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Scourge of the Silver Marches

Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet sighs and keeps looking, absently wondering if there was going to be anything jumping out at her if she actually found what they were looking for.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

The group in the woods continues searching.

1d20+11+6 = 6+11+6 = 23 vs DC24
1s20+2+4 = 5+2+4 = 11 vs DC24
1d20+2+4 = 19+2+4 = 25 vs DC24

Trex responds; "How many?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi looks back at Trex to see if he's planning something or just wanting to know the odds.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

At hearing the number, Trex simply shrugs, and says quietly; "Tod, throw something destructive in there, then the rest of us go in and finish them off if there's anything left. I don't think we need to worry about being quiet anymore."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet entered a bit of a clearing between the trees and noted a complete lack of underbrush in a spot. She was no expert, but to her it looked like someone had buried something fairly large here recently. Figuring it was worth a look, she calls out, keeping an eye out for anything extra she might attract.

"Aramil! Granth! I think I found it!"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Finally! Granth says as he walks over to Malacet.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Ah, good I'm not very good at it anyway." Holi says getting ready to make his move into the room after the arcanist does his work.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Aramil and Granth join Malacet, and Aramil pulls out a small shovel and starts digging. The ground is dry, so the going is difficult.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Something destructive... I got nothing that covers an area sadly. I'd need a clear shot at one of um to hit them." he sighs.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"How about that flask of acid ye've been working on?" Holi asks.

"Eh nevermind just what ya can when we get in there." Holi says as he runs to enter the next room with his axe drawn.

(Attack first zombie he sees when entering the room.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Bolm and Trex charge in after the dwarf, believing that two zombies is little threat to a group so well armed.

Holi: 1d20+3+2 = 5+3+2[First to charge] = 10
Tod: 1d20+4 = 1+4 = 5
Carella: 1d20+ = 19+4 = 23
Trex: 1d20+3 = 17+3 = 20
Bolm: 1d20+0 = 8+0 = 8
Zombies: 1d20-2 = 9-2 = 7

Order is Carella, Trex, Holi, Bolm, zombies, and then Tod.

The party on the surface has uncovered a wrapped parcel, weighing about thirty pounds. Upon opening it, you find a cache of books and scrolls, all largely useless, as well as a few bottles and three long thin pieces of wood.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet checks the contents of the parcel for magic, not expecting much in any case.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

You know, there is an easy way to check if this stuff is any good, although we'll still probably need to check whats written in there. Just give me a little. Not as much fun as lightning, but... Granth rambles before gesturing to his eyes and mumbling something. With this a small amount of mana followed his gesture up from his chest and into his eyes making them shine blue for a second before dimming back to only a faint glow. He then begins looking through the parcel as well for anything magical planning to try and figure out what it was from its magical signature if he found something. As he searches he also adds another statement in, Can't you use your own magic to see auras as well? It would probably make things easier for you.

(Detect Magic)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Agreeing that the zombies were of little threat, Tod fires his crossbow at one of them, aware that it wouldn't do much damage, but not thinking a pair of zombies was worth wasting a spell on.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

You both detect nothing from any of the books or scrolls, ad upon looking at them you find mostly ledgers. You do detect very strong magic from what you see realize must be wands, however, as well as some from the bottles. Granth identifies one of the wands as a wand that fires lightning bolts, and all three of them have their command words written onto them near the base. The potions are all conveniently labeled, four have a piece of paper stuck to them with "cure injuries" written in flowing red script, while the other two have "for fights" written in similar handwriting. You guess that the orcs ambushed some lone adventurer that had these, and from the labels you guess that they weren't very bright. Aramil grabs one of the other wands and points it at a tree, and says the command word; "Murlock." and three green energy bolts fire from the wand and strike the tree where he aimed it, and then go through it to hit other trees behind it before dissipating.

1d20+14 = 10+14 = 24 vs DC18
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi charges into the room with the others swinging his axe at the first zombie he gets near.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Chain Missile, could be useful. If you weren't sure exactly what that just did, it's basically an improved version of a magic missile. Although neither are as much fun as lightning. Granth remarks upon seeing the spell.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(M'kay, combat time I guess.)

Carella watches the rest of the group rush by her, not feeling it necessary to join them against so weak an enemy, and wanting to watch in case anything else showed up.)

1d20+12+2+2-4[Power Attack] = 14+12+2+2-4 = 26 vs DC14 = hit
1d8+2+4[Power Attack] = 3+2+4 = 9 damage

Trex charges into the zombie on the right, slashing at its shoulder. The blow goes clean through its leather armor and sinks into the creatures torso, but the undead doesn't register the blow.

1d20+11+1+2 = 8+11+1+2 = 22 vs DC14 = hit
1d10+5+1 = 9+7[Assuming two handed]+1 = 17 damage

Holi charges screaming madly into the left zombie, the one closer to the tunnel, and slashes his axe across its torso as if he were cutting down a tree. The blade goes halfway through its body before Holi stops it and yanks it out, but almost no blood spews out, slightly disappointingly.

1d20+10+2 = 2+10+2+2 = 16 vs DC14 = hit
1d8+4+2+1d6[Fire] = 6+4+2+2 = 12[blud] +3[Fire] -5 = 7 damage

Bolm also rushes into combat against the right zombie, hammering it in the head with his morningstar as the weapon bursts into flames. The blow crushes the creatures skull and sets its corpse on fire. Yet, somehow, it remains standing.

The zombies, strangely, turns around and bashes the tops of the coffins behind it with its mace rather than counterattacking the angry dwarf. Movement can be heard from inside of the one on the left. And three more zombies shuffle into the room from a side passage that was hidden by a boulder off on the right side of the chamber, two more orcs and an ogre.

1d20+8+1 = 20+8 = 28 vs DC14 = hit
1d8 = 6-5 =1 damage (Fixed. Nice rolls anyway Ryu.)

Tod fires at the left creature, hoping to bring it down so the rest of the group can concentrate on the new enemies. The bolt catches the undead orc in its eye socket, destroying the orc and going clean through so that the point sticks out of the back of the creatures head.

Aramil looks at the wand appreciatively, before handing it to Malacet, saying; "I believe this should be of more use to you than to me, I prefer the blade or the bow." He takes one of the healing potions and puts it into a slot on his belt before handing one to Malacet and two to Granth, along with the lightning wand and the one they had yet to try. The other two potions he puts into his pack to decide what to do with them later. He then says; "well, lets leave the rest of this hear for now and go get Trex and the others, we'll decide what to do with the rest of this later."

(Zombie on left has taken total of 18 damage, zombie on right has taken total of 14. Three more enemies have walked into the room, and are 15 feet away from the melee, and one enemy is waking up in the left coffin. The group on the surface will take 10 rounds to reach those in the cave. Damage wasn't changed a whole lot after fixing, must have been thinking of resistances.)
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Agreed." Malacet says, taking the wand and potion and following the other two towards the cave.