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RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher / How to hook RPG Maker MV Games

Can someone help me with RegEx to stop this message from flushing?
「0 /0。」
How do i hook to a game without www folder?Game.exe is not boxed originally.And I am pretty sure it is a rpgmaker mv game.
How do i hook to a game without www folder?Game.exe is not boxed originally.And I am pretty sure it is a rpgmaker mv game.
There's reading, and understanding what you've read. No www folder == Your game's packed (synonymous to 'boxed'... At least here below)
Most of the game being "boxed" in the .exe
try .
Other games might need other means, like app.asar unpacking for electron games. But there's a 90% chance that's another story.
Curiously, what translator do you guys use?
Translation Aggregator seems to be completely out of support and has not worked for Google Translate or Bing Translate for a couple of years.
Translation Aggregator seems to be completely out of support and has not worked for Google Translate or Bing Translate for a couple of years
You mean, text hooker, right? I think Textractor should currently be the best at what it does, provided you nuke Bing translate to oblivion, as it should be.

Libellule's work is still awesome for MV games, assuming you only intend to hook text.
You mean, text hooker, right? I think Textractor should currently be the best at what it does, provided you nuke Bing translate to oblivion, as it should be.

Libellule's work is still awesome for MV games, assuming you only intend to hook text.

I'm not sure the terminology.

I thought text-hook are they things used to extract the text (e.g. AGTH, ITH).

I am looking the tool that translates the text that gets extracted by AGTH and/or ITH.
Do Textractor and Libellule do what I am trying to do?
When doing the event with countless men at the secret slum building, sometimes 2 men come in, but the cutscene plays as if it was one, is that really it or is my game somehow bugged? I've also noticed enemies only do sexual attacks one at a time, while the DLSite preview shows several...

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When doing the event with countless men at the secret slum building, sometimes 2 men come in, but the cutscene plays as if it was one, is that really it or is my game somehow bugged? I've also noticed enemies only do sexual attacks one at a time, while the DLSite preview shows several...

Umm did you post on the right thread?
I'm stuck in a loop and can't progress or escape during h scenes. I'm on JoiPlay and holding down buttons don't work. Pls helllp
I must say thank you to Libelulle for the plugin tool, it works since 2016 like a charm.

Though I must ask if there is something similar for MZ maker games as well?
I started RJ333578 ( ) recently and I am omega lost without any sort of tool to translate the text.

Edit: Started rummaging through the thread after posting and it seems there is a solution to this.
Will try this out.

The tip mentioned by Bamboo88 works like a charm as well. Thank you.
Man..good old ULMF always a pleasure.
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I must say thank you to Libelulle for the plugin tool, it works since 2016 like a charm.

Though I must ask if there is something similar for MZ maker games as well?
+1 to the former. All hail Dragonfly!

As for the latter, use Translator++. It works great with MV, but absolutely take your time to understand its quirks - as well as the translation engine's. In the best cases, you'll need at least 4 hours toying with regexps to fix everything it broke. (most notably, Qvexy thingies and if(.+) breaking like straws)
And please, don't share any MV MTL before you've properly checked it. These guys are the cancer the poor Japanese devs get inflicted with on a weekly basis. MTL is barely fine/acceptable, but a MTL which breaks the game and its mechanics is plain, direspectful heresy.
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And please, don't share any MV MTL before you've properly checked it. These guys are the cancer the poor Japanese devs get inflicted with on a weekly basis. MTL is barely fine/acceptable, but a MTL which breaks the game and its mechanics is plain, direspectful heresy.
I hear ya, just recently I played a Game with MTL which fucked some variables up so whatever I did I could not level up a particular skill. Anyways I tried to set up Translator++ twice but I could not get it to work to clip text ect.
Thats why I liked Libelulles Cliploger so much. The few text I most likely need at a start of a game I just copy paste into google translate and thats it.