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Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

Grapple: 12 + 68 + 3 = 83 vs 15 + 48 = 63 == Maria wins.
Damage: Epic for expediency.

The man proves to have been trained in hand to hand combat, as he twisted his head out of the way of her straightforward attack. Her hand smashes painfully into the concrete floor, and he grabs her arm and twists it aside. The two struggle like this for several moments, Maria the stronger thanks to her demonic strength, him the more skilled thanks to his training. He lands several glancing blows, tearing her clothes slightly with his claws and drawing a little bit of blood, but eventually she manages to grab his hands and pull them aside. Improvising, she bashes her head straight into the cat-mans forehead, smashing the back of his head into the hard floor. He stops struggling, blood pouring from the back of his head and his body limp, his eyes closed.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria slowly gets off the man and rubs her forehead, then grunts and moves to pick up the man, and his weapon, realizing that the weapon might be useful for her. She looks at the man again, then realizes that there might be a chance she would piss off her new boss by killing an interrogation target.

Quickly, she sets the man down and takes her cloak off, wrapping it around the man's head. She shifting his weight, she tries to heft him up like she had down with the woman earlier, and starts to head back towards where she had told the knight and succubus to wait, looking around as she does so, wondering if any of the 20 goblins were still alive, and also wondering where the group of stalkers had run off to.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

The mans rifle was obviously very well made, and highly expensive, and came with a good amount of ammunition. She also found a very strange, rune engraved bullet that wouldn't have fit into any rifle or pistol she'd ever seen.

Carrying the mans unconscious body outside, she finds two of the other squads of goblins waiting for her. One of them shouts, and a moment later the stalkers, as well as the succubus and the knight, arrive on the scene. So, the only casualties she was sure of were the first squad of goblins.

(Gain 4 exp and this items:
War-Hunter - 12 shot semi-automatic rifle (bullets), range 80 feet, reload speed is 1, d12 + 30 damage per shot, +6 to-hit.
30 Fire-Bullets, add +3d6 + 4 fire damage to each shot.
30 Runed Bullets, add +4 to to-hit and damage.
26 Bullets.
1 Colt round.)
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria sighs in relief as she reaches the group, thankful that she had only lost one squad, although that was one squad more than she had hoped. The new rifle was plenty fancy, and she figured that she would have to be careful with using it, looking at the squads, she smiles "Thank you all for your help, I'm going to head back and hand in the prisoner, you guys are free to either come with me or hang around in this world. If you do, please be careful."
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

The stalkers, upon hearing Marias orders, nod, and quietly creep off down the street. The goblins, not so subtle, whoop and holler and run off in a large group down a different street. The knight and the succubus nod, but stay with her as Maria drags the man across the factory district and back to the portal.

As she steps through, the Su-Ku-Ta still unconscious across her shoulders, she immediately spots Able sitting cross-legged about twenty feet away. He stands as she approaches, smiling, and says; "Good work. Lets be off, Natalie is waiting."

Twenty minutes later, she is led through the entrance of the same building she'd been in before, and spotted Natalie sitting on her throne, looking bored. She perks up as they enter, spotting the man draped across Marias shoulders and standing up to stride toward them. "Excellent work;" she says; "You've done very well. Able, could you please take him and chain him? Anywhere will do, I'll see to him later."

Able bows, takes the man from Marias back, and walks off without any further questions. Natalie watches him go, but as soon as he is gone she turns back toward Maria while smiling warmly. Again, the comfort and pleasantness of the person whom, so far, seemed to be the boss of the demons came as a surprise to Maria.

"Now, I do believed I promised you a reward when you got back. So tell me, did you manage to work up an appetite while you were away?" She says, her smile changing slightly.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria bows deeply and smiles at Natalie, nodding in reply to the answer, "I guess so, I could hold off a little longer, but a nice meal now would be good~" She hadn't expended too much energy during her scuffle with the man, so spiritually, she didn't feel much, but her body was still telling her that it had physical needs, and that all that walking around and between headbutting and punching the guy in the face a few times, she was indeed a little hungry.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

Natalie pouts slightly, but nods. "Follow me, and I'll get you something to eat then." She says, and begins walking toward the exit. Maria notices that her hips sway a good deal more than what she had seen before from the demoness, and wondered secretly what that was about.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria blinks as she looks at the woman, hoping she had not offended her as she quickly nods and follows her, deciding to keep her mouth shut for now lest she offend the woman again.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

Natalie leads Maria out of the building and around its left corner, after which another stone buildings comes into view a short distance away. Heading into it, Maria in tow, Natalie points to a bench sitting in front of a table, both made of stone just like the building, and then whistles. A stalker promptly comes out a doorway dressed in a dirty brown apron and, ironically, a chefs hat. She notes that not only does the demon look absurd in its outfit, but that this is the first stalker demon she'd ever seen that wore any clothes at all.

