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RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

(Might I suggest having her normal sprite have her holding her arms/hands over her private areas)

she will be i just made the sprite as an example of skin color,hair color,height(looks OK in full screen but it could be better)
I guess i'll start making the animations and tile sets and stuff.

Using Game Maker seems simple enough for now but trying to fix crouching and jumping looping...

For attacking I'm thinking like pieces of wood,metal bars(she'll punch and kick when nothing is held) but have durability or can be pulled away from you by enemy's(gotta figure out how to do this also...more headaches)

UrbanKirasagi If you get good enough at flash I'd gladly let you do all the programing and resource handling, i can't help at all as i have no experience in flash.(but I'll probably try it and check how it works)

For names i like Riza Or Lena
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Add quiz aspect to game? Yes. What sort of questions?

As for weapons, I was thinking, since it's RUN or Rape, no weapons, or very limited. For bosses, you could have the gimmick fights. Y'know... like, CLIMB UP THAT LADDER AND DROP THE CHANDELIER ON HIS HEAD! or GET THE AX AND CUT THE BRIDGE! Use environmental hazards to defeat them.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Might I suggest having her normal sprite have her holding her arms/hands over her private areas unless she's climbing something (in which case she's facing away) like she's actually embarrassed by the lack of clothes? Would add a little realism in a sense.

Also, how would she attack to fight bosses? Does she have to kick/punch, or can she find stuff in the factory to use, like gears to throw or stuff?

For another room idea - have one of the rooms in the factory be a setup of dunking platforms set up over a pinkish see-through liquid aphrodisiac. In order to get to the far side of the room and collect the key card or key or what-have-you, she has to sit on each of four platforms over the liquid and answer a question of some kind correctly. If she gets it right, she moves closer to the key. If she gets it wrong, she's dumped down into the vat of aphrodisiac liquid, which promptly overrides her self-control, making her uber-horny instantly as she begins fingering and toying with herself for the cameras to see (make the cameras a recurring theme to justify the video room in the game, so any challenge could end with her being fucked on camera - for instance, the conveyor belt room could have cameras watching the rape machines along the path nailing her).

For a name...I suggest Naomi or Liliana.

As for learning flash...having some trouble. See, all the tutorials I can find are really really technical, and as someone who has never used Flash stuff before, I'm having trouble getting my head around it all. Any help from people with more experience would be awesomesauce.

1) I absolutely LOVE the idea of having her cover her private parts for most of her sprites.

2) She will have attacks, but they will be weak and barely do anything. The only attack that I have thought of for her so far is a sortof girly slap where she turns her head and slaps the enemy with an expression on her face that says, "NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!"

3) Interesting concept, but that might be something for the second game, where that kind of mist would be everywhere in the cave.

4) I really like the name Liliana

5) On a random note, I was thinking about having the character having slowly regenerating health when she stands still, to slow a realistic sense of her getting back energy by resting. This would also help to explain how health is completely restored when going into a new area.

6) @ Luppikun: Yeah, pretty much that's exactly what's gonna happen, except more original ideas. For example, when I have the mousegirlified Liliana fighting a relatively giant hose vaccuum cleaner, she has to platform jump ontop of it and turn off the vaccuum cleaner.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

So the sprite height,hair color,bust size, is OK then?????(I got no feed back other than hands covering her vagina/breasts)
I could always increase in size later but for now I'll get basic stuff done like running, ducking, jump, and attacks for all states(air attack,crouch attack,standing attack)

I'd like to keep it simple while I figure out how to do more complex things.
I'm hoping to get a sample room done.(unless a genius programmer wants to help then he/she can do it)

Also Liliana is a good name Lilly for short maybe.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

my experience with flash is moderate but if you want a hand my Skype is gaiacarra and my MSN is babybishops04 (at) yahoo (dot) com

anyway currently speculating on how to put together a game engine for this
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

So the sprite height,hair color,bust size, is OK then?????(I got no feed back other than hands covering her vagina/breasts)
I could always increase in size later but for now I'll get basic stuff done like running, ducking, jump, and attacks for all states(air attack,crouch attack,standing attack)

I'd like to keep it simple while I figure out how to do more complex things.
I'm hoping to get a sample room done.(unless a genius programmer wants to help then he/she can do it)

Also Liliana is a good name Lilly for short maybe.

As far as the sprite goes, it's fine, except the only problem I see with it is that she's very slim. Maybe make her slightly shorter so she seems more realistic. And also, try and make some crawling sprites if you could~.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

3) Interesting concept, but that might be something for the second game, where that kind of mist would be everywhere in the cave.

It's not a mist though, it's more like a mix of water and pink slime. Besides, if the factory is filled with sex stuff, it makes perfect sense that it would have a vat of pinkish horny-making liquid in it.

In fact, it could even provide the justification for why the caves have the gas in the second game - it's the byproduct of producing the liquid in the factory in the first game.

