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Sarah (Caulder)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"I shall monitor your bio readings during your pregnancy Sarah. To see how this effects you and your body," Vicky said over her omnitool.

"You should be carrying them for about three days or so since you have so many. And they'll grow slightly as well, so they'll be a bit larger when they come out than when we put in," Mara said, sliding down and coiling herself down Sarah's left leg while Nell came in and did the same to her right leg.

"We shall take very good care of you my dear. And you'll have plenty of food and drink," Nell cooed, licking Sarah's cheek with her long tongue.

"If you ladies don't mind, before you feed her anything she hasn't already eaten, help her to scan them on this tool on her arm here. It'll help to make sure that she can eat it without getting sick," Vicky told Mara and Nell.

"Of course little blue dearie. We'll make sure that she's well taken care of, don't you worry about that," Mara said, kissing Sarah's other cheek as Sarah started to lose consciousness from exhaustion. "Take a nap for now dear, you deserve it for being so brave earlier," she added, urging Sarah to get some sleep.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah groans as she remains laying on the bedroll, her arms reaching up to wrap around the two lamia and hold them close. "Mmmm...I don't mind carrying these eggs for a few days if they're going to get bigger, and if two sexy things like you are going to be taking care of me..." she says with a sigh, relaxing and deciding to get some rest, feeling wholly satisfied with what has transpired so far.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Hmhm, don't worry. You'll be very well taken care of," Mara said softly, with her left hand cupping Sarah's balls along with Nell's right hand, though they didn't massage them any and merely held them.

It didn't take too long for Sarah to drift off to sleep along with her two lamia lovers, and her dreams were filled with lots of scenes of her and all of the lamia. Sometimes it would be just a sweet lovers tryst with her and one of them, going until neither could move, and sometimes it would be her in the middle of the tribe's home being taken by each of them one by one until all of their bellies were swollen with her seed.


When she woke, it was time for dinner it seemed, as she could smell food being cooked. Mara was nowhere to be seen, but Nell was still there snuggled up with Sarah, her long tail coiled about the kitsune's body. "Oh finally, I was beginning to think you were going to sleep all evening," Nell cooed in Sarah's ear, the tip of her long tongue slipping inside and tickling her ear.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah groans weakly as she wakes up, reaching one of her hands up to embrace the Lamia bedroll she was now snuggled inside. "Mmmm...After an orgy that wonderful with that many beautiful women, it's expected for me to sleep so long...How are the others?" she asks idly, her fluffy tail wrapping around herself and the lamia now embracing her.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"I suppose so. You did make love to so many of us earlier. Did we hurt you any my dear? I apologize if we did," Nell cooed in Sarah's ear, pecking her on the cheek as Sarah's tail wrapped around them both.

A few minutes passed with Nell cuddling with Sarah before Mara came back into the teepee with Tara and Hana, their tails of course still outside. "Oh goody, you're awake now. How do you feel Sarah? Were we too rough?" Mara said, moving down to caress Sarah's belly as she gave her a kiss. "Dinner is almost ready. You should eat as much as you like. There's plenty for all. If there's one thing we needn't worry too much about thankfully, it's food," Mara went on to say.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Mmmm...Quite the opposite. It felt very good...I dunno why, but feeling these heavy things in my girls is really arousing..." Sarah says, as she reaches a hand down to rub at her full sack. When Mara enters, however, her face lights up, and she smiles brightly. "You weren't all that rough. If I had to choose between not doing that entirely, and doing that again, I'd choose to do it again." the Kitsune says, reaching her hands up to hold the klamia matriarch into a passionate kiss. When they break away, though, she licks her lips. "Mmmm...I am very hungry, though. Where do you get your food, if it's of no major concern to you?"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Good, I'm glad that you're okay and that we weren't too rough," Mara replied, kissing Sarah's cheek. "And we get our food from various places. Some of it from right here in this very cavern. There's a few branches off the main path to here, and a few smaller cavern passages that go further on still in the back of this chamber where lots of edible fungi grow. And we also grow and cultivate our own plants in gardens all over the hillside and at the foot of it. Nobody bothers them usually, because while some may want to catch us and have some fun, food is too precious to lay waste to. Sometimes we'll find that others have come along and picked it, but it's an unspoken rule of sorts that if you borrow food in that way from anyone, you must pay back whoever you borrowed it from. The ones who do borrow from our gardens usually either come to the village and bring something that they've hunted later on, or they offer themselves as surrogates for some of our eggs," she then explained, scooping Sarah up and carrying her out of the teepee to their little village center after Nell, Tara, and Hana all three helped to get Sarah dressed in some loose and comfortable robes of lamia make, which were very fine against her skin. There was even a slit in the back of the robe for her tail to fit through, which could only lead her to believe that they had made this while she slept.

