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Scary movies

Re: Scary movies

Why does nobody like those wonderfully sick Saw movies?

Because the amount of gore in the movie is unnecessary. you don't really care about the characters because they're all kind of like stooges, just there for the sake of blood and blood and oh hey look more blood. And if you don't care about the characters, you don't really give a damn about the fact that they're getting needles in their face or whatever. so you feel no emotional reaction, which is the basis of the horror movie genre... to make you feel scared, or 'horrified,' thus the name. It's just an orgy of violence and blood and guts. Which is not really scary as much as just.. offputting.

Scary movies are, for me at least, either frightening or hilarious. I thought It was hilarious, having read the book some time prior and having a better version in my head. Freddy Krueger freaked me out. Jason films were popcorn flicks. Many older films surprise me, and I was spooked at the end of the original Night of the Living Dead. I enjoy psych horror (suspense) over gore horror (gorror?) because, when done well, I end up doing most of the scaring entirely on my own.

I'm one of those people who react to being startled by laughing. Probably the reason why scary movies don't really do much for me. When something pops out of the darkness (remember those old maze games where you got to the end and a zombie would flash in your face with a loud scream or something?) at me I just bust out laughing. The amount of times I laugh is how I judge how good a movie is. If I don't laugh a lot, but actually get spooked instead, it's a good movie - because suspense is actually frightening. in-your-face creatures-popping-out-of-nowhere is just silly.
Re: Scary movies

Why does nobody like those wonderfully sick Saw movies?

The las time I watched any Saw film, we had to take a shot anytime anyone said the word "game". It made the movie much more interesting, to say the least. Saw has almost become a parody of itself, save for the fact that it still thinks it's quite serious.
Re: Scary movies

I think you mean "Secret Window" if you're talking about Johnny Depp movies. If you are talking about "Secret Garden" wtf version did you see? *laughs*QUOTE]

Doh, yeah thanks that's what I meant. Why did no one else catch that though.
Re: Scary movies

Dunno. I really liked Secret Window though.
Re: Scary movies

In regards to horror/suspense versus gore/violence, I tend to the former as well. Some people are more frightened by the other however so to each their own. There's really very few horror movies that actually scare me of either type, though when I was little I remember being scared of most of them and hiding by my mommy since she's always watching them.

My favorite is by far Halloween, I prefer the original but Rob Zombie's version is good, too. I don't really find it scary, but it's still my favorite.

The two movies that actually make me start looking in the shadows for monsters are Exorcist III "Legion", especially this scene.

8MM being the other one, though I can't really explain what it is that frightens me about it.
Re: Scary movies

Well if we're gonna share footage... mine as well show the big tension part of my favorite scary flick:

Good old running around in a dark, claustrophobic ship with an alien somewhere around... oh shi*!
Re: Scary movies

Why does nobody like those wonderfully sick Saw movies?

Personally, I actually thought the first one was pretty good, but all the rest of them were trash. There was apparently a lot of thought put into the first one, but the sequels were all; "Hmmmm, how can we freak out wimpy people with weak stomachs?" And retarded subplots of people replacing Jigsaw.

A big problem I have is that there's no closure, and therefore the ending of every movie is rather meaningless, since there's always some other jackass that's going to go out and do the same crap for the next Saw movie.
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Re: Scary movies

I have the same take on the SAW movies as Tass.
Re: Scary movies

I agree about Saw. Though I didn't mind the first, after that, I just stopped bothering.

Also, the first one had Danny Glover.
Re: Scary movies

I don't even know what movie you're talking about, sorry :/

Deliverance. Dueling Banjos. "Got a purdy mouth, boy..." That one?

Se7en, anyone?

Saw that one in the theater. Didn't like it, but more for the cliched ending and the fact that it was so dark you couldn't make out what was going on half the time. I think I would have been more freaked out by the "Lust" kill if I could have actually seen wtf happened to her. It wasn't until I saw it again at a friend's house that I got the full on effect of "holy shit, that's brutal."

Was talking to mom this morning about horror movies and she mentioned a few more that I now forget that I saw *laughs* Ah well. They'll come to me eventually.
Re: Scary movies

Silence of the Lambs is scary on a psychological level. The Buffalo Bill character freaks me out to this day.
Re: Scary movies

I enjoyed se7en, and the ending as well. I didn't find the ending cliched. More on my thoughts on the ending once I figure out the spoiler tags...
Re: Scary movies

So, how about them zombies?

Anyone ever seen City of Rott or Dead Fury?
Re: Scary movies

Silence of the Lambs is scary on a psychological level. The Buffalo Bill character freaks me out to this day.

Keep forgetting to mention I've seen that one, too. With all the crime drama I watch anymore, I'm not sure I wholly consider that to be horror any longer, heh.

I enjoyed se7en, and the ending as well. I didn't find the ending cliched. More on my thoughts on the ending once I figure out the spoiler tags...

Same as any other tag, Sin.
and the beginning and just add the / in the closing one.

I think we need a wiki page.


Thank you.
Re: Scary movies

Well then... my thoughts on se7en's ending

The reason I liked the ending for se7en and actually didn't think it was cliched, was because the bad guy won. There's not often you see that. Sure he got killed, but that was exactly what he wanted. The "heroes" played right into his game and became a part of it.
Re: Scary movies

Well... interestingly enough, even though the Saw movies have been bashed to bits in this thread, they follow the same pattern.

It's too bad Saw doesn't have a single good actor, while Seven has both Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman. Also, Seven doesn't suck.