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Sanctuary Based RP

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Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

I have two concepts, one's at about 80% completion, the other is still bouncing around my head. I'll post the first when it's done and not worry about the other unless the first is rejected. I also have an idea for introduction if I wind up being a late arrival, so no worries there, feel free to start if I can't find the time.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Actually, they're both modified from Aliens taken from two vastly different sources. If I wanted to play a Vampire, I would have tried to keep Ellen. But thanks for asking!


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

I had two ideas for characters, but couldn't decide between them even after finishing both of their sheets. So for now, I'm going to try playing both and see how it goes.

Alec Morgan
Name: Alec Morgan
Age: 21
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 170 Pounds.
Place of Birth: Argyll and Bute, Scotland
Species: Abnormal

Powers: Alec is capable of manipulating Photons, allowing him to control heat and light.

Light Background History: Alec’s family moved to England shortly after his birth, mostly due to his father’s work. His powers kept quiet for a good few years, until his 7th year in school when he was backed into a corner by a group of bullies, and their ringleader’s clothes suddenly caught fire. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt, and Alec wasn’t connected to the incident as anything more than a witness. The group accosted him again on his way home, but a sudden flash left them blinded and gave him the chance he needed to slip away. It was not until years later when Alec’s friend jokingly suggested he ‘try to set the teacher on fire by staring at her’ that Alec became aware of his powers. In secret, he began experimenting and learning to control them. He went on to study Physics in higher education, to give himself a greater insight into what he was capable of doing.

Miscellaneous Facts: Alec is fond of meat, and proud of his Scottish heritage despite having lived in England practically all his life. His name is sometimes misspelled or mispronounced as ‘Alex’, something which annoys him to no end.

Abigail Blake
Name: Abigail ‘Abby’ Blake
Age: 17
Height: 6 feet 2 inches.
Weight: 165 Pounds.
Place of Birth: New York
Species: Abnormal – Uratha (Werewolf)

Known Biological Facts: As an uratha, Abby’s natural weakness is Silver. Merely touching it does nothing, however wounds caused or touched by silver will aggravate and cause excruciating pain. Abby regenerates wounds faster than normal, though again, silver wounds will take much longer.

Powers: Abby has 5 forms:

Hishu – “Human”
In Hishu form, Abby is a normal human, both in appearance and biology.

Dalu – “Near-Human”
Although still roughly human in appearance, in Dalu form Abby gains about 4-6 inches and 25-50 pounds. Her body hair, nails, teeth and facial features grow and sharpen, and her strength and senses are slightly enhanced.

Gauru – “Wolf-Man”
The Gauru form resembles the stereotypical ‘Werewolf’. Abby takes on the appearance of a large, muscled bipedal wolf, gaining about a foot in height and 100 pounds in weight (relative to Hishu). Although she retains control of herself, in this form Abby becomes consumed by rage and noticeably feral, and will not hesitate to attack an ally if they get in her way. Ordinarily, Abby can only sustain this form for a limited time. When near death however, she will lose control of herself and assume this form, attacking anything near her in a blind rage.

Urshul – “Near-Wolf”
Similar to the Urhan form, but bigger, faster and stronger. The Urshul form resembles a large wolf, about 3-5 feet in height and 6-8 feet in length. Abby’s senses are also greatly improved.

Urhan – “Wolf”
The Urhan form is that of a regular, mundane wolf. Although the smallest of the forms, in Urhan Abby’s senses are at their peak, and she is fast and agile. This is Abby’s preferred form (besides Hishu), as it feels the most natural to her.

Light Background History: Abby’s mother died soon after she was born. She suspects her mother was an uratha, but hasn’t yet found a relative to ask. A natural athlete, she excelled in every sport she tried. Only on the field, track or court, with her blood pumping and a victory to aim for, did she feel alive and happy. Her first use of her powers came during a marathon, where she was alone on a stretch of track. She had twisted her ankle but kept going, determined to finish. Semi-delirious, she shifted into Urshul form and finished the race, terrifying the other runners. A pack of uratha from a tribe called the Blood Talons heard the reports and tracked her down.
Abby knew the Blood Talons were the right tribe for her, but the pack that picked her up left something to be desired. They doubled as a street gang, ruling their urban neighbourhood like medieval kings. Abby instinctively understood (and agreed with) their roles in the pack, and knew she didn’t fit. She parted ways with them, and left in hopes of finding a pack that will work out better.

Miscellaneous Facts: Abby is quite attractive in an athletic way. She is a natural competitor, determined to be the best at whatever she tries. While she’s content to come in second place, it should only be because someone else’s best was better. As a Blood Talon, her motto is “Offer No Surrender You Would Not Accept.”


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

I'll get my character out before too long maybe tomorrow. I'm working on some other things as well at present. And need to come up with something good before I post.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Alright, this should be good enough for the application. There's a bunch more in my head for it, but I can keep it there until it's needed.

