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School Courtyard

Re: School Courtyard

"I dont really care how anyone appreciates it," Emily barks again, ignoring the compliment he gave her. Yeah, arrived here this morning. Now if all you're going to do is harrass me I'll be on my way. Got someone to check on, and the longer you keep me the less chance I'll have to see him before next class." Emily then makes to go unless Jonathan stops her.
Re: School Courtyard

Jonathan sighed. Well, this didn't go that bad, even though he gained nothing. "See ya another day, then." Bird waved at her in a completely carefree manner, turned around and set off. He walked as if he knew where he was going, but the truth was that he didn't have any particular location in mind. Emily was right about one thing, though - classes would resume soon.
Re: School Courtyard

Jackson made his way from the Boy's dorm quickly trying to get to lunch before they closed. He walked passed Emily without so much as a second look. He was in pain and not in the mood to deal with anyone new. As he made his way he had been looking around wondering if Isabella was really alright after what happened last night. While he was worse for ware as well he was use to it after growing up in New York City.

As he looked around he saw someone sitting against a tree. At first he had no idea who it was until he noticed the bag next to them. Jack looked to G building then back to Isa. Food could wait.

He started to make his way of the path up to the tree and started to call out to her trying to scare her.

"Hey Isabella."
Re: School Courtyard

All she wanted was a moment's peace and it really didn't look like Sho was going to get that. She'd found a quiet spot in the courtyard, perched under one of her favorite trees, avoiding the conversation between Jax and Isabella. Just a quick bite to eat and then it was back to skipping class, if she could manage it.

Something besides hunger was gnawing at her and it was mostly the fact that she hadn't seen Aya all day. It wasn't like her roomie to just up and vanish. Not to mention she needed to tell her what was up with Siphon.

And that was another problem. Small wonder she couldn't focus today. Still, she respected his want for time away and knew that if he really wanted it, there was little she could do to stop him from taking it.

A shadow fell across the grass in front of her and she was about to bark at whomever it was, tell them to 'get lost' when she realized it was Ian. Given that he flinched from her expression, whatever he wanted couldn't be good.

"What is it?" she asked, keeping her voice as level as she could manage.

"It's about Siphon. Look, Ah really don't know how ta explain it, so...heah." He thrust a piece of paper at her that looked like it had been folded and worried several times over.

"Siphon?" She took the note and opened it up, letting her eyes skim over it several times.

Ian was not expecting her to laugh. After what he read, laughter was the last thing that came to mind. Obliterating a portion of the school with one of her twisters, well, even that seemed a little extreme, but something, some reaction other than laughter.


She was still staring at the note, folding it up again and passing it back to him. "The man makes plans to run away and he still stops to write out a note." She shook her head. "I don't believe him sometimes."

"Well, he wanted ya ta..."

"It's pretty clear what he wanted. And I already told him I'd give it to him. As long as--"

"Wait, ya told him?"

"I went chasing after him last night. I wasn't about to just let him disappear."

All that worry. All for nothing. She'd known this whole time.

"Ah'm gonna kill him."

"Ian, he obviously didn't know we'd be talking."

"Ah'm still gonna kill him." He shook his head. "Well, now that Ah know that you know, Ah can stop frettin'. Until it comes time ta talk ta Aya. Er, she doesn't know, does she?"

The girl shook her head. "I haven't seen her, so keep that note handy. She thinks she knows, that just confirms it."

"So there's still a chance Ah'm takin' mah life in mah hands. Wonderful." Tipping an invisible hat to her, he started to walk away. "At least do me the courtesy of lettin' her know Ah'm lookin' for her too, if'in ya find her first."

Shaking his head, he headed back toward the cafeteria, hoping he wasn't too late for dessert.
Re: School Courtyard

All across the campus the final bell for the day rang out, echoing over the empty grounds. Students flood out of class and into the courtyard as they made their way to the cafeteria, and as they do Isabella is startled awake by the sudden increase of volume.

"Oh no, this isn't good.." Isa muttered, slight nervousness in her voice as she checks the time and realises she slept right through her afternoon classes. She quickly got up, stowed her book in her bag and made her way to the cafeteria, hoping that she hadn't been noticed missing in her classes.

