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School Courtyard


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Ignoring Ellisia's looks, Michelle cocked her head inquisitively to one side, and murmured what sounded like a very short question under her breath. Instead of pursuing whatever had confused her, the tall woman bowed again to Grace, and gave a sarcastic salute to Ellisia as she turned a little on her heel, and began to stride off. "My thanks, I shall take my leave then, !" she said, finishing with an unintelligible word in some foreign tongue, which sounded extremely harsh, even though the demoness' tone was light and playful.

This done, she began heading to the nurses office, taking long strides, and walking into anyone who didn't stop to let her pass, or otherwise hurry out of the way.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Almost immediately after Michelle left, a triplet of strangely clothed men in long cloaks appeared from almost thin air, though they had probably been watching for some time. While they said nothing to Grace or Elissia at all, the air about the way they moved suggested they weren't around for a casual visit. However, even as these three moved with purpose towards the forested areas, three more men dressed identically headed off following the direction Michelle had gone in.

((Squid, Oni and Hero, this is what we spoke about.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

((Trying to get us semi-on-track. Given I'm not sure these two would be around for the hunters.))

Sho draped her arms over Aya's shoulders. "So, wanna go look for him or chill here and see if he comes by? Or one of us stays here and the other checks the caff. Or we forget the men all together and go have dinner." She chuckles. "Whadda ya say?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Aya thought a moment.

"Well, truth be told I really don't want to hear bad news from Ian, which is what I suspect it is, so I'm inclined for dinner. However ... I would like to invite him."

The slight smile on her face betrayed her reasonings quite well. There was definitely an interest going on there with her.


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Mîrchell walked into the courtyard, still within the form of her human disguise, and began walking towards the girls dormitories, anyone who chose to not avoid her getting simply barged out of the way by her simply walking into them.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

As Michelle walked, six strangely dressed men suddenly stepped out into the open in her path. When she didn't stop, four of them immediately drew swords screaming with holy energies, and pointed them at her, while the other two suddenly crackled with some form of spell binding energy, the intent quite clear on attacking her.


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Mîrchell only paused at the sight of the swords, cocking her head to one side inquisitively. She winced slightly from the unpleasant energies of the blades, but she knew full well their rites and gods would not enable the swords to fare any better than a normal blade against her, though the demoness' disguised face flushed with sudden anger as she reprimanded herself silently for not having her sword in hand for a combat. Again. For the second time in a day.

The albino sighed angrily, and took a step back, glaring hatefully at the men, and her eyes suddenly started glowing with furious anger, though so far, she didn't decide to transform for them. "What is this nonsense? Step aside, children, and allow me passage, or so help me I'll pin you down, and give each of you an extremely slow, extremely painful death. Stand down, immediately, and I may keep you alive." she growled menacingly, spreading her arms slightly to show the men her palms, which began glowing and crackling with arcane sparks. They were plainly going to attack her anyway, so a sadistic smirk spread over the demoness' face, as she strode towards the men, and gestured at the ground. Quite suddenly, a small explosion occurred at one man's feet. One of the ones who had been threatening her with the spell-binders, purple and green sparks flying out amidst the earth.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Jonathan wasn't definitely up to anything. He was just returning from the cafeteria, passing through the courtyard as he enjoyed his walk towards the dorm. Bird enjoyed walking and didn't like to be disturbed. On the other hand, a disturbance in the shape of a group of men attacking a schoolgirl out of the blue was most unusual. Jonathan simply froze mid-step a considerable distance away from the commotion, his MP3 still filling his ears with heavy metal. Then, the fireworks started. Bird simply watched the scene, not sure what to do.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

The four with swords dove out of the way with more grace than she might have thought possible for humans, while the spell binders actually stood there, her magics slamming into some unseen barrier. The air suddenly grew still, and the taste of the magic in the air turned foul to her tastes as they worked some kind of as yet unknown magic, something clearly not of her world, or any she'd seen.