Once outside, she was served plenty of food, ranging from the fungi mentioned, to the vegetables and fruits that Mara mentioned they grew. There was meat as well, which Sarah found tasted similar to beef, though with a hint of venison mixed in there. A couple smaller lamia children slithered over with a basket being carried between them both, where they offered it to Sarah, which contained various fruits. While she ate and chatted to the lamia, she saw another older lamia slithering out of a nearby larger teepee around the center of the camp/village, and behind her slithered a half a dozen tiny little lamia all of about two feet long, and the older one was moving slowly so the little ones could keep up.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah sighs as she's carried by the lamia, a smile on her face when she realizes they made the clothes just for her, hugging Mara fiercely as she's carried. "You all really are a loving species. not unlike my own...Oh it's going to be so wonderful if my people decide to explore this place. You'll get to meet even more sexy fox-folk like me who love a good time." she says with glee, before being brought all manner of food, eating heartily and giving thanks to the lamia who fed her, until she noticed the small family leaving one of the larger teepees. "Such a beautiful family...So many lamia around...I would do anything to have a life like yours."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Would you now? Hmhm, it's just strange to hear an outsider who barely knows us say such a thing. But I'm glad you did say it, it makes us feel good to know that we've made such an impact on you. And they are beautiful aren't they. Those little ones are the youngest in the tribe as of right now, about a year and a half or so old," Mara said with a chuckle.

"There are other tribes in these hills. We share the gardens a lot of the time with the others, as they're quite large," Nell said, offering Sarah a different fruit from the ones she'd eaten so far, with this one tasting similar to a cherry, but being as large as an apple. "We call these ecstasy fruits. They give a person lots of stamina for sex, or in this case they'll help replenish any strength you expended earlier during sex. They're a little rare around here, as the nearest trees are a good fifty miles north of here," she added


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Really?! You're letting me have such a rare fruit? I can't accept that." Sarah says, shaking her head gently, a smile on her face. "I've already imposed so much on you. I can't accept such a valuable gift..." the Kitsune says with a blush, looking away rather ashamedly, realizing just how much she'd taken from these Lamia.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"No no, we insist. You're carrying our eggs, and therefore you're a part of our tribe. Think of yourself as an honored guest member of the tribe. So please, eat as much as you like, and we have a few of these left, so don't worry about that," Nell said, taking Sarah's hands and closing them around the fruit.

When Sarah had eaten her fill, she saw that the lamia had all finished their own food as well and the gathering was starting to break up a bit. It was tough for her to walk, but with enough work Sarah could get back up to do so, though if any of the lamia saw her trying to get up they would help her. "Sarah, if you like, we can take you back to your flying metal box," Hana said to Sarah, sitting down next to the kitsune and gently running her fingers through the fut on Sarah's tail.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah blushes and decides to eat the fruit, considering how sincere they're being, eating her fill until she could barely eat another bite, and then moving to stand up. "N-No, no...I couldn't leave with your eggs! I don't want to risk anything happening to them out there, and these are partly my babies since I'm carrying them!" she says insistently, a little bit of motherly affection coming out when she states they're also partly her babies.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Alright, it's fine. Just relax then and let us take care of you. You won't be able to move as well until the eggs come out. And when you do lay them, you'll be a bit exhausted for a little while," Hana said softly.


Over the next three days, Sarah was pampered by the lamia, mostly by Mara and Nell, but all of the others pampered her as well. They helped her bathe, they made sure she had plenty to eat, and they gave her massages twice a day to keep her back from aching. Mara insisted that Sarah not masturbate or have any sex until the eggs come out, to keep them from coming out prematurely or anything so they would have time to incubate for as long as they needed.

On the third day since she was filled to the brim with their eggs, Sarah felt a rumbling in her tummy and her balls. She could tell they had grown in size inside of her, and even though it might scare her about them growing larger, Mara and Nell assured her that it would cause no pain or permanent damage or change to her body. When she felt the rumbling in her body, Sarah was still in Mara's teepee and was alone at that moment, which might worry her even more than the increase in size of the eggs.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah groans as she feels her body rumbling with the need to lay the eggs, whimpering as she can feel it in her wobbling belly and balls. "M-Mara? Nell? Someone? I-I think it's time!" she says shakily, afraid that if she did this alone it'd somehow be more painful, shivering a bit from the thought of laying so many Lamia eggs.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Upon hearing Sarah's cries for help, within seconds she saw the teepee flaps open up as Mara, Nell, and Tara all quickly come in and surround her. "Alright honey, shh shh, it's alright. Just try to relax and drink this okay. It'll help you to do so," Nell said, worrying over Sarah and handing her a small vial of liquid to drink.