Making her own slow way to the cafeteria was Emily, her face still wearing the same scowl as earlier, and if it were at all possible she seemed to be in an even fouler mood as she elbowed her way past people blocking her path.
Re: School Courtyard

Jonathan walked out of the building along with other students, but he didn't go to the cafeteria yet. He had to get his room key first. Aside of that single blunder (which was completely his fault) the day was rather nice. However, Bird had to go to the A building and obtain what he needed. Dodging people on standing in his path, he made his way towards his goal.
Re: School Courtyard

With the day over, Aya walked out into the Courtyard to get some much needed fresh air, shaking her head at how slowly this day had gone by.
Re: School Courtyard

Michelle was to be found lying in the courtyard, about twenty metres from a tree near the doors, lying down in the grass, apparently basking in the afternoon rays. The sense of this was questionable, what with the fact that barely any of her skin was exposed, mostly covered in the mixture of deep black and blood red cloth. For now, the disguised demoness seemed to be dozing, or at least not paying attention to the students heading to the cafeteria to eat. The albino had fed plenty earlier, so had no need to eat again now. Instead, she was thinking. Quite simply, she wanted some fun, but couldn't get it without breaking her word to Siphon, something she was not inclined to do. So, unless she could find, and exploit, some kind of loophole that would allow her to continue, or find one of those the man had exempted from their agreement, Michelle would have to be finding some other way. She only couldn't physically harm these people... Perhaps...?

Regardless, to onlookers, she was simply a young woman enjoying a bit of warm sunlight, albeit rather tall, and snowy haired. Her clothes didn't exactly blend in with... Anything really either. Then, she hardly looked to be lying comfortably, legs bent rather oddly, and lying on one hand, sharpened canines only just visible.
Re: School Courtyard

Knowing just how close she could get to Aya without getting herself singed to a crisp, Sho leaned close to the blonde's ear with a "Boo!" before jerking herself back, intent on avoiding any flare-ups of power. Admittedly, though, she was doing better with that, so she wasn't too worried. But why tempt fate?
Re: School Courtyard

Aya whipped around to say something, then saw Sho and broke out laughing.

"Hey, how did your day go? Any word on Siphon?"
Re: School Courtyard

"Mmm, sort of. Ian's got a note from him that he wrote last night. Pretty much just confirms what you thought about him, but he explains it a little better than I probably could. Which, by the way, Ian's looking for you. Considering you've been M.I.A. for most of the day. And I thought I was good at keeping under the radar." She chuckled. "Everything okay with you?"
Re: School Courtyard

Grace had met up with Ellisia after classes and the both of them were now heading through the courtyard towards the cafeteria hall for dinner. Grace seemed to be in an irritated mood, talking fairly loudly with occasional muttering, whilst Ellisia listened calmly.

"...and they've all been asking me about it! I don't know where they've got the idea, but they think I'm holding back gossip from them. What am I meant to say huh? Oooh sure I was there, a guy got possessed and went on a rampage and we had a big anime like fight scene to stop him, one girl even got impaled, it was a load of fun." Grace rants on, the last half said in a fake and mocking tone at a more private volume.

"Sounds like a lot of hassle. Regret following me?" Ellisia replies in a simple though slightly sympathetic tone.

"Hell no. I don't want to be left in the dark like the rest of the chumps scrounging for gossip. Though I wouldn't mind asking you a few questions still." She answers giving Ellisia the look of a someone who's recently discovered secrets that had been hidden from her.

"The whole thing was really nothing to do with me, honest. But sure, I guess I haven't exactly been clear with you on some things."

"Alright. There's a lot of crazy things going on lately, and it's hard to know what to make of anything recently. Like as if last night wasn't enough, did you hear about the kid found out the back of L building?" Grace continues, gesturing back behind them when she mentions L-building.

"Hmm? No, don't think I have."

"It was just earlier today, someone found one of the lower year students hiding just in the tree line. She was apparently distraught and beat up something nasty, and get this; her attacker stole her clothes! All of them. She said it was another student, just a girl around her own age. Twisted huh?"

"That's awful. A lower schooler did something like that? They say anything else about the attacker?"
Ellisia says, the pair pausing by the cafeteria door for a moment to let someone pass.

"Um, no, that's about all I heard at least. Someone out there has some serious issues though..." Grace replies, both then moving on and entering the cafeteria.
Re: School Courtyard

Aya nodded.