"You have caused quite a stir demon in the worldly barriers. For that you must be judged. The raw power you displayed yesterday simply cannot be allowed to be here. Even should we fail, you will not survive long, for there are others coming. Stronger, more knowledgeable from our failure, should the need arise. You may kill some of us, but you will never stop us all. Eventually, you will be slain, or banished back to whatever infernal pit you crawled out from."

Once more there was a crackle in the air, and divine energies struck Michelle from above, called down in the form of lightning, even as the sword weilders moved in closer.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Jonathan hit pause button on his MP3 player and removed the earphones. Right now, he didn't want to miss anything. Bird briefly considered joining in and helping the girl, considering she fought alone against a group, but he hesitated. For starters, those guys were powerful, and on top of that, he felt a dreadful vibe coming from them. For now, Jonathan settled on reducing the distance, trying to approach from a direction the fighters weren't looking at. Just in case. Bird realized that this was a stupid idea - one that could get him killed, actually, but since he learned that there are other students with weird abilities, he felt too damn curious. Besides, this could be a chance to learn something about his own kind as well.


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Mîrchell growled furiously at how her spell was stopped, continuing to stride forwards, and shouting to them all "You think I'm here by choice!? Why would I wish to be in this hellhole!? I'll strip you to your broken bones if you do not leave!"

As she shouted, she broke into a run, tackling one of the spellbinders around the waist, though not going to ground. Instead, she simply picked the man up around the midsection, crushing his arms to his sides, and twisted around, releasing one arm to reach for the mans sword, though her other wrapped around to pin both of his arms, though then, the holy lightning struck. Mîrchell howled in fury, and released the man as her muscles spasmed, though she kept a death-grip upon the handle of his sword, accidentally pulling it, along with the entire scabbard, off of his belt, and staggered back with the sword, smoke arising from her, though the demoness still stood, uneasily drawing the sword from the torn scabbard, and facing the men, a broader grin spreading across her features as she recovered from the lightning.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

The force of the unintentional throw actually killed the first spell caster, even as the second began the motions for a second attack.

The armed ones suddenly struck, trying to hit Michelle while she was vulnerable still and distracted.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

((Here's hoping I've caught Maria's personality right))

"I wish people would pick quieter spots to have their little sparring matches," Jonathan would hear behind him, and a moment later Maria appears by the side of him. She lights up a cigarette and takes a drag of it then sighs as she watches the battle unfold. "This'll certainly busy up my night. Not like I had anything else to do though."

As the few students that were present as the fight broke out fled the scene she watches them go and just before they exit her line of sight she makes a slight nod, almost unnoticable if you weren't paying attention in their direction. The students slowed down their panicked running until they got to a walking pace, they then proceeded to move away from the area without any idea as to where they were going, only knowing that they don't want to be here.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Jonathan was startled by the sudden voice, but he relaxed when he realized that the girl meant him no harm. He also noticed the sudden change in the fleeing students, and began to wonder who exactly this person was. "Something tells me this is more than just a sparring match..." Bird looked again and winced as he saw the demon and the hunters trying to tear each other apart. "Uh... Don't you think that someone should interfere with this?"


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Mîrchell howled as her body refused to respond to her demands, and it was not until the last second that she managed to jump backwards from the incoming blades, though they still bit deep into her left arm and side of her torso, tearing through the black and red cloth in the way with ease. She staggered a bit as she landed, appearing a couple of inches taller than the oddly dressed hunters had first seen her, her eyes glowing completely in their eerie, blood red colour.

After their attack, and as the second was incoming, Mîrchell shouted out "¡ǝɯ ʇǝɯ ɹǝʌǝ noʎ ʎɐp ǝɥʇ ʇǝɹƃǝɹ ll,noʎ", her voice full of hateful, intimidating rage, as she met the next attack with her stolen sword, unveiling the blade, and making a dash forwards as two trickles of blood appeared on her forehead. As she ran, Mîrchell curled her arm, and then struck out, spinning to the side as she placed one hand on the floor, and kicked up, getting a cut along the base of her red boot, and a gash on the sole of her foot, but ignoring it as she kicked the man's blade aside, while her own slashed for his gut. His sword actually went flying because of the sheer, unexpected strength of her kick, and she damn nearly broke his wrist in the attempt.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

Michelle was fortunate enough to get two birds in one shot. She killed the one man she attacked, and the sword actually flew right into the face of the second caster, killing him as it neatly cut his face in half the long way.