As for the programming...meep. For me to get proficient in this much of it would take a lot more time than I think we want to take. However, I will start searching out friends with flash skills or such, and try to find some kind of uber easy tutorial.

There's also the roadblock that I'm on a 2006 pre-unibody Macbook, so my technological resources are limited.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Evil double post, but I just found something that could probably make a good base for what you want to make here in a limited fashion:

It's a Castlevania game made in Flash. The controls are:
<- -> motion
down arrow = duck
Ctrl = whip
space = jump
Up arrow + ctrl = special weapon

Play the game for about a minute and you'll see what I mean, it has ladders and such too, so on a very basic platformer level it could work. The trick would be working the sex bits into it.

Note that the game is very basic - bottomless pits don't seem to work, dying requires you to refresh the page, and the Death boss seems to be only for show. But the bits that work make a good idea tutorial. If I could just find who made it lol...
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Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

It's not a mist though, it's more like a mix of water and pink slime. Besides, if the factory is filled with sex stuff, it makes perfect sense that it would have a vat of pinkish horny-making liquid in it.

In fact, it could even provide the justification for why the caves have the gas in the second game - it's the byproduct of producing the liquid in the factory in the first game.

As for the programming...meep. For me to get proficient in this much of it would take a lot more time than I think we want to take. However, I will start searching out friends with flash skills or such, and try to find some kind of uber easy tutorial.

There's also the roadblock that I'm on a 2006 pre-unibody Macbook, so my technological resources are limited.

Or it could be the other way around. Deep in the caves is the pink goo/mist and it's mined and refined into the factory as a pure mist. That would make more sense kinda...
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

You couldn't dunk someone into mist though, it would hurt.


Okay so admittedly, I happen to really have a thing for the idea of dunkings.
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Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

I'd be willing to take a crack at something in game maker, as the other game I'm working on isnt getting art updates to put in very often.
I dont know about straight flash tho, havent played with it, tho I could probably learn it if that were needed. Of course I have 0 art skills, so any programming I would do would need someone to feed me art for it.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

You guys can use game maker, whichever works best.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists


Here are the four i've barely worked on that I told you about Iggy, sorry about poor pic quality, i took them with my iphone camera. And the first three are more machine like then the last.

The spider can shoot webs, has a long tongue for oral, a wooden horse on its back and has dick stinger/tail.
The robot has two tentacle appendages for whipping grappling/fucking, two claw hands for restraining/stealing clothes, a hand with a feather for tickling, a normal hand for groping, a tongue for oral, and has a retractable dick in the panel on its stomach/chest.
The octopus looking one has eight tentacles, 4 ending ending in cocks for fucking, and four ending in tongues for oral/stimulation.
And the big smily face one, has a hug tongue for oral, two huge hands for grabbing and or molestation, and the thing sticking out of it at the bottom is like a cock on an extension, thing? :p.

As I said before they are just rough sketches, and could use some more work. But let me know what you think about them okay.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Interesting... Maybe make them slimmer, because to be absolutely honest, I just can't get past the fact that they look too blocky. But seeing as these are ROUGH sketches, I wasn't expecting a masterpiece. I'm sure after you fine tune them by slimming them down a bit, I'd be able to see them as you do in your mind's eye~.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Added the next main area of the factory. After the part of the adventure in the first main area, Liliana continues her search for an exit. Her hopes rise when she finds a door that leads to a waste disposal area, which should hopefully mean that there is a way for her to escape through there. However, the door is locked due to unstable atmospheric conditions caused by the furnace being flooded with coolant. So, our heroines' only choice is to go to the pump control room and pump the coolant out. But one obstacle lies in her way. The door to the pump control room is jammed, but there's enough of a space under the door for her to squeeze in between after greasing herself up. Then, after pumping the coolant out of the furnace, climate systems return to normal. But, as she heads to the door, a mysterious hooded figure appears and casts a spell on Liliana that causes her breasts to expand past the point where she can't squeeze under the jammed door, even if she greased herself up. Now her only option is to take a short detour through the maintenence sector. As she takes her detour through maintenence, several suction pump tentacles try to immobilize and milk not only Liliana's breasts, but her pussy too~.


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Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Nice. Good ideas!
The door to the pump control room is jammed, but there's enough of a space under the door for her to squeeze in between after greasing herself up.

I know how she could get greased up... ;)
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

It would add a twist to the game...
Like, you can go in search of actual grease, which takes a while and is difficult...
Or you can give yourself up to a certain enemy that would grease you up with its... "Special Fluids". But that in turn would make all the enemies drawn to you, making it harder to get back.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

Well, the more slicked you are, the less traction you'd have/slower you'd move overall (think slipping-on-ice mechanics). Which would make it harder to evade enemies.
Re: RoR Game Concept; Need Programmers and Artists

That too.