's alarms doesn't work. I should be going out right now, but I also should have woken about an hour and half ago, showered, eaten, etc.
Re: Hate Thread

Waking up at noon. Makes my feel wierd all day and half of its just gone x.x
Re: Hate Thread

>_< !?

My flat mate is in a strange mood again. She's been badly ill for the last two days, still going to work, on top of being over worked due to others already off sick. Is coughing up all over the place, hasn't been able to sleep properly, and now on Sunday when she should be getting much needed rest, I wake up to find her already up emptying bins and doing the washing up that I was supposed to do last night.

Won't say a word, and refuses to stop and sit down. I don't dare push the point or argue with her, since it seems like any extra stress right now might kill her. It's horrible. What the hell do I do? T_T
Re: Hate Thread

marry her. That's just my two cents
Re: Hate Thread

>_< !?

My flat mate is in a strange mood again. She's been badly ill for the last two days, still going to work, on top of being over worked due to others already off sick. Is coughing up all over the place, hasn't been able to sleep properly, and now on Sunday when she should be getting much needed rest, I wake up to find her already up emptying bins and doing the washing up that I was supposed to do last night.

Won't say a word, and refuses to stop and sit down. I don't dare push the point or argue with her, since it seems like any extra stress right now might kill her. It's horrible. What the hell do I do? T_T

You help with cleaning and everything, and thread very lightly... Or you get as far away from there as you can before she explodes... In my experience girls have a tendency to explode if not handled correctly in these situations.
Re: Hate Thread

I did both of Wonder Boy's suggestions. Moments after posting a surprise visit from my dad and step mother actually helped provide an excellent distraction for a while, after which I quickly did a bit of extra cleaning and then left to go to my mums and wage war with my bro. (Via virtual tanks and all that)
Re: Hate Thread

I would have sat her down and told her to rest, and that I'd take care of things around the house. If she refused, I'd knock her ass out somehow. Preferably via pills.
Of course, that's just me. I'm apparently pretty blunt.

I agree with Toxic - marry her.
Re: Hate Thread

Probly would have helped to do the things you were supposed to do the night before.