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SBS Notice Board

Re: SBS Notice Board

Oh I'm not going to kill anyone, unless they do actually want to die and need a place to be killed. And can a demon possess someone who's already been possessed and that thing has complete control over the person?
Re: SBS Notice Board

So keylo... about that portal your opening, beneath your feet, what does it do, can i walk on it?
Re: SBS Notice Board

Ah, on that Oni I'm not sure. Off hand I would say an attempt COULD be made, but a fight between the attempting possesser and the already possessive demon would ensue, something that Praxal would want to avoid. Therefore I'll say in that case no, he couldn't/wouldn't try to possess them then if they already are.

I had forgotten about that Oni, thanks for reminding me.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Working out the specifics so it doesn't become too "OP". Originally I intended a "globe" to project from that and effectively turning the surrounding areas into a "branchoff" of the shadow realm (a place in which effectively anything Mia "creates" becomes "reality" (in that space only) but seeing as that'd be a tad too cheap... I'm working out a different concept for it. That or I could just have it so Mia would drop into the portal and back into the realm of shadows ( which judging from your description of Shroud, Mia would be able to "see" perfectly seeing as she believes in the "omnipotence" of her dominion over shadow. Now the only thing with that is, once she's in the realm of shadow she would obviously "know" something's not right, seeing as there are still many shadows "connected" to what should be a dead world. After that, I'm not sure if Mia would be able to dispel the shroud after coming into knowledge of that fact (seeing as she's dealt with illusionists in the past who operate on a "similar" concept, in which one would have to retain their belief/faith in "what should be" as opposed to what their senses perceived.) or if she would "know" things wern't right, but be unable to fully unveil the shroud. (The shroud wouldn't carry over to Ima however, seeing as Ima and Mia have become almost two seperate existences if the shroud is merely a delusion of the mind).

That and I have writer's block.
Re: SBS Notice Board

*pokities someone in the girl's dorm for continuation?*
Re: SBS Notice Board

Emily is still in the communal area so she's available to talk with.
Re: SBS Notice Board

*Catches up on this* Damn retail holiday season.

Firstly, Squid is correct. Sho's winds aren't magical. Think of her like Storm, without the full-blown weather manipulation. She can use it to fly, call it up in varying strengths from "light hair ruffle" to "Category 6" (and yes, I'm aware the scale only goes to 5), perform an "eye of the storm" maneuver (safe at center, winds whipping all around, primarily defensive), and send out "wind tunnels" that mostly throw things back, push things along, etc etc, though without finite control. There's also a couple other things she can do, too, but those are seeeekrit. Nu knows, tho.

Provided I'm reading this right, if the character is simply manipulating the wind, they're doing things similar to what Sho does. As such, too, given that the wind isn't magical in nature, it cannot be "dispeled," short of either someone *else* taking it upon themselves to manipulate that particular "current" or knocking Sho out/mentally causing her to assert her control in a different manner.

As for Sho interviening, I guess it just all depends on what's going on and who's being threatned *laughs*
Re: SBS Notice Board

to tsuki and pale, i dont really have anything else to talk about your characters with so feel free to just continue on with stuff elsewhere
Re: SBS Notice Board

Question; When is the dance happening?
Re: SBS Notice Board

Before everyone dies, I hope.
Re: SBS Notice Board

the dance is happening as soon as possible, if you start making posts in the g building about people moving chairs and such then the dance will be happening.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Before everyone dies, I hope.

...Damnit. I was also wondering, game time.. I'm under the impression we're currently in the afternoon of the day after Alazais' death..? Al should return between midnight and one this coming night. Just in time to crash the dance, if we have it this evening.. :p

Re: SBS Notice Board

sounds perfect
Re: SBS Notice Board

I have decided that Mikhail isn't turning out the way I had wanted to work him out to be, and is essentially a dead end character. Therefore, I am most likely going to remove him, however I DO intend to bring a new character in. Some people may recognize parts of the concept for my character, if so, awesome.

That being said, I have severely dropped down much of how the concept was originally thought to be to fit here. All I need at this point is a reply from Nunu on if this character is alright to go or if I need to change anything before using her. Special Thanks go to Copper for helping me with the first stage of critique on the character, and to Chibi for the last name generating.

Name: Aya Morioka.

Age: She appears to be 18 or 19 years old, but she has no idea how old she really is, having been trapped in stasis until a year ago.