Name: Mik'ti'kalik
Age: 24
Height: 6'8" normally, about 8'10" standing straight up
Weight: 375 lbs
Place of Birth: Washington State Redwood Forest.
Species: Abnormal, species name Draconis Deciduous, or 'Tree Dragon'. Name species has for itself unpronounceable.
Known Biological Facts: Large size with a sinuous neck and gangly arms, massive strength, and sharp blades all over it's body complete this abnormal's fearsome appearance. Oddly enough, not only is this species non-agressive, but also herbivourous. It feeds on tree bark, using the blades to climb and navigate in it's near-vertical wooden environment. It is covered with dark green and brown scales in a pattern resembling tree bark, and a small, hard beak resembling that of a parrot at the end of it's long jaw, used for tearing bark into more manageable pieces. The species has evolved a remarkable ability to heal superficial damage, likely as a result of problems caused by mating with as many sharp points as they have. Much deeper than their tough scales and hide, however, and damage is as permanant as on a human.

Mentally, the species is sentient, though not particularly intelligent. Differences in vocal cords prevent them from speaking English, but they do have their own language, a bizarre series of clicks, chirps, rumblings, and whistles. With practice, they cam imitate a few select words, but for the most part they communicate with other abnormals with gestures and the occasional writing.

Powers: apart from it's prodiguous natural weaponry and ability to rapidly heal superficial damage, this species of abnormal posesses no supernatural 'powers'.
Background: Mik'ti'kalik is one of the few Tree Dragons remaining. The small colony in Washington she hails from is one of only three remaining in the world, and numbers less than fifty. It is under Sanctuary protection, and a few volunteer to travel and live at a sanctuary to both act as ambassador and help out in the subdual of any particularly violent abnormals that need to be captured. Mik'ti'kalik is one of these.
Her and her mate used to reside in the Seattle Sanctuary, but some spat between them grew to a fight that nearly killed the pair of them. Mik'ti'kalik was moved to the Calgary sanctuary for both their protection. Neither of the pair has spoken on what passed between them.

Miscellanious: Chances are Mik'ti'kalik usually hangs out in the lower levels of the sanctuary, out of the public eye. When she is needed for a mission, she hops in the back of either a perv van (no back windows), or a crate in a truck, and stays there until she reaches where she's needed, also away from the public eye.
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Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Name: Edith Heathers (Real name unknown)
Age: 86
Height: 4'11
Weight: 30 kg
Place of Birth: Sky City 7
Race: Abnormal/Elf

Known Biological Fact:
Purely from the physical appearance wise, elves are no different than those from lore, they tend to be relatively smaller frame than humans, weighing considerably less and occasionally being a little shorter, but otherwise generally remaining approximately the same height as those of their human counterparts.

The developing and aging of the elf is slower than those of the human, mostly in the physical sense. An average elf develops physically at about a fifth or even a sixth of a human, while mentally the average elf develops at about half the rate, although some have shown much slower or faster development.

Elves claim to have the ability to see and converse with the spirits in nature, allowing them to draw power from said spirits in order to power their arcane techniques. This has been questioned however and it is wondered whether or not the arcane is in itself a violation nature itself and whether or not the spirits in question exist or even have a choice in being used for the arcane...

Manipulation of the properties of nature via spirits, generally the stronger the presence of spirits the stronger the arcane technique. Arcane techniques tend to be fairly weak when used by a single elf, especially one as young as Edith. Outside of using amplifying tech, the most she can do is throw a small ball of fire the size of a golfball at someone, or redirect a small gust of air to try to stop an attacker's advance.

Inside her AEW-16S Armor unit however, a walker type armor that stands at about 10 feet tall and is a fusion of elf technology and human technology, her spells are amplified into it's single barrel arcane amplifier chamber, which lets her fire bullet-like projectiles, as well as projecting different spirits into the blade-like weapon on the walker's other arm. The problem with the unit still remains the fact that it's use has a very heavy toll on it's user, especially since the armor itself has no internal power source nor battery, and requires the user to constantly manipulate the arcane in order to pilot the unit.

Edith is a 5th generation military soldier serving in the 88th Elven Mechanized Armor Force, the branch of the Elven military that deals supposedly with the forward attack and invasion of the elves. However, since the isolation of the elves, the EMAF has been mostly for the sake of scouting, diplomatic meetings, and the research of human and other technologies.

A bright young girl with plenty of future ahead of her, she was able to master the piloting of the AEW units at the early age of 40, being able to power the unit for a sustained flight and combat of thirty minutes. Although her time has not improved too much in the last years of her life, as simply being able to powered the units wasn't good enough, one had to be able to sustain the weapons as well as being able to dodge and aim accurately, as well as maintaining stealth as discovery was something the elves had chosen not to deal with.

