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Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"I am called Matthias."
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria looks at Matthias as she lightly bites her lower lip, she wasn't sure what this man was up to, and she felt a little worried as she grips her hand tightly, ready to slug the man in the head at any moment, "What do you want? And how did you know about my... lineage?"
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"I would advise against it, not that anyone ever listens to me when I tell them that." The man replies, his voice carrying a hint of a sigh. "I am here to kill demons. And I knew about your lineage because it is a crippling stain on your soul, one that beings such as I can see as clearly as if you were unable to walk, or lacked an arm."
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria watches the man carefully, unsure of what to do, he knew not only of her lineage, but he was also there to well, kill her ilk. She looks him in the eye as she takes a breath, if she was lucky, she could get a good shot in, from the looks of him, she wasn't sure what that would accomplish, if anything, "Then you are here to kill me... I won't go down so easily!"

She suddenly shifts her weight forward as she goes for a low body blow, hoping to land a fist onto the man's stomach, a hint of desperation on her face.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

The man doesn't move as Maria rushes forward and hammers her fist into his stomach. He doesn't move an inch at her attack, and her hand explodes in pain as her fist smashes against what feels like stone or metal. "I'm not here to kill you, human. You might have a few similarities with some of them, but a demon, you are not. Even with a bit of demonic lineage, you are still of this world. Most of them would more than likely try to rape you, were you to try and confront them."
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria holds her fist in pain as she groans, rubbing it tenderly and pausing, a little glad that this... thing wasn't out to kill her. She looks up at him, "I... I guess I should be thankful then. But regardless of what you say, I will attempt to stay with them..."

She pauses, then remembers and walks over to her bag and produces the stone she found from the cat, "Would you happen to know what this is?"
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"That is a darkheart, a crystallized collection of the corruption of a living creature of our world by the energies of the demon world. There is a man here that buys them, as well as many other things you might find on demonic corpses, somewhere. At the moment he is near the docks."
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

She quickly nods and puts the stone back into her bag, "Thanks... I guess, I'll be heading to the docks then." She quickly tries to move past the man, feeling uncomfortable as she looks around, looking back at him, "Uh... where are the docks exactly...?"
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"You're not going to finish that?" The man says, indicating the strange woman she'd knocked out. "The docks are on the other side of town. Follow the main road and until you reach the bridge out of Artmirst, then turn left."
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria frowns at the man referring to the woman as an object, "She has as much of a right to life as any human does. I have no reason to kill her..." She slowly looks at Matthias, "I will stop you if you try to kill her." She adds quietly to herself, "Or at least I'll try to..."
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"Right to live? An idealistic succubus? I never thought I'd see the day. And that's saying something, considering how many I've already seen. Let me explain it to you. That is one of the warped ones, a human who's been so completely corrupted by the demonic taint that they've become a demon themselves. They mutate to become more useful to their demonic masters, either as breeding stock or, in that ones case, as food. You have fed before, and recently, judging by the smell, so let me say that that one would be quite useful to one such as yourself. The demonic succubi use them as batteries, if you will, to feed off of their energies, which regenerate as they experience pleasure. Do you understand?"
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria grits her teeth and shakes her head, "O...of course I understand! If you put it that way... it still does not give you the right to kill her! D..despite her fate, at least she's happy!" She walks over to the woman and tries to lift her up, "I will be taking her with me, I will not let you kill her..."
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"Again you speak of right. Do you not know what you speak to, human? The point is moot anyway, since you are doing exactly as I suggested you do." The man replies. The woman stirs groggily as Maria tries to lift her, but she isn't very heavy and Maria manages to lift her.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria looks at Matthias one last time, then carries the woman, heading towards the docks, mumbling quietly to herself, "Who does he think he is anyway... goddammit..." She looks at the woman every once in awhile as she walks, trying to make sure she was still okay...
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

'Significantly more powerful than you, is what he thinks he is.' Rings through her head in the strange mans voice, a thought that Maria is easily able to identify as not her own. Looking back, she finds Matthias gone, with no sign of where he might have disappeared to. The woman doesn't do more than groan occasionally, and the pair make good headway for a few minutes before a trio of trolls step into view from around a corner, immediately spotting Maria with her burden and approaching.

"What you doin' with that, human?" The lead one says, a burly creature with thick tusks and gold skin.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria grunts as she looks at the trolls, trying to not look at them as she shrugs, "I'm taking her with me, not going to let some mangy creature kill her." She eyes the trolls slowly, trying to figure out whether to drop the girl and prepare to fight, or if they'd simply let her pass.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"That's a demon lass, you got no sense. Once it comes to, it's gonna have at you 'til you ain't got nothin left." The lead troll replies, as the other two move to block Marias path. They were apparently intent on getting the girl from her.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria slowly sets the woman down before holding her gun at ready, "Oh, and what? I should just leave her with you so you can kill her? That's not going to happen. Now move away before this gets physical..." She looks around her, clenching one hand tightly as she prepares to fight, not really sure if her training would get her through the three, but she hopes it will be enough...
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Marias Status: HP = 57, P = 42, EP = 37, Pregnant

"Look, we don' wanna fight with you any more than you wanna fight with us, there are plenty of demons around for all o' us. If you really wanna risk carryin' that thing around, we ain't gonna try and stop ya. We just don't wanna see another human raped because they think the creatures here are still like them. Ya hear me?" The troll says.
Re: Seeds of Evil (Loli Defense Force)

Maria shakes her head, glad to be able to get through this without things getting physical, she bends over to pick the woman up again, "You don't have to worry about me, I know what I'm doing." She smiles as she jokingly adds, "Plus if she starts getting rowdy again, I'll just knock her out!" She slowly walks forward, trying to get past the trolls and continuing on her trek towards the docks.