Natalie begins speaking in harsh unintelligible grunts and hisses, the stalker nodding with every word. When she finishes, it turns and reenters the room it had come from briefly before returning with a pair of plates balanced on its clawed hands. The plates are covered in meat that looks edible, but likely not very pleasant tasting. He leaves and returns moments later carrying a thin glass bottle and a pair of glasses. Natalie shoos him off and promptly sits on the bench, apparently having been a bit hungry herself. The plates have utensils on them, steel ones of good make, and Natalie immediately starts cutting up her food, not waiting for Maria to get started herself.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria looks around with interest as she listens to the conversation, she had a little idea what was going on, but she decided for now to remain quiet, as before. She looks at the meal that was put before her as she was served, and smiles, then happily digs in, watching the woman with interest.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

Natalie eats in silence, apparently not noticing Maria studying her as the two share a silent meal. A loud series of bangs erupts from the kitchen, at which Natalie closes her eyes and palms her face, shaking her head. She continues her meal, quickly finishing before turning to Maria and smiling at her as she too finishes up her bland meal. Natalie pours the glasses afterwords, the bottle having contained a deep purple liquid that smelled strongly of wild blackberries. She offers Maria a glass, and then downs her own immediately.

Her cheeks take on an immediate flush, and a warm smiles spreads across the demoness face. A very strange sight, given that she was looking at the apparent commander of the demons.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria nods and takes the drink, watching the kitchen with interest as she waits, surprised that Natalie was not saying more about it, she decides to make some small talk, "So uh... the stalkers make interesting food..." She looks at the kitchen curiously, "Does that always happen?" She watches Natalie down the drink, and promptly follows suit.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

"Him? He volunteered for this job. Likely since he wouldn't last more than five minutes in any sort of fight. Clumsy bastard. Doesn't cook very well either, but at least he tries, I suppose. Not that we have much to work with." Natalie rambles off, the drink apparently going to her head rather quickly. Taking a sip, Maria finds out why. The sip turns into a gulp, the sweet liquid sliding past her tongue and down her throat as smoothly as silk, and she finds her own cheeks turning scarlet as the potent alcohol does its work. It isn't too bad after only one glass of whatever it was that they were drinking, but the brew was clearly quite powerful.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria smiles as she hears the story, then suddenly looks down as the heavy alcohol hits her, causing her to blush heavily as she sways a little, not wanting to show how strongly the stuff was affecting her, "Wow... strong stuff... well, the food wasn't bad, certainly better than some that I've had while I was in the human world..."
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

Nillien smiles and pours herself another glass, offering the bottle to Maria as if to give her some more as well. "Oh, it's the best. The wine's about the only thing we can make well here, though don't ask me how the ogres do it. Looking at the things, you'd never guess that the brutes could do anything other than fight all the time, but really they're probably the most sedentary people on this planet." She says, rambling on once more. She was leaning heavily toward Maria, her cheeks flushed, a broad smile on her face.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria continues to nod as she gladly accepts another drink, starting to feel rather tipsy as she listens to the story, blushing even harder as head moves closer to the table, trying to stay sober, "Y..you're pretty..." she murmurs quietly.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

(Lol. Cheesy line is cheesy. But also awkward. Drunk fast-forward toward lesbian-sex-fun-time.)

Taking her second glass and downing it just as fast as the first, Maria begins to feel the potent wines effects all too keenly. Her inebriation might be why, when she lowered her glass and found Natalie, her cheeks bright red, inches away from her and coming closer, she didn't pull away. As Maria set aside her glass, Natalie pulled her into a deep kiss, her tongue with agility forcing its way into Marias mouth to dance with her own.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria grabs for the table as she was pulled into the kiss, closing her eyes as she slowly kisses back, her hands shakily reaching for the woman's body as the slow realization of what was happening was dawning to her, she pulls back briefly, her breath smelling strongly of alcohol, "I... are you sure this is okay...?"
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 83, P = 72, EP = 62

Natalies smile stays the same, and she quietly whispers; "Maria... I'm going to fuck you whether you like it or not. The only difference is... The latter, I'm going to be feeding off you, while the former.... Will be me letting you take as much power from me as you could possibly contain. Of course it's okay. Because I say it's okay." The last bit is delivered forcefully, and Natalie once more kisses Maria hungrily, while one arm wraps around Marias waist to hold her close and the other moves lower to cup Marias ass.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria looks at Natalie with a even deeper blush as she nods softly, hearing the words, she almost jumps across the table, holding onto the woman tightly as she smiles in her drunken haze, "I think... I think the former sounds much better..." She seals her lips against Natalie in a deep kiss as her hands begin to explore the woman's body, her mind temporarily forgetting who this woman was...