As soon as Sarah had drank the liquid down, she felt her body almost instantly relaxing in the lamia's arms. With that, Nell politely told Mara and Tara to move out of her way as she scooped Sarah up and carried her out of the teepee. Nell took Sarah deeper into the cavern through one of the back passages, where she eased her down into a small pool of water. "This is the birthing pool. Just relax and push when you feel them coming and they'll come out," Nell told Sarah, sliding down into the water with her and letting Sarah lay back against her.

The first egg that came exited her womb, and the second came from there as well, followed by the third and fourth. After that, the eggs from her bowels moved out along with the ones in her womb, and on a couple of occasions she had two eggs coming out at once. Then one of the eggs from her balls was pushed out and that's when her vision blurred a bit from the sheer overload of pleasure. There was no pain whatsoever, but the pleasure of pushing out three eggs at the same time was simply too much for her to comprehend without letting a moan escape her lips.

As the eggs began to pop out of her more and more, Sarah's mind fell into a foggy haze as she was overwhelmed by the sensations. Soon enough though, the final eggs was squeezed free from her body, exiting her poor balls as it fell to join the rest of all of her eggs at the bottom of the waist high water. "There there Sarah, relax now, we have you," Nell cooed in Sarah's ear when she was finally done birthing the eggs, with Mara now in the water with her holding her as well.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

Sarah whimpers as she drinks down the potion, relaxing back into the lamia's arms as she's carried to the birthing pool. "T-Thank you Nell...I'm scared for some reason..." she whimpered out as she was carried to the pool, and laid back against her new friend. Her fear, however, vanished in an instant as she moaned out in pleasure, beginning to give birth to her eggs, grabbing Nell's hand and squeezing it tightly as the ecstasy overtakes her, until finally, the last egg pops free, the kitsune panting in the water. "T-that...Wasn't as scary...As I thought it was going to be..." she says, exhaustion clear in her voice as she relaxes in the arms of her Lamia lovers, a look of utter contentment on her face.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"I told you it wasn't scary didn't I Sarah. Tiring though definitely I'm sure," Mara told Sarah as Tara, Hana, and a couple of other lamia gathered the eggs all up in the baskets they'd brought.

Mara and Nell gently lifted Sarah up and carried her away back to the teepee she'd been in before so she could rest. "Here you go dearie, get some rest. I'm sure you need it after that," Mara said, kissing Sarah on the forehead as Nell set a small plate with a few fruits down on it and a cup of water for Sarah to pick at and sip on if she wanted.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"Once the eggs started coming...It stopped being scary, and started feeling divine..." the Kitsune herm says with a sigh as she's carried back. When presented with more food to eat and some more water to drink, she eats a bit weakly, exhausted from her egglaying experience. "You all are so kind to me. Giving me food. Pampering me. Letting me feel something as magical as laying eggs...I honestly don't know how I can repay you." she says weakly, looking up at Mara rather endearingly.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"I'm glad it didn't hurt you. And you already have repaid us Sarah. By bearing the eggs," Mara replied, laying down next to Sarah as her long tail coiled around Sarah very loosely.

"If you wish Sarah, you could stay with us," Nell suggested to Sarah as she joined Mara in coiling around Sarah loosely on the opposite side.

Hana and Tara came in with clean clothes and a couple of buckets of water, where they gently scrubbed Sarah's body clean while she nibbled on the food brought to her. She was sore, there was no way around that really after giving birth, but she wasn't nearly as sore as she'd have been had she given birth to one of her own race. It didn't take Hana and Tara too long to clean Sarah up, and when they were done the four lamia worked together to help get Sarah into her clean robes, which also had a small slit for her tail to squeeze through so it wasn't confined within the cloth.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Sarah (Caulder)

"I-I couldn't stay. I still have to explore this place...And when my people arrive, they'll want to know everything they can about it. So I need to meet as many species as possible...I'm sorry." Sarah says as she's cleaned and put into a nice set of clean robes. "B-But if I could stay, I would. You can be sure of that." she says, hugging Nell affectionately. "You said there were other tribes in these hills, yes? What kind of creatures are there here. F-for when I'm strong enough to explore again."