Description of character: Aya stands about 5 foot 9, and weighs around 150 pounds. She has piercing green eyes and semi-short white blond colored hair. Her extremely attractive features don't truly tell the real story, as she appears to be half American and half Japanese, and her name would suggest this. However, Aya is not even human really.

Background: Aya is in fact the missing link in the evolution of the Ancients, and their descendants, the Alverans. She was left behind by the Ancients when they abandoned our own dimension long ago, so long that there is absolutely no record in their relics left behind of this woman. She remained in stasis for countless generations, her body never aging due to the advanced technology keeping her alive. She is the first of a line of those who would ultimately become the Alverans, Siphon's people. Aya is not aware of the Alverans however, only that she was once part of a great empire in this galaxy, and went into stasis to preserve at least one of their evolving kind until a terrible enemy was defeated. She was awakened when the power supply for her pod ran out, and the automatic protocols revived her to spare her life. She made her way to the surface, and was stunned to discover that the planet was inhabited not by her own kind, but rather by a more primitive race. Now, six months after this, she has learned that there may be another like her in the area of the Gosamer Falls school, perhaps one who can help her either escape, or adjust to living amongst humans. With nothing better to do, Aya has made her way here, looking to become enrolled in the school for now, if nothing more than to learn more about the race she will be stuck with having to be around for the rest of her natural life span.

Aya isn't sure how long she would live for naturally, nor of her true age, so she goes with what others have told her, that she looks only about 18 or 19 years old. She knows she must be much older than this, though internally she isn't thanks to being in stasis for so long. Once she accepted the idea of living amongst humans as her new life, she began to develop her own personality, and is quite a charming woman.

Aya is quite well aware of her powers, and what they are capable of. After realizing just how potent some of her spells were on the humans of this planet when she was attacked by a group of people, she was hesistant to use them again, but knew that some of them she would need to stay alive here. She deeply sealed away the majority of her power, to the point
where not even she can revive them. She kept 8 of them, some for defense, some for healing, and some for attacking if she absolutely must do so. Aya prefers in most cases to incapacitate and retreat from battle, as she is fearful of killing an innocent.

To begin with, as she has not garnered a school outfit yet, Aya wears the original clothing she was in stasis with, as well as a beautiful necklace with Ancient carvings on it. To most it would appear to be something unsual, though not of eye raising proportions. However, some might recognize the symbols for what they are, a very old form of writing, and if spoken aloud, one might almost swear that it sounded familiar. The Necklace itself is actually home to a small device capable of translating languages into her own language, and allowing her to learn other languages. For whatever reason, she has little to no trouble with English, though any other Earth language with the exception of Latin and Sumerian are totally alien to her, and she has difficulty understanding or translating due to the age of the device.

Powers: She isn't super strong, she isn't super fast. However, Aya does have a fairly wide selection of abilities she can use. For the purposes of being easier to describe, she refers to them as "spells" but they are really an extension of her own advanced body's natural abilities.


Aya gains her power from manipulating the power of mitochondria inside her and ocassionaly other people's body's. This gives her a relatively wide selection of abilities to use however the more she uses these the more adverse effects she suffers due to the lack of energy in her mitochondria (something akin to her life force). Commonly these are lethargy, muscle fatigue and body wide aching, eventually resulting in her collapsing unconscious if pushed to hard. To actually use these abilities they often require a short charge up period before they are released to align the mitochondrial energies properly.

Mitochondria are capable of releasing their energy as sheer heat, although this may be channeled into various forms. At its most basic the heat can be released directly into the environment, causing a wave of fire to flash out from her (Aya can burn up to about 8 meters around her). Alternatively the energy can be stored as a ball which can then be launched at a target, exploding on impact (the fireball dissipates after about 25 meters). Currently Aya has a small amount of trouble controlling the release of this energy when under stress and tends to let portions of it steam off. As such, if she is under duress, she unconsciously begins to burn things around her. At her current level of power none of these abilities are particularly lethal to a normal person.

Aya is capable of letting off a burst of energy that agitates the mitochondria in other beings bodies so that they release a flash of their energy. The result of this is the person briefly erupts in flames, which although being too weak to even burn cloth, occurs throughout the persons entire body. Almost all flesh beings in the universe have a measure of mitochondria in them and hence even aliens are susceptible to this ability.

