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Nov 9, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

yuuki's step in... beware.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

I'm not going to be waiting for Keylo to repost to move Siphon out of the forest. Sorry if this causes problems with you Nunu, but I'm not having a repeat of what happened earlier where I had pretty well 4 or 5 DAYS where I couldn't do anything at all on the RP with a character because no one was posting. I'm not running that risk again, so I am going to have had Siphon back out of it for the reasons of another demon is involved, and he'll come back for the "winner" later.

Frankly that's one reason I considered removing Mikhail, and why I brought him to the forest, is because I haven't been able to use him at all for the better part of over a week now, because none of the people I needed to reply have done so, or in one case even said a word to me. So count Siphon as having been out of the battle after he cloaked, and before Yuuki stepped in, not going through another time frame like that again.

Also, Squid, I was more referring to overall really. Considering he's supposed to be a human possessed by a DEMON, he's rather weak for that role. I may have to at the very least add some other form of spell to more round him, because frankly, he is quite a pathetic character. Hell, other than the fire part, I may as well just make him a full human because he has nothing that really indicates demon about him. It's not that I'm disgruntled about Mia being more powerful than him, it's that for how he was designed to be, he has not lived ANYWHERE up to how I had envisioned him to play out, which means I may need to tinker the character a bit to fix that, or possibly remove him due to lack of interest in it.
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Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

wait who's this second demon you refer to?


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

Praxal is the demon inhabiting Mikhail's body, and as far as I am aware, I THOUGH Mia was some form of Shadow Demoness.

I don't know anymore, I've been playing along with the whole thing since the beginning. It wasn't my idea at all, so I may have fudged something up somewhere with misreading something. All I know is Praxal IS a demon, since he's a part of my character. As for Mia, I'm just basing it off of what I am reading and the other discussion about the character. I could be totally wrong.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

Mia is a shadow demoness, at least "originally one" anyway. Not sure whether or not you can call her a demon still if she's using a body made of shadow instead of a normal one but meh. As for the power restraints... I've really been trying to hold Mia back as much as possible, however I'm finding the restraints making it harder and harder to play the actual character. Mainly the reason is that Mia, in the other rps I've used her in, was as Squidie described one of those "big scary villian" types, ones that the "good characters" wouldn't "overpower with brute force" but ones that they'd use ingenuity and clever planning to defeat. (Like in one, the other characters defeated Mia after trapping her in a field of "absolute light", or pulled a trick similar to her own, letting Mia stab them to then forcibly insert a vast amount of magic into her shadow body and cause it to start breaking apart.) Here she really doesn't even give off the "threat" feeling, more of "minor annoyance that's easily brushed off by almost anyone. Now this is probably because I'm not effectively limiting her but still... (Trying as hard as possible to keep her powers on a "normal level", considering the other roleplays she's involved in has alot to do with "realms of gods" and such).

I'm currently tryjng to "adjust" her levels of power, but if people want me to I can lower it back or make it even lower... >_>


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

You didn't know about the undeed saga

Now, to the point:
Keylo said:
Here she really doesn't even give off the "threat" feeling, more of "minor annoyance that's easily brushed off by almost anyone.
I don't see how this is true. She has been in two fights so far, and both times has been ridiculously out numbered. The first was five to one (I think), and she was toying with them. This is bigger still and she's effectively holding her own, even though the characters she faces now are mostly stronger than what she faced the first time. So this about her not being a threat, that's just silly. Especially since she also seems to be quite bright. Just thought I'd put that out.


Former Admin
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

Well lets see if she can survive a duel with yuuki.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

I don't see how this is true. She has been in two fights so far, and both times has been ridiculously out numbered. The first was five to one (I think), and she was toying with them. This is bigger still and she's effectively holding her own, even though the characters she faces now are mostly stronger than what she faced the first time. So this about her not being a threat, that's just silly. Especially since she also seems to be quite bright. Just thought I'd put that out.
"Holding her own" currently is almost crossing the "limits" I set for her when I created her at the moment, mainly as it's a struggle to make sure she doesn't "win", but a struggle to make sure she doesn't "die" timeline wise. Course this feeling might just be paranoia on my part seeing as I've been struggling with RPs lately to make posts that "make sense" but aren't "violating set rules" >_>;;.


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

Current list of fighters:

Team 1
Simon (?)

Injuries: Several

Team 2

Injuries: One.

So much for Coraxus being the most OP character in the game. I'm not complaining though, it means we get a chance to go nuts with powers.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

Siphon and Mikhail have both left the scene of the battle, so you can remove them from the list.

And I apparently can not type worth a damn right now, or read things properly.

Also, who exactly is injured, and how did I miss it?


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

Vulkoran got smashed in the chest by Vengo, and I think Art may or may not have been injured.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

Oh right. Wow, I am slipping, I had totally forgotten about that. Thanks.


New member
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

I'm only grumbling because 24 hours seem to drag on for weeks... weeks and weeks in which I've been dead!!



Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

Yeah Bartnum, Art has been hurt, though more than just from the knee to the chest and the chain around the chest. I'd elaborate more but it would kind of give away what I have planned once I finally get round to writing it up xD

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

Simon is only involved in the battle if something chooses to attack him. So far no clones or otherwise have been specifically directed at him so I assume he continues to watch. It's not in his nature to try attacking, and the best he'd know how to at the moment would be to just run at people.

With Praxal, he seemed on par until the comments about being the son of a greater demon stuff. Without checking, I can't remember that detail in the bio, only that he was a demon of some kind or another. I had been wondering what you were getting at with the take over the world stuff coming from Praxal. Since there would be billions upon billions of "demons" and very few would remotely be able to make claims like that. As a greater demon lord or what ever he would be under powered for the concept, but likely over powered for the RP unless there's another angle to it.

With Mia seeming to get brushed of without effort, I can't say that's true. The problem is as often so, that we have a highly lethal battle where no one want to die. Even characters that can't die, as we can see can end up being left out of the game for much longer than expected. The success of an attack depends largely on how flashy the poster makes it sound, or whether they actively say that they hit out right. In the first battle for example, Ellisia with all her inhuman skill, power and reach behind that blade of hers, couldn't touch Mia once. I never pushed for automatic success in any of my posts. The moment Damon walked in with a less lethal weapon with more vague effects, he landed the first hit on her, despite the inherent difficulty involved with getting a bare fist past Mia's formidable defence. Ellisia getting a good hit in would have ended the fight much sooner. The more lethal the attack, the less likely to hit. I did the same when it came to Mia's kicks. I came close to letting Ellisia take a minor stab. But even that would imply an injury that would take longer than the games effective time scale to heal fully.

I'm just analysing and commenting on what I see. Don't take any of this as instruction or criticism.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

I had never gotten around to writing in just who his parents were because frankly, I've been trying to do the research on it. From what I have discovered, he is the son of Kabraxis, a powerful demon in his own right, his mother is Andariel, Maiden of Anguish. Grandmother was Lilith, and his Grandfather was Mephisto, Prime Evil and lord of Hatred.

As for if he'd be OP, under full power I would agree wholeheartedly there, however it has been of note that in the lines, certain humans HAVE been able to resist the majority of a demonic possession. This is the basis of why Mikhail even still has control at times. Praxal normally would have much more power, but it is "diluted" because he hasn't been able to fully transform and possess the mortal shell he is inhabiting. I originally diluted him for just the added strength and the fire, but as I have run with the character, it seems to me he needs some sort of other spell to make him a less than one dimensional character. Perhaps a defensive spell or something offensive to complement his fire, not sure. Hadn't given it any real serious thought yet, was more of an observation and a potential, MAYBE on the change. It is by no means anything that I have implemented, mostly because if I do add another spell or whatnot in, I'm not exactly sure what I would want for him.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

I've been thinking about a few things to do with the storyline I have in mind if Nunu approves it once I finally get round to writing up the synopsis and stuff and sending it to Nunu. Anyway, if it does get approved Art will be out of commission after it and I'm not sure about Emily yet. Though, because it will be involving magic in the form of Art's and Emily's I've been thinking how it would react to Sho and Michail(sp??) in particular seeing as they use wind and fire respectively. Anyway, after some careful thought I've worked out that they both are probably the two that'll be beaten the easiest, unless Michail's demon can offer him protection from lightning. That's because lightning using magic from my characters is created by combining the elements of fire and wind, and if say, an Art without his limitations (which wont happen of course) uses fire magic on Sho he can, at the same time, manipulate the wind around her or any wind attacks she sends at him and turn the fire and wind into lightning. The same for Michails fire, though wind would be used against him.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

The thing is (as I understand it) Sho's wind isn't magic as such, the air she commands is just that. Air. So that's a bit like saying Art could do that regardless so long as it's a windy day, which seems kinda strange. Doesn't he use lightning independently anyway though?


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

Nah he doesnt, it happens almost instantly but he has to manipulate fire and wind at the same time. It can be done separately by more powerful Casters though Art isnt one of them yet. and I mentioned it because Sho might try to intervene in the storyline. Not bad intervene, as in trying to stop the villain-dude. Just wanted to give a heads up so that Copper would know about it in advance.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: SBS Notice Board

No Praxal can't protect him in his current state from the lightning, however killing Mikhail would RELEASE Praxal to take control of another human, and the demon, since on this plane he is somewhat non-corporeal, would be totally unaffected by the majority of "spells" thrown at him. As I understand it, the only true way to kill a demon would be to kill them in hell itself, otherwise they just keep coming back for more.

What you suggest is risky though. Assuming you did kill Mikhail and released Praxal, chances are good he would at least TRY to possess whomever killed his previous host.

As for Coppers character, I wouldn't bank on her going down that easily. I'm sure, like me, there are a few surprises that can be played with the characters.