This left three melee fighters, one of whom pulled a small pendant out and threw it into the sky, the pendant exploding in a shower of holy lights visible for miles. Luckily, with the sky clouding up some, normal people would likely consider it lightning, but those with any kind of abilities would have a sense, should they pick up on it, of something bad happening.

The remaining three now turned, swords pointed, and simply nodded to each other, resigning the fact this was a fight they alone could not win. Instead, they simply charged Michelle, aiming to strike as many weakening blows as possible.

Elsewhere, a large contingent of men mobilized, and began racing for the other men's location, unseen by anyone in the cover of falling night.


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

With both spell casters dead, Mîrchell grinned even broader, extremely pleased at the apparent incompetence of the men, though this grin faded as she looked at the flare, wincing slightly, and almost getting cut up by the swords, instead jumping back, and howling ferociously, and bringing both hands up, grasping the sword, sparks flying from her hands, and arcane fire crawling down the blade, ridding it of the unpleasant holy taint, before the albino slammed it blade-first into the soft earth.

As soon as the crossguard of the blade hit the earth, a mere second after Mîrchell had begun moving downwards, a great explosion ripped through the earth around her, engulfing all three men, and herself. Able to see through the swirling arcane sparks and earth, the demoness strode forwards, and grabbed the wrist of one man, picking him up with ease by his sword-wrist, before crouching, and swirling around, using him as a large, makeshift club against the other two.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: School Courtyard

The first guy hadn't a chance, dead as soon as she grabbed him and used him as her club on the first swing. The second guy fared little better, being sent flying backwards and crashing to the ground, every bone in his body broken, dead on impact.

The third managed to dodge her attack, and a moment later actually returned to his feet with a determined gaze.

And that was when the fire suddenly went out.

A second group of hunters, much more heavily armed than these six strode into view, a half dozen casters with them. In total, eighteen more had arrived, and this time it seemed as though Michelle might have to shed her human skin with this many around.

A sudden whisper caught both Maria and Johnathan off guard as it came from right next to them, despite neither of them having heard anyone approach.

"I think your right young man, someone should intervene. Those are demon hunters, and I don't like the way they smell."

If either turned they would spot Siphon, who at the moment seemed human enough, though something about the way he said smell might make them wonder.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

Jonathan was startled... Again. It occured to him that he ought to stop acting so suprised every time something unusual happens, or he'll keep bouncing up and down like a yo-yo. At least it seemed that he wouldn't have to intervene... Yet. Those new hunters seemed menacing, but the one that spoke to him was giving Bird the creeps. "It's Jonathan." He introduced himself on a reflex, since his brain was trying to understand what was going on. The new guy said something about smell... Perhaps he had super senses? But if he had only that, he wouldn't pick a fight with so many people.


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
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Re: School Courtyard

As her explosion diminished, Mîrchell looked around at the carnage she had caused, grinning happily as she dropped the broken man, and just to be sure, rammed her new sword down into his chest. Cricking her neck and knuckles, she then withdrew the sword, and stepped forwards, meeting a few of the mans blows to mock him before striking hard enough to snap the man's blade near the crossguard, before gesturing at his face, a small burst of arcane fire rupturing immediately from his eye sockets, before she kicked him in the chest, shattering a few ribs, and quickly following up by impaling his heart.

As the dead man slumped to the ground, Mîrchell dropped her stolen blade, currently ignoring the distant, but closing figures as she sealed her mouth around the wound in his chest, drinking greedily from the blood flow, before moving up to his neck for greener pastures, eager to drain him. As she was doing this, the signs of her transformation became more apparent. She was taller, slightly bulkier, and a bulge was to be seen on her back, while her clothes were starting to fade, as if they'd been left out in the sun to long, and gain a torn and battle-damaged look to them, exposing quite a bit of her pale, grey-tinged flesh, especially on the nearly completely ripped off left leg, from her earlier battle with Siphon.