With this ability, Aya saps the energy of her targets mitochondria, resulting in lethargy, muscle fatigue and body wide aching (the same things Aya feels if she uses her powers to much). This only lasts a few minuets at best but during that time the target will find activities quite difficult.

Harnessing the power of her mitochondria, Aya lets out a blast of electrostatic energy at everything in a small radius (about 2 meters). The discharge is quite capable of knocking a large person over with relative ease as well as temporarily (a few seconds at best) imparing muscle function. Also due to its electrical nature it is capable of short circuiting electrical objects.
Because this is a mitochondrial ability it has a tendency to home in on other beings with mitochondria, dispersing itself evenly amongst them (even if those beings are airborne) and is not susceptible to grounding by conventional means.

Aya can use her mitochondria to grow her body back to its original form. Although this will not quickly replace a lost limb, it will however heal injuries faster than normal (not instantly) as well as gradually purge itself of disease and poisons. As a side effect of this rapid healing it is quite difficult to incapacitate her while this is in effect, as the early stages of unconsciousness are repaired. The process of using this ability also seems to give off a feint blue aura.This ability requires a small conscious effort to maintain it.'

Aya lets off a large burst of mitochondrial energy to heal herself. Her body undergoes a short period (about 60 seconds) of rapid cellular reproduction, capable of reparing most wounds within a matter of minute (although missing body parts are to large to repair). This is an exceptionally draining ability and Aya is incapable of using it consecutively.

This ability forces the mitochondria to arrange themselves in such a way that they physically resist external change. The result of this is that Aya's entire body becomes roughly a third tougher than it normally is.

With this ability Aya uses the power of her mitochondria to enhance change on an object connected to her for a fraction of an instant (about .05 seconds). For example, if used on a bullet during firing, it gains much more velocity from its propellant. This ability is not as useful for objects that do not have a specific instant of change, like a baseball bat which gains its power from a long swing. Despite its short duration this power is very draining to use. Also another beings mitochondria blocks the use of this power, meaning it cannot directly effect another persons body.

Final Note: Aya IS in fact mortal, like Siphon she is capable of ascending, but unlike him she has not been there yet. She is hesitant to use her attacking powers on humans for anything but warning or incapacitation purposes, though if pushed too far she will not hold back.

Special Thanks to: Copper for several ideas, Squid for several ideas of his own, Chibi for help with the last name, and Nunu for help with altering the wording of this to be more readable.

Edit: Character has been approved by Nunu via AIM. Thanks!
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Re: SBS Notice Board

Uhm. Pale and I needs a dorm number o_o
Re: SBS Notice Board

sorry, i've been away for a few days... i'm getting all the business sorted now

take 117, although if you want to be on floor 3 with the other girls take 302
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Re: SBS Notice Board

Hey, just a thought, given the way the line of conversation is going between Siphon and Sho in the hot springs...

Wasn't the dance supposed to be tonight, in game? Are we still going to do that? Do we want to try to have it tonight? Do we want to push it back, given so many characters are in fubar status right now? First two days for registration and whatnot, and then a mixer the following evening?

Thoughts? Comments? Questions? Concerns? Cigars? Cigarettes? Throwing knives?
Re: SBS Notice Board

sounds like a good plan (obviously my input means nothing but if i give you my stamp people might actually think its official)
Re: SBS Notice Board

I think it sounds like a good idea. No one wants to try dancing while still recovering from a dose of neurotoxin+. Another character is still stuck in limbo between the living and the dead. And others have only just arrived still. Plus no one has mentioned any preparation. Give it another day I say.

I'd also say to anyone planning to spring some major new personal plot line, unless it's a subtle one that won't clash with stuff, you might want to hold it til after said dance if you can bear to do so. Let the characters feel they can relax enough to attend the party without worrying about matters of life and death too much.
Re: SBS Notice Board

Agreed. Actually, from post one with Sho (at least in her room) she *was* actually getting ready for the dance, given that was the original plan, to open with it, but since it never happened, that turned into a date with Siphon *laughs* And I know Pale is waiting to bring Alazais back, which, as I recall the grumbling, needs to happen when we hit later tonight in the current day. As for the set-up, that's what the much more talented NPCs can be doing, since Sho lacks an eye for beauty and coordination (she *is* dating Siphon, after all!) (j/k!)