At the age of 85, she was sent on the Third Expedition, as the elders, especially the one of her city, considered one of the 'fringe' cities, has finally agreed to once again, try to slowly try to enter the human's land. She was sent to what was reported as the Sanctuary, a place where the more unusual humans seem to gather, and where hopefully the elven empire could hopefully start, whether it be diplomatically or otherwise...

A lot of the elven race/history stuff was sent to the GM for approval, and for gameplay sake will not be included here.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Oni, Bartnum, Shrike and LDF your characters are now green lit as well.


Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Name: Natasha Zelnick
Age: 28
Weight: 130 lbs.
Height: 5'6
Place of birth: Los Angeles
Race: Human

Known Biological fact: Natasha is completely human, but by pushing herself she has stamina and marksmanship on par with a member of a trained military unit.

Powers: None, however Natasha is unsettlingly comfortable around any kind of firearm.

Background: *page from Natasha's LAPD file* "She's one of the best cops I've ever had in the field. She seems to be all about her job, none of her partners have ever noticed any kind of social life but her psyche reports always come back completely clean. And the woman can run, Stevens reported that she chased a suspect for 12 blocks, when he finally caught up it looked like the suspect has simply fallen over when his legs gave out and Zelnick wasn't even breathing hard. I've told her that she needs to be promoted to SWAT or hell, the FBI or CIA. There have been a few incidents though, she once refused to chase a perp into the city park at night after he bit someone on the face on the grounds that "That's where he would turn on her". While patroling around the park later she discharged her weapon at a stray dog that fled blaming it on her nerves, however Stevens heard her muttering something about silver. She wasn't always like this though, she seemed like a normal beat cop until the "Los Lobos" incident, most cops I know would have broken from something like that, Zelnick hardly seems fazed, hell she seems better than ever. So even with her "quirks" I'm requesting that a few more commendations be added to her records, if theres anymore room left for them." *an addenendum points out that Officer Zelnick no longer is required to participate in the yearly PT and marksman exams*


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

This might sound like a dumb question but here goes: What would be some examples of acceptable original player races? I had thought about maybe a Kitsune or a succubus. I'm trying to think up of something good. =/


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

All the original races we came up with so far?

Loli Defense Force

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

This might sound like a dumb question but here goes: What would be some examples of acceptable original player races? I had thought about maybe a Kitsune or a succubus. I'm trying to think up of something good. =/
Harass Siphon about any race you want via PM, as long as you don't too silly it should be okay.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

D'anjayni: These people are more interesting. They're shadowy individuals (a bit like Sidereal Exalts, I think) and their main ability is that they are easily forgotten by anybody they meet . Almost indetectable unless they want otherwise, physically unremarkable in any way to enhance the "who was that guy I just talked to? I can't even remember his face" schtick...

I got this from a RPG forum. There's more info in the book, which if I can find or some info on the net I'll put it up so it's clearer. It's taken from an RPG called Anima: Beyond Fantasy.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Haha, harass me huh LDF?

Anyways, I'm still in the process of writing out bios for the main NPC's there, including heads of house for the Sanctuaries that are known to exist.

I hope to have those completed by tomorrow morning if I'm lucky. On a side note, looks like it's only Tentanari and MAYBE one more person from my original interest list who still need a character, so this is moving much faster than I had hoped it would. I'll have to PM Aika and Nunu later today I think and start getting this ready for launch.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Name: Shey Renfield
Age: 21
Weight: 175 lbs.
Height: 6'2"
Place of birth: Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States of America
Race: D'anjayni
Known Biological fact: D'anjayni are beings who are almost indistinguishable or completely identical to the average human being. They are unremarkable in physical appearance, possessing no feature, blemish, birthmark or anything that would make them stand out in crowd.

Powers: D'anjayni are magical beings who have the uncanny ability to make any person/ sometimes even a group of people completely forget their encounter, they are also nearly undetectable making near impossible for anyone to keep a beat on them unless they will it.

Background: (To come later)


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

Heh. To be honest, I based the concept of ghouls on a certain Neon Genesis Evangelion fanfic I once read. Of course, there are several differences, but the concept of parasitic creatures merging with other beings and boosting their physical abilities was borrowed from said fanfic. Some things were removed, some things were added - just to make it fit my taste.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

And mne is quite heavily ripped off what I remember of a book series I used to read when I was 8-14 or so.however, I believe in this case that 'original' is simply anything we come up with that isn't on Siphon's list.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

For this RP, I would consider a race original if it hasn't been used in the series to this point. Most of yours fit that bill.

Tenta, I'll semi-green light your character, but I still need to know if she's needing to be recruited, or already part of the network.

For those with Characters needing to be brought into the fold, I need you to give me a location as to where they would be at the present time so when I start making threads I can make the ones needed, plus be able to get the whole "they've been picked up, now it's a hunt", part going.

Initial groundwork for NPC's is completed, now adding in the more detailed information.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Sanctuary Based RP

As stated in my character sheet Max is somewhere in Scotland. And yeah, he'll need to be picked up.
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