"Yeah I'm alright. Just a little worried you know? I've read a few articles since yesterday that bother me a bit. Stuff about how supposedly vampires lived once on this planet and something about some humans actually had the power to hunt them down. I mean ... if Siphon really did change, it makes you wonder if these hunters did, or even do still exist. I don't doubt he can fend for himself, but given his current ... situation, we don't know for sure of how he'd react. And Ian's looking for me? Hmm, any idea where he went?"
Re: School Courtyard

Sho blinks. "You've obviously been busier than I have. But then again, I've gotten to taking what happens without question half the time. Just makes it easier. Otherwise, I think my head would explode." She chuckles. "Personally, I wouldn't worry too much about Siphon or any hunters. Knowing him, if he's still around, we'll know the minute there's trouble." She chuckles. "And unless it's an instance of 'when a vampire exists, so too must a slayer,' I think we'll be okay. Chances of ... wait, nevermind. I was going to say that the chances of a hunter showing up here would be pretty slim but consider where we are." She laughs. "And nope. I know he probably went to class, and knowing him, since it's nearly dinnertime, that's likely where he is."
Re: School Courtyard

Michelle, lying still in the grass, opened one eye lazily in order to watch Grace and Ellisia, ears twitching as she listened to their conversation, a cruel grin spreading across her face, exposing the sharp canines. Sounded like a loophole to her. If there was someone beating and stealing the clothes of other girls in the school, that probably meant they were raping them too. If that was the case, her agreement with Siphon did not apply. Tempted as she was, the resting demoness unfurled her limbs, and stretched on the grass, back arching, before rolling over and standing up.

Jogging quickly, the woman quickly caught up with Grace and Ellisia just outside the door they paused at, looking down at the pair from her lofty height, grinning broadly. "Good afternoon, a pleasure to meet you once more." she began, making a mock bow towards Ellisia. "This... Rumour interests me, I wonder, is that all you know about the subject? Anything else you would care to share?" the albino continued in honeyed tones, the kind that, while sounding honest and pleasant, would send something of a chill down one's spine.
Re: School Courtyard

The pair halted once more by the door before going in, turning to meet Michelle's greeting. Grace looking momentarily surprised at the sudden unrecognised figure bounding over so quickly.

"Ah, hello again."
They both reply. Ellisia not having any trouble with the height, but Grace notably having to crane her neck back a little. "Who's this then?" Grace asks Ellisia rather than asking Michelle directly.

"Michelle." Ellisia answers, "We met at the club just today. And this is my room mate Grace." She continues to finish the introductions.

"Oh, hi then." Grace says, not in an unfriendly tone at all, but effectively ignoring the good manners her parents tried so hard to drill into her as she stares upwards quite plainly to Michelle's face. "Hmm, well I think it happened during lunch break. The girl was just wandering around the gardens or forest edge I'm guessing. Other than it was another lower school girl, they don't know who did it yet. Ehm, that's really all I know I'm afraid. If you wanna find out more I guess you could check at the nurses office?"
Re: School Courtyard

Mîrchell gave a mocking bow to Grace as she was introduced, grinning broadly, and listening intently as the much shorter girl explained. "A pleasure, I'm sure. That long ago? How unfortunate. If only I had been there, I am sure this... Whoever would have not only thought twice about performing such... despicable actions, but regretted sincerely about even having thought the first time..." she said, malice obvious in her voice, though likely Ellisia would be the only one capable of interpreting the hidden meaning here, having heard Harrel's description.
Re: School Courtyard

'She bows as well... kinda. Ellisia does that sometimes. I don't get where that comes from...' Grace thinks to herself idly as she listens. "Yeah, I doubt that they'd have done it if anyone else was around. These types are like that. Like I said, this one must be pretty damn twisted if you ask me. Shame no one caught them." She replies. This Michelle was a strange one too. Since last night Grace couldn't help but guess at ridiculous secret identities for everyone she talked to.

Ellisia had her concerns about what Michelle was thinking here, but said nothing for now.
Re: School Courtyard

One eyebrow raising slightly, Mîrchell's grin broadened further. "Obviously, obviously. I have no doubt that such a person will inevitably be, ah, as you say, brought to justice." she said calmly, an odd twist rising in her voice for the end. "Perhaps then, I should visit this office, and see what can be found out?" she continued, apparently to herself, tapping one hand against her pale lower lip.
Re: School Courtyard

"Sure sure. They should probably know more by now. Me; I'm going to get some potato salad." Grace says plainly, though finding Michelle's mannerisms a tad curious. Ellisia remained quiet to the side of the conversation, Michelle's interest in the story being suspicious and concerning enough to make Ellisia wonder whether she should keep a closer eye on this one after all. She throws the demoness a short cautionary glance from behind Grace, but leaves it at that for now.